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There's a fair possibility I won't be able to continue to RP, I seem to be swamped for the next couple weeks. Your roleplay is awesome, and it was great to work with all of you!
I'll try and have something up tomorrow, I've been busy. Sorry!
Grazilaxx tempted af
@SirSqueakalot91 I might be interested in playing a secondary character depending on what these races are. If not now, then later, but that sounds chill.
As the smell had hit him, so did he hit the floor, and proceeded to dry heave, and then actually heave. Asra lurched back from the sickness, and ran his hands through his hair. He stared at the disaster in front of him. Could he even get up? His knees trembled terribly, and though he didn't cry, he wailed. Even the temperature of the room made him nauseous, a gross heat from the bloated bodies still presented itself around the room. The pews were in disarray, the bodies looked indescribably aghast, stupified by horror.

Asra's wails fell into whimpers, as he closed his eyes and tried to think of anywhere else he could be. The silence in his mind was near non-existent, a chaotic flutter of paper words his mind wrote endlessly. But then, a stillness that fell upon it, as it gradually died down. An act of repression, to seal the memory away, an attempt to obfuscate the image and rest his feeble brain. And when he opened his eyes, he no longer saw danger. He saw a tragedy...though the horror clawed at him, he needed whatever these people had.

He got up, and leaned against the wall, the punch of a second-hand bile rose to his throat. He let loose, but with more calm, and wrapped his arms around his body, the warmth of the dead unmatched to the cold of an empty stomach and retreated adrenaline. He walked, tripped, but caught himself, right above the body of another clergyman. Asra, wary of disease, eyeballed the front of the man, but realized that none of these people would likely have anything, as they'd proven to be unable to stave off the monster that had done this. So, Asra made his way to the altar, and consciously averted his eyes from the woman, and kicked her off the altar. He inspected the area for any other clues, as he felt there were still secrets here he needed to find before he moved on.
Asra, the boy of secrets it would seem. His things were packed, and tonight was one of the last times he could spend with his troupe. From his wooden trailer-wagon, he could hear them outside, laughing around the fire. It stung, to leave them high and dry like this, but what was he to do? To be a part of the troupe his entire life, never to wonder what it would have been like, had he only swam against the tide his life had tried to drown him in? No, he didn't think he could live with himself like this. Whether it was the musky smell of the applewood outside that now burned in fiery competition to the stars, or his own weakness, tears could only reach the brim of his eyes in that familiar sting. His pack was filled with a couple changes of clothes, and a loaf of bread. He wouldn't tell the others that he was about to leave. It would be an ordeal that might change his mind, or sway his resolve. He left a note beneath his crystal orb prop he used for the sake of gimmickry, and had cleaned up his room for whoever they might house next as a part of their act. Within the note, he also enclosed his next client's reading, a pre-precognition, if you will.

Right, now or never. He opened to the backdoor, and spied the forested part of Arkanshire ahead. He moved quietly, though no one found him, or even looked in his direction. His secret escape, a success. As he maneuvered around particularly dry twigs and small ground toads, he thought he could have given them a signal as he retreated. But he'd told them of his plans, and he might be egotistical enough to hope that it was the reason the only key sober people right now had turned in early. Sephi must have had to, her child and Asra had been as thick as thieves. The young girl had cried about it, Sephi told him, and had gone as far as to saw through his trailer wheels with nothing but a wire string! They'd had to get it repaired and it had set the caravan itself half a day late! He'd bought her a stuffed horse to pacify her, but she'd thrown it at him, and stained it with wine that sat on the table behind him, and yelled, "I don't need this, because you aren't leaving!"

As Asra reminisced, he spied a portal within the quiet wood. Pine needles scattered all around its base, and the odor carried to Asra's nostrils. He looked around, and ducked behind the trunk of a tree, and spied if anyone else planned to use this portal. But he heard and saw no one. He wondered if they might be behind another tree, and saw him approach the portal too. But he doubted it. There was little an occasion that someone ever found out much about him if he never said anything. So, around the trunk, he dashed for the portal. There was no time for resolve, no way to know if this is what he wanted or not. He tugged on his fur jacket hood, and--

Hello, creepy. He charged, only to fall down the steps of what appeared to be a church. Thankfully, he ran too fast to get caught and really hit the steps, but he landed at the base as rough as his speed entailed, and knocked the breath out of him until he regained it, and inhaled desperately. As he rolled back upside, and coughed a few times before he stood up. The weather wasn't at all what he anticipated, and so he dropped the coat immediately, and folded it neatly into his pack. Who'd want to suffocate in that all day? But he looked at where he'd come from, only to find the doors of the church, and then looked to the high and low road, only to see houses, most of them with an array of broken windows, open doors, open windows, open broken windows....you get the idea. It looked as though there had been some desperation to get out of said houses. But what for? It was a quaint town, and obviously had the money to build a church. Something must have chased them out then.

Asra ascended the steps of the church, and giggled to himself. He wondered if all that desperation had been to get within its doors. He also wondered which god they prayed unto. His hand rested on the door, and weighed whether or not to open it. It was only a church, so why'd he feel so afraid? His head rested on its frame, as he tried to bring himself to open it, to no avail. If he searched the town, he was afraid he might find what chased these people out. But he also feared they were inside the church, a place of respite, and would attack any stranger on sight. But, on the other hand, it was after all, a place of respite. He could set up here, though he probably wouldn't want to. To get a head start in the world, he might just want to explore the town.

But his hand, tired of the wait, twisted the handle and pushed inwards, quietly. He was thankful that he hadn't brought a knife, he wanted to look defenseless if possible. He called out, "Hello?"
@SirSqueakalot91 Lmao, I hope we were supposed to submit Characters to the Characters tab, but there is it. It's a skeletal character, to be built up in the RP, hope it's okay if I don't have a too terribly developed backstory.

EDIT: Oh lmao, I'll correct it right away! Didn't see that line for some reason...
EDIT II: All fixed up!
Name: Asra
Age: 20
Gender: M
Race: Demigod (of the God of Secrets) and a Human
Height: 6' 0"

Weapon of choice: Magic
Occupation: Dancer/Entertainer of a traveling caravan
Asra was brought up by a single mother, and never told of his birth out of the shame that a noblewoman such as she would dally in the company of a God, unfaithfully. As the birthmark had sat on his neck, so is where she'd hurt him, in a wicked attempt to absolve herself of her crime. She was later accused by her husband, when she tried to kill the boy in a river when the nobleman found her. Before she died, Asra spoke of her secret, and left the scene, officially emancipated of all parentage.
Asra took interest in the world of the carnival, and found himself on the wagon of a friendly crew of carnies. Their faith, in their line of work and the worship of the unnatural, was based around the God of Secrets, and his association with the unknown, alienated, and cataphysical. Asra had an affinity for secrets, and as soon as he became a mage-dancer for his affinity with knowledge and mana, he just as well adopted the title as a medium, set backstage for private insurers. He'd fall into a trance, sometimes even sleep, but his body would whisper their secrets, some they had yet to know.
It was there he heard it procured from his own mouth, about the Arkanshire Dream, and its next manifestation. And when he told the caravan of his intentions, they worked their way around so that they'd be in the right place, at the right time. Unknown as to who his real father is, he walked toward the Dream with purpose. His dark secret gods of worship at his back, and a bag full of secrets, he only has his life to lose, and that may prove to break his invincible demeanor more than the pain of death ever could.
Extra Info:
-Orientation is homosexual, however, not very sexual. Desperate for love, and has never had anything of the like.
-Spiritual, but ultimately heretical, his secret ideas of gods usually being an idealized self. He prays to himself to ask if he can push himself just a little harder, in an attempt to be better. This is a psychological subconscious idea as a result of his upbringing.
-Seeks the Arkanshire Dream to know if anyone else hears his prayers, and why some go unanswered. Also possibly because his career as a dancer has run its course.
-Extremely emotional until the subject of family is brought up.
-Actively struggles with depression.
I don't think I have any ideas for the human OC lol. I think I'll use Donn or my troll OC. The troll OC can be the Thief of Breath, if we are leaning towards trolls, which it almost looks like, judging from everyone's profile pic. But I won't make too many assumptions yet. I think we might want to have a smidge of a vote on that, since it looks like we have most of the classpect stuff figured out for now.

Both OC's have adjustable margins, the Heir of Light classpect for Donn and the Prince of Void classpect for the troll, just putting that out there if we get/require more players, I can switch it.

EDIT: Just to give a current interest headcount update: 9
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