Avatar of Aerandir
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  • Old Guild Username: Aerandir
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    1. Aerandir 11 yrs ago
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@SunsetRosesyeah we've been doing a lot of collabs lately....

Bobby, Flint Digard

Bobby sat behind his bar, his nose in a book with his eyes red. He looked more irritable than he normally did. With what happened last night, and reading up and trying to research Von'strauss's problem. He didn't get much sleep last night. It didn't help that Emiliano came in early to start drinking. He then heard Elizabeth walk down the stairs. Well lookie here... I imagine ye slept well lizzy? Y ee slept through the entertainment last night. A bit sour that she had a full night's rest compared to him. He closed Hector's book and stretched his back. A few loud pops could be heard. "What do ye want fer breakfast Lassy? He asked as he shuffled over to her side of the bar.

Suddenly a greyish wolf padded down the stairs and to the door, waiting for someone to open it. Sure enough after a few seconds it was opened, followed by a yell of a random person frightened at the site of a wolf inside town. Oh Bobby, I swear your beds get more comfy every time I come by. You must tell me were you get the mattress. Flint stood at the top of the stairs, yawning. I slept like a baby! he said mid yawn. His eyes groggy still, his hair slightly messy, but it only seemed to add to his charm.

He paused when he saw a new girl at the bar. "Well helllloooo you..." He said as his tiredness seemed to just melt away, as he slid down the railing landed gracefully a few feet away from the new girl. "Bonjour mademoiselle , vous êtes certainement la plus belle chose qu'un homme peut espérer voir le matin.." He gave his most dashing smile before bowing and taking her hand, "My name is Flint... Flint Digard. May I ask for your name? or is it Angels have no names, Only beautiful faces?" He kissed her hand gently.

Bobby blinked a few times at seeing Flint hitting on another female hunter. He often found it strange that Flint was even related to Fenros, or even Hector. His personality almost the total opposite of the two well known hunters. He was about to say something when his wife pipped in. "Flint dear, please don't slide down the railing, you can hurt yourself." She said as she walked by the two on her way to fill the bar with more mugs.
@SunsetRoses @agentmanatee
@agentmanateeYaaaayy you have a new friend Emiliano
BTW Titan is back up
@SunsetRosesDeviant art always works

Also Titanpad is broken for the moment....
@SunsetRosesWe are currently looking for hunters at the moment as for other hunters open for partners I think would be @agentmanatee Aka seacow. But there are other possibilities I believe... go ahead and make a hunter or two or a hunter and witch and send them to @meiyuki and I
A collab feat. @Meiyuki

The Bargain

Clarissa was making her way to Seren's Folley. She wasn't particularly happy about a trip to a hunter stronghold, but she knew the small town better than anyone else. Except maybe Alphonse, but he was running around doing Lorelai's bidding now wasn't he? Asshole.

So she was pleased to find her target squatting down near a small creek a mile or so out of the festering hunter's haven. The target, which looked like a small bear hunched over from his size had his head down, his hands rubbing the side of his head as if trying to rid himself of a migraine. His pet wolf was taking a drink from the creek, almost oblivious to it's surroundings. 'So this is the mighty Fenros huh?' She thought to herself as she approached.

"Hey there handsome." She spoke in her sultry, honey-soaked soprano. [color=2e3192]"What's a fine looking man like yourself doing here instead of driving the townswomen crazy huh?"[/coor]

Fenros paused in rubbing his temples when he heard a very sweet voice. He allowed his arms to fall into a lazy folded position, over the knees as he looked up to see a very...beautiful woman walking towards him. He blinked a few times and looked away. "Uh... I just needed to be alone. " He said, glad the darkness would cover the hint of his blushing cheeks. He had never been with a woman, of course due to his covenants, but still... a woman dressed as this woman was could make any man blush.

Alltia looked up and sniffed, backpeddling till she was by Fenros's side again. She didn't like the smell of her, but she often didn't like the smell of others.

"Alone? Now why's that?" Clarissa approached and took a seat close enough to the hunter for him to smell her perfume. "What has you looking so concerned?"

He looked back to the woman as she moved closer, because of his half blood he could already smell her...but because of the intensity of the fresh dose, he could smell it ten times more, he even could distinct what was in it...something he's never been able to do before, it was....intoxicating to say the least.

"Nothing has me concerned..." He said he couldn't very well tell her he bitten by a werewolf only a few hours before. That he was fighting the urge to snap some of Emiliah's families' arms for attempting to 'gang' up on him. Not even now...as his animalistic urge to...Mate. Was what seemed a hundred times stronger.

He tried to turn it to her..."Why is a...beautiful woman like yourself doing out here so late...it's dangerous near the woods at this time of night."

"Is it now?" Clarissa smirked at the man's nearly concealed lust. She'd see soon enough whether Fenros harbored any feelings for the twig-witch Elina. "Good thing I've got a strong, handsome man like you to protect me then." She stretched languidly over the clear spot she'd been sitting in.

He couldn't help but look, but as soon as he did he looked away, "You going to trust me? A stranger you just met..." He said trying to clear his thoughts on mounting this woman. Closing his eyes tightly, it was not how he normally thought... yet the temptation was so inviting...was was a beautiful woman, and it seems like she was throwing herself at him....not that he's had experience in the matter.

He looked back at her..."What if I'm the dangerous one." he said softly.

'Come on, either do me or don't' Clarissa thought to herself, a little frustrated. She didn't exactly want to play word games with a damn hunter in the woods when there was a warm castle waiting at home. "Maybe I like a little danger? I am walking the big scary woods at night after all." She let out a small giggle.

Fenros....What are you doing?" Alltia said as she looked at him. He was never like this normally, and frankly it worried her.

Fenros only looked at Alltia and back down, She was right, why was he even playing with this idea, he's not one to just be with a beautiful woman for a one night stand...it wasn't him...He did feel a sudden cold spot on his chest, glancing down at it he saw the necklace with the locket on it. Very feminine, and odd piece for a hunter. But it belonged to Elina, she had dropped it when she ran off. He still planned on somehow finding her.

It was that bit of memory that seemed to jog him back into his normal training of thought. He casually reached down and acted like he was grabbing something, only to put it into a small pocket on his chest, Then he reached up to his mouth and while rubbing his face, inserted a small amount of powder in his mouth, lavender mixed with peppermint to mask the smell.

He then smiled softly, " Well..." He said as he scooted himself over to her, real close. His eyes moving from her feet up to her face. "I am a dangerous guy..." he said, leaning over her more as he reached over and ran a hand along her arm and side, pulling her closer to him.

He leaned in closer, taking in a deep breath of her perfume before giving her a passionate kiss. His hands pulling her closely to him. He moved his hands up to her neck to caress her jaw as he pulled away, He then only smiled at her. As he was sure the lavender would take effect any second.

The kiss tasted like peppermint, which was pleasant. However, moments after it ended her mouth began to burn, along with a small knot of torment in her stomach. "Lavender! You fucker!" She stood sputtering, trying to get any traces of it out of her mouth.

The sight was very unlady-like, her hunched over spitting on the ground rapidly. "For fuck's sake, and to think I'm supposed to tell you where to meet your little Elina!" She continued sputtering. "Asshole, sack of shit, dog-fucker!"

Maybe she should have followed suit when Lorelai started taking small doses of lavender to increase her tolerance, but she didn't think she'd been exposed to a lethal dose at least. Once she'd gotten the bulk of it out of her mouth she turned to Fenros. "Now say you're sorry, and I'll lead you to your...Elina. Asshole."

While she stood up, he got to his feet as well He didn't expect the dose to kill her, as she didn't really ingest much of it. He reached for his silver dagger behind his back and made his way towards her but stopped in his tracks when she said Elina. Ignoring the curse's she sputtered out afterwards. It hit him like a ton of bricks, How did she know of Elina? No one knew of her, save Bobby and his family.

His anger boiled in him as he rushed forward and gripped her throat with sudden frightening speed. "How bout you tell me where she is and I WONT Slit your throat. " He growled as he placed just the tip of the blade to her soft skin. "What did you do to her!? Where is she?!" He said angrily, it wasn't helping that his sight was turning red as the curse was slowly taking over again.

"Slow down there boy!" She struggled impotently against Fenros' savage strength. "I haven't done anything to her, but if you kill me you'll never see her! You hear me!?"

He gripped her neck even more tightly, before loosening a little more. his mind conflicting whether to just kill her and take his chances or to let her go. "How do you know of her?" He said with a angry tone, but it was clear he was restraining himself.

"She's a sister in my coven." Clarissa was doing her best to remain calm, shadows stood from nearby trees prepared to rush to her aid if this got any more dangerous. She doubted her ability to kill the hunter, but she was a fast runner. "I talk to her almost daily, see her silver hair and crimson eyes whenever I want. So if you don't kill me it should be obvious what I have to offer."

He waited a moment as he debated his next move...Dealing with a witch never turned out as planned... yet this is the first real lead in finding Ellina he's had in over a year. After fighting back and forth in his mind he finally said, "What's the catch? I'm sure you didn't do this out of the 'goodness of your heart'." He did lessen his grip considerably, but did not move the knife. It seemed a little too easy getting this info.

"Come with me, talk to my mistress. She has a task for you, then you can have your little Elina or whatever." Clarissa offered her most sincere smile. "That's the catch, she just wants to talk with you, that's all."

He looked at her in the eyes for a moment... he wasn't liking this as of yet... follow her and meet her mistress, who is probably a powerful witch, where he was coming alone....despite Alltia. He debated it for a moment before letting her go entirely. Sheathing his blade he took a few steps back towards his sword that he had left planted in the ground after Emiliah's friendly family came to visit. "Fine....Where is she?" He said simply as he pulled the blade out of the ground and moved it to his back.

Fenros... Alltia started to say,

"Not now Alltia..." cutting her off.

Clarissa led Fenros deeper into the woods. They moved in silence, not like they enjoyed each other's company enough for small talk. Alltia followed a few paces behind, scanning the foliage for signs of an ambush. Eventually they came to a small clearing, it was bathed silver by the moon, while the rest of the forest was covered in inky black darkness. There stood Medusa.

She turned to the small group as the arrived. "Clarissa, I'm glad to see you were successful." Clarissa simply nodded as she made her way to her mistress' side. "Fenros, I have a task to offer you, there are vampires in these woods, old ones. The call themselves the Ruvins and are threatening my coven. Deal with them, and I'll allow you to choose between two boons."

Fenros looked at the witch who Clarissa moved over to and listened to what she said. "Two boons?" He asked simply, the rest was clear what she wanted..."What does this have to do with Elina? Is she ok?"

"I assure you, Elina is safe with her sister." Medusa drew a little closer. "Two boons. You see Fenros I have two things you want. One you hate, she slew your father, destroyed your hometown, slaughtered countless members of your order. The other you love, the sweet little Elina, who remains untainted still."

Medusa placed a hand on her chin. "I'm eager to see what you choose, Love? Or hate?"

He took a step towards Medusa, Von'strauss was here as well? He was shocked to hear this, the witch he's been hunting for years as well as Elina..." You mean to tell me you will just give either of them up if I kill these Vampires for you? Just like that?"

He thought for a moment.... as much as he wanted to save Elina, he also knew the right thing to do was to hunt down and Kill Lorelai Von'strauss as soon as he could... that it could save much more lives. But it had been a year since he lost Elina...and if she is a witch now, in this coven, every moment he delays is one more she would give in and use the dark arts like her mother did...

But he knew now that Lorelai was HERE. Within a few miles. Once he found Elina he could... "I I choo-"

"Silly hunter, I'm not going to give Elina to you, but I'll tell her you're here." Medusa chuckled. "And I won't destroy her of course. Lorelai I'll give to you, but that's because she'll simply eradicate you. You have no hope of defeating the last of the Von'Strauss alone little hunter, and you don't hunt with others."

"The Ruvins are no ordinary vampires. They carry an affinity for the Ruvina's magics, and as such cannot be slain by ordinary means." Medusa removed an insignia from her robes and tossed it to the ground in front of Fenros. "Now, since we understand each other a little better, what will it be?"

Fenros glared at Medusa. Of course there it was, the second catch. Clearly pushing him to choose Lorelai, and not even tell her about him, while still killing him with Lorelai...though he begged to differ on the subject on who would win. After she explained more about the vampires she tossed something, which he caught and only glanced at as she still spoke to him. He then spoke up. "That hardly seems like a fair deal. Just mentioning to her that I'm here? I'm sure you won't let her leave on her own accord as well...covens and their 'pacts' generally don't leave room for second guessing."

He looked down at the insignia again. She said they were related to the Ruvina's.... maybe... maybe if he went back to the castle...unlikely, as he burned the place to the ground. But there may still be something there.

"If I do this, you allow Elina to leave...on her own accord. That's MY Deal... I'm sure you will just send Lorelai after me anyways."

"Lorelai will be coming for you either way yes." Medusa grinned. "Very well, I'll also release her from the coven's pacts, but in addition you have to leave, and never return. That is if she decides to come to you."

Medusa extended her hand. "Do we have an agreement?"

"Only....if you allow me to see Elina...How am I to trust you to simply tell her? I can see you NOT telling her and telling me that she said no. " He offered his hand as well, "Only then will I have an agreement. You wouldn't be coming to me anyways if you didn't need me."

Medusa's head tilted. She was finished letting this hunter add terms. "How about if you don't take this deal...the next time you see Elina, she'll be hanging from a tree in the forest? I don't take my oaths or agreements lightly fool. That will have to be enough for you." Clarissa's eyes widened at her mistress' savage declaration.

"Do or die time Digard, what will it be?" Medusa's hand remained outstretched. Her eyes hard and unflinching.

Fenros narrowed his eyes at her threat, he did notice Clarissa's eyes and guessed...her declaration wasn't hallow. He took her hand and said, "If I find out there is one hair harmed on Elina... I promise you that ten Von'strauss's won't keep me from finding you and making you pay in your blood."

He took a few steps backwards and asked, "Any hints on these Vampire locations?" He said calmly.

"You breath would be better spent on threats to witches who saw something worth fearing in you." Medusa sighed. "The Glow Wood, to the north. There activity seems to be centralized somewhere near there."

Medusa turned and walked to near the edge of the clearing. "We shall see whether Elina chooses you over her sister and friends soon won't we? I look forward to that." She added before disappearing into the foliage along with Clarissa.

As soon as the two witches left the clearing, Fenros looked down at the insignia once again. His thoughts flooding with hope...hope to see Elina once again...and worry, that Medusa would not keep to her word. He slipped the insignia into a pouch behind his back and turned, making his way back to Seren's Folley.

He felt gross, as if he just made a deal with the devil himself. Yet as of now he couldn't think of any other way of Seeing Elina again...he was nowhere closer to finding their hideout...but they must be close by. The thought of that disturbed him even more, that they were so comfortable to a hot spot of hunters in Seren's Folley.

Fenros...we need to talk to Bobby...And Flint about this. Alltia said, not really knowing what to say. She never saw Fenros act like this. As far as she knew him, he NEVER made any deals with a witch. He usually just killed them and asked questions later. Her thoughts turned to this Elina...she wasn't with Fenros the time he met her, she was with Flint and Mishka on a hunt offering help there. But with Clarissa speaking of a white haired and red eye woman, she instantly thought back to the strange crystal forest where she ran into a woman of the same description.

Fenros only nodded when Alltia spoke to him, only catching what she said briefly as his thoughts were focused on Elina. He held onto the necklace around his neck...he knew he was being irrational... over a girl he only met and knew for a few months... but he didn't care. He made a promise...he intended to keep it.

In the woods on their way back to the Castle.

"You'd really kill Elina over this?" Clarissa broke the silence by voicing what had been troubling her since they'd left the clearing.

"Of course not, but Fenros doesn't know that now does he?" Medusa patted Clarissa's shoulder. "You don't think I'd be so callous as that do you?"

Clarissa let out a sigh of relief. "I hadn't thought so, but you've been on edge recently. You can share whatever is troubling you with me Mi'lady."

"Lorelai." Medusa had known Clarissa for a long time, and it was true she needed to share her worries with someone, or risk insanity. "Lorelai grows more powerful with each passing day, and I'm beginning to worry that she might attempt a coup at some point."

"I see." Clarissa thought that if her mistress was so concerned about that she'd be wise to be kinder to the demon binder. "What will you do? Surely she's not thrilled with you ordering the expedition, you know how she dotes on Vespa and Elina...well mostly Vespa."

"I'll make plans Clarissa. I hope Lorelai's sense of loyalty will outweigh her anger, and I'll work to repair our relationship I suppose." She ruffled the younger witch's hair. [color=ed1c24]"Nothing for you to worry about overmuch Clarissa, but thank you for listening. It would also be pertinent to keep this to yourself don't you think?"

"Of course ma'am." Clarissa smiled happily. "I'm sure you'll sweet talk Lorelai back into her place. I don't like it when mommy and mommy fight after all."

Medusa laughed. "Mommy and mommy? I suppose that's kind of what it's like isn't it?" She grinned. "We'll be fine I'm sure, but if you would...maybe you could find out who would stand with who? Should the time come?"

"Of course ma'am." Clarissa stated as they finally made their way back into the castle. "I'll get to work right away."
@Meiyukimysterious.....sounds sexy
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