Avatar of Aerandir
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Aerandir
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
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    1. Aerandir 11 yrs ago
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@emmai see you lurking could use one more hunter!


Nuuuuu can't leave flint in the dust!
*hopes the collab isn't a mile long*
I'm at work:/
@Ellionooooooo do tell
I will
I have to wait for@SunsetRoses first
@agentmanateeYou know even though Fenros was seen by a bunch of hunters, Flint is going to shut Emmiliano up for revealing that he's a werewolf. Because he doesn't know that 12 hunters saw it.

Edit: Or bobby would cut him off chalking his statement to being drunk
Emiliah Hazelbrush, Flint Digard

Flint Smiled as Elizabeth spoke back in French, He was about to answer back when Emiliah came walking in saying hello. He paused for a moment, and was going to answer again, but Emiliah started to speak to him. He dropped his hands and looked back at her. "No...Haven't seen him." He turned back to see Elizabeth turned back to the bar. He opened his mouth to answer Elizabeth again,

For whatever reason, Emiliah suddenly had the urge to end Flint and Elizabeth's conversation. Probably because it was too early to listen to people babble on in French. "I hate to interrupted again," She said softly. "But I have a favor to ask of you Flint," She tried to act a little sheepish as she asked " If you don't mind. Bobby sorta roped Fenros into helping me with a little....witch problem and I ....really can't do it without another hunter. You wouldn't be interested in...helping me out again, would you? I'd owe you two favors..."

Flint turned around, mouth open still. With a face saying, I'm WORKIN here. He then sighed and said, "I already tried to call in a favor...and it didn't go through. What's two favors worth with out being able to cash them in?" He said softly to her....though he did like the sheepish look on her.

Emiliah tipped her head to one side, confusion written all over her face. "When..." She tried to think of a time when he asked her for a favor, but nothing jumped out at her. "Did...you try to call in a favor? I haven't seen you since...Was it Tuesday morning?" The days were all sort of melting together lately, like time was moving at an inconsistent pace.

He stared at her for a moment, surprised. He didn't want to just say...Uh I asked you out to dinner? He forced a smile, "Sure Emiliah....Ill help you with your witch problem. Ill uh talk to you later mmm?" He turned back to Elizabeth and raised a finger to talk to her again.

"No, seriously, when did you ask me a favor?" She insisted before a flash of a memory hit her. Something about dinner. She could feel a blush starting to creep up her neck and spread to her cheeks as a semi-mortified look crossed her face. "Oh...wait...." She could have sworn that was said ....in jest surely? "Oh, right. I'm sorry...I...thought you were...well.

He dropped his hand again and turned back to her, just in time to see her blush. Well well so she can blush? He didn't want her to blurt out that he asked her to dinner, so he simply said, "Don't worry about it... It's hard to tell sometimes...I guess." He smiled to show that he meant it.

"Well, now, you know, I'm not hungry...So, if you could just tell Bobby to put the food on my tab, I'll just be getting....getting ready," She pushed back her stool, backing towards the door. "If you wanna help me out, I'll be at the meadow near Shallow Pond in about an hour. If not, well, see you later then," Emiliah couldn't help but think that, best case scenario, she goes after the witch on her own and dies. That would be better then...staying in this awkwardness a moment longer.

Flint couldn't help but raised his eyebrow as she suddenly backed off, He watched her leave... it was kinda cute. He did plan on helping her anyways. He turned back to Elizabeth. "Je suis désolé. Il était désagréable de moi. Je euh française appris de mon père , ma grand-mère était française . Où avez-vous appris si je peux demander Liz ?" He gave his dashing smile again.

Bobby came out with some breakfast for both Elizabeth and Emiliah, slightly confused. "Where is Emiliah?" He asked Flint who pointed to the door, "She decided she wasn't hungry. Ill take care of it though."
@SunsetRoseshe wont post till tomorrow, and also that was another reason I picked french.
@SunsetRosesOui....or so I've heard.

Digard was thought up from a french name, same with the character. so it was a clear choice.

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