Avatar of Aerandir
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Aerandir
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1976 (0.48 / day)
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    1. Aerandir 11 yrs ago
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@Ellion we will be. I'm currently trying to figure it out.
@agentmanatee ah. Well I will try and add it then.
I might not be able to were you planning on posting today?@agentmanatee
I know, bumps are bad but we could use one or two more Hunters!@TychosFullmetai know you said you were working on one and I've been horrible following up. Are you still interested?
@agentmanatee SEA COW did Emiliano leave the bar already after your collab with @sunsetroses? I forgot to add bobbys reply.

*that awkward moment to when you realized your partner in a collab liked her own post basically* :3
Flint, Elizabeth and Emiliah, Angharad and Grethu

collab with @Ellion@Sunsetroses
Flint's lucky day

Flint looked over to Emilianno as he made a comment about speaking in English. He narrowed his eyes a little, yeah he got distracted but he was speaking to Liz first, But before he was able to say anything Liz spoke up, answering his question. She then asked if he was ok about the discovery. He didn't know what she was talking about, as he didn't hear Emiliano say the first time that his family had werewolf blood. He looked slightly confused for a moment, trying to figure out what she meant. He opened his mouth to ask what it was when she then said

"You should go catch up with whatever her name was, she's probably waiting." with another quick smile, she gave her attention to Emiliano entirely.

Raisng a finger as she turned around his words were caught in his mouth. He was going to say he still had about thirty minutes to get ready. But her attention was now focused on the Italian.

He stood up and scratched his head, Um. OOOOOoOK.... He turned to the counter that now had the food on it, Taking out a few coins he tossed them onto the counter, enough to pay for the three meals that were just served up. He didn't want to bother with the change, and the fact that Sophie HATED wasted food.

As he walked away he caught Liz Saying to Emiliano, "You know he could hear you right? It's not polite to call people womanizers, especially when they just faced a stressful situation."

There it was again, stressful situation. Did she mean dealing with Emiliah's family? It wasn't THAT stressful. If he had heard him saying he was part werewolf, he would have fought him.

Sighing as he was a little bummed right now, he made his way back up to his room to grab his gear. Once in his room, he quickly strapped on his armor and threw his cloak over his shoulders and clipped the brooch. After shifting a bit he strapped his quiver on and grabbed his longbow, quickly strung the bow with ease, years of practice made it so.

He walked from his room, shutting his door behind him gently.

Elizabeth walked out of her room, and noticed Flint in the halls. She was now dressed in a peasant blouse, that was tucked into some trousers. Her braid was done a bit tighter, and she looked a bit more ready for the day. She had nowhere else to go, so she walked straight up to Flint. "Hello Flint, sorry I...brushed you off back at the bar. I hope you didn't take it the wrong way, it's just that Emiliano was drunk and I didn't want you two to fight." She smiled comfortingly, and bit her lip. "So...are you heading out?"

Flint suddenly stopped at seeing Elizabeth walking straight up to him. He gave a quick smile as she began to speak. He scratched the back of his head, he was really put out by it... but it wasn't exactly fair as he kinda was rude for talking to Emiliah when he could have easily had ignored her. She then mentioned she did it Because of Emiliano was drunk and she didn't want them to fight. Oh great what DID he say? He would have to speak to him later.

She then asked if he was heading out and finally spoke, "Uh yeah, I promised Emiliah to help, and I'm a man of my word. " He said with a smile, "You know what. Don't worry about it before, I'm a big boy. I've had guys call me much worse than womanizer and let them walk away without a bloody lip." He obviously didn't hear him taking about his werewolf blood.

"Well, Emiliano is a nice guy once you get to know him. He was one of my first friends here, so I suppose I'm just used to him. I'll make sure he stays out of your face, though. Neither of you need to end up getting hurt, we're supposed to be a team." She held out a hand, so he could shake it. She didn't really no why she did this though, other than to form a sort of truce. "Well, we should both be on our ways then. Mind walking me to the door?." After they shook hands, Elizabeth gave him a friendly wink as if they had just exchanged secrets. She then stepped alongside him, and waited so see if he would walk her to the door.

He raised an eyebrow when she offered to keep him out of his face. As much as he appreciated the offer he didn't like the fact that someone was 'taking care' of his issues. He was always taken care of by his mother because he was the 'runt' of the litter. Growing up he fiercely always tried to prove that he could take care of himself. Despite him saying he would take care of himself, she then offered a hand for some reason....UuuuuuuHG The dreaded handshake from a woman. The clear NOT interested. He bit his pride and took her hand with a crooked half smile.

She asked if he could walk her to the door, and gave him a wink as well. Flint was full blown confused now. What a handshake then a wink?! What the HELL WOMAN. But she did ask him to walk him to the door, she even stepped beside him as if waiting. He quickly offered his arm in a gentlemanly way, "Je serais honoré Miss Elizabeth ."perhaps maybe he still had a chance. She did dress in common clothes, pants and shirt... girls who did so were often the confusing ones.

He then remembered when she asked if he was alright, and he asked, "I must ask, as I was a bit confused. Why did you ask if I was OK?"
Elizabeth giggled as he offered her his arm. She gladly took it, and started to walk alongside him. "Oh, yes. Back at the bar, I did say that didn't I? Well I said it because of all the things that had happened last night, with the werewolves. I was wondering if you were okay, but I guess you weren't a part of the battle either. I wish we could have fought, you would be an excellent partner in action."

She did her best to act ladylike, and hoped he enjoyed her company. She skipped over the detail about him being part werewolf, because she didn't want to be the one to break the news. "So, why do you flirt with women so casually? I'm not saying I don't enjoy it, but have you ever thought of picking one and settling down? Not right now, because you're still in your prime." She picked at the lint on her shirt, and tried to hide the fact that her cheeks were red. "I'm so sorry, it must be an awkward topic."

He listened as they walked. As she mentioned that she thought that he was in the battle as well, wondering if he was alright. Strange as he was ... Well STANDING there perfectly fine. Since he only just met her, it was odd, she of course was probably being only polite. She even mentioned him probably being an excellent partner. Smiling he replied. "You are too kind Liz. But you have yet to see my skills how do you know that I am that capable? I can be a bit of a handful actually. " he said with a wink and a Misscevious smile.

She suddenly moved onto him flirting casually with women. He groaned inwardly. Thanking the drunken jealous Emiliano for probably slandering his name, even though he just met the man the night before. He sighed as he stopped suddenly. He looked at her and noted her blush on her face. She then added that she was sorry about the awkward topic. He rested his free hand on hers that was attached to his arm and looked her in the eye, his own eyes soft but serious at the same time, a small hint of a smile on his face. "I do not know what Emilano said more of me besides calling me a womanizer, but other men tend to be jealous on how comfortable I am talking with women. So I ask to please not to judge me on other peoples 'claims'." He gave a reassuring smile and continued with answering her question. "I enjoy the company of woman, their different personalities and little quirks. They are far superior than those of men who normally speak with a fowl tongue slurred by alcohol as they continually speak of Conquests of women they've 'conquered'."

He then turned and continued to the stairs as they rapidly approached. " Thanks to my father, he raised me to respect women for who they are, not as an object for possession as many men see them as today. I see all women as great works of art, as they are the final creation of our God, that would mean all women..." He winked at her. "... especially yourself, masterpieces." He smiled as they reached the stairs as waited to see if she would walk down on her own or take his hand as many women of class did. And he felt that she was one, as her posture and wording seemed to hint towards it. "Is it such a horrible thing if I only wish to enjoy all of Gods creations for now? I will later on marry and have a family... But I've yet to meet the woman that I can see myself settling down with but in time, God always has a plan."

She was surprised by his abruptness, and her blush only deepened when he grabbed her hand. She remained speechless until he created a distance between them, but instead of attacking the topic he had just brought up, she moved on to something easier. "Ah, you're a religious man then? I believe that makes you higher than me. That's not the way you take it though, is it?" She strode over to him, and gave him a mock curtsy. "Were you raised in a high setting? You certainly do act like it." With that, she took his hand and they walked down the stairs. She wanted to take her time, but she knew she had business in town. Maybe she would have a chance to talk to him more in the future. "As for you enjoying God's creations, I don't think it's a bad thing at all. You're young, you have a whole life ahead of you, but settling down now would just be a waste. What if you die in battle? Your wife would be all by her lonesome, and if I married, my husband would be as well. I just don't know if I'm ready for that sort of commitment. Do you think it's weird that I don't want to settle?"

She didn't know why she was asking his opinion, but she felt like she could open up to him. Most of her friends were boys, she realized. It was probably because of the business she was in, but another part of it was that boys were just so much simpler. They didn't judge you on whatever you said. So, feeling a bit brave, she decided to talk to him about what had made her so nervous just moments before. "Flint, before we part, I just wanted to tell you a few things. One, my opinion of you will never change because of something my friends say. I'm my own woman, and I have my own thoughts. Two, I'm sure you're very capable on the battlefield, so don't start with me on that. If anything, I'm the one that isn't capable. And three...well there is no three." She giggled, and carried on to the bottom of the stairs.

He shook his head, "I am religious, But I am not higher, we are all Sons and daughters of our Father in heaven." He said simply to her, when she gave a mock curtsy He smiled, answering her question "I am of humble birth, grew up in a small farm home that was just large enough for us. Spent night's under the stars more than I have under a roof, my mother did teach me...and only me really, my brothers didn't see the benefits in learning it. "

She then jumped back to the topic of marriage... He smiled and shook his head, "Perhaps to most people...But I do not. If you were ready for a commitment we possibly wouldn't be having this lovely conversation now would we? As I'm sure droves of men wish for your hand in marriage." He gave her a wink before she stopped on the stairs, looking to him. He raised an eyebrow as she explained her opinion of him will not change, that she was sure he was very capable on the battlefield, and that she would be the one incapable. She giggled after admitting no third item. He only smiled at her as they reached the bottom of the stairs. "I doubt that you are incapable...as you are still here. You must be to survive in this world." He glanced around quickly for Emiliano, in hoping he would see him with Liz once more. He pulled it off as a casual glance around. But he was interrupted as Mishka padded up to him happily, her tail wagging. Having managed to gain access to the bar again from a parting customer. She was licking her chops as she looked at him, more so than usual. He smiled. "Sophie fed you didn't she?" He asked Mishka, to Liz she would only notice her tail wagging more. To Flint he heard in his head, Yes she did! Left over chicken.

He smiled and looked back to Liz, "I must say I am horribly sad to say this, but I must depart if I am to make it in time to meet up with Emiliah for her hunt." He bent down in a bow, his right arm covering his chest. He then said, "Do enjoy your day...I hope we meet again. "

Elizabeth listened to Flint as he regaled her with a story of his past. She almost laughed when he said he was humble, but instead she smiled and shook her head. Before she could cut in, his pet wolf came up to him and he asked it if Sophie had fed it. The wolf didn't reply, of course, and instead wagged its tail a bit more aggressively. He told her he had to leave, and she found herself a bit befuddled before she remembered why she had been walking in the first place. "Oh, yes! Well, I hope to see you later. Good luck, and be safe."

A troubled mind

It took him a bit to reach the meadow, as he got lost a few times along the way, ignoring the directions of his faithful wolf, Mishka. Apparently his nose was not as adept as his brothers...

He saw Emiliah standing by the pound and made his way towards her. "Sorry about that. I hope you were not waiting too long. SO! What kinda witch are we hunting." He said as he rubbed his hands together.

Mishka ignored the the two of them and wondered over to the pond, taking a drink from the cool water.

Emiliah was about to leave without him, not that he was that late, but she was eager to get going. She had a large stiff bag hanging off one shoulder, a large wind of rope around one arm and her spear hanging lightly in one hand. She jumped a little, hearing his voice. "Oh! No, not really," She looked at him, shifting the weight of the bag as she did so. "No, so, this witch, well, witches according to Bobby, have been a pain. For the longest time, I could seem to get a steady track on them. Then...well, I figured out that was because they were living in caves in the mountain," she said, gestering behind them. [color=bc8dbf] One of them works with familiars and I am not sure what the other one does, nothing too...difficult, otherwise there would be signs of it. So, ready to go climbing?" She asked, pointing towards a waterfall at the far side of the pond.

Flint chuckled to himself when she jumped a little. After she explained the situation he grimaced slightly, He didn't like going in with out all the information... but he had done it before. He scratched his head and raised his hand as he was about ask a question, "How do you know they are in....THAT cave?...if there is a cave next or behind or around the general area of the waterfall?"

Emiliah blinked "Well..technically the whole mountain is just one big cave. Lots of rooms and tiny passage ways between them," She said. "And I know this, because I've been exploring these caves for months and it just so happens that the one behind the waterfall is the only one that you will...well it is the only entrance big enough for you to get...through,"

He stared blankly at Emiliah then raised a finger, and asked. "You calling me fat?"

"No," she said a little too quickly. "I mean ...you have wider shouders then I do. It comes with a broad chest,"

"Soo....your staring at my chest now?" He asked as he pulled his cloak, feinting him covering himself.

" Don't get embarrassed now," she said, a slight teasing in her voice. "Oh, by the way. You might want to take your cloak off and...your shirt. In fact anything you don't want to be dripping wet when we are crawling through miles of dark cramped tunnels, you are going to need to put in this bag," she said, gestering to the bag she was carrying. "It is mostly waterproof,"
"I knew it... you just want to see me naked." He said with a smile. He then started to take his quiver off and bow. Normally his cloak would keep him dry, as it did well in keeping him warm and dry, But it was a nice day, and he would rather not it getting soaked and heavy while he was climbing, He managed to take it off and his armor, and his shirt. And laid them neatly on the ground, "Mishka, Take care of these..." He said to her as she Glanced up at him. She let out a huff. [i]Finnne[/] she said as she walked over and dropped to her stomach, as if she was sad of being left behind.

"Don't worry, we will be back soon." He added, while she let out a groan, Suuuure. Just keep it in your pants Flint. she said back to him.

Narrowing his eyes he didn't reply, as he turned to Emiliah and strapped his quiver and bow over his bare upper body now. The cloak,armor and clothes really covered up the fact that he was in excellent shape, and he wasn't as small as he normally looked.his muscles rippling in the sunlight he smiled ad said. "Alright, lets go." He handed just his shirt to her, as his leather armor would be too bulky to fit in the bag, His cloak as well.

"If that is what you think, then you can just keep your clothing on and I won't share my bag," she said While Flint started undress, but in the end, she held the bag open to take his clothing, before undressing herself down to her under cloths. She tried not to think about it as she lead him under the falls. "There," she said, pointing to a ledged about twenty feet up. "Is the opening to the cave, The rock is pretty rough, so don't worry about hitting a slick patch. Also, don't look up," she said, as she started her climb up, the cool water rushing down the back of her undercloths. She waited for him at the mouth of the cave.

He blushed slightly when she took off some of her clothes. Unlike his personality, he actually never been with a woman... and though he flirted with many woman in his life he never actually tried to sleep with them. As it would break his covenants. He looked away as much as he could as they made their way to the waterfalls.

When she pointed out the climb, it was easy, he'd been through worse. But he said nothing as he moved to the wall, but when she started climbing first he stopped, saying dont look up. "Come on...I'm not like that!" He said in defense.

He followed up quickly and with out looking up, catching up just a minute or so later as he had given them room. Once there he rubbed his hands on the front of his pants to dry them before slipping his bow off and holding it in his left hand.

"I assume you brought some torches as well?" He asked when he looked over to her.

"I'm just saying, you'll get water up your nose if you do," She called out, already having changed back into her clothing by the time Flint arrived. She offered him his clothing with out a word. "Well, not torches, they take up too much air, but I brought candles," She said, Holding up a her bag to show that it was full of various candles and a few shorter torches for the larger rooms. "We'll light them when we are in the first room, we should have enough light to get us there without them," With that, she pushed her bag through the dog sized opening, then her spear and finally herself.

He took shirt with a nod of thanks and quickly put it on after taking his quiver back off again. He then nodded as she explained using candles instead. And after she went through he did the same, slipping his bow and quiver through the hole and sighed, That looked TINY. He grunted as he tried to squeeze through, like she said, his shoulders were wide, and it was difficult to wiggle his way through, but he did it. After muttering a few Hebrew curses first and tearing his shirt in a few spots. He was glad he didn't bring his cloak, it would have never have survived the hole.

He brushed himself off and picked up his bow and quiver before, letting out a sigh of accomplishment.

"Well," said Emiliah, looking at him. "Yeah, I think you'll fit...You'll be fine," She said, giving him a rushed smile, thinking of some other tight places further in the cave. She then lit a candle and handed it to him. "So, I don't think that we will separated, but if we do...don't let your candle go out no matter what, the sun hasn't ever seen the inside of this place and that isn't going to change today," She took a few more steps. "Also, if we do get split, always hold on to that wall," she said, pointing to the one on the left, " It is a pretty straight shot out if you follow it. Ready?" She then took off down one of four different hallways deeper into the cave.

"So...you've been caving before right?" She didn't like the way that the silence would press down on one in the cave and, when alone, she would often hum to herself just to make it stop. She took another left, and then a right, then lead him through a slowly lowering ceiling that had them both crawling before spitting them out into a room so large, their candles couldn't light much of it up.

Flint eyes widened as his shoulders dropped. "What? There are more tiny holes in here?" He asked, by the way she said I think you'll fit...made it obvious that there were more. He nodded at her instructions and started to follow her. Once she said Ready, "Of course, Ill follow you into the dark pit and back if I had to." He said with a chuckle...

She then asked him if he went caving before and nodded, then rememeberd she was infront of him, "Yeah, we had a cave near where we grew up. When we were not training we would often go there, to mess around or what ever. It was much larger than these though, as in you know...not tiny holes to crawl through. But I always perfered the open air, and climbing trees."

He waited a moment he ducked to his knees and slowly followed her till they came into a massive room. "Much better..." He said to himself, He didn't admit it, but he hated earlier tunnels. He felt the urge to whistle, but remembered he was on a hunt... it could give them away. " It seems you are cozy doing this though."
"It was a little rough those first couple weeks, but after I got over the fear of my impending doom, it got a lot easier," She said softly. "The worst thing was assuming that the witch was going to jump out at me at any second while being stuck in a tiny, unescapable crawl space. But those two are rarely in this part of the cave. I could sometimes hear them whispering, but those days were rare," she said, the same way Bobby might talk to customer about breakfast.

He listened as he followed, she was so casual about it, it was kinda weird. You never hear a girl talking the way she did about things like this. When she mentioned the chance of being attacked while stuck in a crawl space, he said in a faux chuckle, "Lovely..." Kinda freaked out at the thought himself.

She lead him through a few more rooms and across one blind leap ledge, before stoping infront of a large, round stone. "So... I know they put this here," she said, pointing at it. "I think it might be...a sort of door? I couldn't ever move it though. So...should we go through door number one or do you want another crawl space?"

Once to the large round stone, it looked like much like the one infront of Christ's tomb outside of Jerusalem. When she mentioned she couldn't move it, he nodded, it would probably take two men his size to move such a rock. When she suggested finding another crawlspace he quickly said. "Noooooooo." He cracked his fingers "Door number one." He moved forward to the rock. He then said offered the bit of him being in Jerusalem. "It looks alot like Christ's tomb actually, though the stone that covered it was MUCH larger."

He gripped the stone and shoved his shoulder against it. At first nothing happened, but after a few seconds the veins in his arms and shoulders almost seemed to bulge as he started to grunt. The rock slowly began to roll, then after a moment became easier and easier and till it almost looked like it took no effort. He stopped once the opening was clear.

"Girls first I'm guess?" She said with a little laugh, walking through a door way into a room she had been in before, only it had taken her about a half hour longer to do so going her way. She turned around to face the doorway, waiting for Flint to follow. Only, when he let go of the rock, it snapped forward with a crunch. Leaving the two seperated. She ran to the rock, pounding on it, calling out to Flint to make sure he was okay and didn't lose any fingers.

On the other side, a croaking old voice said "Rememeber, what the girl said, never let the candle go out," With that a huge wind ripped through Flints side of the wall, blowing out his candle. "So," came the voice again, from somewhere else in the cave. "What now little hunter,"

He had just pulled his hands off when the rock slammed shut. Flint jumped back, startled at the unexpected movement and the fact he almost lost his hand. Shaking his hands and riding the thought of his crushed fingers he heard Emiliah faintly on the other side. He himself began to pull at the rock again yelling her name and saying he was fine, and asked if she was ok, but then suddenly he heard a creepy old voice that sent chills down his spine, reminding him of not letting his candle blow out. Before he could react, a strong wind tore through the tunnel and snuffed out the tiny flame.

He stood motionless for a moment, blinking. "Shhhhhhhhit." He said to himself. As the witch then spoke again, asking what now, but what caught his attention was the 'Little' part.

"Who you calling little!?" He growled As he reached out and tried to find his bow.

"Why, the scared little boy right in front of me," The last bit was breathed down the back of his neck, then a skittering sound could be heard from another part of the cave. "Now, what are you going to do with that?" she said, laughing. "I've known my own death since before you grandfather thought to give your grandmother that rose. It isn't by arrow child," She skittered to another part of the cave. "A rather unfortunate side effect, knowings one's own death. Do you want to know yours, it is a nice one, unlike your brothers,"

His eyes were blind from the darkness, with no light what so ever, even his heightened sight was useless. Though his hearing...could easily pick up the skittering noise the witch made. He grew even more angry when she called him a scared little boy, Slightly nervous, yes. a little worried. A bit. But scared? No. Much to his bravery, it was still creepy as hell not seeing anything but hearing this old hag.

" Oh really? I don't believe in destiny, So I think you're full of Bullshit....or Batshit...are there bats in here?" He asked. Trying to hide the fact he was worried. When she asked if he wanted to know his he guessed she would say something about what she planing on...it could give him an edge. "Sure, why not? Lets make a bet it's not true....sayyy my life for yours?"

The witch let out a little cackle. "My boy, I knew you were going to say that, and I know I won't live long enough to see you believe, but believe you shall," There was more scratching, this time coming from the ceiling. "And I'll tell you, you will believe because I will die today. Here, in this very room," she let out a barking laugh. "But you...well, you will live a very long life. And you will die surrounded by those who cared for you...well, what's left of them anyway,"

There was a pause, as though the voice was trying to recall a forgotten memory. "Ah, your son, such potential, is tossed from a horse just shy of his seventh birthday. Snaps his neck, he dies in your arms. But your daughter....barren and heartbroken, she is there at the very end. How she'll cry, all alone in the world now,"

The witch let out another laugh. "Now, your brothers, those are tales to tell. One dishonored and ....dies of what I can only describe as a broken heart. Even you wolves cannot survive a jump that far and he knew it before he lept, shall I go on? The last two are my favorite,"

He started to move around slowly, once he felt the cold smooth round rock behind him He pulled an arrow from his quiver and easily nocked it to his bow. Years of training, and knowing every inch of his bow made it easy to visulize it in his head. "Sure you did..." She almost started talking in riddles, barely able to catch up with her, but she said she would die here to day...not him. Confused...not really scary now when his enemy said he will be fine. Live a long life, dying surrounded by those he cared about....not so bad...what he had in mind actually,

She then continued to speak of his son... and of his daughter. He did not know them...but he grew angry when she said what would happen to them. As she talked though he imagined the cave within the last fifty feet of the tomb door he stood against. He had a good memory, and tried to imagine it while hearing the witch move around and talking, trying to pinpoint her, in his mental 'map' She then spoke of her brothers. Much more cryptic about them. "Nice stories hag. But shall I give you a tip? Telling your enemy he's going to live while you die here....ISN'T how it normally goes, you did it all wrong. You are supposed to give me some grisly death and you eating my heart or what ever. Now you just ruined the moment."

He felt he was close, pulling the string back he aimed to his left just slightly, firing the arrow. into the darkness. He thought he could smell her... a stench similar but it was so infused with the smell of the cave he couldn't pinpoint her.

"I'll skip your other brother then, he dies dishonorable. In his own vomit outside a brothel. Such a shame for one so young to lose the monkhood because he put his love in the wrong person," There was more skittering. "You little friend, just over there in that other room. Now there is a story. She dies in fear," She let that carry for a moment. "She dies in fear, in pain and alone. She dies screaming," The voice was once again right behind him.

At the same time a crash could be heard as Emiliah tumbled out of the crawl space, candle casting the space in a pale yellow light. Illuminating the witch, whose hands resting just above Flint's over the bow, acting at the boy's own personal shadow. "Flint! Behind you!" She screamed, reaching for her spear and heaving it at the witch.

He grew angery and shot another arrow, this time upwards, towrads the ceiling. Only to hear the snap of the arrow he shot against the stone. This witch was getting on his nerves now... she wasn't going to threaten Emiliah like that.... Suddenly a loud noise jolted him, and a light blinded him. He heared Emiliah yell his name, telling him to look out behind him. He dropped to one knee, upon seeing Emiliah readying to throw her spear, and spun around, using his bow as a weapon to smack the witch, His heart jumped into his throat as he realized just how close the witch was,"SHIIII-" He was all he let out, frightened on how disoritated he was.

He pulled out a dagger from a sheath behind his back on his waist and fluiently spun completely around and stabbed at the witch back handed.

"See?" croaked the witch. "I don't die by an arrow," She seemed almost gleeful at the idea. "And you get only one witch, not two. One witch is all it takes to keep your fate on track Mr. Flint Digard," The witch didn't die right away, nor did she try to save her self, she just ....sort of....gurgled on the end of Flint's dagger until no more blood would spill from her.

"Are you alright?" Emiliah asked, she was covered in cut and scrapes from trying to make a half hour journey in less then ten minutes. She looked over if, as though to make sure the witch did nothing to him.

He stumbled backwards a step as she fell to the ground. His eyes wide, as her 'prophecy' came true, and it scared him now that she knew his name.. HIS LAST NAME. No way she could have known he would hunt her today... it was...impossible wasn't it? He started to fear that her other.... 'stories' were to be true... No it couldn't be. That goes against all he was taught growing up!

He looked at Emiliah wide eyed... Then narrowing his eyes as if he was trying to remember her name or something... before looking back to the witch...."uh.....Yeah... I think." He shook his head and looked back at her... "What about you??" He looked her over quickly, seeing the cuts and scrapes over her body. The witches last prophecy ringing loudly in his ears. Which was insaine because she was just standing infront of him,

There was something off about Flint, his eyes seemed wild and unfocused. Emiliah reached up and felt around her face, when she pulled her hand back, she could see her own blood on her fingers. "I'm fine," she said, after a moment. "I may have been... a little excited to get back to you is all," that and she didn't want him facing the witch alone. Not that he couldn't handle himself, but she was the one who asked him to come with. If he died, she'd feel horrible.

"Do you think we should try to go after the second witch? Or do you think that...what is said is true and the witch is long gone?"

He looked back to the witch, as she said there was only one that needed to keep him to his fate. He narrowed his eyes. He almost felt that she was trying to trick him.... that there wasn't another witch...but what if there was? Why would she say only one witch was all it took to keep his fate on track? She never SAID there wasn't another witch. Just that he would only get one. He had almost felt that he wanted to leave this place and put it all behind him...but....what if that was what the witch wanted. He growled and shook his head. Great she was even messing with him after death. He bent down and picked up Emiliah's spear and looked to Emiliah as he handed it back to her. "Fuck fate..." He said mostly to himself. He couldn't let a witch get into his mind so easily...it was all a trick. He knew destiny was a false belif. "Lets find that other witch."

Already long gone from the caves, surrounded by birds of fur and feather alike, ran a girl. Heading towards a place her family had long since avoided. But now....she needed there help to make her Grandma's wish come true.
Jason had agreed to go with with the group the night before. And while the party began to move around to find places to sleep, he stayed to himself mostly. Almost everyone stayed away from him, to be expected, they will have to learn to trust him in the next few days though. Of course, he would have to as well. He made his way into the kitchen, looking around it to see if there was any supplies. Not that he would take it, but some things people leave behind thinking it was useless, were actually very helpful. You just had to use your head. He was quiet, not wanting to give off the impression that he was looting from the mother of this house.

He did notice the extreme lack of food in the cabinets. Looking back into the main living room and seeing the baby in her play pin, despite everything going on in the world...she did seem like a healthy child. Her mother must have been giving her the food while fasting herself. He nodded to himself, Admiring the woman more. While on his travels he heard of parents with young children just killing them, not wanting them to live in this cruel world alone, or too greedy themselves for food. It was horrible...but desperate people do horrible things to just survive.

He closed the the cabinets as he moved back to the front door and slipping outside. He made his way to the house next door, As Nikki was already on the roof of this house, he would just feel more comfortable not sleeping so close to someone else at the moment. Not that he would sleep much anyway... But a couple hours would do just fine, And seeing that Walter had first shift, he figured he would use it to sleep himself. Then wake up and act as a secondary second watch. Of course they wouldn't trust him to watch for them, but it's not like he had anything else better to do.

Jason did managed to sleep...for about three hours. He then cleaned his weapons in the dark, not needing light as he was trained to do it blindfolded. He took inventory of his supplies, ate one of his MRE's and after that he decided to search the surrounding houses for more supplies. Of course they were thoroughly cleaned out, but it past the time. He even ran into a stray walker, easily dispatching it with his Combat knife.

When the group was readying to leave he made his way back. He nodded to Ethan as he continued into the house. He made his way past everyone and into the kitchen where Grace and Kat were. He paused in the doorway, as he looked at Grace, eating her cheerios. He then looked to Kat, who was just about finished with her packing it seemed. He was silent for a moment, not sure on what to say at first... so he simply shifted his backpack off his back and onto the table. The Dana point group, though had little supplies themselves... Kat seemed to be in a bit of a more of Bind. With having to make sure her child was fed and healthy often would mean sacrifices would have to be made for herself.

He unzipped his bag and pulled out a good handful MRE's, enough to feed her and her child for a few days. He still had quite a few left because he decided to keep them for emergencies...well save last night. He often hunted his food every day while making his way back to California. He placed the MRE's on the table between them and looked to her. "Here... I want you to have these." He said a little awkwardly. "I uh...noticed you were running low on food, sorry for peaking around." He said as he was zipping his bag up again.
I work a 13 hour shift today so if I'm holding people up, move on
@Acromantula I understand that, and too a point I agree with it. But when someone brings up that they find it offensive in some why, and you continue to talk in the manner, then you are responsible. Sorry if I wasn't clear.

As someone who's been on the otherside of it, that's why i was so Angry.
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