Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Collaboration with @josephb@Aerandir

Nikki said "Excuse me" to Jason and she followed Ethan outside. Katana at the ready she looked around, then walked over to Ethan. Her voice soft she asked "Hey, you ok? I heard." She sat down next to him and leaned her head on his shoulder and gave him a one armed hug. Nikki felt like she had been slugged when she heard the exchange and saw the look on his face. She could only imagine how he felt and it had to be pretty crappy. She kept her head on his shoulder and let him lean into her a little. It was amazing that she and some of the others hadn't just snapped today. If she had been in his shoes she was sure that she would have.

Ethan smiled as Nikki came to console him, "I just needed a bit of fresh air." He leant into her hug and didn't really say anything. Seeing Kat had brought a load of memories back from before the infection broke out and how simple life was before when he had no cares in the world travelling around America.

Jason raised an eyebrow when the blonde guy, whom he heard was Ethan, rushed by him after blowing up at the scottish woman's questions. He did manage however to catch the door from slamming completely as he was standing right next to it. He looked around the room and noticed how most of the people reacted to him storming off, a bit of shock, and a bit of 'what now?' on their face. He glanced at Nikki as she said "Excuse me," and simply moved enough to let Nikki to go out side.

The scottish woman continued to introduce her self, and explain her situation. Licking his teeth under his lips he decided what to do, obviously the man who just stormed off was the leader. While the other man with a heavy accent and broken english engaged the woman he pushed the door open and slipped out. Closing the door behind him gently and glancing around to see Ethan just a wee bit away with Nikki with her arm around him. What were they a couple? That would make things a little more awkward for Ethan if that was the case.

Still scanning as he walked over, he flipped his safety to single shot casually, Being outside it was more safe to keep it off than on. He made it clear he was walking towards him, not to spook him in his state, but to also let Nikki know he was there. He turned around and leaned against the wall Ethan was crouched against on the opposite from Nikki and was silent for a moment. He then asked, "You doing ok there champ?" while sucking on his teeth. while he looked down at him.

Ethan looked up see one of the newcomers, leaning against the wall. He was in the army, that was clear enough from the outfit and the heavily specialised gun that the man had with him. The sun was slowly starting to set now over the ocean as Ethan thought about the question. "I don't really know to be honest." He paused for a few moments and then continued, "Sorry about what happened in there, I'm usually better at keeping my emotions in than that. What's your name? I didn't hear you mention it."

He looked around, his eyes squinting at the lowering sun. He waited a moment before speaking. "I'm Lieutenant Jason Hunter of the Navy Seals." He paused for another moment, just twice he interoduced himself with his rank...not that it really mattered out here...hell he didn't know if the Aircraft Carrier that served at his base was still there...was there a reason to still hold that title?

He glanced down at him, "Don't say sorry to me...I just met you. Say sorry to them." He said jerking his head back to the house. "I understand you just lost your home, but you also just found out your a father? You know how many people would love to find out that they have family somewhere? Even if it' s a six month old kid?"

Ethan took in everything that the man was saying to him. "I'm not upset that I'm a father, I'm just still in shock." He thought about what had happened, but he started to talk anyway, not really knowing where his thoughts would take him. "I was trying to process everything I guess... and then in the middle of that, I had a complete stranger going on about people being too cautious. I just needed to vent and she was unlucky enough to be there... I just came outside to try and come to terms with what's happened... And now there's Kat, who I met once more than a year ago and we somehow ended up in her house with my child and now that's two more people I feel like I have to look after." Ethan suddenly paused, he had no idea why he was telling this to a complete stranger, when a minute before he'd snapped at the girl for being someone he didn't know. He thought about the man giving his full name plus his rank. "Hmm, I didn't know the army was still going. Where've you come from?"

Jason scratched the back of his head,"I'm not Army, I'm Navy, As far as I know we still are. I was on my way to Coronado, Supposedly there is an Aircraft carrier that is there, and was the base of operations at least six months ago." He glanced back down at him. "Next time you want to vent, do it to a walker. Your group doesn't need to see you have a break down infront of them....It only causes them to worry and make things worse."

Ethan didn't reply to him, but he completely took in what the Lieutenant said to him. For better or worse, everyone who had survived seemed to look towards Ethan in their time of need and he needed to start being a proper leader. Hopefully he could live up to everyone's expectations.

Nikki had no idea how long they sat like that. It was getting dark. She had been listening to Jason and Ethan talking. She leaned over and kissed his cheek and turned and hugged him. "You know I'm here if you need me. If I were you though, I'd go talk to her." Nikki squeezed his hand and nodded to Jason and went back inside. She went over to the playpen where the baby was and she could see the baby was Ethan's spitting image. There was no doubt this was his child.

Jason didn't expect an answer, as a few seconds after Nikki went in, he decided to follow, Slowly making his way back to the house he gave a few more scans of the area before slipping back inside. He situated himself near the window though just to make sure Ethan was in his sights.

A few minutes after Nikki had gotten up, Ethan decided to go back inside as well. Everyone was chatting in separate groups. Lauren had fallen asleep, Ethan forgot that some people had it a lot worse than him. "Sorry about that outburst before everyone... I shouldn't have done that." He said in a much calmer voice that he'd used before. "I don't know what came over me" Then Ethan looked over to the Scottish woman, he didn't quite catch her name. "I should really apologize to you. You just wanted to help out and I shouldn't have a snapped like that." After that, he went and found Kat and simply said, "I think we need to talk." With a slight smile.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Solace
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Solace π‘ π‘π‘–π‘›π‘‘π‘–π‘™π‘™π‘Žπ‘‘π‘–π‘œπ‘›

Member Seen 3 days ago

Walter Pierce

"Hey, relax-"

Walter extended an arm out in attempt to calm Ethan down before his friend had stormed outside, shaking his head. He sighed, rubbing his head in the wake of a headache. He honestly had enough of all the revelations and surprises for a day, in lieu to all of the dying and destruction he'd already seen before.

"It's not your fault," Walter told Rowena as he looked to the side where she sat, a weary smile on his features.

Being the one to have always done supply runs, he had his share of experiences when it came to speaking with outsiders. Some of those run-ins were not all-too friendly, but a lot of the times, he had returned to Dana Point to introduce a new member of their community. So why cast someone else away when they needed one another the most at this point in time?

"Rowena, is it?" he nodded to the woman. "I'm Walt."

When Nikki came back into the house, followed by the soldier and Ethan himself, Walter watched his friend apologize to Rowena before looking for the resident of the house. To be fair, they still had not debated on whether or not they could reside for the night, and the possibility of being thrown out was still reality.

Walter blinked, wondering what the night would bring; he had volunteered to watch over, after all. "Thanks for not sicking the dog on me, earlier," he said.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Acromantula
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Acromantula praise all the white sands of time

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The slightly uneasy repetitive movement of fingers over fluffy pointed ears was paused as Rowena was addressed, looking to the man who'd spoken to her and replying with a and drop of a shoulder. The corner of her mouth turned up in a half-smile as she spoke. "Maybe not but I did pull the trigger. Partially at fault, I'd say," she said, glad to hear he was willing to give her his name. She'd felt bad about the man storming out of the home and had been minutely debating following after him or sending her dog but the same thought as before stopped her. Just that she didn't want to be separated from the canine and that being alone again might have her losing the rest of her mind.
"Yes, yes it is. Pleasure to meet your acquaintance. It's nice to put a name to a face then, Walt. As for the dog, don't you worry about it. He's quite friendly but there hasn't been anyone to be friendly with lately. Poor thing's getting bored of just my company," she said with a chuckle. Themistocles looked between the two humans, judging the situation. Upon deciding it wasn't anything worth of his attention he glanced away, far more interested in the other humans he hadn't yet had the pleasure of meeting. "Have you all been together since the outbreak?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nikki loved babies. She watched Grace and tickled her under her chin. The baby put her arms up and Nikki recognized the request. "Okay hold on. I'll pick you up. Just let me disarm first." Nikki put her gear on the floor next to her and put all the pointy stuff under her trenchcoat so the baby wouldn't be tempted to touch them. Nikki picked up the baby and cuddled her. It instantly reminded her of before the breakout. She used to babysit and she loved her much younger cousins. She had been there for them from the beginning. Grace was cooing and pulling on her hair gently. Nikki was loving every second of it. She genlty rocked the baby and she fell asleep in Nikki's arms.

Nikki caught Walter's eye. "Can you take the perimeter walk for me? She is asleep." She showed him the baby in all her sleepy innocence. Nikki covered Grace up with a nearby blanket and kept rocking her gently. She had always been a natural with babies. She wondered if she would ever get the chance to be a mother in this world. And did she really want to bring a baby into this crazy place?

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Solace
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Solace π‘ π‘π‘–π‘›π‘‘π‘–π‘™π‘™π‘Žπ‘‘π‘–π‘œπ‘›

Member Seen 3 days ago

Walter Pierce

Walter nodded. "I came to Dana Point on my own a few weeks after it was established," he felt enough ease to disclose the personal information of himself, eager to make conversation out of the darkest of times. "That was months ago, yeah."

It was strange, really; Walter had been nineteen years old when the apocalypse began, and sitting there at that exact moment, it was difficult to believe that it had already been nearly a year. To think that he was still around, but a baby and a dog of all things to survive? He still couldn't wrap his mind around it.

"No problem," Walter did not complain upon Nikki's request, his eyes momentarily glued on the baby before he trotted over to Alex. He removed his backpack, placing it against the chair that he sat on. He shifted his body towards the door, yawning. "So we're staying here?" he asked Nikki.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nikki nodded and quietly said, "I think so. Ethan is upstairs talking to Kat now. The baby is asleep so I think that's a big factor." Nikki looked at little Grace. "She sure is a beautiful baby." she said smiling. "Don't forget, take someone with you just in case, Walt."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Alex Teixeira

Alex withdrew himself and crossed his arms, tracing the outline of a lone spiderweb hanging daintily above Grace's crib, with its architect lowering itself towards the baby slowly, before zipping back up in a fright. Spiders were lucky. Everyone who feared them was too busy fending off far more dangerous intruders to pay them any mind. Alex should've known, his phobia of the little arachnids had nearly disappeared over the past year. There were worse things to obsessed over, like whether or not the next person he'd exchanged words with would try to slit his throat. Rowena assured everyone in the room that she was there to help, but Alex still held a reserved disposition around this newcomer.

"I'll come with you, Walter," Alex offered immediately, pushing away from the splintered chair with both hands, his eyes fixated on the spider above Grace's crib, "You may want to kill the spider, Nikki. It may upset baby."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kat hadn't wanted to let Grace out of her sight. Who knew what this group might do? She couldn't trust them.
But Ethan reappeared then and wanted to talk.

Grace seemed content in her play pen so Kat led Ethan up the stairs, but only after giving every person in the room a dirty look that said if they so much as made her baby cry she would hurt them.

Once they were upstairs Kat took a deep breath and faced him. One night stand and father of her child and she didn't even know his last name.
"Yes she is yours," she said, anticipating his question. "I'm sorry if this messes up things for you. You don't have to bother. She's mine and I will take care of her on my own like I have been. Just leave me some supplies and we'll call it even."

She was trying to give him an out. Any man she had ever known didn't want responsibility and that had been before the end of the world. He was probably terrified she'd expect him to stay here and play Daddy. He didn't have to worry about her having any illusions about a great big happy family. That was not how the world worked. At least not for her.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aintitfun1997
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Aintitfun1997 Hiatus

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Camyllia hopped over a car's trunk,turned and waited for BLitz to come out from under the car. Blitz remained there growling at something turning Camyllia saw a group of walkers coming towards her.

"Crap run Blitz!" Camyllia said hopping back over the trunk and running through the cracks between cars and hopping on hoods. More walkers appeared," Crap c'mon Blitz we gotta go back-"

A feral growling came out of the dog making Camyllia turn and run over to Blitz, who was cornered by two walker's and crashed cars. That same feeling from handling the marine walker from before came back to Camyllia as she got out her knife and whistled to the two walkers they both turned Blitz attacked one and Camyllia went for the other. It tried to grab at her but the girl dodged the walker almost tripping but it caught itself. Camyllia took that as a sign to get the hell out of there so she grabbed Blitz blue collar and made a run for it through an opening crack between two trucks. they didn't stop running not even when they passed Blitz barely noticeable owner due to him being walker chow. Stopping at an old rust bucket of a truck Camyllia stopped finally taking a breath. Blitz walked over to her a whined.

"Nah, I'm fine..I guess some of the horde is movin' or a new one is formin'," Camyllia said sighing," C'mon lets head back mabe we can find someplace ta stay an' come up with a better plan," Camyllia said moving towards the rows of cars recognising them from earlier in the day with her dog not to far behind
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by josephb
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Member Seen 25 days ago

Ethan Blackledge

They both look at each other for what felt like forever, before Kat decided to break the silence. Ethan knew it was his child, but it just took a lot out of him finding out he had a kid. β€œI know.” Was all Ethan could muster up before she continued. He was shocked though from what she said next. β€œNo… You think I’d leave my daughter? Even if I was so cruel to not want anything to do with her, I couldn’t leave you behind…” Ethan took in a breath to brace himself for what he was about to say. β€œThere’s around a thousand walkers only a few hours away and it wouldn’t surprise me if they’re coming this way… You’ll have no chance.” Ethan didn’t want to sugarcoat it for her, he wanted to be as bleak as possible to convince Kat to join them.

Then it hit him, β€œI…” He looked down, trying to get his words out, a slight pain clear in Ethan’s face. β€œI don’t even know my own daughter’s name.” Ethan waited for Kats response and a sad smile crossed his face as he looked back up at hearing the name β€˜Grace'. β€œI like it.” Ethan couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle, it was the first thing he managed to smile about after the horrible day him and his group had. After that they talked for a while longer until they didn’t have much more to say to each other, heading back downstairs.

β€œOkay people.” Ethan shouted as he walked in the front room getting everyone’s attention. β€œMost of us know what’s only a few hours away and we have no idea which way they’re gunna go... That horde is too big to actually get rid of so we need to keep moving South... We’ll rest here for the night but as soon the sun comes up, we set off. The nearest city from here is San Clemente and none of us here have any clue what’s there, unless you two have checked the city out before.” He pointed at the new two people. β€œIf you both want and nobody as any problems you can come with us. We can always do with someone who has training from the Navy.” He said to Jason and then looked at the woman, he still didn’t know her name, β€œAnd if you actually want to help our group I can’t say no to that, but these next few days are gunna be extremely difficult, I can’t lie to any of you.”

After his speech he stayed up for a while listening to everyone’s opinions and concerns. Later on when the conversations started to die down, he went over to Walter and quietly said, β€œIf you’re still okay to take the first watch, I think our group would feel a lot safer. We still don’t really know who these two people are and I want to make sure we can trust them first. When you want some sleep, come and wake me up… I’m gunna try and get some myself now, cheers mate.” He smiled at him and then went off into one of the quieter rooms and lied down on the floor to try and get a bit of rest.


Light slowly started to fill through the windows as Ethan was sat up in the corner slowly eating some canned tuna. There was still half a can left when he set it down, knowing someone else would need it. He slowly stood up and gave a stretch before chucking on his blue jacket on and quietly waking everyone up one by one.

As everyone was getting ready Ethan stepped outside to make sure there wasn’t any sign of the horde. After that he took a swig of his water and put it back into his rucksack, whilst making sure his bow was properly attached to the bag. Ethan then leant against a car waiting for everyone to come out of the house.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nikki had put the baby in her crib and was on top of the roof. She had been dozing off and on and she jumped off of the roof and did a tuck and roll landing about five feet from Ethan. "We going soon? Looks pretty clear so far." She looked Ethan in the eye and said, "You spoke to her. Good. I take it then she and the baby are coming with us." He nodded. It was kind of funny that they could almost answer without speaking. Nikki guessed it was from all the training and being more observant than many of the others. That and that Ethan was just quiet.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Acromantula
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Acromantula praise all the white sands of time

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Upon seeing the leader walk back into the room, Rowena looked up, straightening her shoulders a little. Or at least, it seemed like he was the leader. When he informed her that she could stay she smiled, nodding her gratitude before looking around the house. She didn't have anyone to converse with and most of them didn't look like they wanted to. Biting her lip and curling her fingers into her palm she went to find herself a place to sleep. It all looked ten times nicer than the hard concrete floor of the sewer sidewalks. After a minute of awkward walking around the woman found that the best place to sleep would be a torn-up sofa. Or rather, just the end of it. She patted the largest corner that was still held together and smiled as Themistocles hopped up eagerly, doing his three little circles before laying down. Rowena took her baseball cap off and carefully climbed up beside him, bringing her knees to her chest and her letting her head fall to the animal's upper half. Protective as always, Themistocles shifted a little closer and let his tail sweep over her hip. And even though she was very tired Rowena didn't sleep for a while, falling in and out of her strange dreams. They were usually filled with her, a man and pretty, calm, undisturbed scenery. It was nice while it lasted.

Rowena was awoken by the noise of people bustling about and getting ready to leave. She was used to sleeping in, since she didn't fear walkers walking in on her and trying to eat her in her sleep. She stretched and ended up falling off the sofa with a small 'oof'. Brushing herself down as she stood, she slipped her cap back on and was glad to see Themistocles up on his feet already, looking around and then back to her, eager to see where they'd be going today. Although the trouble of getting her things back remained. If they followed the highway, she'd be able to get them back. There were a lot of useful things there. Rowena hoped they'd trust her enough to have someone come help her. Her supply run had obviously come up empty supply-wise and she was starting to feel a little weak. Time would tell, she supposed as she massaged her own shoulder gently, working out the tense muscles. "Morning," she said brightly, addressing no one in particular.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Solace
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Solace π‘ π‘π‘–π‘›π‘‘π‘–π‘™π‘™π‘Žπ‘‘π‘–π‘œπ‘›

Member Seen 3 days ago

Walter Pierce

"So what was it like? Out there, for that long? Without any place to go to?"

Walter could still see it, then; trembling, looking down at his bloodied hands. One moment he was sitting before the survivor, choked up and unwilling to speak of the family he had killed, and the other, sitting in front of the corpses, on the verge of vomiting at what he had done.

The guilt washed up throughout his body. He failed to swallow his doubt of deserving to make it, but even then, what did it matter now? Walter had made it, above the murders-- no, it was self-defense. They turned their weapons on him, first, that had to have meant that it hadn't been in cold-blood. Even the fucking kid, right?

"Walt, I can help you. You don't look so well... what happened out there?"

Walter tried to shake his head, to deny all of the eyes that watched him, but he was frozen. A single heartbeat resounded from the vacant husk that was his body, reminding the nineteen-year old that he was still alive.

"I shouldn't have survived."

The young man woke when Ethan came with a short knock on the door to his room. Walter blinked a couple of times, half-asleep as his eyelids refused to open. Peering through the narrow slits, he sat his back up against the wall, drawing a long yawn to find that he had been drenched in sweat over the memory. He took a deep breath to calm his nerves, unaware that his hands had been trembling in tension.

Walter took a moment to compose himself, deciding to take a healthy swig from his canteen before it went empty. "Well, shit."

After throwing on his shirt and setting his belt tightly against his waist, Walter shuffled down the stairs to see that the group was already beginning to assemble outside. Slapping the exhaustion from his face, he lifted his backpack from the spot at the chair, quickly checking the contents inside just in case. When all was well, he pranced outside and flanked Rowena, joining up with them quietly.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aintitfun1997
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Aintitfun1997 Hiatus

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Camyllia woke up to a tongue licking her cheek,"Ah! Blitz!" Camyllia giggles pushing the dog away. Sitting up she looks at the dog with a fake glare," Your breath smells like death," She says,grouchy. Yawning she laid back onto something comfy then shot up again comfy? She looks down and she saw she is laying on a couch. Camyllia looks around and sighs, of course, she forgot they found a house not to far from the highway to settle in for the night. Her red bike was just outside on the porch because she was so worn out that she couldn't stay awake much longer.

Camyllia laid back on the couch with a groan," Okay so if the walkers are still over there I'm guessin' that it's not goin' to be too smart ta stay even here very long," She says feeling a little sad,"Where do I go now?" She whispers. Blitz hops onto the couch and curls next to Camyllia allowing the girl to hug her. Static caught both their ears one looked curiously up the stairs of the small house and the girl looked like she was having christmas.

"I KNOW WHAT TA DO!" Camyllia said getting blitz down onto the floor," C'mon Blitz! Let's see if anyone of my people made it!" Camyllia yells running up the stairs and to the room where the static was the strongest. It was a broad cast station inside a house almost running Camyllia hops into the seat and looks for the channel dial," Where? Found it!" She says grabbing it and turning it to channel 40,"Here goes nothin'," She says taking a deep breath she grabes the mic and pressed the button and spoke," Hello? Is there anyone there? M-my name is Camyllia I am a survivor of Dana's point group. Please respond..." She remained quiet a moment before letting go of the button fingers crossed on hoping to contact someone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

His words surprised her, but she dismissed them quickly. He was just trying to be a hero. It was only a matter of time before he realized what having a child meant and took off. It's what they all did eventually.
"Her name is Grace," she answered when he asked. Her faint smile mirrored his when he gave his approval of her choice in names. "Because she was my saving Grace."
The news that there was a horde on the way made her eyes harden as her face paled. There was no other choice. They would have to leave.
"I understand. We will go with you."

They talked for a few more minutes before he went back down. She followed but only to pick up Grace from her playpen and take her upstairs. Thankfully she was already asleep. Kat laid her down on the bed before laying beside her with her arm around her little angel.
Pressing a kiss to her forehead, Kat felt the tears she always fought burning her eyes.
"No matter what happens baby girl, I will never let anyone or anything hurt you. I swear I will never leave you."
This child was more than her baby. She was her life. Her savior. Her very reason for being. She prayed Ethan would not let Grace get to know and love him before pushing her away. That kind of rejection, from a father who is supposed to love and protect you, that hurt more then any kind of betrayal there was.
Kat would know...


Grace, aka the baby alarm clock, woke her mother a little after dawn whimpering quietly. Kat changed her before carrying her down to the kitchen. The cupboards were open, which meant that whoever had opened them knew how little Kat had.
There was a small box of Cheerios in the cabinet. Kat poured them into a bowl shaped like a monkey and put Grace in her highchair to eat. Grace giggled and played with the food before actually eating it.

Kat ignored the rumbling of her own stomach in order to gather a few things in a bag, mostly things for Grace. There was not as much as she would have liked. Hopefully they would find a store with children's items to scavenge somewhere.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ViolentViolet
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ViolentViolet Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ten Thousand

Satisfied with the boom the sniper still made when it was shot she slipped it back into her truck through the window, sliding off onto the ground by herself. The others were far enough from her now that unless they were paying a lot of attention to her specifically they wouldn't notice her grab her bow and knife before heading towards the treeline. Anything within a mile would have heard her shots, therefore drawing their attention to her. Stalkers were clumsy when they're roused, often running right into danger without thinking, following their basic desire to eat the flesh of the living. This clumsiness could very well bring an end to her as well. With a glance behind her, listening closely for anything, she took to the shadows of the forest, intent on hunting down both dinner and zombies.

With the bow in hand, booted feet made little noise as she stalked through the trees, keen eyes scanning her surroundings. She was afraid of nothing then, but ready for nearly anything that could have come after her. In the worst case there were people out here, and not the friendly kind. Best case, no Stalkers, some berry bushes and a good sized buck. Unfortunately, her venture was not going be entirely without incident, as if ever was. The low moan of a Stalker caught her attention, the dead being slowly shambling toward the highway. It seemed that there were indeed a few in the area, but not nearly as much as one would have believed. She was methodical, careful and efficient in using her energy. She barely moved when attacking, using as little force as she could to dispatch everything that she found walking in the forest. She even managed to find some dinner.

Krystal worked through the night, eventually pulling what bodies she had found away from any water she'd seen, collecting anything useful or interesting from the corpses and the remains of a campsite just off the shore. An empty water bottle, some keys and a can of tuna was all that had remained of the camp; even the tent was torn and broken and none of the shoes were her size. On the other hand, she found an interesting leather jacket she decided to keep. By the time the moon was setting she was finished her work, clearing most of the zombies out of the area and managing to catch two fairly large rabbits for food over the night. It was just as the moon was setting that 10K came across a large buck, grazing quietly in a small grove. It was alone, it’s rack grown large and smooth. It would be a shame to kill such a majestic creature, a male who could breed an entire herd, though he would be enough meat to feed the group she had seen pass by.

With a steady breath, a silent blink of her eyes, time slowed around her; heart beat slowed, arm drew back the string, lifting the bow, arrow aimed true. The buck, as if sensing danger, lifting his head, drew dripping from his antlers. He spotted the hunter poised to strike, paused as if understanding. Mating season was already over, there was no reason to fight. Nothing but his drive to survive; which that of the Hunter would outdo. β€œThank you.” The shaft buried itself in the great beast's eye, killing it instantly with no harm to the main body. His pelt would make a nice blanket, or sack, his meat a great many meals.

As the sun breached the horizon, the young woman sat on the tailgate of her truck, parked across the road from the house the group had settled inside of. A fire burned in the middle of the road, built of small trees and broken branches mostly. The antlers of her kill sat atop the cover of the truck, accompanied by the large hide as it dried out. There would be no leather from its hide, though she had thought about leaving it soft to make into a winter jacket - assuming she still lived until winter.

She had washed in the ocean water, dried with an old towel and sat on the truck gate in a pair of cut off jean shorts and a tank top, her hair loose and long in its tangled waves. The mixed red and blonde caught the early light as if it was smoldering with fire, much like that she kept burning. In one hand she held a mason jar, half full of a clear liquid that certainly would not be shared with the other survivors. Pale green eyes watched the home, not really caring much to watch the surroundings anymore. The steaming entrails she had left closer to the beach would keep anything alive or dead occupied for a good span of time. Her tracks covered and her kill made, she would be moving on soon enough.

Over the fire there were several hire hangers pulled apart and supporting small cuts of meat that cooked slowly over the flames. She had one such stick in her other hand, though it was mostly done by the time anyone had moved inside of the house. β€œGotta make sure the kids eat eh?” The country girl didn’t plan on making friends or keeping anyone around, but she knew a few things she wouldn’t mind passing on to the group if they wanted to learn it. Of course, a girls gotta keep her secrets too.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Clara Jekyll Moon Alex's Group

Clara and Haru walked towards the car trying to figure out who would sit where. The young man could tell something was off with the girl. No that it would be hard for anyone who knew her. The young woman looked up towards the top of the car once more as if trying to say something. The boy raised an eyebrow and copied the darker half's actions. Finally he figured out what she was trying to figure out. If walkers could clean out a community of survivors that fast then what could they do with them.

The young girl looked at the teenager as if asking for permission and in return he gave a nod. She worked her way towards the front then hopped on while the guy told Alex their plan. By the time Clara was on top both men was in the car already. Alex was in the driver seat while Haru stayed in the passenger seat. A thump with a foot told her new boyfriend it was time. With that the car moved out of the school driveway and towards the destination they all were assigned to.

Clara groaned as she shifted, trying to keep the blinding sunlight out of her eyes. Footsteps on the roof of the car along with a gentle kiss on her lips caused the girl's eye to suddenly open. Haru leaned back with a grin on his face. Though the next thing that happen was the young man being flat on his back, next to Alex, groaning as if he was in pain. The darker half slowly sat up even though she wanted more sleep. This was mostly due to mental exhaustion since the better half was not around to take over." So much for agreeing to take over during the day." She thought as her legs shifted over towards the same side as the boys were.

" Now I know why men say never date women born in Ireland. Their tempers get the best of them. Ow. Why did you do that Clara? I was just trying to wake you up with a good morning kiss. Just like a boyfriend is suppose to do. Though I'll admit I expected Erin to be up instead of you. It's true what they say Alex. Love does hurt and not emotionally either."

" Aye that you did. But you're suppose to give to me when I'm already awake. I'm not Sleeping Beauty after all. Next time I'll just stab your leg and claim it was self defense. I'll also refuse to fix it. Hey Alex what are you doing? Are you expecting a deer or some kind of animal to come our way or what?"

" I think our fearless leader is looking for walkers. Now that you're up we can eat breakfast. I managed to grab all the candy bars from our room. It's not much granted but it will do. Clara will want a heresy cookies and cream, I want a butterfingers, and Alex gets a Kit Kat." Haru said as he passed the candy bars out along with some bottles waters. In truth they were both wanting to get going again. Though it was for different reasons. The young woman wanted to get going due to the horde of walker they were told about. His was because it was a good place to get ambushed by either walkers or scavengers.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Alex Teixeira

Morning. What a dreadful reminder. Alex crinkled his eyelids as a column of sunlight struck his face relentlessly. He grunted and flung his right hand up from underneath a horrible collection of worn covers, shielding himself from the sun's brightness as every muscle in his body reflexively tensed, forcing the man into a giant carnival of morning stretches. Upon flinging his body off of the hardwood floor, Alex immediately noticed Rowena falling off of the torn sofa with a resounding thud. 'Morning' she chirped. Alex glared at her for a moment, hunched forward with his elbows prone against the blankets covering both of his knees. He nodded to her and smiled, without thinking twice about it. Where were they again? A baby giggled nearby, prompting Alex to jerk his head towards Grace's crib. The spider was still there, feasting on a small tangled mess that likely contained some unfortunate flying insect, or an unlucky termite that had fallen through the wooden ceiling. A pain shot up the left side of Alex's neck right afterwards. He pulled one hand back to subvert the pain, lurching forward as he lost his balance. In his drowsy state, he barely had time to stop his body from toppling over onto its right side. Embarrassed, and eager to maintain lucidity, Alex pushed himself up, and rose to his feet, letting the warm rays of sunlight relax his lower back muscles. "Bom Dia," Alex hummed, smacking his tongue against the roof of his mouth. It was unfathomably dry, and full of dust. That's the price he payed for sleeping on the floor. "Ehm, Good morning," he clarified, knowing that not everyone knew the Portuguese platitude he uttered moments earlier.

Working his way across the room, towards where he'd left his pack, Alex felt his joints pop like little firecrackers. It hurt, but no more than a few pin pricks. He reached into his bag, just after passing Rowena, and pulled out a can of tuna. "Bright today," He muttered, popping the can's lid. The fresh aroma of canned fish fumed far enough for anyone nearby to smell. Alex took a deep breath and sighed contently. But not everyone liked the smell of fish.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jason had agreed to go with with the group the night before. And while the party began to move around to find places to sleep, he stayed to himself mostly. Almost everyone stayed away from him, to be expected, they will have to learn to trust him in the next few days though. Of course, he would have to as well. He made his way into the kitchen, looking around it to see if there was any supplies. Not that he would take it, but some things people leave behind thinking it was useless, were actually very helpful. You just had to use your head. He was quiet, not wanting to give off the impression that he was looting from the mother of this house.

He did notice the extreme lack of food in the cabinets. Looking back into the main living room and seeing the baby in her play pin, despite everything going on in the world...she did seem like a healthy child. Her mother must have been giving her the food while fasting herself. He nodded to himself, Admiring the woman more. While on his travels he heard of parents with young children just killing them, not wanting them to live in this cruel world alone, or too greedy themselves for food. It was horrible...but desperate people do horrible things to just survive.

He closed the the cabinets as he moved back to the front door and slipping outside. He made his way to the house next door, As Nikki was already on the roof of this house, he would just feel more comfortable not sleeping so close to someone else at the moment. Not that he would sleep much anyway... But a couple hours would do just fine, And seeing that Walter had first shift, he figured he would use it to sleep himself. Then wake up and act as a secondary second watch. Of course they wouldn't trust him to watch for them, but it's not like he had anything else better to do.

Jason did managed to sleep...for about three hours. He then cleaned his weapons in the dark, not needing light as he was trained to do it blindfolded. He took inventory of his supplies, ate one of his MRE's and after that he decided to search the surrounding houses for more supplies. Of course they were thoroughly cleaned out, but it past the time. He even ran into a stray walker, easily dispatching it with his Combat knife.

When the group was readying to leave he made his way back. He nodded to Ethan as he continued into the house. He made his way past everyone and into the kitchen where Grace and Kat were. He paused in the doorway, as he looked at Grace, eating her cheerios. He then looked to Kat, who was just about finished with her packing it seemed. He was silent for a moment, not sure on what to say at first... so he simply shifted his backpack off his back and onto the table. The Dana point group, though had little supplies themselves... Kat seemed to be in a bit of a more of Bind. With having to make sure her child was fed and healthy often would mean sacrifices would have to be made for herself.

He unzipped his bag and pulled out a good handful MRE's, enough to feed her and her child for a few days. He still had quite a few left because he decided to keep them for emergencies...well save last night. He often hunted his food every day while making his way back to California. He placed the MRE's on the table between them and looked to her. "Here... I want you to have these." He said a little awkwardly. "I uh...noticed you were running low on food, sorry for peaking around." He said as he was zipping his bag up again.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by alexfangtalon
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Alex really didn't understand why Clara was climbing to the top of the van until Haru told him. Still didn't think it was necessary but OK. After leaving the school they only drove a few minutes. The main issue of leaving so late in the day. With the sun down they couldn't go anywhere because Ollie forgot to check if the van's headlights were working. Alex could have done it, but he didn't. He told the other to to get some rest because he was planning on moving at sunup.

Alex didn't actually go to sleep though. He had gotten use to going on a low amount of sleep. Actually it was more like he forced his body to rather than got use to it. It was one of the ways he trained at night when within the school. Anytime he almost feel asleep he would leave his room and run a lap through the halls and smack himself in the face with a wet rag. He doesn't think anyone knows about it, but he can't be to sure.

Anyway to occupy his time he searched the van and found a random book under one of the seats. He eyed it and then checked to make sure his team was sleeping. He really didn't desire them knowing he had discovered a sappy romance novel let alone he had started reading it. He grabbed his lighter from his bookbag and would switch from reading the book to scoping the area. Only twice during the night did a walker show up. He dispatched each of them with his new knife. No need to get the katana bloody. Other than that and his enjoyment of the book nothing really happened that night.


Just before the sun started coming up Haru was moving around and waking. Alex quickly hid the book back where he found it before the boy completely woke up. Alex returned to his position and watched the horizon for one of two things. Survivors or the horde. Haru had fully gotten up know and went to wake Clara. Next thing Alex knew Haru was on his back right beside him. "My opinion. If love hurts, either don't do it or get some padding. Cause the way I see it, your gonna be hurtin' a lot."

"Sure. Let's eat."
Putting the rifle aside and taking the Kit-Kat without even caring why or how they had candy he savored the taste. He hadn't had chocolate in a long time. Maybe about ten months. He always gave the treats to Sadie or Micky but seeing as they weren't there he indulged in the snack. "To answer your question, Clara, I'm just watching the landscape. Main reason we out here is to help survivors from Dana Point. Gotta make sure they ain't hostile but also can't let 'em die. It'd also be nice to figure out about how big the horde was when it hit them."

Alex jerked his head slightly to the van as if to say, "Let's move." But as he started moving to the driver's side all three of thier walkies sparked to life, "Huh, that's wier-" Alex's voice was cut off by that of a little girl. A Dana Point survivor? Alex quickly grabbed his walkie and spoke through it, "Hello. Camyllia. Don't be scared. This is Alex. I am a member of a group of survivors at San Clemente. We are looking for Dana Point survivors. Is it true a Walker horde hit yal?" Looking back to Haru and Clara, "Alright. This could be a survivor. Let's hope she is telling the truth and that we can help her."
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