Elizabeth, Bobby, Emiliano
As Liz left to go upstairs Bobby's sour face grew even more...sour. He shuffled over to Emiliano and dropped his breakfast on the counter.
"Ey, Emiliano. Yer cut off, pay up and get out. " He said in a pissed tone.
"Hey watch the food Bobby.", Emiliano said before looking up in shock at Bobby,
"Wha- Cut off?! What for? I'm never belligerent or anything!", he stared at Bobby in disbelief, "I always pay, I'm pleasant, and... and... what the hell Bobby?!"He placed both hands on the counter top and leaned in real close. His eyes narrowing so thin that it looked like he was trying to get a REAL close look at Emiliano's shocked face.
"Wot are ye doin spouting off Digards personal business. Just because ye want to cosy up next to a woman? That type of talk can turn all of their Allies into enemy's. Making them have to look out for both witches and other hunters who don't take me at my word."Emiliano's jaw hung open as Bobby said why he was cut off,
"I don't... Elizabeth isn't... who said I wanted to... ok look, I wasn't telling her because I want to 'cozy up' to her Bobby! I was just informing my fellow hunter of what she missed last night! BEsides I... felt she needed to know who we were working with... she is a discreet hunter Bobby... and how would that make me any enemies? I'm not just gonna spout it out to whoever I see!", he replied indignantly... he really didn't want to get his booze elsewhere.
Bobby growled. Reaching out and grabbing Emiliano by the collar of his shirt, pulling him up from his seat on the stool and halfway over the bar. Surprisingly strong for an old guy.
"Ya know Emiliano... Ye might be lacking a brain unlike yer father, If he knew a secret as big as this, he wouldn't tell a soul. THINK Emiliano. I've been up to me beard in trying to make sure the other hunters wont peep a word about this. Also don't tell me what kind of hunter Liz is. I know. But this secret is not yer's to tell." He shook his head,
"I didn't mean enemy's for yuu Emiliano....I mean't Enemy's FOR THE DIGARDS. Hunters, who don't know better, hear that they have werewolf blood in them? They will hunt them down and turn towns and cities against them. They wont listen to reason, or even see the facts that those boys are trying to protect them. They hear Werewolf and they freak out. " Emiliano was startled by Bobby's strength and speed, and had to try not to yelp as he was yanked up and out of his seat. He listened closely to Bobby, and gulped loudly,
"I... uhm yea right sorry uh, won't happen again Bobby sir I swear. I'll keep my trap shut and... deny everything ok? I wasn't thinking!... and uh... could you not cut off my booze please?"Bobby growled, but he was satisfied. He pushed him back into his seat, letting his shirt go as he stood up straight.
"Yer done for the day then. But if ye make a mess out of this again, Ill make sure of it that yer biggest problem is not worrin about yer Booze flow." He said in a threatening tone before turning around and grumbling under his breath as he shuffled away.
After Flint left, Elizabeth stood still for a few moments, taking it all in. She had enjoyed their brief chat, and hoped they would continue talking in the future. With a shrug, she started towards the door. She had to go to the market, and pick up the fruit, and she had about twenty minutes to do it. She picked up her pace, and soon found herself at the door.
Bobby had just walked out from the kitchen when he saw Liz about to leave. In a gruff voice he called to her.
"Oi! Liz! Hold on one moment 'ere." He limped around the bar and motioned her to come closer to him. Once she did he said in an angry voice.
"Lassy, I don't know what crawled up Emiliano's arse, But don't listen to the lies he's been spreading about the Digards being werewolves. I know those boys like they are like my own sons... They're not bloody monsters." Elizabeth was only slightly surprised by Bobby's tone, she had seen him mad more than once before. This was slightly different though, it wasn't a scolding for doing something wrong, it was him telling her that Emilaino was lying.
"So, where did he get it from then? You were fighting werewolves last night, and I know he isn't totally out of it when he's drunk. Are you suggesting that he's lying?" Her own tone had a slight bite to it, she stared Bobby down, and crossed her eyes.
"If he is lying, what's the truth?"Bobby snorted,
"He could have just said it to warn you off from Flint." He didn't like to lie to Liz, but the Digard Secret was not one he was in a position to tell who he trusted. That was their right, even to Liz who was like a niece to him. He sighed,
"Men say stupid things to impress women." "Bobby, whether or not Emiliano is lying doesn't matter. I only took it with a grain of salt, you saw my reaction. If he is lying, fine, I'll be upset. If he isn't, I'm not going to go around killing anyone. I promise I won't talk about it to any other hunter, because I don't spread lies, and I'll keep Emiliano in check." Elizabeth turned and started to walk away, but then, she turned back. With a frown on her face, and a shift in tone, she confronted Bobby.
"I just want you to know, you're my family. And if I find out anything that confirms what Emiliano said, I'll direct all my anger at you. Have a nice day Bobby, I'll be home later."