As Liz exited the back room, she walked lazily behind the bar and crouched, looking for the good stuff. There were multiple liquors, in a wide variety of colors ranging from clear to a dark amber that was almost black. She was going to hate herself later, but for now she wanted to take pity on herself for who knows what.
She looked around, and grabbed some rum, vodka, and a bit more gin. Loading the three bottles into her arms, she grabbed a glass and carried the handle between her teeth. She carefully walked back up the stairs, and into the room she called home. Setting the bottles down, she started to pace the room, going in wide arcs around the bottles as if they were some dangerous material she could not touch.
She thought about why she was doing this to herself, and grabbing a pad of paper, she started to write:
Liz, you're probably too incoherent to read this, but here's why you've decided to go too far. One, you almost got raped on a date with the guy you thought was your only friend here. Two, you know the others are hiding something from you, and they won't tell you what. Three, you're upset and you think this is the only way to fix things. Have fun~ your sensible self. After she finished the note, she crumbled it up and threw it onto her vanity. There was nothing else for her to do, but drink.
She started out by pouring herself small drinks, that hardly took up the bottom of the glass. The alcohol coursed through her veins, lighting them in fire. She was used to this feeling, so it gave her a sort of comfort. She also realized that being used to it wasn't a very good thing. She didn't want to think, or realize, or even process anything. So after that, she started to fill her glass to the brim. She chugged every last drop, until, through her blurred vision she saw the bottle was only dripping. She put it up to her eye, and looked into the empty bottle. With a groan, she tossed the bottle across the room, enjoying the sound of it shattering against the door frame.
(note: someone could hear her and come to investigate.)
She moved onto the next bottle, her senses so muddled she could hardly tell what it was. Instead of bothering with the mug, she simply chugged straight from the bottle. Again, she threw it against the nearest wall, and she continued to repeat the process until her supply ran out. She wanted to get more, but wasn't sure she could. She fumbled as she tried to get up, gripping the bed for support. Her brain was pounding against her skull, and her stomach was doing flips. All sure signs that she should stop, but whenever she gathered enough strength to stop falling, the first thing she did was head out the door. Her bare feet were cut by the glass she had shattered there, but she didn't seem to notice in her stupor.
She walked along the wall for support, and grabbed the railing with both hands at the stairs. As she made it to the last step, she yelped with glee at her achievement. She looked around, making sure Bobby wasn't there (note: if he is there he would see her or she would flee to her room) as soon as she knew the room was clear, she loudly crept back up to the counter. Her liver was probably screaming at her to stop, but she was too far gone for that. She grabbed a random bottle, it really didn't matter at that point, and started on the way back upstairs. She passed the back room, and gave it an empty stare. She reached for the handle of the door, but when she looked down at her bottle, she retrieved it.
When she got back up to her room, she stumbled inside, shut the door behind her, and fell lazily on the bed. She almost immediately got into a fetal position, and started to drain the bottle. Whenever she would start thinking again, she pounded her head against the pillow. She must have looked like such a miserable wreck at that point. Her hair was too tight and it made her head ache even more, so she aggressively tore apart the braid. Her clothes squeezed against her stomach, and that made her want to vomit, so with a shaking hand she took off some of the layers underneath her outermost clothing. Her feet were also bleeding steadily, and they throbbed which only added to her overall annoyance. She moaned in pain, but continued to suckle the bottle like a small child.
Bobby and Fenros were busy, talking about their ‘friends’ that had paid both of them a visit outside and away from the bar, so they were not there to catch Elizabeth in her drunken stupor. However, Sophie did… sort of. She heard the noise outside in the bar, and only expected it to be Bobby, as he was often loud while walking around. She waited for him to come to the kitchen, but he didn’t come back. She thought it was weird...for a moment, only hearing the noise again and this time going away from the kitchen and upstairs.
She wiped her hands on the front of her blouse and and made her way to the bar, then to stairs. She didn’t see Bobby. She then noticed bloody footprints that went down the stairs, to the bar and back up. She hurried up the stairs and followed it to Elizabeth’s room. She knocked loudly and frantically. Blood was never a good sign, “Elizabeth!?” She yelled When she didn’t receive an answer She pounded on the door, repeating herself. She would get Bobby, but she didn’t know where he was… as he had the spare keys on him. Fenros was with him…Emiliah was somewhere else as well. She didn’t know any other hunter that she trusted was near by Besides Flint.
Elizabeth heard a pounding on the other side of the door, but instead of getting up to answer, she moaned louder. She didn't want anyone seeing her like this, but she had no strength to tell them to go away.
She hurried back down the stairs and into the back room, almost tripping over Mishka as she entered, She started to shake him. “FLINT! WAKE UP!” Slapping his forehead to gain his attention more.
“Wha uh HUH OW SOPHIE!?” Flint yelled as she attacked him and his still sore head throbbed in pain. His eyes squinted as he still waking up and looked at the flustered woman. When he noticed her worry, he quickly sat up, His adrenaline kicked in. Sophie was NEVER worried. Bobby was always here. “Sophie!? What happened? What’s wrong?” His body screamed in pain but he ignored it for the moment.
“I just went up to Elizbeths room, because I found bloody foot prints leaving and entering her room! I didn’t hear anything from inside and I don’t have a spare key. Bobby is out with your brother.” She said quickly, “I need you to break it down! Ill go get my medical supplies.”
Flint was already standing up as she was speaking, same with Mishka. He didn’t even answer Sophie as he started to make his way towards the bar and upstairs, but not before grabbing his knife from his belt. He saw the bloody foots and quickly made it up the stairs, ignoring the pain in his back and head as he did. Once at her door he pounded it again. “Elizabeth?!” He called. Only waiting a few seconds for her reply.
Elizabeth was surprised to hear Flint at the other side of her door, at least she assumed it was Flint. Her head was throbbing too much for her to focus on the noise. She couldn't let him see her like that, but since she was so far gone, the best thing she could do was cover herself in her blanket. Once he came in the room, he would immediately smell the alcohol, and her jig-if you could even call it that- would be up.
Flint didn’t hear anything so he took a step back. After looking at the lock...he knew Bobby was going to be mad...but he will take care of it later. He mustered all of his strength and kicked the door right at the above the door latch. The small metal piece snapped the wood that was supposed to hold it and he took a few steps in, Immediately being bombarded with the smell of Alcohol. He shook his head as the smell was almost too strong. He saw her in the bed, covered with a blanket. His often charming demeanor was gone as he ignored the broken glass on the ground and made his way to her bed, his own feet cutting in the process. He pulled back the top of her blanket just enough to see her face. “Elizabeth?!” He asked, seeing that she was indeed awake. Then looking at the foot of her bed to see the blood soaking through the sheet. He pulled it back to see her feet bleeding. “What are you doing?” He asked concerned.
“I'm...I'm drinking myself to death, didn't I tell you that?” Elizabeth took time to think about her words, but she still slurred them and exaggerated every
s. She giggled, and patted Flint's chest. “Go away Flint! I'm busy right now.” She tightened her grip on the neck of her bottle, and went for another swig. “Who else was here? Someone else tried to come in.”
He sighed in slight irritation when she said she was drinking herself to death, while being giddy about it. She patted his chest, which was still bare besides the bandages. She then took a swig and asked who else was there. As if her mentioning it summoned her, Sophie came through the doorway. “Oh my Goodness. Liz Dear what are you doing?!” She moved to the end of the bed and grabbed her ankles, looking at the gashes on her feet.
Flint reached down and grabbed the bottle just under her hand, while he took her hand that held it in his other, slowly trying to pry it away. “Why are you drinking yourself to death?” he tried to say to get her to ignore the bottle. “Sophie was trying to get in, she was worried about you...I’m worried as well. “ His voice was gentle as he spoke, though he took this VERY seriously.
Elizabeth giggled hysterically when Sophie came in and grabbed her ankles. They felt ticklish, and very, very sore. She kept up her happy mood until she felt Flint's hand touch hers. She glanced down at it, and saw that he was trying to take away her alcohol.
With an earsplitting scream, Elizabeth started to thrash around on the bed, she kicked her feet violently to make Sophie release her, and she tore Flint's hand off of her bottle. “Don't! Don't you dare!” She said, starting to sob.
Flint winced as her scream took him off guard, it felt as if it was cracking his already sore head. Sophie tried to hold her feet but to no avail. Flint raised his hands and said, “Alright! ALRIGHT! I won't!” He said in a said in a comforting tone. As he gently touched her shoulders to calm her. “I won't take your bottle. If you stop thrashing around. Will you do that for me? Sophie needs to take care of the wounds on your feet.” He tried to look Elizabeth in the eye. Sophie how ever reached down and grabbed a cork, moving it into Flint’s other hand which was stretched out behind his back.
Elizabeth considered the compromise, and she slowly nodded, her thrashing coming to a halt. “Fine, but after that you need to leave. I don't want you here.” Her eyes started to water, and she held the bottle tight against her chest, not at all concerned about the liquid that splashed against her chest. “Why won't you just leave me alone?” her tone was somber, and her eyes started to water.
Flint sighed as he hid the cork in his hand. He noticed her starting to cry as he pulled his hand away from her shoulder. What happened today that made her like this? He cleared his throat. “Why do you want to be alone?” he asked as he shifted his position, preparing to cork the bottle after he got her attention focused on him. He reached out again and moved some of her hair out of her face, gently brushing her cheek as he did so before pulling his hand back again.
“I can't tell you that silly, it's a secret.” She giggled, but tears made red lines down her cheeks. She reached up and traced his bandages. “You all keep secrets from me, so why can't I have some of my own?”
He gave a smile as she said it was a secret, trying to show that he was being playful as well. He was going to say that he is a good secret keeper, but when she stated that fact his eyes opened wide. Looking back at Sophie who heard that as well, as she took a pause in cleaning her feet.
He looked back as she was still tracing his bandages. He reached up and took her hand gently into his and said very gently as if talking to a child. “Well we all have different kinds of secrets. Some are dangerous...some we are not proud of. “ he looked at her for a moment and decided to ask. “Why do you think we are keeping secrets from you? Is that why you are upset?”
Elizabeth considered his words, taking extra time to process everything he said. She felt like such a child, not understanding his words fully. She stopped tracing his bandages and looked away, avoiding his eyes entirely. “You don't know the half of it Flint, and you'll never know it. Not until you tell me the truth.”
Flint took the opportunity while she looked away, with his right hand under his left arm to cork the bottle. He managed to do it while shifting in his spot so it didn’t look so awkward. He managed to get it on and squeezed it as hard as he could without breaking it. Then pulled away before she would notice.
Part of Elizabeth knew her threat would never work, but she didn't stop trying. “I'll stay like this, never without a bottle. So you can leave now, or tell me the truth. It's your choice.” she bit her lip, and went to take another long drink. Unfortunately for her, the bottle was corked. “Why are you doing this to me? Why do you hate me!” she screamed, as she pulled desperately at the cork.
He narrowed his eyes as she spoke. Until he told her the truth? What truth? She started to pull at the cork and scream again, he then tried to sell her on a story. “LIZ I DONT HATE YOU! YOU put the cork on yourself!” He tried to confuse her on the point, often drunks were very easy to fool into thinking they did things without them knowing. He then said, “What truth? What do you think I’m hiding from you? Ill tell you I promise.”
Sophie looked up worried that he just promised to tell her a truth...even she didn’t know what she was talking about, but with the big secret that had come up this last few days...she had an idea. “Flint…”
He ignored Sophie and continued to talk. “I have secrets from when I was just a are going to have to be specific when you tell me which truth you want me to say. PLEASE… calm down.”
Elizabeth momentarily forgot about the corked bottle, in fact, she loosened her grip on it. She was much more interested by the fact that Flint had just promised to tell her the truth. This made her sober up just a bit, and she calmly say up in the bed. “Okay, I'll ask you when Sophie leaves. Three's a crowd, as they say.”
Elizabeth glanced at Sophie, and smiled. She was excited by Flint's promise, until a sudden realization struck. “Wait, do you even know your own secret? Because I'm not talking about your boyhood at all.” She furrowed her brow, now slightly concerned. Did they not bother to tell him about the werewolf lineage he may possess?
Flint looked back to Sophie with please written on his face. While she did not looked pleased at all she was told to leave. But she said, “Well I’m done here anyway…” SHe said while standing up and gathering the blood soaked rags.
He then looked back to her when she grew confused, it was kinda cute and funny, as he smirked at her. But it quickly went away as he then sat up and gripped the bottle, slowly trying to pull it away. “How do I know I know a secret that you think I know of, with out telling me what the secret is?” He said with a smile...trying to confuse her a little. Before saying. What did you want to know? One secret though.”
Elizabeth let him take away her bottle, as she tried to understand his confusing words. What was he trying to say? One secret, was all she could understand. “I want to keep my end of the deal. I want to be clear headed when I ask you, not drunk out of my mind.” She scooted closer to him, and rested her head on his shoulder. “Flint, today...wait...yesterday right? Yesterday was a rough day, for both of us. You got it worse though.” She closed her eyes, not because she was tired, but because she was trying to think straight.
Flint raised an eyebrow as she sat up and scooted closer to him. He was surprised when she rested her head on his shoulder. The smell of alcohol strong on her breath. He didn’t pull away though… kinda felt odd though sitting half naked, on a bed...with a woman.
He looked at her, their face mere inches apart. “Yeah… it was a rough day for me you can say. But what happened to you Liz? I thought it was just boring…” He asked, hoping maybe she would open up first before he had to reveal a secret.
Elizabeth opened her eyes to find their faces mere inches apart. She could have kissed him, if she had wanted to. However, she was more than done when it came to boy drama. She raised her hand and pointed wearily at her vanity. “There, the wad of paper.” she said, her voice low and sad. She put her head into her hands, to protect herself from his gaze. “You know, I'm almost certain the promise you made means nothing to you, and everything to me.”
He raised his eyebrow as he looked over to the vanity. She lifted her head from his shoulder, and he took that opportunity to stand up, taking the bottle with him. His feet stung as the glass he stepped on earlier sank deeper into his feet. He didn’t care though as he moved over and grabbed the piece of paper. He looked back to her as he made his way back and uncrumpled the paper. “Yeah?” He asked as he started to read it. He paused...looking up to her after he read the first line.
“Elizabeth…” he said as he saw, how this all made perfect sense. “Who did it? Was it Emiliano?” He said gritting his teeth.
Elizabeth stayed silent for a few thoughtful moments, and she looked up at Flint with fresh tears welling up in her eyes. “I...we kissed and he tried to...he tried to…” she couldn't finish the sentence, not while looking at him. So she tucked her head back into her hands and took a deep breath. “He thought I wanted it, I didn't. Don't be upset. Keep reading.” She shook, feeling miserable.
Flint sat down on the edge of the bed. He wanted to reach out and comfort her, but he doubted that would be the best choice. He was silent, mostly because he was fuming. He will find Emiliano later and teach him how to treat a woman with respect. But he was also surprised when she said that she thought she wanted it...That hit him a little hard. But he pushed the thought away… as she did come visit him, but still.
He looked at the paper again. He looked up to her. “Who is hiding things from you? Bobby? Sophie?” He didn’t know who she meant, as he touched her hand.
Elizabeth interlocked her fingers with his, and squeezed tight. She felt relieved that he wasn't totally outraged. “You're all hiding things from me, even you Flint. I just don't think you know what it is yet. That's not my news to share, but when you figure it out, I want you to know that I won't think of you any different.” she smiled at him, her head finally feeling clear.
“For now, tell me any secret you want to share. I could care less about what it is, I just want you to stay and talk to me. If that's okay with you.” Elizabeth smirked playfully, and squeezed his hand once more. “I feel better now, thank you.”
Flint looked down at their hands as she squeezed tight, after interlocking fingers. She then said he was hiding things from her. WHen she didn’t say what it was he wanted to grunt. He wasn’t a freaking mind reader.
She then asked to tell her any secret. Which he drew up on a blank. He tried to think of what he could say. Obviously the major secret was that he was part werewolf…. The fact that maybe he would be getting to know Liz a little more...looking at their hands, and she already saw him getting better…. With in a day. She might be wondering what is going on with him. Also the fact that she said she wouldn’t think of him any different. He looked away… not feeling that any secret that he said wouldn’t be good his mind started focusing on his curse.
He looked to her again. “I don’t say this to anyone… it is something that could get me killed.” He looked down at his chest, with his bandages. It will be hard to explain all this tomorrow when her head was fully cleared. The nearly dead man kicking down her door like a perfectly healthy one.
Elizabeth's heart started to pound a little faster as she realized he would actually tell her a secret, she smiled until his face turned serious, and she followed his lead. When he looked down at his chest, she pursed her lips and used her free hand to gently lift his chin, turning his head to face her. “Flint, you can tell me. I would never judge you, I couldn't do it if I tried. You've seen me at my worst, and if you make it confusing enough, I'm sure I won't remember it in the morning.”
Elizabeth smiled, hoping to comfort him enough so he would tell her. She wanted to know what it was, but she didn't want to force it out of him. He was too kind to push. “It's okay Flint, I promise.”
Flint looked to her He took a breath as she explained why he need not worry. He wondered why he was going to reveal this secret, he felt impressed to do so...which was strange, he’s never had it before. He decided to go with it...besides he promised to tell her a secret… and even if she said he could make it confusing, that would be going back on his promise.
“This cannot be told to anyone...It will effect my family.” He hesitated. He then said. “My father, and all my grand fathers in the Digard side, up to six generations were part werewolves...including me. “ he said looking at her hesitantly.
For a brief moment, Elizabeth was filled with glee. She wanted to jump around the room shouting about how she had known it all along. Then she cleared her throat, and whisked away all thoughts of excitement. “Well, as surprised as you may be about this, I already knew. Emiliano was drunk and he let it slip.”
Wondering what his reaction would be to that, Elizabeth started to fidget with her tangled hair. “I'm glad I got to hear it from you though, and I'm extremely happy that you decided to tell me at all.” with that, she bravely wrapped her arms around him in a loose hug, she stayed there For a few moments, wondering what he would do.
Flint pulled back slightly when she said she already knew. Emiliano told her? Ohhh he was dead. Telling his secret, and even trying to get frisky with her. He was about to stand up though and find him when Elizabeth started to talk again. Telling him that she was glad he told her. He was surprised that she didn’t care. Many people ran for the hills if anyone was just a hint of evil in them.
She then wrapped her arms around him, which caused him to blush slightly, not expecting this. He then wrapped his arms around her as well loosely. “Wait….was this the secret you were thinking of then?” Slightly confused
Elizabeth sighed, breathing in his scent. She rested her head against his chest and was surprised at how warm she felt. She thought of all the things that had happened to her that lead her to this moment, and she was grateful for once. She wanted to stay in this moment forever, and if that wasn't possible, she would savor it as long as she could.
“Yeah, I was being silly and I thought you didn't know.” She laughed, and it was anything but empty. She glanced up to Flint and stared, unsure of whether or not she should smile, or smirk. “Someday I'll find out about those childhood secrets though, I'm a pretty good detective.”
He shook his head, A smile on his face. “ OK?” As she gave a heartfelt laugh. “I of course I knew...but didn’t know that you did. Obviously….” She mentioned finding out his childhood secrets. “Well see about that” he said as he sat there, not wanting to leave….wanting to make sure she was fine before he would find Emiliano. “I’m sorry what happened to you Liz…. Just know that I will always be here to help you. Don’t do this again...if you need to talk, talk to me.” He said more seriously but he gave a small smile to show he wasn’t mad at her.
Elizabeth realized he was trying to find a cue to go, giving him one final squeeze, she let go of him. “Don't feel sorry for me, I already have enough self pity to light a city's worth of hearths.” she wasn't sure if that made sense, but she said it anyways. She looked around her room and grimaced, it was in tatters. She didn't want to stay here. “Can I...can I take your room tonight? This place is a total war zone.” she put her hands together in a pleading motion.
Flint narrowed his eyes and shook his head, “I-i-i Didn’t mean to feel sorry for’s just that these things piss me off. I’m going to talk to Emiliano after this...about a few things.” He then looked around the room to see her handy work. “Well I was going to offer my room anyways… You can’t sleep in here with the busted door anyways.” He casually pulled the glass from his feet while looking to around. He then stood up and turned to the glass all over the floor, He then looked to her. “Please…. Let me carry you over this I don’t want you to get hurt again.”
Elizabeth was overjoyed when he offered up his room. She would have to spend a while cleaning this place up before it was back to its original state, and she was far too tired for that. She pulled herself up, finding it easier to stand than it had been before. She yawned, sleep finally starting to overcome her. She wished she could stay and chat with him in the back room, but she was sure she could find time for that later today.
When he offered to carry her over the glass her cheeks went red. She wanted to accept his offer, but he was far more injured than her, and she didn't want to make it worse. “Oh no, you really must not.” She said quickly, in a lame attempt at charm. “I would be honored if you could lead me to your room though.” She said, walking up to him and giving him her hand.
He wouldn’t take no for an answer, as she took his hand he used his other hand to sweep her off her feet. Grunting inwardly on the strain on his back muscles. He then smiled “I must insist.” he started to move to the door, slowly as to not cut up his feet again, as they slowly started to heal. Once outside into the hall he moved to his room, pushing the door open with his hip and setting her down on the bed, so she didn’t have to stand on wounded feet.
“Ill let you get some sleep Liz.” He said with a smile as he pulled the blanket out enough so she can slip under the covers.
Elizabeth yelped in surprise as he swept her off her feet. She wrapped her arms around his neck for support, and smiled giddily. When he opened his door to her and brought her to his bed, she felt the drowsiness that started to creep up on her. With a yawn and a stretch she buried herself beneath the covers, and waved at Flint before he left.
“Goodbye, wolf-boy. Don't get yourself into trouble.” As soon as he left, Elizabeth curled up into an eager ball, and fell asleep.