Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shagranoz


Member Seen 4 mos ago

[sub] A collab feat. @Meiyuki and @Ellion[


Phagora rubbed the sleep from her eyes as she awoke. It was too early by far for such things, but she knew that once she got up, there was no falling back asleep. Irontooth was at her side as always, and the witch fed him from her hand. "Really? Beef jerky again? Couldn't you get me some nice pork or something, just once?"

"Be glad you've got that. My pack's almost empty." She'd have to go hunting tomorrow, like it or not.

"We've packed plenty of supplies of yours need supplemented." Lorelai made her way towards Phagora, she'd been up an hour or so already preparing pacts. "Come join me at the fire, I've got some stew on."

The hardest thing about adopting the 'witchy' life style, was their obession with the night. Having always been a morning person, Taran struggled with the late nights. However the road had made things...adjust more towards his likings. Even if he did still get up earlier than the typical witch. It was nice, because that gave him a chance to practice without other people always around.

However, sometimes fire can be very dangerious to others. While he was great at creating them, stopping them was still a little bit more difficult. Which lead to him seeking Lorelai out by the fire, wrapped in a towel. "Hey...um Mistress Lorelai, can I ask...you a favor?" He then saw Phagora approaching. "Um, morning...Phagora," he said, waving with his free hand.

The stew smelled delicious, and Phagora knew good cooking when she smelled it, thanks to her blood. "You're an excellent cook, Mistress. Not as good as I, but I do have certain advantages in that regard." She smiled at Taran. Hopefully, he'd learned to be a little more tactful since last night. "Hello, Taran. Mind if I ask you two where we're journeying to? I have no familiarity with these lands."

"We're traveling to Caslte Ruvina, home of the dreaded Reyna Ruvina, matriarch of her bloodline. We've need of some information from their scriptorium." Lorelai slowly stirred the pot of stew. "Good to know Phagora, I guess we've a new camp cook don't we?" She grinned.

Turning to Taran, as if just noticing him. "Did you need something Taran? Or are you here to assure me, one again, that you don't wish to mate with me? Never mind the fact that I already have a partner."

"I find you all weird and your customs strange, I was just making sure we had an understanding," He said shurgging. "But, no, this is different. See, Dragon seemed to think that I can light my whole body on fire. And I am pretty sure I can. Problem is...I might...burn....down the forest and I don't want to make Alexina mad...could you help me...not burn it down?"

"We can work on that later, yes." Lorelai said intrigued.

"Castle Ruvina for some research, hmm? What did you stumble upon that you couldn't solve by calling something up from the abyss?" Phagora was intrigued. She and her mother had always been solitary creatures. They rarely interacted with other witches, and when they did, the results usually left blood and fire scattered all over the ground. "Is-is it hunters?"

"Vampires actually." Lorelai offered controll of the cooking over to Phagora, laying out the seasonings she had brought for the witch to use as she saw fit, she took a seat near the fire with a small groan. "The 'Ruvins'. Evidently an ancient house of vampires that spawned the Ruvina legacy, or so they claim. What I do know is that their regeneration cannot be surpressed by any means available to me, and there are a great deal of horrific means available in the inferno and abyss alike. So here we are."

She turns to Taran a moment. "You're going to light your entire body on fire? And you think you'll live?"

"I mean, I was able to set my hands on fire and not feel anything. I tried sticking my leg in the fire and it didn't burn," He shurgged. "I mean, how much more fire-proof can you get?" He almost sat down near Lorelai, but seemed to change his mind halfway through. "The only problem I do see is that...well, my clothing isn't....as fireproof as myself, hence the towel," He said, gesturing to his lack of outfit.

"Imp skin, completely fireproof. I'll work an outfit up, and figure some small way for you to repay me later. Actually this trip is enough, consider it a gift then." She stated simply, favoring the boy with a smile.

"Really?" he asked, looking at Lorelai, his face lit up with excitement. "Thank you so much Mistress," he said. "And it is okay, I'll still give you a favor for a gift as grand as that," He didn't know what an 'imp' was, but if he hadn't ever seen one, they were probably rare.

Phagora ladled through the stew, seeing what was in it. Thyme and tarragon would do nicely as additions, so she put some in. "Vampires. There are a few in the southlands, but my mother and I made alliance with them. We kept to the plains, they hunted the mountains, and everyone was happy." A whisper of wind passed through the forest. "What did you do to anger them so? Most vampires would gladly work with witches, as long as they got a few vials of magical blood. Then again, there's always the threat of them doing something to you with a connection like that."

The young woman glanced at Taran. "Fireproof, at such a young age? You have a gift for pyromancy, Taran. You could be a great witch someday."

A faint blush started to spreed across his face at Phagora's compliment. "I don't...really want to be a great witch," he said shurgging. "I mostly here to stop accidently setting thing on fire, everything else is just bonus. And you...what is it that you do Miss? If you don't mind me asking,"

"Oh, ho! I could show you, but I need a sacrifice first." She turned to Lorelai. "I doubt you brought along any human thralls, but you must have some sort of animals you keep for ritual purposes." As she said this, she started drawing sigils in the dirt. Anyone with a knowledge of runecraft would know what they were for: trapping spiritual essence and preventing it from escaping.

"Sousiel, bring around a goat would you." Sousiel, who'd been a cat took on her human shaped and went to the supply carriage. "Trapping spirituial essence hmm? I presume you mean to consume it, given your heritage. This will be interesting."

Sousiel appeared again shortly, trailing behind her was a sizable ram. Lorelai turned to Phagora. "Will this do?"

"Indeed. That will do quite nicely." Phagora led her victim to the center of the circle, careful to keep it from stepping on any of her designs. She pulled out her ritual knife and wordlessly slit the ram's throat. As the beast bled out, two things happened. First, a blue cloud eminated from the creature's mouth. This was the ram's soul, and yes, animals do have them. The second was a silver dome appearing over the circle ,effectively sealing the ram's soul in. What happened next was... disturbing.

Phagora's jaw distended. First six inches, then a foot, then more, until her gaping maw reached down to her waist. With a single, gargantuan chomp, she ate the ram's entire soul. then her mouth quickly returned to normal, as if nothing had ever happened. "So. That's that. What do you think?"

Taran had never seen anything...quite like that. Well, nothing even close. There had been a moment there, that he almost bolted for the woods, away from the sight of Phagora's impossibly extended mouth. It was a thing of nighmares. Taran had his hand half-way to his chest to cross himself by the time that Phagora looked back at them. Dropping his hand, he struggled to find words to describe what he was thinking. "Well," he said, pausing to cough, trying to bring more sound to his voice. "I've....I've never seen....anything ....like it," He now shifted awakwardly on his heels, eyes glancing towards Lorelai, ready to bolt if she gave a sign that this was a bad place to be.

"Ah, so you truly are half demon!" Lorelai's eyes twinkled, pleased at the sight. "I've seen similar, but only in your...cousins? Gluttony demons."

"In what way does it empower you though? I can't imagine it's as flexible as the Ruvina sacrifice, but likely longer reaching?" She set a reassuring hand on Taran's shoulder, and gave him a small smile.

"True, it only has one benefit, but quite a significant one." Phagora looked around, trying to find something to demonstrate her newfound strength. Finally, she saw a large boulder. Phagora estimated its weight at about 400 pounds. That was perfect. She calmly hefted the massive rock above her head, then threw it in a direction where there was thankfully nobody present. It sailed about seven or eight feet before landing with a massive crash. "I'll be this strong for about twelve hours or so, then it will slowly taper off. And I do consider those demons my brothers and sisters, Mistress Lorelai. Just for the record."

Phagora grinned at Taran. "Don't worry. Humans do make the best meal, and hunters best of all, but I'd never devour a member of my own coven. I have too much respect for the siblinghood for that."

Lorelai's reasurance did little to calm him, but it did make resisting the urge to bolt a little less difficult. "You know...I had siblings, three sisters," he said, glancing at the rock a ways off. "One of them chucked a rock at my head because she thought I took her doll and that....is a very big rock," He frowned. " But if not...taking stuff from you keeps that rock far away and joining you in silblinghood keeps my soul right here with me, I do it freely,"

"You'll be a welcome addition." Lorelai grinned, with a small groan she stood. "I've my own preparations for this evening's activities to see to, and unfortunately little to work with. Taran, find Alphonse when he wakes, you'll be working together."

"As for you Phagora, I recommend you check in with Alexina, and see how she suggests you apply your strength." She began walking into the woods, Sousiel in tow. "I'll be back later tonight."

Alexina? Phagora searched her memories to recall who that was, before remembering that she was the shapeshifter she met earlier. She walked off towards the watchpost, wondering what the other witch would have her do.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
Avatar of Aerandir

Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Flint, Elizabeth and Emiliah, Angharad and Grethu

collab with @Ellion@Sunsetroses
Flint's lucky day

Flint looked over to Emilianno as he made a comment about speaking in English. He narrowed his eyes a little, yeah he got distracted but he was speaking to Liz first, But before he was able to say anything Liz spoke up, answering his question. She then asked if he was ok about the discovery. He didn't know what she was talking about, as he didn't hear Emiliano say the first time that his family had werewolf blood. He looked slightly confused for a moment, trying to figure out what she meant. He opened his mouth to ask what it was when she then said

"You should go catch up with whatever her name was, she's probably waiting." with another quick smile, she gave her attention to Emiliano entirely.

Raisng a finger as she turned around his words were caught in his mouth. He was going to say he still had about thirty minutes to get ready. But her attention was now focused on the Italian.

He stood up and scratched his head, Um. OOOOOoOK.... He turned to the counter that now had the food on it, Taking out a few coins he tossed them onto the counter, enough to pay for the three meals that were just served up. He didn't want to bother with the change, and the fact that Sophie HATED wasted food.

As he walked away he caught Liz Saying to Emiliano, "You know he could hear you right? It's not polite to call people womanizers, especially when they just faced a stressful situation."

There it was again, stressful situation. Did she mean dealing with Emiliah's family? It wasn't THAT stressful. If he had heard him saying he was part werewolf, he would have fought him.

Sighing as he was a little bummed right now, he made his way back up to his room to grab his gear. Once in his room, he quickly strapped on his armor and threw his cloak over his shoulders and clipped the brooch. After shifting a bit he strapped his quiver on and grabbed his longbow, quickly strung the bow with ease, years of practice made it so.

He walked from his room, shutting his door behind him gently.

Elizabeth walked out of her room, and noticed Flint in the halls. She was now dressed in a peasant blouse, that was tucked into some trousers. Her braid was done a bit tighter, and she looked a bit more ready for the day. She had nowhere else to go, so she walked straight up to Flint. "Hello Flint, sorry I...brushed you off back at the bar. I hope you didn't take it the wrong way, it's just that Emiliano was drunk and I didn't want you two to fight." She smiled comfortingly, and bit her lip. "So...are you heading out?"

Flint suddenly stopped at seeing Elizabeth walking straight up to him. He gave a quick smile as she began to speak. He scratched the back of his head, he was really put out by it... but it wasn't exactly fair as he kinda was rude for talking to Emiliah when he could have easily had ignored her. She then mentioned she did it Because of Emiliano was drunk and she didn't want them to fight. Oh great what DID he say? He would have to speak to him later.

She then asked if he was heading out and finally spoke, "Uh yeah, I promised Emiliah to help, and I'm a man of my word. " He said with a smile, "You know what. Don't worry about it before, I'm a big boy. I've had guys call me much worse than womanizer and let them walk away without a bloody lip." He obviously didn't hear him taking about his werewolf blood.

"Well, Emiliano is a nice guy once you get to know him. He was one of my first friends here, so I suppose I'm just used to him. I'll make sure he stays out of your face, though. Neither of you need to end up getting hurt, we're supposed to be a team." She held out a hand, so he could shake it. She didn't really no why she did this though, other than to form a sort of truce. "Well, we should both be on our ways then. Mind walking me to the door?." After they shook hands, Elizabeth gave him a friendly wink as if they had just exchanged secrets. She then stepped alongside him, and waited so see if he would walk her to the door.

He raised an eyebrow when she offered to keep him out of his face. As much as he appreciated the offer he didn't like the fact that someone was 'taking care' of his issues. He was always taken care of by his mother because he was the 'runt' of the litter. Growing up he fiercely always tried to prove that he could take care of himself. Despite him saying he would take care of himself, she then offered a hand for some reason....UuuuuuuHG The dreaded handshake from a woman. The clear NOT interested. He bit his pride and took her hand with a crooked half smile.

She asked if he could walk her to the door, and gave him a wink as well. Flint was full blown confused now. What a handshake then a wink?! What the HELL WOMAN. But she did ask him to walk him to the door, she even stepped beside him as if waiting. He quickly offered his arm in a gentlemanly way, "Je serais honoré Miss Elizabeth ."perhaps maybe he still had a chance. She did dress in common clothes, pants and shirt... girls who did so were often the confusing ones.

He then remembered when she asked if he was alright, and he asked, "I must ask, as I was a bit confused. Why did you ask if I was OK?"
Elizabeth giggled as he offered her his arm. She gladly took it, and started to walk alongside him. "Oh, yes. Back at the bar, I did say that didn't I? Well I said it because of all the things that had happened last night, with the werewolves. I was wondering if you were okay, but I guess you weren't a part of the battle either. I wish we could have fought, you would be an excellent partner in action."

She did her best to act ladylike, and hoped he enjoyed her company. She skipped over the detail about him being part werewolf, because she didn't want to be the one to break the news. "So, why do you flirt with women so casually? I'm not saying I don't enjoy it, but have you ever thought of picking one and settling down? Not right now, because you're still in your prime." She picked at the lint on her shirt, and tried to hide the fact that her cheeks were red. "I'm so sorry, it must be an awkward topic."

He listened as they walked. As she mentioned that she thought that he was in the battle as well, wondering if he was alright. Strange as he was ... Well STANDING there perfectly fine. Since he only just met her, it was odd, she of course was probably being only polite. She even mentioned him probably being an excellent partner. Smiling he replied. "You are too kind Liz. But you have yet to see my skills how do you know that I am that capable? I can be a bit of a handful actually. " he said with a wink and a Misscevious smile.

She suddenly moved onto him flirting casually with women. He groaned inwardly. Thanking the drunken jealous Emiliano for probably slandering his name, even though he just met the man the night before. He sighed as he stopped suddenly. He looked at her and noted her blush on her face. She then added that she was sorry about the awkward topic. He rested his free hand on hers that was attached to his arm and looked her in the eye, his own eyes soft but serious at the same time, a small hint of a smile on his face. "I do not know what Emilano said more of me besides calling me a womanizer, but other men tend to be jealous on how comfortable I am talking with women. So I ask to please not to judge me on other peoples 'claims'." He gave a reassuring smile and continued with answering her question. "I enjoy the company of woman, their different personalities and little quirks. They are far superior than those of men who normally speak with a fowl tongue slurred by alcohol as they continually speak of Conquests of women they've 'conquered'."

He then turned and continued to the stairs as they rapidly approached. " Thanks to my father, he raised me to respect women for who they are, not as an object for possession as many men see them as today. I see all women as great works of art, as they are the final creation of our God, that would mean all women..." He winked at her. "... especially yourself, masterpieces." He smiled as they reached the stairs as waited to see if she would walk down on her own or take his hand as many women of class did. And he felt that she was one, as her posture and wording seemed to hint towards it. "Is it such a horrible thing if I only wish to enjoy all of Gods creations for now? I will later on marry and have a family... But I've yet to meet the woman that I can see myself settling down with but in time, God always has a plan."

She was surprised by his abruptness, and her blush only deepened when he grabbed her hand. She remained speechless until he created a distance between them, but instead of attacking the topic he had just brought up, she moved on to something easier. "Ah, you're a religious man then? I believe that makes you higher than me. That's not the way you take it though, is it?" She strode over to him, and gave him a mock curtsy. "Were you raised in a high setting? You certainly do act like it." With that, she took his hand and they walked down the stairs. She wanted to take her time, but she knew she had business in town. Maybe she would have a chance to talk to him more in the future. "As for you enjoying God's creations, I don't think it's a bad thing at all. You're young, you have a whole life ahead of you, but settling down now would just be a waste. What if you die in battle? Your wife would be all by her lonesome, and if I married, my husband would be as well. I just don't know if I'm ready for that sort of commitment. Do you think it's weird that I don't want to settle?"

She didn't know why she was asking his opinion, but she felt like she could open up to him. Most of her friends were boys, she realized. It was probably because of the business she was in, but another part of it was that boys were just so much simpler. They didn't judge you on whatever you said. So, feeling a bit brave, she decided to talk to him about what had made her so nervous just moments before. "Flint, before we part, I just wanted to tell you a few things. One, my opinion of you will never change because of something my friends say. I'm my own woman, and I have my own thoughts. Two, I'm sure you're very capable on the battlefield, so don't start with me on that. If anything, I'm the one that isn't capable. And three...well there is no three." She giggled, and carried on to the bottom of the stairs.

He shook his head, "I am religious, But I am not higher, we are all Sons and daughters of our Father in heaven." He said simply to her, when she gave a mock curtsy He smiled, answering her question "I am of humble birth, grew up in a small farm home that was just large enough for us. Spent night's under the stars more than I have under a roof, my mother did teach me...and only me really, my brothers didn't see the benefits in learning it. "

She then jumped back to the topic of marriage... He smiled and shook his head, "Perhaps to most people...But I do not. If you were ready for a commitment we possibly wouldn't be having this lovely conversation now would we? As I'm sure droves of men wish for your hand in marriage." He gave her a wink before she stopped on the stairs, looking to him. He raised an eyebrow as she explained her opinion of him will not change, that she was sure he was very capable on the battlefield, and that she would be the one incapable. She giggled after admitting no third item. He only smiled at her as they reached the bottom of the stairs. "I doubt that you are incapable...as you are still here. You must be to survive in this world." He glanced around quickly for Emiliano, in hoping he would see him with Liz once more. He pulled it off as a casual glance around. But he was interrupted as Mishka padded up to him happily, her tail wagging. Having managed to gain access to the bar again from a parting customer. She was licking her chops as she looked at him, more so than usual. He smiled. "Sophie fed you didn't she?" He asked Mishka, to Liz she would only notice her tail wagging more. To Flint he heard in his head, Yes she did! Left over chicken.

He smiled and looked back to Liz, "I must say I am horribly sad to say this, but I must depart if I am to make it in time to meet up with Emiliah for her hunt." He bent down in a bow, his right arm covering his chest. He then said, "Do enjoy your day...I hope we meet again. "

Elizabeth listened to Flint as he regaled her with a story of his past. She almost laughed when he said he was humble, but instead she smiled and shook her head. Before she could cut in, his pet wolf came up to him and he asked it if Sophie had fed it. The wolf didn't reply, of course, and instead wagged its tail a bit more aggressively. He told her he had to leave, and she found herself a bit befuddled before she remembered why she had been walking in the first place. "Oh, yes! Well, I hope to see you later. Good luck, and be safe."

A troubled mind

It took him a bit to reach the meadow, as he got lost a few times along the way, ignoring the directions of his faithful wolf, Mishka. Apparently his nose was not as adept as his brothers...

He saw Emiliah standing by the pound and made his way towards her. "Sorry about that. I hope you were not waiting too long. SO! What kinda witch are we hunting." He said as he rubbed his hands together.

Mishka ignored the the two of them and wondered over to the pond, taking a drink from the cool water.

Emiliah was about to leave without him, not that he was that late, but she was eager to get going. She had a large stiff bag hanging off one shoulder, a large wind of rope around one arm and her spear hanging lightly in one hand. She jumped a little, hearing his voice. "Oh! No, not really," She looked at him, shifting the weight of the bag as she did so. "No, so, this witch, well, witches according to Bobby, have been a pain. For the longest time, I could seem to get a steady track on them. Then...well, I figured out that was because they were living in caves in the mountain," she said, gestering behind them. [color=bc8dbf] One of them works with familiars and I am not sure what the other one does, nothing too...difficult, otherwise there would be signs of it. So, ready to go climbing?" She asked, pointing towards a waterfall at the far side of the pond.

Flint chuckled to himself when she jumped a little. After she explained the situation he grimaced slightly, He didn't like going in with out all the information... but he had done it before. He scratched his head and raised his hand as he was about ask a question, "How do you know they are in....THAT cave?...if there is a cave next or behind or around the general area of the waterfall?"

Emiliah blinked "Well..technically the whole mountain is just one big cave. Lots of rooms and tiny passage ways between them," She said. "And I know this, because I've been exploring these caves for months and it just so happens that the one behind the waterfall is the only one that you will...well it is the only entrance big enough for you to get...through,"

He stared blankly at Emiliah then raised a finger, and asked. "You calling me fat?"

"No," she said a little too quickly. "I mean ...you have wider shouders then I do. It comes with a broad chest,"

"Soo....your staring at my chest now?" He asked as he pulled his cloak, feinting him covering himself.

" Don't get embarrassed now," she said, a slight teasing in her voice. "Oh, by the way. You might want to take your cloak off and...your shirt. In fact anything you don't want to be dripping wet when we are crawling through miles of dark cramped tunnels, you are going to need to put in this bag," she said, gestering to the bag she was carrying. "It is mostly waterproof,"
"I knew it... you just want to see me naked." He said with a smile. He then started to take his quiver off and bow. Normally his cloak would keep him dry, as it did well in keeping him warm and dry, But it was a nice day, and he would rather not it getting soaked and heavy while he was climbing, He managed to take it off and his armor, and his shirt. And laid them neatly on the ground, "Mishka, Take care of these..." He said to her as she Glanced up at him. She let out a huff. [i]Finnne[/] she said as she walked over and dropped to her stomach, as if she was sad of being left behind.

"Don't worry, we will be back soon." He added, while she let out a groan, Suuuure. Just keep it in your pants Flint. she said back to him.

Narrowing his eyes he didn't reply, as he turned to Emiliah and strapped his quiver and bow over his bare upper body now. The cloak,armor and clothes really covered up the fact that he was in excellent shape, and he wasn't as small as he normally looked.his muscles rippling in the sunlight he smiled ad said. "Alright, lets go." He handed just his shirt to her, as his leather armor would be too bulky to fit in the bag, His cloak as well.

"If that is what you think, then you can just keep your clothing on and I won't share my bag," she said While Flint started undress, but in the end, she held the bag open to take his clothing, before undressing herself down to her under cloths. She tried not to think about it as she lead him under the falls. "There," she said, pointing to a ledged about twenty feet up. "Is the opening to the cave, The rock is pretty rough, so don't worry about hitting a slick patch. Also, don't look up," she said, as she started her climb up, the cool water rushing down the back of her undercloths. She waited for him at the mouth of the cave.

He blushed slightly when she took off some of her clothes. Unlike his personality, he actually never been with a woman... and though he flirted with many woman in his life he never actually tried to sleep with them. As it would break his covenants. He looked away as much as he could as they made their way to the waterfalls.

When she pointed out the climb, it was easy, he'd been through worse. But he said nothing as he moved to the wall, but when she started climbing first he stopped, saying dont look up. "Come on...I'm not like that!" He said in defense.

He followed up quickly and with out looking up, catching up just a minute or so later as he had given them room. Once there he rubbed his hands on the front of his pants to dry them before slipping his bow off and holding it in his left hand.

"I assume you brought some torches as well?" He asked when he looked over to her.

"I'm just saying, you'll get water up your nose if you do," She called out, already having changed back into her clothing by the time Flint arrived. She offered him his clothing with out a word. "Well, not torches, they take up too much air, but I brought candles," She said, Holding up a her bag to show that it was full of various candles and a few shorter torches for the larger rooms. "We'll light them when we are in the first room, we should have enough light to get us there without them," With that, she pushed her bag through the dog sized opening, then her spear and finally herself.

He took shirt with a nod of thanks and quickly put it on after taking his quiver back off again. He then nodded as she explained using candles instead. And after she went through he did the same, slipping his bow and quiver through the hole and sighed, That looked TINY. He grunted as he tried to squeeze through, like she said, his shoulders were wide, and it was difficult to wiggle his way through, but he did it. After muttering a few Hebrew curses first and tearing his shirt in a few spots. He was glad he didn't bring his cloak, it would have never have survived the hole.

He brushed himself off and picked up his bow and quiver before, letting out a sigh of accomplishment.

"Well," said Emiliah, looking at him. "Yeah, I think you'll fit...You'll be fine," She said, giving him a rushed smile, thinking of some other tight places further in the cave. She then lit a candle and handed it to him. "So, I don't think that we will separated, but if we do...don't let your candle go out no matter what, the sun hasn't ever seen the inside of this place and that isn't going to change today," She took a few more steps. "Also, if we do get split, always hold on to that wall," she said, pointing to the one on the left, " It is a pretty straight shot out if you follow it. Ready?" She then took off down one of four different hallways deeper into the cave.

"So...you've been caving before right?" She didn't like the way that the silence would press down on one in the cave and, when alone, she would often hum to herself just to make it stop. She took another left, and then a right, then lead him through a slowly lowering ceiling that had them both crawling before spitting them out into a room so large, their candles couldn't light much of it up.

Flint eyes widened as his shoulders dropped. "What? There are more tiny holes in here?" He asked, by the way she said I think you'll fit...made it obvious that there were more. He nodded at her instructions and started to follow her. Once she said Ready, "Of course, Ill follow you into the dark pit and back if I had to." He said with a chuckle...

She then asked him if he went caving before and nodded, then rememeberd she was infront of him, "Yeah, we had a cave near where we grew up. When we were not training we would often go there, to mess around or what ever. It was much larger than these though, as in you know...not tiny holes to crawl through. But I always perfered the open air, and climbing trees."

He waited a moment he ducked to his knees and slowly followed her till they came into a massive room. "Much better..." He said to himself, He didn't admit it, but he hated earlier tunnels. He felt the urge to whistle, but remembered he was on a hunt... it could give them away. " It seems you are cozy doing this though."
"It was a little rough those first couple weeks, but after I got over the fear of my impending doom, it got a lot easier," She said softly. "The worst thing was assuming that the witch was going to jump out at me at any second while being stuck in a tiny, unescapable crawl space. But those two are rarely in this part of the cave. I could sometimes hear them whispering, but those days were rare," she said, the same way Bobby might talk to customer about breakfast.

He listened as he followed, she was so casual about it, it was kinda weird. You never hear a girl talking the way she did about things like this. When she mentioned the chance of being attacked while stuck in a crawl space, he said in a faux chuckle, "Lovely..." Kinda freaked out at the thought himself.

She lead him through a few more rooms and across one blind leap ledge, before stoping infront of a large, round stone. "So... I know they put this here," she said, pointing at it. "I think it might be...a sort of door? I couldn't ever move it though. So...should we go through door number one or do you want another crawl space?"

Once to the large round stone, it looked like much like the one infront of Christ's tomb outside of Jerusalem. When she mentioned she couldn't move it, he nodded, it would probably take two men his size to move such a rock. When she suggested finding another crawlspace he quickly said. "Noooooooo." He cracked his fingers "Door number one." He moved forward to the rock. He then said offered the bit of him being in Jerusalem. "It looks alot like Christ's tomb actually, though the stone that covered it was MUCH larger."

He gripped the stone and shoved his shoulder against it. At first nothing happened, but after a few seconds the veins in his arms and shoulders almost seemed to bulge as he started to grunt. The rock slowly began to roll, then after a moment became easier and easier and till it almost looked like it took no effort. He stopped once the opening was clear.

"Girls first I'm guess?" She said with a little laugh, walking through a door way into a room she had been in before, only it had taken her about a half hour longer to do so going her way. She turned around to face the doorway, waiting for Flint to follow. Only, when he let go of the rock, it snapped forward with a crunch. Leaving the two seperated. She ran to the rock, pounding on it, calling out to Flint to make sure he was okay and didn't lose any fingers.

On the other side, a croaking old voice said "Rememeber, what the girl said, never let the candle go out," With that a huge wind ripped through Flints side of the wall, blowing out his candle. "So," came the voice again, from somewhere else in the cave. "What now little hunter,"

He had just pulled his hands off when the rock slammed shut. Flint jumped back, startled at the unexpected movement and the fact he almost lost his hand. Shaking his hands and riding the thought of his crushed fingers he heard Emiliah faintly on the other side. He himself began to pull at the rock again yelling her name and saying he was fine, and asked if she was ok, but then suddenly he heard a creepy old voice that sent chills down his spine, reminding him of not letting his candle blow out. Before he could react, a strong wind tore through the tunnel and snuffed out the tiny flame.

He stood motionless for a moment, blinking. "Shhhhhhhhit." He said to himself. As the witch then spoke again, asking what now, but what caught his attention was the 'Little' part.

"Who you calling little!?" He growled As he reached out and tried to find his bow.

"Why, the scared little boy right in front of me," The last bit was breathed down the back of his neck, then a skittering sound could be heard from another part of the cave. "Now, what are you going to do with that?" she said, laughing. "I've known my own death since before you grandfather thought to give your grandmother that rose. It isn't by arrow child," She skittered to another part of the cave. "A rather unfortunate side effect, knowings one's own death. Do you want to know yours, it is a nice one, unlike your brothers,"

His eyes were blind from the darkness, with no light what so ever, even his heightened sight was useless. Though his hearing...could easily pick up the skittering noise the witch made. He grew even more angry when she called him a scared little boy, Slightly nervous, yes. a little worried. A bit. But scared? No. Much to his bravery, it was still creepy as hell not seeing anything but hearing this old hag.

" Oh really? I don't believe in destiny, So I think you're full of Bullshit....or Batshit...are there bats in here?" He asked. Trying to hide the fact he was worried. When she asked if he wanted to know his he guessed she would say something about what she planing on...it could give him an edge. "Sure, why not? Lets make a bet it's not true....sayyy my life for yours?"

The witch let out a little cackle. "My boy, I knew you were going to say that, and I know I won't live long enough to see you believe, but believe you shall," There was more scratching, this time coming from the ceiling. "And I'll tell you, you will believe because I will die today. Here, in this very room," she let out a barking laugh. "But you...well, you will live a very long life. And you will die surrounded by those who cared for you...well, what's left of them anyway,"

There was a pause, as though the voice was trying to recall a forgotten memory. "Ah, your son, such potential, is tossed from a horse just shy of his seventh birthday. Snaps his neck, he dies in your arms. But your daughter....barren and heartbroken, she is there at the very end. How she'll cry, all alone in the world now,"

The witch let out another laugh. "Now, your brothers, those are tales to tell. One dishonored and ....dies of what I can only describe as a broken heart. Even you wolves cannot survive a jump that far and he knew it before he lept, shall I go on? The last two are my favorite,"

He started to move around slowly, once he felt the cold smooth round rock behind him He pulled an arrow from his quiver and easily nocked it to his bow. Years of training, and knowing every inch of his bow made it easy to visulize it in his head. "Sure you did..." She almost started talking in riddles, barely able to catch up with her, but she said she would die here to day...not him. Confused...not really scary now when his enemy said he will be fine. Live a long life, dying surrounded by those he cared about....not so bad...what he had in mind actually,

She then continued to speak of his son... and of his daughter. He did not know them...but he grew angry when she said what would happen to them. As she talked though he imagined the cave within the last fifty feet of the tomb door he stood against. He had a good memory, and tried to imagine it while hearing the witch move around and talking, trying to pinpoint her, in his mental 'map' She then spoke of her brothers. Much more cryptic about them. "Nice stories hag. But shall I give you a tip? Telling your enemy he's going to live while you die here....ISN'T how it normally goes, you did it all wrong. You are supposed to give me some grisly death and you eating my heart or what ever. Now you just ruined the moment."

He felt he was close, pulling the string back he aimed to his left just slightly, firing the arrow. into the darkness. He thought he could smell her... a stench similar but it was so infused with the smell of the cave he couldn't pinpoint her.

"I'll skip your other brother then, he dies dishonorable. In his own vomit outside a brothel. Such a shame for one so young to lose the monkhood because he put his love in the wrong person," There was more skittering. "You little friend, just over there in that other room. Now there is a story. She dies in fear," She let that carry for a moment. "She dies in fear, in pain and alone. She dies screaming," The voice was once again right behind him.

At the same time a crash could be heard as Emiliah tumbled out of the crawl space, candle casting the space in a pale yellow light. Illuminating the witch, whose hands resting just above Flint's over the bow, acting at the boy's own personal shadow. "Flint! Behind you!" She screamed, reaching for her spear and heaving it at the witch.

He grew angery and shot another arrow, this time upwards, towrads the ceiling. Only to hear the snap of the arrow he shot against the stone. This witch was getting on his nerves now... she wasn't going to threaten Emiliah like that.... Suddenly a loud noise jolted him, and a light blinded him. He heared Emiliah yell his name, telling him to look out behind him. He dropped to one knee, upon seeing Emiliah readying to throw her spear, and spun around, using his bow as a weapon to smack the witch, His heart jumped into his throat as he realized just how close the witch was,"SHIIII-" He was all he let out, frightened on how disoritated he was.

He pulled out a dagger from a sheath behind his back on his waist and fluiently spun completely around and stabbed at the witch back handed.

"See?" croaked the witch. "I don't die by an arrow," She seemed almost gleeful at the idea. "And you get only one witch, not two. One witch is all it takes to keep your fate on track Mr. Flint Digard," The witch didn't die right away, nor did she try to save her self, she just ....sort of....gurgled on the end of Flint's dagger until no more blood would spill from her.

"Are you alright?" Emiliah asked, she was covered in cut and scrapes from trying to make a half hour journey in less then ten minutes. She looked over if, as though to make sure the witch did nothing to him.

He stumbled backwards a step as she fell to the ground. His eyes wide, as her 'prophecy' came true, and it scared him now that she knew his name.. HIS LAST NAME. No way she could have known he would hunt her today... it was...impossible wasn't it? He started to fear that her other.... 'stories' were to be true... No it couldn't be. That goes against all he was taught growing up!

He looked at Emiliah wide eyed... Then narrowing his eyes as if he was trying to remember her name or something... before looking back to the witch...."uh.....Yeah... I think." He shook his head and looked back at her... "What about you??" He looked her over quickly, seeing the cuts and scrapes over her body. The witches last prophecy ringing loudly in his ears. Which was insaine because she was just standing infront of him,

There was something off about Flint, his eyes seemed wild and unfocused. Emiliah reached up and felt around her face, when she pulled her hand back, she could see her own blood on her fingers. "I'm fine," she said, after a moment. "I may have been... a little excited to get back to you is all," that and she didn't want him facing the witch alone. Not that he couldn't handle himself, but she was the one who asked him to come with. If he died, she'd feel horrible.

"Do you think we should try to go after the second witch? Or do you think that...what is said is true and the witch is long gone?"

He looked back to the witch, as she said there was only one that needed to keep him to his fate. He narrowed his eyes. He almost felt that she was trying to trick him.... that there wasn't another witch...but what if there was? Why would she say only one witch was all it took to keep his fate on track? She never SAID there wasn't another witch. Just that he would only get one. He had almost felt that he wanted to leave this place and put it all behind him...but....what if that was what the witch wanted. He growled and shook his head. Great she was even messing with him after death. He bent down and picked up Emiliah's spear and looked to Emiliah as he handed it back to her. "Fuck fate..." He said mostly to himself. He couldn't let a witch get into his mind so easily...it was all a trick. He knew destiny was a false belif. "Lets find that other witch."

Already long gone from the caves, surrounded by birds of fur and feather alike, ran a girl. Heading towards a place her family had long since avoided. But now....she needed there help to make her Grandma's wish come true.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Elizabeth, Bobby, Emiliano

Don't make Bobby Angry

As Liz left to go upstairs Bobby's sour face grew even more...sour. He shuffled over to Emiliano and dropped his breakfast on the counter. "Ey, Emiliano. Yer cut off, pay up and get out. " He said in a pissed tone.

"Hey watch the food Bobby.", Emiliano said before looking up in shock at Bobby,"Wha- Cut off?! What for? I'm never belligerent or anything!", he stared at Bobby in disbelief, "I always pay, I'm pleasant, and... and... what the hell Bobby?!"

He placed both hands on the counter top and leaned in real close. His eyes narrowing so thin that it looked like he was trying to get a REAL close look at Emiliano's shocked face. "Wot are ye doin spouting off Digards personal business. Just because ye want to cosy up next to a woman? That type of talk can turn all of their Allies into enemy's. Making them have to look out for both witches and other hunters who don't take me at my word."

Emiliano's jaw hung open as Bobby said why he was cut off, "I don't... Elizabeth isn't... who said I wanted to... ok look, I wasn't telling her because I want to 'cozy up' to her Bobby! I was just informing my fellow hunter of what she missed last night! BEsides I... felt she needed to know who we were working with... she is a discreet hunter Bobby... and how would that make me any enemies? I'm not just gonna spout it out to whoever I see!", he replied indignantly... he really didn't want to get his booze elsewhere.

Bobby growled. Reaching out and grabbing Emiliano by the collar of his shirt, pulling him up from his seat on the stool and halfway over the bar. Surprisingly strong for an old guy. "Ya know Emiliano... Ye might be lacking a brain unlike yer father, If he knew a secret as big as this, he wouldn't tell a soul. THINK Emiliano. I've been up to me beard in trying to make sure the other hunters wont peep a word about this. Also don't tell me what kind of hunter Liz is. I know. But this secret is not yer's to tell."

He shook his head, "I didn't mean enemy's for yuu Emiliano....I mean't Enemy's FOR THE DIGARDS. Hunters, who don't know better, hear that they have werewolf blood in them? They will hunt them down and turn towns and cities against them. They wont listen to reason, or even see the facts that those boys are trying to protect them. They hear Werewolf and they freak out. "

Emiliano was startled by Bobby's strength and speed, and had to try not to yelp as he was yanked up and out of his seat. He listened closely to Bobby, and gulped loudly, "I... uhm yea right sorry uh, won't happen again Bobby sir I swear. I'll keep my trap shut and... deny everything ok? I wasn't thinking!... and uh... could you not cut off my booze please?"

Bobby growled, but he was satisfied. He pushed him back into his seat, letting his shirt go as he stood up straight. "Yer done for the day then. But if ye make a mess out of this again, Ill make sure of it that yer biggest problem is not worrin about yer Booze flow." He said in a threatening tone before turning around and grumbling under his breath as he shuffled away.

Damage control

After Flint left, Elizabeth stood still for a few moments, taking it all in. She had enjoyed their brief chat, and hoped they would continue talking in the future. With a shrug, she started towards the door. She had to go to the market, and pick up the fruit, and she had about twenty minutes to do it. She picked up her pace, and soon found herself at the door.

Bobby had just walked out from the kitchen when he saw Liz about to leave. In a gruff voice he called to her. "Oi! Liz! Hold on one moment 'ere."
He limped around the bar and motioned her to come closer to him. Once she did he said in an angry voice. "Lassy, I don't know what crawled up Emiliano's arse, But don't listen to the lies he's been spreading about the Digards being werewolves. I know those boys like they are like my own sons... They're not bloody monsters."

Elizabeth was only slightly surprised by Bobby's tone, she had seen him mad more than once before. This was slightly different though, it wasn't a scolding for doing something wrong, it was him telling her that Emilaino was lying. "So, where did he get it from then? You were fighting werewolves last night, and I know he isn't totally out of it when he's drunk. Are you suggesting that he's lying?" Her own tone had a slight bite to it, she stared Bobby down, and crossed her eyes. "If he is lying, what's the truth?"

Bobby snorted, "He could have just said it to warn you off from Flint." He didn't like to lie to Liz, but the Digard Secret was not one he was in a position to tell who he trusted. That was their right, even to Liz who was like a niece to him. He sighed, "Men say stupid things to impress women."

"Bobby, whether or not Emiliano is lying doesn't matter. I only took it with a grain of salt, you saw my reaction. If he is lying, fine, I'll be upset. If he isn't, I'm not going to go around killing anyone. I promise I won't talk about it to any other hunter, because I don't spread lies, and I'll keep Emiliano in check." Elizabeth turned and started to walk away, but then, she turned back. With a frown on her face, and a shift in tone, she confronted Bobby. "I just want you to know, you're my family. And if I find out anything that confirms what Emiliano said, I'll direct all my anger at you. Have a nice day Bobby, I'll be home later."
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ellion
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Ellion The Knowing

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Collab with @Aerandir
Emiliah and Flint

"Well, alright," said Emiliah. "If you are sure you want to go chasing after that other witch, we best be heading foward," She then paused, looking at him. "Are you sure your are alright? You seem a bit...odd," It was more of what he was saying that had her uneasy. Whatever that 'fuck fate' thing was about, she wasn't quite sure she wanted to know.

Flint nodded as he went back to the witch and crouched down, pulling his dagger from the corpse and cleaning it off on her....well crusty clothes before slipping it back into his sheath, He then reached into a pouch behind his back and pulled out a small bottle, He looked up at it to be sure what it was, in the candlelight Emiliah would see oil, with a bunch of white grainy specks. He threw it at the witch, breaking it over her.

He looked back at her with a raised eyebrow. "Yeah...." He said, trying to pull his faux smile and attitude over. "Why do you ask?" He picked up his candle that was on the ground while Emiliah would answer and relight it.

"No reason," She said quickly. "I mean...besides the fact that you almost got goosed by a witch," She watched Flint work on the body of the witch. "Salt?" she said, the oil would make sense, the body had to be removed and she certainly wasn't going to be dragging it of there. Nor did she fancy the caves smelling like death forever more. But the salt, well, that was new. Soon the cave was lit by two candles, yet it did very little to fit the darkness.

She waited till the body was lit. There was nothing for the fire to burn, so there wasn't any reason to wait until it was out. That would take hours. "So, I hate to rush, but we've only got about a quarter of an hour left on these candles. And....the bag might still be on the other side of the wall...fancy giving the boulder another...little...push?"

Flint nodded a few times, as if she brought up a good point. He wasn't really worried that he could've died. He's done that a few times. His eyes looked to the right as if he was trying to think of something. "Well, ya know....comes with the job. Got to be prepared for these sort of things." He really didn't want to get into detail that the witch got to him in his mind. Always a bad thing for a Hunter to say. Once his candle was lit he held it to the oil patch that was now on the witch, igniting it suddenly.

"Salt is used in many cultures as keeping things pure. Where most of it is false doctorine, there was some truth in it. The salt is meant to burn into the witches soul and purify her soul that her spirit wont have power to come back to haunt, or become something worse. Keeps her dead essentially."

He made a grimace...realizing that it would only really work if the entire body was burned to ash...a simple bottle wasn't going to work. Sighing he then added, "But it actually only works if the body is fully consumed in flame. "

"I see," She said, making a mental note to start lightly salting her witches before frying them. "We aren't going to wait around all day for that are we?" she asked, trying to keep the whining in her voice to a minimum.

He shook his head, "Course not... " He raised his left arm to the square after a few moments of silence as he tried to think of the proper words to speak. "אני מושח בשמן זה אשר כבר מקודש עבור לסלק מכל הצורות רשעות. על ידי הכח, והסמכות של כהונת מלכיצדק, אשר הושקעה לי האב על מנת לעשות את רצונו של אדוננו ומושיענו. אני קורא וניהול של מלאכים לטהר הנשמה זה כך שהוא לא יחזור לעשות שום נזק יותר. בשם ישו, אמן." Flint had spoken in Hebrew, as he felt a warm energy in his chest he knew it had worked.

He dropped his arm and looked back to Emiliah, "That should take care of it." He then moved over to the stone covering the enterence and prepared himself to move it again as he moved his bow over his shoulder.

Emiliah glanced at the witch, then back at Flint, shurgging. "You know, that is getting closer and closer to witchcraft everyday," She said, waiting for the rock to be moved once more. One Flint shifted the rock, she stepped into the room, quickly gathering her bag and lighting a new candle. "Perhaps try...not letting go, slide around it? Maybe? I'm not sure if the witch caused to rock to slam or if it just how the rock is, but I'd rather have you in one piece,"

Flint once again went at the rock, this time it seemed even easier...maybe because his blood was filled with extra adrenilne from what had just happened to him, and the thought of crushing his fingers by accident. As he did it he said while a little strain in his voice. "Actually... All the powers of the devil...where the witches powers mimic or come from...are a mockery of God's powers. So while it may look like witch craft, it does hold still some truth behind it." He finished pushing the rock and held it there for her to make it through. " Though..." His mind flicking back to one of her earlier statements. "That's not as important and interesting as you saying you were excited to get back to me..." He said as he looked back at her with a smile on his face."

"Well, I was," She said, shrugging, thankful that a cave made blushes somewhat easy to hide. "Although, I think...pressed might have been a better choice. I was worried you might wander off into some dark corner of the cave and then I'd never find you," She said, although her voice was much lighter than usual. "Then I'd have to explain to BOTH your brother and Bobby how I lost you in a cave," she teased.

She stood close by, watching to make sure that the man was close behind her before walking on. This time, the rock stayed pulled back. The part of the cave they were in now, while not totally new to her, she had spent much less time in. "So, I think," She said, examining a fork in the road. "That...this might take us to the far side exit," She said, pointing left. "There will be a few tight places, and... it'll be tight getting you out, but it's the fastest way I know,"

He let a sigh as she teased him again, Kinda enjoying the banter himself. Once she was through and he was ready, he jumped through the opening, not wanting to lose any of his extremities...but the door didn't slam shut like it did before. He let out a relief sigh and dusted himself off before following Emiliah, he groaned as she said there might be a few tight places, just what he needed. "It would seem we have no choice." He said as he looked around, one hand on his dagger, just in case. As they walked he started to watch her more and more, his mind thinking about what th witch said... and yet as he thought about it, it was cold...dark, and didn't feel right... Like it was off. Sure something from a witch usually was that way... But he wanted with all his heart to prove that witch wrong.

Emiliah lead them down, deeper into the cave. It all seemed to be fine, it was just how she remembered it. While it wasn't uncommon to find herself in parts of the cave she didn't recall, it always seemed to right itself and a familar landmark would appear. But suddenly, she relized that they had been going almost half and hour and she hadn't seen anything she rememebered seeing before. She stopped walking. ""Uh," said shaid slowly, looking around. There was a small whole a few feet ahead that seemed to go up, far too small for Flint to fit. ""I'm just going to check to see if there is a better way...up right fast, will you take the bags? I shouldn't be but a minute," Or longer, she thought, if I don't reconize that room, we'll have to back track. Which meant wasting even more time.

Flint gave a pained look. Uh Never sounded good in these situations. She then bore some bad news. He groaned.[color=0054a6] "Emiliah..." He said as he took her bag. [color=0054a6]"Please don't tell me you're lost."

"I'm not ready to admit that just yet," she said passing the bag before crawling head first into the hole. It was tight and it took her a few minutes to even get her whole body in. After that, it was easier, but it took a while before she reached the next big room. Another place that she didn't recongize. With a groan, she crawled back through the whole towards Flint. When she got back, she gave him a small smile "Well, think of it this way, you get to see that really cool rock formation again," She turned to lead them on when her hand brushed on a loose rock. That rock sent the whole room down.

Flint rolled his eyes as she went on ahead, as she was gone though he scratched the back of his head as he began to pace. Once he was out of here....NO more caves. Ugh. The woods was far better for him anyways, more open space, easier for his style of fighting.
When she came back though and said look on the bright side kind of thing, He gave a confused sigh.[color=0054a6] "What really cool...."

Suddenly the cave started to rumble and shake as the the rocks began to fall. With out thinking he jumped over to Emiliah and wrapped one arm around her while pushing her down with his other and using his body to cover her as the rocks came tumbling down.

His back was pelted with heavy rocks, and even his head, wincing in pain with each hit. He knew damn sure he wasn't going to let her die though.

As soon as the rocks started to fall, Emiliah croched down and raised her hands to cover to head, the flame on her candle flickering out in the process, the last thing she saw was Flint rushing towards her. She felt, rather then saw his body cover hers and smelled a warm, comforting scent, but she could hear the rocks crashing down around them and the sound of breaking bones. The dust flew everywhere, making is difficult to breath. There was nothing to do other than wait till it ended.

Finally, the last couple of rocks cracked against the ground and Emiliah opened her eyes, the flame from Flint's candle was dulled by the dust in the air [color=bc8dbf]"Flint?" asked Emiliah, her mouth and throat dry with cave dust. "Are you...are you okay?" She hoped he would answer, but suspected and dreaded that he wouldn't.

Flint was silent for a moment, As he found it difficult to breath. He felt at least three broken ribs, not to mention one of the rocks knocked his head hard...only thankful that it didn't kill him right there...or perhaps it would have been better. As the adreneline was kicked in...he wont feel the full extent of the pain on his body till it wore off... He coughed, blood spilling out from his mouth, and mixed with the blood pouring from his head wound. "I-im fine. Just a slight headache.... Are you....hurt? Emiliah?" He asked with a concern tone. He said as he forced one of his confident smiles.

Even with the limited light, Emiliah could see that he wasn't being truthful. "Liar," she said, reaching up to touch his face, made more difficult by how close he was. "And of course I'm fine, you took all the heavy blows," She reached out around him, trying to make sure he didn't have a stalactite sticking out of his back that he was 'fine' with. "I need you to be honest with me Flint, how badly hurt do you think you are?"

Flint's eyes were strained as he continued with his Faux smile. Always trying to make it that no one worried about him. He could take care of himself. Though he did like the feel of her hand against his face. When she reached around him though, even though her touch was soft, he still flinched in pain as her hands ran over his broken ribs. He pushed himself up and away from her though, not wanting to seem weak. As he did, a few large rocks that were actually leaned against him shifted and fell backwards.

He stood there for a moment and wiped his face, the blood clotting with all the dust in the air. He tried to look around the room, but it was too dark. "Nothing-I cant handle." He said with strained breathing. Which was semi true, the one good thing about the cursed blood in his system was that he healed much faster than a normal person...as his broken bones would mend with in a few days. He looked back down and offered his hand to help her up.

Emiliah felt a sudden sense of loss as Flint pulled away and the cool air of the cave surrounded her again. It was so obvious that he was hurting that she wasn't sure why he was pretending otherwise. When he offered his hand, Emiliah glared at the hand, as though it offended her, before taking it. She then put on a sickly sweet smile. "Oh yeah? Can you handle say...crawling through that hole if it was our only way out?" she asked pointing towards the one she'd crawl out not moments before. "If not, you should let me know now. I'm no healer, but I might be able to help a little,"

He notice her glare...what did he do? She then mentioned crawling through the hole that she just emerged from. He looked at it and back the way they came from. Surely that way was caved in farther down. He looked back to her hand which he forgot he was holding. Letting it drop." I'll make do. I doubt there is much that one could do in this situation." He said, hinting that he was hurt, but that maybe she couldn't heal him...it would be something a witch doctor would do....or someoneelse...... He looked down at the ground to see his bow...snapped in two...he was sure his arrows were destroyed as well. "I do have less to pull through now..." He said with a bloody smile.

Emiliah let out an exasperated sigh. "You should at least let me look," she said, reaching out to pull up the back of his shirt, giving him less chance to talk about how 'fine' he was, she had seen those boulders that he shook off his back standing up. What she saw was...well... a mess. "FLINT," she shouted, yanking the shirt up further. There were scratches and deep bruises over every inch of it and what looked suspiciously like a misplaced rib . " This ISN'T fine," she said.

He would have fought, but he winced in pain as he tried to jerk away. but pain shot through him. that he allowed her to pull his shirt up. When she yelled his name and yanked his shirt up he yelped in pain. He bit his lip as he groaned in pain.[color=0054a6] "It WAS FINE. " he said as he looked back at her. slowly trying to pull his shirt back down.[color=0054a6] "I've had worse..." he said trying to sound tough.

He started to move to the hole and inspect it. This was going to hurt like hell he thought.

"No, it wasn't FINE," she said, following him to the hole. "You are also NOT going in there, we'll just have to find another way," she then moved to block his way. " But BEFORE we do that, you are GOING to sit there and you ARE going to let me help you. Got it?" She said, putting her hands on her hips, daring him to try to argue otherwise.

He winced as he looked around to her, He did not what so ever want her to try and take care of him...he was....fine...He closed his eyes and leaned against the wall, almost falling over. He shook his head and finally sat down slowly. Holding his head. Everything began to spin and he didn't have the strength to even argue anymore.

"Finally," she said. "Can you take your shirt off?" she said, looking around for her spear and bag. Her spear was fine, pushed up to the side of the cave, a litle dinged, but not bad. The bag, however. "Shit," she said, shoving a large rock out off of it. Most of the items in there were undamaged, but the candles were all smashed to waxy pieces. "Not to...make this worse, but we have...about..." she glanced at the candle that was lit. "About....an hour of light...if we ration," She then pulled out some thick cloth to help support his ribs.

When she asked if he could take his shirt off, he doubted he could. His arms were growing heavy and it killed him to lift them. She turned to do something else at this point he didn't care as he reached behind him and pulled his knife out. He slowly turned it around and aimed it at his neck.He lifted it to the collar of his shirt and pulled down, cutting the fabic quite easily from the top to the bottom.

She then said they only have about an hour of light. He weakly said, "I...I have more oil... if you get the wicks...we can use that for light as well..." He leaned the side of his body against the cold rock wall. Oh did it feel good.

Emiliah walked back over to him, the bag hanging loosely in her hand. "Okay," she said holding the rags. "I know you are going to hate me right now, but you have to lean forward," she said, trying hard to look at him through helping eyes only, even if she could appreciate the strength that the muscles held ....because it showed that he was a good hunter and someone to be admired and for...no other reason. She quickly wrapped his chest, the familar scent of safety coming over her again.

"Okay," she said. "I think...think that is as good as it is going to get," She picked up the bag, pulling a few wicks out of the bag, tucking them into her pocket for easier access. "I...also have a little food and some water, but...I think we should wait...til..later to eat or drink anything," She then reluctantly stood up, offering out her hand to help him up.

He bent over, biting his lip even more to hold in the scream he wanted to yell. He tried to breath calmly as she wrapped his body and closed his eyes. He could smell her perfume...Lavender it was slightly relaxing...and hundreds of times better than the smell of the cave. Once she was done she said something about water, and food and water and nodded. "I can hold out for a while..." He said, which was true...but with the amount of blood he lost he was going to have to push it... He took her hand relunctantly and after grunting in pain, stood up. He had to get moving, it was the only way he could ignore the pain.

"Flint," she said, reaching out to hold his arm. "If you need to stop and rest at all, please, don't be proud. Ask me for help," She shouldered the bag in her spare hand with her spear. "If...if you get worse, I...I won't be able to help you Flint so...please, be honest. Don't let this be harder than it has to be," with that she lead him off, deeper into the unknown cave, still holding on to his arm.


Their progress was slow, Flint took a few breaks but he mostly was able to keep moving. As they walked, Flint with his arm over Emiliah's shoulders, they began to hear the sound of rushing water. Always a good sign. "We....must be close to an exit." he said weakly. As he groaned in pain, the adrenilne was totally gone from his body and he could feel everything. He looked to her and said, "lets rest here for a second." He winced once again in pain.

Emiliah didn't have the heart to tell him that while the water /could/ lead them to an exit, it could also...drowned them. "Of course we can rest," she said, slowly lowering him to the ground.

When he sat down he took a few breaths. "Emiliah..." He said, his tone very serious. He looked up to her as coughed more blood. "You should just go ahead... Get Fenros... You will be faster getting out than dragging me with you."

"F-Flint," she said, trying to think of the kindest way to explain the problem with that to him. "Flint, even if...I am able to find Fenros in a reasonable amount of time...It'll still take hours..maybe days. I don't think we'd be able to get back through the rock fall on the other side and...Flint...there is a very strong chance that if...if I leave you here.... I won't ever be able to find you," She sat down next to him, offering her water skin. "Drink it all, I'll be able to fill it up at the river," She reach out to touch his skin, it burned to the touch. "Let's just rest for a moment, okay?"

Flint closed his eyes and leaned back against the wall, the cool rock felt amaizing against his back. He listened as she explained the situation. He knew that very well. He took the water and drank it slowly. Pushing his head against her cool skin. He cleared his throat as he lowered the water. "Emiliah...I know... I know the risk." He knew it very well. He actually doubted his chance of surviving more and more in the last few hours. He just wanted to be sure Emiliah got out. " Emiliah...I don't think i'm gunna make it. Better for you to make it out...instead of dying in here with me trying to help me get out. " He groaned. Taking another swig of the last of the water." Ill try to get out on my own. " He said softly. It was a stupid move, but he hoped Emiliah would just take his word for it.

Emiliah looked at Flint for a moment, "That..." She said, walking closer to him. "Is by far the STUPIDEST thing you have said all day. I'm not leaving you. In fact, I'm feeling sort of exhausted myself. Possibly could even use a nap," With that, she sat down right next to him, closering her eyes, crossing her arms stubbornly.

He growled. "EMILIAH!" He yelled. Regretting it as he started to cough up blood again. "Don't be stubburn. Get yourself out of here. I can live with that. Its my job to protect. Not to be protected." He looked at her. "Get out of here now...please..." He said, almost begging.

Emiliah didn't even open her eyes as he shouted at her. "All your talking is really making it hard to sleep Flint," she said. After another moment she opened her eyes. "It is also MY job to protect. It is also my job to help those who can't help themselves, and right now, you need help,"

He grunted. And shoved himself up, letting out a cry of pain. Before stumbling farther down the tunnel. "Fine, we wont rest then. I'm not going to till we are out of this damn Cave. " He said angryly Forcing him self through his pain. No way was he going to let Emiliah die alone in this cave, as he was surely to die from his injuries.

Emiliah was up in a moment rushing to place herself under Flint's arm, trying to take as much of the weight as she could. A few moments later, they arrived at the shore of the river. It was a lot wider than she thought it should be. It went further then the light could show and it sounded fast. She poked that the water with her spear, it went almost to the top...so that meant it was deep too. "How...well do you think you can swim?" she said, her voice the closet to crying that she ever thought it could be.

Flint was greatful that she pulled some of his weight on her. As they came to the river he sighed...this wasn't good. He could swim...but with his broken ribs....he could easily drown. He tried to smile as he raised his hands up and began to paddle. "I can only doggie paddle." he said as he chuckled at his own joke, groaning in pain as he said it.

Emiliah let out a little choked laugh that sounded slightly more like a cry. "I have no broken ribs and I am reluctant to want to swim in that," she said. Suddenly there was a loud noise from above them. Emiliah looked up to see something that looked like a mix between a rat and lizards just above them. A few other sounds come from nearby as well. "Doggy paddle is going to have to do," she said, pushing him in, but refusing to let out of his hand. It took only few strokes to push them into the fast moving current. "Keep your feet pointing forward," was all she should say, before the cave water filled her mouth.

Flint had just saw the Rat Lizards when Emiliah pushed him into the water, The sudden rush of freezing water felt like thousands of needles stabbing into him, and more so with his cracked ribs. Yet at the same time it felt amazing against his hot skin. He gagged as water his opened mouth as he was trying to catch some air... Coughing and spitting as he came back to the surface while holding Emiliah's hand, he pulled her too him with all his strength, wrapping his arms around her as he fook a deep breath, so that they were next to each other as he lifted his feet to stay near the surface, He held on as hard as he could, knowing fully well that the river could easily rip them apart.

Emiliah could feel the rocks under the water brush past them, grazing a foot, catching an arm, but never really stopping them. Then suddely, the cave lit up, the exit was still a ways off, but the sun was able to reach them. The water was still move fast and evetully they we spat out into a much slower moving stream. Eventually they made it to shore. "I...can't believe we...aren't dead," she said, panting, still in Flints arms, too exsauted to try to get up. After a moment she caught her breath and sat up, energy fill her body at not having died. "We did it!" she said, feeling almost drunk she then leaned forward and pressed an excited kiss to the man's lips before pulling back in horror. "I'm sorry sorry," she said quickly. "C-caught in the moment"

Flint was coughing as they rested upon the shore. His mind was blank as he focus on one thing while they were floating down the fast river.. Breath. He didn't even realize he was on the shore untill she sat up... and then yelling that they did it.Kissing him unexpectedly. He opened his eyes wide when she did, but when she pulled back and appologized for kissing him. He was surprised, not mad...yet before he could say some sly joke or...really anything he passed out, his arms flopping to the ground, As his body took over to try an heal.

Emiliah felt her face drop as Flint's body finally seemed to shut down. ”Shit, Flint," she said, reaching out to check his pulse, which thankfully, was still there. Sitting back, still half in the creek, she noticed where they were, it was close to town, but still a long way to drag a mostly dead body. She also noticed her spear near by. She decided to drag him out first and then get her wepond That in itself was a struggle, but she finally manged to get him mostly out of the water.

A snort that came from a horse could be heard nearby. Fenros was riding back to town, after finally calming down enough he felt that he could return. It was strange though, he decided to take a longer route that would take him all day. He just had a strange feeling that it would be better if he did. Alltia didn't mind as she was out in the woods with Fenros, hunting rabbits or birds close by as the moved on.

Suddenly Alltia perked her head up, sniffing the air. She looked to Fenros. "Mishka is near by... she said to him.

He looked down at her and raised his eyebrow...what was Flint and Mishka dowing out here? Looking for him?

He stopped his horse, as he felt something was odd, he heard splashing nearby as he turned to see Emiliah? Pulling Flint from the water!? He kicked his horse's sides and galloped overto them, "Emiliah!" He yelled. As he drew close he pulled the horse to a stop but was already off and on the ground before his horse came to a complete stop.

He dropped to his knees and placed a hand over Flint's neck feeling for a pulse. [color=007236]"What the Hell Happened to Flint?"

Emilah jump almost all the way out of the water when Fenros dropped down next to her. She'd been so busy checking over him that he didn't even notice his brother close by. ”Fenros," she said, relief flooding her veins she fought to urge to hug him for existing here. ” We were hunting and there was a cave in in and...Flint got...Hurt," She said, quickly. ”Please, we have to get him help right now,"

Fenros looked to his little brother and shook his head. He looked really bad, worse he saw him in a long time. He placed his massive hand on his little brothers forehead, feeling the burning skin as he did. "Come on," He said to Emiliah as he slowly slipped his arms under his brother and lifted him up as easy as an adult would a child. "Alltia, Find Mishka. Meet us back at Bobby's."

Alltia who was sniffing Flints face looked up, and once commanded she then bolted like an arrow from a crossbow.

After setting Flint up onto his horse he turned to Emiliah. "Get up with him please... keep him up, ill run alongside on foot."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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He had been here for two days now, but Andri was still a bit surprised about how well developed this quaint little village was. There were a lot of things that he thought he could possibly need at some point - and it appeared that just everything was available right here: a blacksmith, multiple taverns where one could eat and drink, a large body of water nearby that likely offered additional opportunities to relax, churches... - Well he could go without the latter one if he was honest. His parents had taught him to send up a prayer on a daily basis, but he had pretty much forgotten about that over the course of the last years.

There was so much on offer here that he was still spending a lot of time on inspecting it closely. Was it worth the price and would it be up to the level of reliability he had become used to expecting ? So the assassin was still roaming around on the streets, leaving huge footsteps behind. The next item on his makeshift list: one of the taverns. Andri stopped and probed his pockets. There had to be that wonderful feeling of some round pieces of metal hidden somewhere... It could just be a matter of time as there were so many pockets to search. He had become so used to wearing his leathery gear that he felt comfortable in it even when he could have worn ordinary cloth instead. It just needed an adequate amount of care, but he had been a peasant or a tailor for most of his life, so he could fix almost everything about it himself.

Oh... there was something! Not much, but it would suffice for one or two mugs of beer. He mentally assured himself that this weren't his last coins. There was more in a stash in that tiny dwelling place he had been able to arrange and where he had currently stored all of his weapons as well. So... there was nothing to worry about. He stepped in, ducking his head when passing through the doorframe. When the man progressed towards the bar, one could get the impression that his back was loosing cohesion as there was strange movement beneath his clothing. Andri whispered sideways into the hood "Please, not now Sin!" and gently nudged the serpent's head so the creature would move it into a less exposed position. Now he could pull back the hood.

Two quick eyes scanned the room: Which of the stools was closest to a wall and would allow him to take a comfortable posture ? He found one that that was a bit of a compromise, ordered a beer and sat down. From where he was, the assassin could survey almost the entire room, especially the entrance, but relaxation came first. That other thing was a habit he tried to suppress right now. He took a deep breath of the stale air. His stomach signaled hunger, so probably he would leave it at the small mug he had and go for something to eat instead. Sometimes he envied his snake: Sin required so much less to eat and so less frequent...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 9 mos ago


The sound of his boots on the cobblestone streets of Seren's Folly was a welcome change to Yuri's ears, as was the sound of the towns people going about their day. To long they had only had the company of the crunch of gravel and leaves, a combination that one gets tired of after a while on the road. It was not a hard journey to the small town, but a necessary one nonetheless, a fact Yuri was keenly aware of as his near empty coin pouch shifted on his belt. He needed a contract, sooner rather than later, and this town held the most promise (at least according to multiple sources that were met on the road). As he neared the more crowded parts of town, Yuri shifted his traveling pack and scythe as to not impede any of the townsfolk as they bustled around him, playing out their daily routines.

But as he tilted the scythe, his action was met with the sound of ruffling feathers, and an annoyed warbling sound. Peering up at the top of the weapon, Yuri's eyes met with those of the crow, who had made itself quite at home sometime into their journey. Yuri breathed in as if he was about to say something to the lazy avian, but instead simply shook his head and continued on.

Turning down a couple streets Yuri continued his stroll, not honestly looking for anything in particular, a notice board, anything like that. But finding nothing like that, he continued on until he accidentally bumped into someone. Staggering back in surprise, sending the crow into the air from the sudden jerk of motion, Yuri saw that who he had run into was a young man who was carrying a small package. "Sorry, sorry." Yuri stammered out as the man collected himself and also apologized, saying that he was also at fault. He continued on to introduce himself as an apprentice baker, Yuri responding in kind by introducing himself as a hunter. The baker nodded and asked "So your looking for the bar then?"

Yuri must have looked confused, even beneath his hat, as the man laughed and pointed up the street, giving Yuri directions to the bar in question. Thanking the man Yuri hustled off in the direction indicated till he came to the establishment. Walking inside, Yuri set his folded scythe down with a thud, as well as his pack, as he took a stool at the bar. his feet ached, his ankles ached, and all he wanted was a drink at this point.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SunsetRoses
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

In The Woods
Elizabeth, Emiliano

Emiliano enjoyed the forest, in spite of all its dangers. It was quiet and secluded, peaceful, a perfect natural training round and, most importantly right now, could be made quite romantic. Currently he was hiking up a steep hill with Elizabeth behind him, intending to take her to what may very well be the most beautiful place in the forest. It was a tough hike, but they were hunters, so it was just good exercise. He called back to her, "I hope you're enjoying our hike! We can train more seriously once we get to where we are going."

"It better be the most beautiful place in the world! We could've just gone to the clearing past town, but no, you wanted to make it difficult." Elizabeth was jesting, because she was used to difficult hikes like these ones. She had changed into a simple outfit of a peasant blouse tucked into some trousers. It was what she normally wore for training, because her armor was too much for sparring, but a dress was far too difficult. "What's this place called? Is it just your secret hideout?"

Emiliano laughed, knowing she was only joking about it being particularly difficult, "Well you know what they say, the best things in the world are hard to get.", he laughed loudly as he began jogging up the steep hill, challenging her to keep up. "I like to call the grand wood, and I think you'll see why shortly! And it may just be the most beautiful place you've ever seen!", as he said that they came over the crest, entering the hidden beauty. Great trees made a perfect nearly unbroken circle around the well lit clearing. In the center a truly massive stump could be seen, covered in glowing green moss and incandescent mushrooms. the light shone on it, letting it glow and shimmer. Emiliano paused panting, and gestured to the place, "Well? What do you think?"

Elizabeth came up the hill, she rubbed her sides, and wiped the sweat off of her forehead. With a pant, she looked around the clearing, and her jaw dropped. It was beautiful, she could stay here forever if only things were that simple. Forgetting how tired she was, she ran straight towards the center of the clearing, aiming for the giant stump. "How did you find this place Emiliano? It's magical! I'm surprised it isn't swarming with witches." She chuckled and turned back, waiting for him to come over.

He smiled widely as he walked after her to the stump, laughing, "I found it out hunting when I got lost one day. I thought it was beautiful, so I planted a bunch of Lavender around the edges, hence no witches. Well, that and some wolfsbane for other creatures.", he smiled leaning on the stump, "You like it huh? Well, we've got quite a long time if you want to train, or learn italian or whatever... as far as I know we have all day.", he smiled somewhat mischievously.

Elizabeth caught wind of his mischievous smile, and she shook her head. "Let's start with a lesson or two, just to cool down a bit. Then we'll move on to training, and who knows what you'll think of next." She gave the stump a look, and wondered if there was a civilized way of getting on to it. "Okay, how do we get up there? Or is it just for looks?" She tugged on the sleeve of her shirt, and examined the stump a bit more thoroughly.

Emiliano smirked and looked up the stump, "Oh yea, we can get up there, but unless you want another harsh climb,", he bent down and cupped his hands, "You're gonna need help. And then you can help me.", he smiled, ready to hold her up so she could climb onto the top of the massive stump.

Elizabeth shrugged, and put her foot into his cupped hands, when he hoisted her up she grabbed on to the nearest hand hold and pulled herself up over the top of the stump. Despite what she would have thought, it was quite a nice place to rest. The moss that covered it was soft and despite it's moisture she wasn't worried about getting wet. She leaned over the edge and held a hand down for Emiliano, waiting patiently until he grabbed it. "It's nice up here, we won't feel sore if we rest on the moss."

Emiliano nodded as he was pulled up, "That's why I come here often. A great place to relax and rest, it's almost like a bed with all the moss.", he chuckled, sitting on the squishy and soft plant matter. He sighed, and beckoned her to sit next to him, "So if I am gonna learn French and you Italian, how and where should we start?", he pulled out the food he had brought and set it out, biscuits and butter, some sandwich bread and an assortment of meats and condiments, beckoning her to sit and eat. "Hard to learn on an empty stomach no?"

"I agree entirely. My tutor would get the chefs to-eh never mind, that's not important. So I want you to teach me first, and as far as where to start, how about the note you made me? A full translation would be nice, and then I could learn how to write it or something." She winked at him and laid down on her side, the moss beneath her felt cool to the touch, and she sighed in ecstasy. "Or whatever you want to do." She grabbed a biscuit, and popped it into her mouth. Digging into a knapsack she had been carrying, she pulled out some fruit; apples, peaches, and pears to be exact. She offered them up to Emiliano, and fiddled with her braid.

Emiliano smiled and grabbed a beach, taking a bite out of it and letting out a satisfied sound of delight, before swallowing and addressing Elizabeth, "Alright, let's start with that. Get it out.", he pointed at the first word, "Pronounced, mia. It means my, say it after me.", as she did so he smiled, her pronunciation was quite good, "good good, alright, next word is cara, now what do you think that means?", he took a biscuit himself, buttering it and popping it into his mouth, waiting for Elizabeth to guess the word.

Elizabeth looked at him with an eyebrow raised, she hadn't expected him to comply. "You're actually going to tell me what it all means? This is going to be way easier than I thought it would be." She looked at the words before her, apparently mia meant 'my', she kept that in mind. "Okay, cara. Do you know the word in French?"[/color]

Emiliano tapped his chin before shaking his head, "No clue, wait... I think... it may be... cher? I'm not sure... they both start with c though.", he shrugged and buttered a second biscuit taking a small bite out of it. "And I'm not going to translate the whole thing Elizabeth, just a few words, to leave you wanting to learn more!", he chuckled at his teasing of what the message said.

Elizabeth glared at him when he said he wouldn't translate the whole thing, but she figured it was fair. When he said the word cara meant cher in French, lights went off in her head. "Oh that's too easy, it means lovely. So far the note says 'my lovely', and then it's my name. So 'my lovely Elizabeth', you called me lovely? I have to know the rest now!" She sat up on the moss and crossed her arms. "What does it say?"

Emiliano chuckled as she stood up and crossed her arms, wanting to know the rest, "If I just told you where would the fun in that be? And besides... you don't really want to know what it says...", he chuckled at how he was teasing her, "Besides, how are you gonna force me to tell you miss Elizabeth?"

Elizabeth scowled, and squinted at him. She was sizing him up, to see how much effort she would have to use to get it out of him. Words wouldn't faze him, so she would have to take action. "I want to know, and I will get it out of you." Without warning, she sprung, pouncing upon him to see if she could pin him down.

Emiliano had not expected her to tackle him, he grunted lightly as she was suddenly on top of him, but he smiled and quickly rolled over, trying to pin her himself, "Ah so you think you could so easily pin the great Emiliano Sebastiano Parisi??!! You fool haha!", he jested as he tried to pin her like she had before.

Elizabeth tried to steady herself, but his weight was too much and she was pushed onto her back. She struggled, but only slightly. If they were in the middle of actual training, she would have punched him or done something to shift the balance. As for now though, it was only playful wrestling, and she accepted it. "Oh no! I was such a fool to tackle the Emiliano Parisi! Whatever shall I do?" She laughed, and threw a light punch at his cheek. "I can still get the upper hand! Tell me what the note says!"

As she punches him in the face lightly he smiles, "Ah! You have struck me! Laying the great Parisi low!", he fell back in mock pain and defeat laughing before she asked the question. "So, want to know that badly? Fine... ask me one more time and I will tell you what it says, if your so certain you really must know it.", he chuckled at her, he was now on his back.

She stroked her chin as she sat on top of him, she wanted to know what it meant, but if she found out right now there would be no more lessons like this. She didn't want that, definitely not. So, with a sigh she shook her head and leaned down. "You have won this battle, but you won't be so lucky next time." She started to get up from him, and brushed her hair out of her face as she did.

Emiliano didn't want her to get off of him. As her hair fell Emiliano grabbed her arm, gently but firmly, urging her not to pull away. For a moment he simply sat like this, staring into her beautiful face, before exhaling sharply, "I'm sorry about this.", and brought his lips up to meet hers. He kissed her deeply, for a good few seconds before he pulled away, leaning back and staring up at Elizabeth, waiting for her reaction.

As she was moving to stand up, Emiliano grabbed her arm and gently pulled her back onto his lap. Before the gears in her head could turn, she found herself in a deep kiss. It was exhilarating, she hadn't felt that rush in a long time. When he pulled away, her body lost some of the warmth he had given her, and she realized how much she craved it. After a moment of looking into his eyes, she dived back in, kissing him passionately. She only came up for breath, until for some reason, she decided to make things awkward. "Emiliano. What are we doing? What about training?"

EMiliano kissed her back as she dove back down onto him. As she pulled back and asked what they were doing he thought for a moment how to justify this as mildly productive, "Uhm... it is it's... teambuilding you know?", it was weak, but hopefully it was funny enough to get things going again as he bent up and captured her lips in another kiss, his tongue prodded at her lips for entrance

It was a pretty lame excuse, but Elizabeth nodded along with it. "Team building, right." She muttered, just before his lips crashed against hers once again. His tongue prodded at her mouths entrance, and she opened it eagerly. She giggled against his lips, running her hands up and down his sides. She hadn't done something like this in a long long time, and she was happy about the excitement it brought.

Emiliano was loathe to ever break the kiss, but had to for air and to give Elizabeth room to move her hands along his sides, and he hers. His hands were unlacing her back as he answered between kisses and breaths, "Well, the way... I see it, if we... don't go as far as we can... then we won't be... nearly as trusting right?", he finished his statement and dove back into the kiss, undoing the back of Elizabeth's clothes and trying to pull down her bodice.

"What are you doing Emiliano? Stop! Don't touch me like that!" Elizabeth's eyes went wide, and she pushed herself away from Emiliano. Reaching back she redid the back of her clothing, and wiped her mouth aggressively. "Were you trying to...Emiliano why would you do that to me? I never agreed to that." She started to stuff the fruit she had brought back into her knapsack. She couldn't believe he had just tried to sleep with her. When the shock cleared away, she started to become more aggressive. Throwing pieces of fruit across the clearing.

Emiliano were puzzled as she pushed away from him and began to re-do her clothing, had he fucked up? "I just... that wasn't where that was leading? I-I... I'm so sorry I just thought...", Emiliano cursed himself in his mind as he pushed himself up on his elbows dazed, "If... you didn't want to do that then why... why did you kiss back?", he was extremely confused to say the least... and internally kicking himself.

"I thought it would just be kissing, that's all I thought would happen. I don't even know why I started to kiss you at all." Elizabeth held her head in her hands and groaned, she didn't want to argue with him. She just wanted to go home and take a nap for the rest of the day. If only things were that simple. "Can we go? Or are you going to insist on arguing with me?"

Emiliano frowned at her answer, "That... is not an answer to my question Elizabeth. Even if you thought we were just going to kiss why do that at all?", he stood up as she held her head in her hands and asked if he would argue with her, "No, I'm not going to argue with you but we need to discuss this! It's important Elizabeth!"

"It's not important! It was a mistake. Okay? A mistake. Can we move on with our lives?" Once Elizabeth was done packing, she went to the edge of the stump and started her retreat. She scaled down the stump, finding places to rest her foot lest she fall and seriously injure herself. With a grimace, she jumped the last few feet, and landed in a crouch to protect her legs. "I don't know about you, but I think it's time we head home. I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused." She had to shout to make sure Emiliano heard her, but her voice was gentle. With that, she walked away, hoping she wouldn't have to face him on the way back.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Flint,Fenros, Emiliah and Elizabeth,Bobby


It took them a long time, but Thankfully Flint, Emiliah and Fenros made it back to the Witches Paradise. Flint was passed out as Fenros carried him into the tavern. His body wrapped in his older brothers cloak to keep him warm from the water that he was pulled from. Bloody bandages covered his head and his face was battered and bruised.

Bobby shuffled over “Wot in heaven’s name happened to Flint!?”

Emiliah, looking a little worse for wear herself, looked up at Bobby. ” Flint was...helping me catch my witch and… there was….a bit of a cave in,” she said, her voice aching with exhaustion. ”It was all my fault,”

Elizabeth woke up groggily as she heard all the commotion from downstairs. She had been taking a nap, to forget about what had happened earlier today. During her effort, she had scrubbed her entire body raw, even though Emiliano’s kisses had never left her lips, she still felt surprisingly dirty. With a groan, she tucked her nightgown into some trousers she found on the floor, and headed downstairs.

She had barely made it to the last step when she saw Flint, the sight of whom made her mind accelerate. He was tucked into the arms of a man she could only assume was Fenros, and the girl from earlier-Emiliah-was trying to explain herself to Bobby. With wide eyes, Elizabeth quickened her step until she was able to view Flint’s bandaged face. She cast a glare at Emiliah, who seemed a bit roughed up herself. However, Elizabeth felt absolutely no sympathy for her, after all, Flint was weak unto death in his older brother's arms.

[color=ff00ff]“What happened?” She seethed, focusing her anger at Emiliah, [color=ff00ff]“Where's Sophie? He needs proper care Bobby.” She held out a hand to comfort Flint, but quickly retrieved it.

Bobby was confused, how was it her fault? Suddenly Liz came down and seemed to worry over the fact Flint was hurt, demanding to know what happened, and then telling Bobby that he needs proper care. “Don’t I know that lassy.“ Noting how she tried to comfort Flint. “SOPH! WE NEED YA OUT HERE!” He bellowed, almost shaking the tavern as he did.

Sophie came running out and saw Flint in Fenros arms. And then noticed Fenros even looked worried… “Quick into the back room Fenros.” She said as she moved back to the Kitchen. “Elizabeth! Come with me, I need help getting towels and hot water."
Fenros nodded and pushed passed everyone, while being gentle on his brother, he saw the wounds on the back… so he didn’t move him as much as he could. When in the back room he laid him down on his side.

Bobby came in after to clear a path for Sophie and setting up a stool. “Idjits… almost getting themselves killed.” He said to himself. “How did you find them.” Bobby asked.

Fenros looked up to Bobby, “I felt prompted to take another path, it was a good thing I did.” He said as he noticed Emiliah walk into the room.

Emiliah looked at the girl, irritated by her..aura? She couldn’t explain or tell anyone what it was about the girl that was bothering her. She also didn’t have the energy to deal with it just at the moment.

The whole world seemed to be moving too fast around her, with people coming and going and rushing about. It was probably a good thing, but all she could think about was staying close to Flint, which lead her into backroom.

Bobby then asked her, “How is this your fault Emiliah?” He then took her by the arm and guided her to a chair where he would take care of her wounds.

Emiliah sat in the chair, but started struggling as as Bobby tried to treat her wounds. ”Stop Bobby, I’ll be fine,” she argued, weakly yanking her arm away. ”Focus on Flint,” She then took a breath “I should have never brought him with me to the cave,” she said slowly. ”I could have taken that witch on my own. I put him in needless danger,”

Elizabeth turned her attention away from Emiliah, instead focusing on what she could to to help Flint. She scrambled to the kitchen, and grabbed some of the more clean towels from a pile she saw. Tucking it under her arm, she grabbed a mitt to protect her hand, then reached for the kettle hanging over the stove.

She ran as fast as she could with boiling water in her hand, and dropped it all down besides Sophie. “He'll be okay right? Do you need anything else?” Her words were meant for Sophie, but her attention was solely on Flint. Her brow creased, and she started to chew on her nail. Of all the things she did when she was uncomfortable, biting her nails had never been one of them. Her mother had taught her at a young age to keep herself prim and proper, and up until this point her nails had always been neat. “Sophie? Did he suffer any head trauma?”

Sophie got into the room and started to inspect Flint, peeling back the cloak that Fenros wrapped around him and revealing his black and blue back, and slight deformations from his ribs popping up. She then inspected his head, where the bloody bandages were, feeling with her fingers, she could feel a good size dent in his skull. She looked to Elizabeth and nodded before looking to Fenros, Bobby and said, “Good thing you boys were so hard headed,” she said with a weak smile. “I don’t know how but he is still breathing...“ She said as she started to clean him with the towels.

Bobby gruffed as Emiliah had pushed him away, and even put the blame on herself for him being hurt. “Emiliah...Flint’s a big boy, He knew the risks going on a hunt. Ye are not at fault.” He moved over to her again, “Sophie has Flint, let me clean your wounds...and no butts about it.” He sat down on a stool in front of her as Fenros now spoke up

“Flint will be fine, Sophie has healed much worse wounds than this on me.” He looked to Emiliah. “It’s not your fault. He’s always getting into trouble like this.” he said and made a small attempt at a smile.

Emiliah looked at the two men before, sitting back in the chair and letting Bobby treat her wounds.

He then looked to Elizabeth and raised an eyebrow, he never met her before, but the way she reacted to him being hurt he asked. “Are you and my brother dating?”

Elizabeth listened carefully to what Sophie had to say about Flint’s condition. She ignored a lot of the other chit chat that was going on between Bobby and the others. Instead, she zoned in on Flint, and remembered the conversation the had just had earlier that day. He had been so lively, with his charming smile and dazzling personality. She gripped the edge of platform he was laying on, and bit her lip.

When Fenros addressed her, Elizabeth almost had to ask him to repeat what he was saying. She flinched, and turned towards him, her face red as the fresh tomatoes they sold at the market. “Me and Flint? Us...dating?” she could hardly find the words to describe her embarrassment. “Oh, oh heavens no. We're just good friends. Why, we just had a chat this morning. I don't think we've been introduced. You're Fenros? I'm Elizabeth.” She gave him a slight bow before turning back to Flint, her cheeks still red.

Fenros raised an eyebrow as she turned bright red yet she said she wasn’t dating him. Strange how her body seemed to indicate it. Flint was always surrounded by women, he had that charm. He simply nodded, obviously not as interested as being as polite as his brother. The fact that she already knew his name was not surprising, most knew him by site. “Nice to meet you Elizabeth.”

Flint groaned as Sophie placed an ice cold cloth on his forehead. His eyes fluttered slightly before opening. “uuuugh...Where…” He couldn’t even finish the sentence as he looked around.

Elizabeth saw Flint’s eyes flash open, and she let out a sigh of relief. She hoped he had no major damage to his mental health, a head wound like that was sure to injure something. She watched him as he looked around, and decided a small smile would be the easiest thing for him to take in.

“Flint, you're back at the Tavern. Your brother carried you in, and if you were wondering, Emiliah is fine.” Elizabeth's tone carried a slight bite when she spoke of Emiliah, but she figured it was good for him to know. “You hit your head pretty hard, you need to sleep.” She looked up to Sophie to confirm her hypothesis.

Flint looked up at Liz... His eyes blinking for a few times. "I...Moth-"

“You don’t tell people with a head injury to sleep,” Snapped Emiliah from behind Bobby, moving around to look over at the group making it difficult to finish cleaning her up.

“I don't recall asking you, missy.” Elizabeth snapped, her blood was heated and she started to shift her weight between her feet. “You're definitely not a doctor, and yes, you do need to let people with head injuries sleep.” She wanted to scream at Emiliah, but decided not to start any conflicts while others were there.

"I may not be a doctor," she snapped. "But at least I have a lick of sense, everyone knows that you have to wait at least half a day before letting them sleep," she moved to get up to get closer to Flint.

“Okay miss-know-it-all. We'll let him stay awake instead of giving him proper rest.”Elizabeth glanced at Emiliah, and when she saw her getting up to inspect Flint, she shifted her hip to block the girl's view. “For someone so adamant ab-”

“ENOUGH” Sophie stood up and looked at the two girls. “The last thing Flint needs is the two of you bickering! Now OUT! All of you!” She stood with her hands on her hips and a glare that would and Did scare Bobby into him clearing his throat…” Alright lassies. Let's take this outside.” He placed both hands on their shoulders and started to shift them too the door.

Fenros stood speechless wondering how the hell Flint always managed to get women fighting over him. He looked down to Flint who seemed to be lost in his own world of figuring out what happened...understandable with the head trauma he had. Despite Sophie’s words though he even had doubts that Flint would be the same. After this.

Sophie looked to Fenros and walked over to him. She placed a hand on his shoulder and asked, “Can you step outside and make sure no one comes in?”
Fenros looked her in the eye, knowing what was about to happen. He nodded and looked at his baby brother before walking to the door and closing it behind him….His face was as stone, but it wasn’t that of dread, more calm than usual. He stood there, his body acting as a rock wall between the girls and the room that Flint and Sophie was in.

Emiliah yanked her arm away from Bobby and walked herself out of the back room . She then rounded on Elizabeth "What's your problem," she snapped.

"I have no problems, you're the one that got us kicked out!"Elizabeth's arms were already crossed, and her eyes were locked onto Emiliah's in a steady glare. "All I did was ask Sophie a question, and you just had to cut in," she stabbed her finger at Emiliah's chest, "if anything I should be asking you what your problem is."

Emiliah glared at her "I don't have a problem. I have done nothing to you and you've been... Hostile since we've met,"She took a step away from the girl, "Pointing fingers now? Stop acting like a child,"

"Oh, I'm the child because I raised a finger. But you're such a responsible adult by arguing in front of an injured person. You were the one that caused this, and don't you dare think any different." Elizabeth balled her fists at her sides, she looked back towards the door to the backroom and shook her head. "I don't think you understand this, so let me say it slowly for you." she raised a hand and pointed at her fingers. "One, you caused this so stop acting like the Messiah with your 'immense knowledge' of the situation. Two, you need to calm your attitude. And three, we both need to stop, or Sophie will never let us back in there."

Fenros and Bobby looked at each other as the girl's continued to bicker, Bobby only shook his head and shrugged, there was not much he could do....knowing the girls personally. What none of them noticed at first was the bright light that shown slightly under the door frame. A light much brighter than fire or candle light. Fenros then spoke up. "You two fighting over Flint is not going to help the problem." He said that to gain their attention. "He will be fine either way in the next few days." Bobby looked to Fenros and started to shake his head to stop him from saying it, but he was too late. His words would only inflate the issue.

Elizabeth glanced between Fenros and Bobby, her gaze cool for a few moments. When she glanced at the door and briefly saw the unnaturally bright light, her eyes widened and she quickly turned away, ignoring the curiosity she felt to glance back. She returned her gaze to Emiliah, but instead of the previous venom that plagued her eyes, it was full of wonder. She tilted her head in the direction of the door frame, and hoped Emiliah would turn her attention there. "Anyways, like I said, we should set aside our differences...for now. So we can both see Flint when Sophie is done...doing whatever."

Elizabeth looked back at Bobby, recalling what Fenros had said previously. "Oh, he's going to be fine in a few days? Is that correct Bobby?" She smirked, but it was full of malice. Had he been lying to her? "Those injuries were very serious, I saw them myself. How in the world would he manage to heal those in 'a few days'. Explain that to me."

Emilah let out a little snort, although she herself didn't know about the magic powers even a week ago, she felt immensely superior knowing about it now. "I didn't know we had any differences to put aside, but, sure they're put aside," she then took a few steps away from her, looking back at Bobby, "When do you think I-we can see him again,"
Bobby grumbled as he was quick on his feet. "Yeah.. in a few days. He will be stable enough that we wont have to worry anymore." He said as he looked to Fenros. Who nodded as well, realizing his slip. He nodded in agreement with Bobby. He knew Emiliah knew of his healing factor, but not of Sophie.

Bobby looked back to Emiliah as she asked when they could see him again." Just depends on Flint lass. "He looked to Elizabeth who was clearly on edge and knew she was a smart girl, catching on to what he said earlier. He was going to pay hell for this in a few days...but it was up to flint reveal that.

"Now just go to bed, he will be fine. Dont worry, Sophie will be with him."

Elizabeth shook her head, hoping he knew his explanation wasn't enough for her. She tugged on the end of her braid, feeling miserable that she was out of whatever loop they were in. She had thought coming here voluntarily would be enough to belong with them, but she was wrong. "I don't think I'll be going to bed anytime soon, Bobby. I just woke up." She wanted to scream at them for the truth, but knew they would find a way around it yet again. So instead, she stared longingly at the door behind Fenros, and sighed. "Will you please poor me a drink, Bobby? Make it strong."

"If you are sure that he is going to be okay," said Emiliah.
Standing up. "I best be going home," she was suddenly feeling every single one of those seconds in the cave. Although not as roughed up as Flint, she could use a good nights rest as well. "I also need to ask my brother about getting Flint a temporary bow,"

With that she left, leaving the other three in the main room....among other people as well including a man who was super tall, that even sitting down Fenros could tell was Bigger than him.

Bobby sighed as he walked around the bar and grabbed a drink for Elizabeth. Once poured he dropped it infront of her before looking to the giant. "What can I do ye....sonny?" He said, looking the man up and down. Surprised at how big he was.

Just then a man who just walked in with a retractable scythe walked in as well. Bobby looked to Fenros who was still standing by the door, which opened behind him. Sophie slipping out and nodded to the both of them. before heading to the kitchen to clean up.

It took Bobby as second, as these two men finally jogged his memory. "Welcome to the Witches paradise Yuri, always welcome a well known hunter as yourself. You might have to fill me in on some of your hunts later on?" Bobby had gotten most of his info from hunters who passed through, mostly his older generation, but there was still somethings the young pups of this generation could do.

He glanced back at the Giant, he remembered in the back of his mind some hunter taking on a giant as an apprentice...yet didn't fight like a normal hunter did. He never did catch the name.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Meiyuki
Avatar of Meiyuki

Meiyuki I eat cute things

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

A collab feat. @Aerandir, @Ellion, @Wildeyes, @shagranoz, @agentmanatee

"The Calm"

Near the carriages, Lorelai and Alexina, after Alphonse departs

Alexina stood there, Lorelai's hand on her shoulder. Lorelai could feel Alexina trembling as horribly as a tiny cat in the cold, despite it being fairly warm outside. She was close to pulling herself back together before, but suddenly flashes of a old nightmare came back just as strong. Causing her to flinch, and turn into Lorelai suddenly, burying her face into the woman's shoulder.

"Lexi, what is this?" Lorelai asked as she pat the witch's back. "I've never seen you like this before." To say she was concerned would be an understatement, Lorelai had rarely seen even the mildest forms of fear on Alexina's face before. This stark terror was almost infectious, her own chest tightened with apprehension.

Alexina took a few deep breaths, taking in Lorelai's sweet smell, it almost seemed to calm her a bit. Her mind was in chaos...memories flooding her mind, yet she didn't...remember them...but she did... She felt the terror of helplessness... the pain, the fear... she was young... almost ten years ago.

"I-I-I..." she shuddered. As she gripped Lorelai's clothes tightly pulling her even closer to her, as one would a blanket. "I felt so....helpless." she managed to say, Tears finally breaking her eyelids and dripping onto Lorelai's clothes. "I-Couldn't stop it... I couldn't...protect...myself."

"Couldn't protect yourself from what Lexi?" Lorelai had no idea something so dark might be lurking behind Alexina's usually tranquil, confident eyes. She'd always seemed unassailable, maybe a little easily flustered at times. "This isn't about Al's shadow dancing is it? It'll stay between us if you want to tell me, otherwise I'll comfort you until you're strong again." Her voice was gentle as she tightened her hold on the currently fragile Alexina.

Alexina didn't answer for a bit, she almost didn't hear her questions... lost in her mind... seeing a greedy smile... hearing herself scream, it was almost loud enough that she thought she heard it as clear as day, covering her ears for a second before realizing it was just in her mind... She looked up at Lorelai, their faces mere inches apart. Her big bloodshot teary eyes looking into Lorelai's concerned ones. Her memory was becoming clearer by the second as it played over and over again. As if now registering that she asked if it was Alphonse's shadow dancing, she thought back to it...the feeling...was different...yet the same... the darkness, the absolute fear of not being able to do anything....feeling weak and alone...and helpless. She slowly nodded. "It- is... but" she shook her head... "I'm so scared Lore...." She said in almost a child's voice. "I couldn't....stop him from...I couldn't do.....anything."

"You're strong now Lexi." Lorelai had an idea of what may have happened, rage burned in her heart, threatening to overtake her softer sensibilities. The very thought of...that...happening to Alexina, she could bathe a village in hellfire and it still wouldn't be enough to satisfy her. "I'm here with you, you're safe. It'll never happen again ok? You're one of the strongest women I've met."

Alexina heard her... but shook her head. "No...No I'm not..." Thinking to Alphonse's magic...how she felt again. " It's here... I just felt it again. I-I-I Don't want him to do that again!" Speaking of Alphonse... or the man in her memory. They seemed to blend together. Though when she thought of Lorelai calling her strong... she remembered... her mother... blood...blood everywhere....some hers...but mostly....she then remembered casting a spell on her... "I...Forgot..." She said, looking down...."I forgot this feeling....this awful memory."

Looking back to Lorelai...."I always knew...but it was never there...." She started to sound a little crazy at the moment, But she remembered her mother sealing her memory away. "Alphonse...please don't make me go back into the darkness Lore! I-I Can't take the feeling of...helplessness...I couldn't do anything...I feel...Violated..."

"I won't, I won't I promise, never again ok?" Lorelai was disturbed by Alexina's confusion, always knew? But it was never there? She resolved to find out what had happened one way or another, for Alexina's sake. Whatever was tormenting the witch was surely immense. "I'll make sure Al knows to never do that again. You'll never be helpless again ok? I'll make sure of that, and so will you."

"Tell me about this memory Lexi." She slowly stroked Alexina's back.

She looked Lorelai in the eyes as she spoke to her. She nodded...feeling a little more relieved that Lorelai promised to never allow Alphonse do that to her again. She felt even more relaxed as she felt Lorelai's hand running up and down her back. She nodded... She tried to collect her thoughts as she rested her forehead against Lorelai's shoulder. Her shuddering almost nonexistent now. She took a few deep breaths and said..."It...was long ago... I was in a village....for a first time.... I wasn't supposed to be there. Mother warned me not to, but I didn't listen. " She pulled away, only slightly to look to her right...away from Lorelai. Her hands still latched shoulders. "I...I...." She started to tear up again. "I was attacked...I couldn't... he was so strong." Closing her eyes shook her head fiercely. "I couldn't transform...I was so scared, I tried to scream but nothing......no one came..."

"It's ok Lexi, It's ok." Lorelai continued stoking Alexina's back. The twisted knot of rage in her stomach pulsed with malevolence as she shared Alexina's pain. Hopefully telling her lessened it some, if only a little. "The cities of man can be as cruel as the inferno. I'm so sorry Lexi." Her grip tightened around Alexina's shoulders.

She looked down, almost ashamed of what happened to her... "Mother...she found me... she told me I wouldn't remember....I...I didn't believe her. But....I... only remembered it today...." She looked confused....looking at Lorelai. "Why? How?" As if she would give the answer. But it clicked before Lorelai could say anything... she remembered her mother performing a spell. "She... took my memory....and buried...deep. But I...Always knew....I hated....I HATED Hunters...That's what he was. Why I've always hated them....always killed them.... it was because of...him....But I never remembered him....till today."

"You've faced it now Lexi, and you'll be stronger for it." Lorelai grinned a little. "There are plenty of hunters out there tonight Lexi, and none of them as strong as you. Teach them the helplessness you once felt, and will never again."

With one last squeeze she released Alexina. "Are you ready?"

She looked into Lorelai's eyes as she spoke to her. Her words empowering her and seaming up the break in her mind.... Her fearful scared eyes slowly narrowed as she felt the need to exact her revenge on that man...through the others. once she was released by Lorelai and asked if she was ready.... She rose up, straightening her shoulders as she stood firmly again on her own. "I can't wait to hear them scream." She said, as she took in a deep breath and let it out. She was the Queen of the Forest... she feared no man...

She smiled and hugged Lorelai tightly..."Thank you... Lorelai..."

The River near camp, the morning of the conflict

Dragon had demanded that a cushion be brought out while she viewed his attempt at setting himself on fire. Which, he decided, was safest in the small river by the camp. After all, water didn't usually burn. With a deep breath, Taran dropped the towel he was holding and tried to fill his body with the same emotion of anger, panic and guilt that usually caused the fires to start. The...feeling? Started at the palms of his hands and then spread quickly across his whole body. The light was so bright that he had to shut his eyes. When he opened them, he was now standing in a dry river bed, covered in dark, singed rocks. The water was slowly filling back in, he was kind of sad that the missed...whatever it was that happened. "So...Dragon, did it work?"

Taran suddenly heard the sound of a slow clap. He turned to see Alphonse walking toward him, a massive grin plastered on his face. "Impressive! Now, that's some power." Alphonse stopped by the river bank and offered his hand to help Taran out of the River bed.

"Uh," said Taran, turning around to look at Al, refusing his help until he was sure that they were the only ones there. "What are you doing here?" he asked, trying to keep the irritation out of his voice, taking his hand and standing up. "Also...did I light myself on fire?" He really needed to know that that worked.

"Only on fire that stood five stories into the sky! Steam, everywhere! I swear, I practically heard the howls of hell in that conflagration!" Alphonse offered Taran a fist.

Taran looked at the offered fist with confusion all over his face. After a moment, he put his hand on top of Alphonse fist and started shaking both of their hands up and down. "Good, that is what I was going for....I think?" He said with a smile.

......Alphonse closed his eyes in exasperated, slightly annoyed, mostly amused, he decided that there were better time to teach Taran about the sacred fraternal bonds of the fist bump. "That's perfect, because that's exactly what we're going to need tonight. We've got Hunters ahead of us. If you can give us a display like that, we should be able to route them from their path without having to murder too many of them."

"Are we going to murder...some of them?" He asked, going pale and thinking about the ram from earlier. Sure he had eaten meat and killed animals. But if anything was going to turn him into a plant eater, these witches were.

"Most likely, they're heading to the same castle we are, and they're too likely to interfere with what we're doing up there. Our best opportunity to get rid of them is on the road, when we can overtake them and scatter them. At the very least, I'd like to murder their leaders, leave them disorganized. If we're lucky, most of them don't know what they're doing up there, and we can leave without a leader or a cause."

Taran paled even more. "I'd like to go, really, but I'm...sick," He said, coughing into his arms. "So...if you could just let the others know, that would be grand," he said. "Also...can I borrow your...shirt or...something?" he asked, as the burned remains of the towel fluttered away in the wind.

"Uh, sure, here, I don't need these too much." Alphonse began removing his pants to offer to the poor naked boy, when Lorelai arrived mounted on Ardat, her towering black warhorse.

"Taran, surely you're not letting Al mate with you? Considering how much you seem to be avoiding mating with anyone else." She let out a small chuckle. "Who am I to judge though, two young men in love, how cute."

Taran turned around as he heard Lorelai's voice, his whole body turning a deep red. "No-No Not, I'm not doing that. It's Al's fault," he said, stumbling over his word. "I was just burning things and ....." His words started to make less and less sense until he stopped talking altogether.

"He is a charming devil true, but still" Lorelai said, still grinning.

"He was like this when I got here, it just seemed like the neighborly thing to do." Alphonse said with a smile, and a wink to Lorelai, as he tossed Taran his pants.

Lorelai's grin faded as she turned to Taran. "So you're sick hmm?" She sighed, not buying it. "Well that's too bad, you could have saved a lot of lives Taran, your sister's and those poor hunter's alike...I suppose we'll just have to slaughter them all, a shame really."

Alphonse nodded, the words stolen from his own mouth. "What she said."

"I don't want to kill anyone," he said, hoping on one leg trying to pull the pants on with as much dignity and grace as he could muster. He was both leaner and shorter than Al, so the waist was a little loose and the legs long. But...it was better than nothing. "I don't see why my sisters would die," he said, looking at her. "But...I'll think about it, fair?" he really wanted his own clothing now.

Suddenly, Taran's feet were no longer on the ground. It was difficult to breathe, his vision was dominated by Alphonse's direct gaze. "You're going to think about a direct order? You're going to think about saving your sister's lives?" Alphonse threw the smaller man to the ground. "You're not here to think. She's trying to give you a kindness, an opportunity to stay away from the thick of the fighting. Be happy you don't have to hear them scream, or the life drift from their eyes. You're participating in this battle. If you try to think about it, you're dead. Welcome to the covenant."

Taran hit the ground, hard, all air rushing out of him. He glared up at Al, rubbing at his neck. "Yeah?" He growled, still processing the events that just happened. He felt Dragon scuttle up his arm. He felt anger coursing through his body. He glared at the man a moment long. "Great covenant," he finally growled, standing up. "So glad I joined," There was a moment, just a second, when he saw Al going up in flames, but he banished the thought at once. "Well the, I'll be in my tent, unless you have another 'order' for me,"

"Just something to think about." Lorelai's eyes were hard as she gazed down at Taran. "Me and Al here would sooner give our lifeblood than see someone stub your little toe Taran, but we expect the same. Loyalty begets loyalty, and it's time you gave as good as you got I'm not Medusa, I'm not going to coddle you. I'll stand by you though, if you stand by me."

She nodded towards the camp. "Now go and prepare."

Taran just looked a Lorelai. "As you say Mistress " He gave a little bow, before walking back towards the camp.

Alphonse watched Taran walk back to camp with a scowl on his face. Kids these days. Alphonse turned to Lorelai. "You didn't tell me the kid was unblooded. I thought he was new, not dead weight."

"I didn't know either. Why Medusa foisted the poor boy on me for an expedition she knew damn well would be bloody..." She let out a frustrated snarl. "You saved his life you know...I can't afford to show mercy right now, thank you for doing it in my stead."

She gave Alphonse a pained smile. "He'll not thank you for it though."

Alphonse sighed, "Yeah, I'm used to it. If he won't fight, we'll probably need to find an alternative. Brew up some other nasty. Hell of a thing to route a force four times your number, makes them think they can still win. Even when it's hopeless." He looked at her with heavy eyes. "At least I can still trust your judgement. What could Medusa be thinking?"

Lorelai looked at Alphonse appraisingly. They'd worked together closely off and on for years, never on anything pleasant unfortunately, but she felt she could trust the man. "Alphonse, can you keep a secret?"

"Of course I can." Alphonse said evenly. Suddenly his face broke back out into a grin. "Is it some juicy gossip? I hear Vespa's getting defensive."

"I've been thinking about our mistress Medusa...I don't like these risks, I'd prefer to stay at peace if we could...would you stand with me?" Lorelai's gaze fell on Alphonse, her eyes entirely serious. "Sending the Ruvina's to die at the hands of their mother, Taran before being blooded, I can't let this stand Alphonse."

Alphonse's smile drifted as quickly as it had arrived. "Lorelai, I've seen more blood than most. Believe me when I say that I would be happy to never see it spilled again. Least of all when it can be avoided. If you believe that Medusa's incompetent, then I'll stand by your side. Or in your shadow. I trust your judgement. You've never steered me wrong before."

Lorelai set a hand on Alphonse shoulder, her face broke into a relieved smile. "I hope it won't come to that, I'll speak to her about my concerns first. I appreciate this Alphonse, and I'll try to continue to be worthy of your trust my friend."

She let out a relieved sigh. "We've preparations to make don't we? If you can eliminate their leader, I've something that might save their sorry hides yet. I'll know more before nightfall. Shadows be thick about you Alphonse." With that she urged Ardat back towards camp.

Alphonse watched as she left, a rare small smile on his face. Useless unblooded boys aside, he'd dealt with worse with less before. he fell into the darkness, and raced into the forest. He would need more information on these hunters if they were to succeed. As much as he hated to admit it, it felt good to work at Lorelai's behest again. She always understood what had to be done.

Taran's tent

Lorelai approached Taran's small tent with a bag in her arms. She'd had no idea the boy was unblooded, she'd never ask him to fight on this scale had she known. She didn't intend to apologize so much as make the misunderstanding clear. "Taran, I've something for you."

Taran had been laying on his cot, watching Dragon rush around his stomach, grumbling about something. He heard Lorelai voice and saw her standing just outside his tent. He quickly got off of the cot, walking towards her. He noticed the package in her hand, thinking it was in no doubt the imp skin she had spoken about. "I'm suprised you want to give me anything, after I have disappointed you," he said lightly, not making eye contact.

Lorelai handed him the package, It was indeed a coat, shirt, and trousers crafted from imp skin, and thus completely impervious to flame. "Taran, have you ever killed a man before?" She asked simply.

Taran took the bag lightly, the material felt different than anything else he'd ever held before. The material was light and silky, but also thick, almost like leather. "Thank you Mistress," he said, stalling a moment for time. "No, I haven't killed anyone. Haven't even hit someone outside of sibling fights," He felt his face heat up with shame at admitting how...weak he must seem to the rest of them.

"I see, some cruel fate it must seem then to be amongst witches at war." She simply sighed. "I'll not ask you to fight then, but you'll need to learn to do what you must eventually ok? For now, can I trust you to defend those who remain behind?"

"I..." he paused. " Thank you for your kindness and understanding mistress, I am still getting use to your world that is so different than the one I came from," he said softly. " But this is the world I must live in and I understand that you could order me to fight and I would have no choice but to obey. If you ask me to defend those who remain behind, I do so. I also understand that fighting is a part of my life and I will work to get better at it,"

"It's ok son, warriors aren't made overnight. I'll not expect you to become one." Lorelai ruffled Taran's hair a little smiling. "We're family now, and our family has many enemies. I don't like bloodshed overmuch either, but I've no choice if I'm to keep us safe do I?"

"No, you don't Mistress" said Taran, a small wave of relief that Lorelai was not...as angry at it. In fact, she seemed understanding. He blushed again as her hand ruffled through his hair. "I-I want to protect the family too, it...really has offered me more than I could have ever dreamed,"

"I'm glad, and I'm sure you'll get the opportunity soon enough. For now though, I entrust the camp to you ok?" She turned and started towards her carriage. "Be safe ok?" She added before stepping inside.

Taran watched her go, not wanting to go back to his cot, he quickly changed into his imp skin suit, a little excited to see what it could do.

Genoveve in preparation

Genoveve always preferred to prepare for combat alone, it made it easier to converse with Yeris and coral the many spirits within her for the coming violence. She chanted quietly in the language of spirits, the strange and otherworldly tongue strange green and blue entities cascaded from her abdomen and joined her in her quiet and haunting mantra. Then a rather strange form left her, it looked like a human form but was a strange orange and green color as it wispily seemed to stretch its legs. Yeris rarely allowed herself to leave Genoveve, not that she wasn't still tethered but it felt strange to be out of her vessel again. The other wisps of spirits flew into the woods away, while Yeris searched for a more... human target to possess. Genoveve sighed as she stood and drew her ritual knife, cutting open her pal and allowing the plethora of weaker spirits out to do their job of distraction and hallucination... violence and blood were on their way.

Lorelai and Vespa's carriage.

Vespa was beautiful. Lorelai examined her lover's delicate sleeping features. Soon there would be killing to do, but for this moment she was content to simply watch her sweetheart sleep, and listen to the reassuring sound of her soft breathing.

The thought of Vespa joining the fray concerned her. Her love could handle herself, she was a powerful witch and an luminary of the blade. Yet the risk still pained her, they had thirty to slay or rout tonight. A daunting task, with little options. They could wait and hope their path would diverge, the risk of happening upon them or being discovered in a disadvantageous position was too great. Without Taran they were only seven.

Lorelai was tired in a way she hadn't been in a long time. Fatigue settled into her bones like a cold weight, always present. Binding the Betrayer had left her more enervated than she'd let on, and she'd had no time to recover. Sousiel was leaching out the taint as fast as she could, but without time to simply rest and allow Sousiel to work Lorelai's condition was only improving at a snail's pace.

It was time, Lorelai leaned over Vespa, and pressed her lips to her lover's. "Vespa, honey, We've gotten some news."

"The Storm"

Alphonse, The Quiet Blade
Alphonse glided into the heart of the hunter's camp. Not a sound, not a pebble touched. He watched the three men within the commander's tent. Not one of them had turned in to bed, not even a drowsy nod. Alphonse cursed them silently. As he approached he could feel the tell tale presence of silver, it always made him feel slow and sluggish as he neared in his shadow form. This wasn't going to be clean. After getting a sense of the three of them, all strong men, the leader wearing heavy chain and half plate. They discussed something, again Alphonse cursed the silver they wore, their words garbled to umbral ears, he drifted back to the entrance where a pair of apparently normal guards slumped in inattention. It wouldn't do for them to raise an alarm or join in the fight.

From the shadows beneath them, fires roared, as a titanic beast of fur and fire literally leaped from the ground beneath them. A wolf's muzzle slavering flaming spittle howled as it tore into the unfortunate guards before they had a chance to stir. Not satisfied with the blood of these two, the beast tore her way into the tent, where she met the armored men inside. The two guards wielded heavy halberds, their leader, the captain bore a simple, but well crafted blade at his hip. A shield already born upon his arm. The beast immediately charged them, it's fury spilling forward. I received a spike in its chest for its trouble. A halberd's axe blade came down next, cutting deeply into its shoulder, severing its collarbone in one swing. The captain stepped forward, ready to plunge his blade into the beast, but it wrapped its claws around the haft of the first weapon and swung the man attached into him, into the captain, sending both across the room. The third pulled had to drop his halberd as the beast reared, he pulled a short sword from his hip and skirted around the wounded beast, trying to distract it from his fallen comrades. The beast turned toward him, one arm slumping uselessly as its side, the silvered blades had left a sickly infection in its wound. It roared in frustration, bearing down on the soldier, now that he had lost the advantage of his long reach. She bore him down and savage him with tooth and claw, ignoring the wounds as the man desperately plunged his blade into the monster's body.

The other two got to their feet as soon as they could, seeing the beast over the top of their brother in arms they charged forward, a halberd came down on the monster's back, rending another terrible wound. Surely the captain's blade would finish the beast....

But his blade never came, he stood frozen in the darkness, the light of steel poking out from his breast. Blood dripped down his mouth as his expression hardened and threw an elbow behind him, striking Alphonse in the face. Al staggered back, crouching in a guard, one long sword born in front of the shorter, bloodied blade he had plunged into the man's back.

The Beast roared again, moving on from its first prey, on the soldier behind it. He gave ground, managing to pull his halberd free. He stood back to back with his commander, as each faced off against a foe on either side. They stood in a stand still for a moment, the beast bleeding from terrible wounds, Alphonse unsure how to murder his durable mark. Suddenly the captain could feel his compatriot shivering behind him. "So....cold....." the soldier whispered as his shoulders sagged, he collapsed. His body overtaken by some invisible shade. The captain turned, the beast strode toward him. Claws born forward, flaming pitch pouring from her wounds. He raised his shield to protect himself, knowing he had doom on either side. Maybe he could at least take the beast with him as he died. He felt a pressure on his arm. Then it fell limp, Alphonse had slipped his blade neatly into the pit of his armor, and severed the muscles connecting it to his body. Without his shield, he was easy prey for the massive beast, as she lifted him from the ground in her one good arm. He tried to plunge his blade into her, but could not even reach past her forearm. She slammed him into the earth hard enough to break every bone in his body. The pitch that spilled from her body fell onto him and set him alight.

"Alright, that looks good to me. Let's get out of here." Alphonse said, regarding the bloodied beast.

"No, we need more killing! I can smell them." The beast's voice was a terrifying amalgamation of Sousiel, and some abomination of The Pit. She turned away from him, ready to charge into more hunters. Most of the wounds on her body were healing fast, but the save rents of the Halberds were still fresh. If she ran into them wantonly, she would die.

She fell into the darkness as if she had stepped off a cliff. Alphonse shook his head. "I really hope that doesn't piss her off too bad, she's the only one who seems to like me. Nice work Steve." he called to the darkness.

"It still lives." came the ghostly call of his familiar. "The three are pretenders to my old profession."

"Great." Alphonse stared at the pile of meat and popping fat that was the captain's body. "You're sure?"

"I am certain, it's existence draws me, he will rise again."

"Alright, let's take him with." Alphonse pulled the silver away from the man's remains, and dropped him into Steve as well. Alphonse rushed back into hiding, drifting into the night once more before more hunters could arrive with their damnable silver.

Alexina, Queen of the Forest

Alexina stood on branch at the edge of the clearing where the hunters made camp. Her eyes glared at the men who slept, the ones who stood guard. A flame of hate and pain burned within her eyes as she imagined mutilating all of the pigs. They will feel her pain...her agony, to know that no one will come to save them. To fill utter despair.

She took a step and fell of the branch, landing on her feet but dropping to a knee as she did, her hand had reached down to brace the impact as well. She stood up again, while black wolf seemed to appear out of the darkness itself. She ran a hand along his back. As she looked down at the massive wolf next to her, more wolves began to appear from the trees behind her, an entire pack of ten wolves had appeared, and was ready for Alexina to lead the hunt.

She smiled wickedly as she Morphed into a wolf herself, slightly larger than the black wolf she was next to, and fiery red. She looked back to the other wolves, the simple look, causing them to meld back into the forest as they started to spread out.

She crouched, and moved forward in the tall grass, the black wolf next to her did the same as they surrounded their prey. The man, who was yawning, wishing he didn't have to take first watch, noticed a small flash in the grass. He rubbed his eyes as he looked more closely... When he saw it again, a flash of fear engulfed him for he saw yellow eyes in the grass not ten feet away.

Before he could yell, Alexina pounced from his right, and tackled him to the ground, a soft gurgle could be heard as she bit his jugular and ripped it out with frightening speed. Her green eyes seemed to delight in the taste of the man's blood as it dripped down her chin. . She swallowed the bloody mess in her mouth before howling a bone chilling howl, signalling her pack to attack. Almost instantly after her howl, more howls could be heard, as the others worked in pairs much like she did with her partner, distracting the guards as the other would attack. This all happened just after Alphonse and Souseil began their attack in the center of the camp.

She didn't wait, she kicked up dirt as she went from a dead stop to a sprint towards her next victim. one of the men who was staying up late by the fire was already armed with a bow, Aimed for her. He fired, while she thought she was ready for it, she misjudged the range, and barely dodged it, The silver tipped arrow tore through her shoulder, leaving a nasty cut but that was all. It paused her run though as she was trying to jump out of the way, giving the hunter ample time to nock another arrow and aim at her.

She however morphed into a sparrow and flew high up, as she did, he lost sight of her and looked around frightened at the sight he saw, Once she zipped around and flew as fast as she could towards him, morphing once again into a jaguar. Her sudden mass and speed crushing into the man and forcing him into the ground as she bit the man's face and started thrashing with her claws through his chainmail, however the mail had silver, she yowled in pain as it began to burn her paws.

As the camp was waking up to the confusion of the yells of pain and death, Men started to run back and forth, not knowing what was happening, or what was attacking. Alexina perked up as she heard some of her wolves howling and yelping in pain. A group of men managed to fight off three of them, stabbing two of them in the chest or back.

Alexina ran through the thick of the camp to make it to her wolves. Letting out a mighty roar as she charged the men who harmed her family. As they turned around they would see Alexina suddenly grow ten times in mass, as she did she slowed considerably but still still frighteningly fast as she morphed into a massive Bear. She plowed into the two hunters, crushing them under her massive paws.

But soon more hunters surrounded her, all with silver tipped spears as they began to attack her. She roared in pain as the weapons pierced her skin. She could feel the burning of it, but she ignored the pain as she stood over now the two wolves that were grievously wounded. Her roars of pain called out to the other wolves around as they all came to her aid, overwhelming the hunters that surrounded her.

Phagora, The Ravenous

Alexina had assigned Phagora to defend the camp. The half-demon witch had been disappointed that she wasn't in the assault party, but someone needed to guard the supplies, after all. It was a good thing, too, as a trio of hunters worked their way closer to her. Two of them were carrying two-handed swords, while the third had a heavy longbow. Phagora planned her strike carefully. The swordsmen would be little challenge, but the longbow was a different story. He'd need to be dealt with from ambush, lest she get turned into a pincushion.

Phagora lurked in the edge of the woods. She'd drawn several sigils in the camp's mud. She hadn't done anything to empower them, though; she just wanted the hunter's' attention drawn to a certain spot. The plan worked perfectly. As the hunters were distracted, Phagora charged out with a roar, smashing her sword through the archer's skull. The swordsmen were stunned by the ferocity of the attack, but quickly recovered. One of them managed to pierce her leather armor with a thrust, silver and lavender oil biting into her skin. The agony was excruciating, yet she soldiered on. One hunter was quickly dispatched, several blows slamming in his ribcage. The other was far more skilled, blocking half a dozen strikes. Phagora was able to close and grapple with him, though, literally squeezing the life from his body. She hefted the dying hunter over her head, slamming him into the ground and leaving a three-food deep crater. That did it.

Phagora looked out at the ruin she had caused, sighing. Violence agreed with her, but she did regret the killing in one respect: there weren't any prisoners left behind to interrogate and enthrall. A mindslaved hunter would be great bait for his fellows. Not to mention when that was done, she could have a human soul to eat, a rare delicacy even for the Devourer's daughter. Oh, well. Perhaps somebody else would bring her back someone she could grill... in more ways than one.

Genoveve and Yeris
Yeris found her perfect target. A rather massive bear of man, with a large mace like weapon. The orange and green form dissipated into the man who shuddered for a moment, as if a chill wind ran through him. The hunter next to him raised an eyebrow, "Boers you ok? It ain't that cold...", as he finished his sentence, Boers calmly stood up, lifted his mace, and turned the other hunters head into a nice red mist. Blood spattered against the face of another hunter who screamed, "Boers has lost it! Boers had-", before the massive metal mace collided with the man's chest, a harsh crack sounded as his body flew through the air.

Throughout the camp Hunters began firing at each other, claiming their allies had turned into beasts as they cut each other down, Boers took several shots but seemed to hardly care as he cut down hunter after hunter. Screams of fear and hate rang around the other witches as they fought. Genoveve sat outside the camp, watching her spirits spread chaos and pandemonium... and she could not help but giggle at the mania of it all.

Taran, The Firebug
Although Lorelai had told him to stay back and guard the camp, she hadn't left him alone to do so. Phagora was also around...somewhere, judging by screaming, she was doing a grand job of keeping the hunters out. That was fine with him. Although he knew that he would have to start...pulling his weight eventually, but hopefully not tonight.

Taran had taken to patrolling the far side of camp, where it was so quiet he could almost pretend that nothing was going on. He was slightly distracted by a rock, when there was sudden rustle of leaves in the woods and a shout as a shadow came rushing towards him "For H---...Wait, you ent a witch," said the shadow, or hunter was probably the better term. Taran watched as the shadow got closer and removed its hood. Then there stood a boy, would couldn't have been over sixteen. With wild straw colored hair, a speckling of freckles. "Lord man, ya scared me, 'most took yer head off," said the boy with a laugh. "Pa and I surely thought that we'd be the only ones to think to go round the far end to ketch'em off guard. It was my idea, Name's Sam by the way. This is the first hunt," He boy gave him a huge beaming smile, as though he couldn't be a greater honor than fighting with one's father.

Taran blinked a few times, trying to process the speed at which the boy spoke. This was his chance, now to....defend the camp. But it was hard to even think of drawing fire as the intended victim looked at him with such trust and happiness.

"Ah, crap, for'got to signal Pa," he said, turning his back on Taran and making a call like an owl. A few moments later a man who looked like a carbon copy of the boy aged about twenty years, came out from the woods. The two spoke a few quick words to each other before walking back over to Taran.

"So..mah boy's said we ain't the only ones who thought to come this way," said the man, given Taran a warm smile. "Guess great minds think alike. It was brave though, coming over here by yourself? They have at least one witch stationed here, there is pro'bly n'ther one 'bout here," The man then narrowed his eyes at Taran, looking him over as though trying to see something hidden. "Say, thought you said yous a hunter. Why ain't ya got no weapon?"

"I-I," started Taran, trying to find his voice for the first time tonight. "I-I didn't say I w-was a hunter," He really did try to not stumble over his words. But it didn't really work out.

"If you ent a hunter, and you ent a witch, then wotcha doin' here?" the father said, his hand slowly reaching for his weapon.

Taran tensed up before Sam spoke up again. "Oh Pa! Pa! I bet 'es one of those...pets they keep. Ya know...the...the...cock slaves? Like wut Marty was saying last night. Pa, we ent hunt'in witches, this is a rescure mission, we here to save...Uh...sorry, I don't think I ever got your name,"

"Taran," said Taran still trying to follow the fast talking Sam, and, although the night covered it, he could feel a blush spreading across his face at the mention of 'cock slave'.

"Yeah, Pa, we are here to save Taran!" Said Sam, almost jumping with excitement.

"Is that true son? They keeping you here?" The man's voice had flipped back from suspicious to concerned.

Taran wasn't sure what to say. They weren't correct, not in the least. But they seemed so...nice? They honestly thought that they were going to help by getting him away from the camp. They weren't hurting anyone. A plan started to form in Taran's head, he could...go with them. That would get them away from the camp and, thus, away from danger. He wouldn't stay of course, but he could keep them safe until the fight was over. Taran nodded, hoping that the man would take his lack of verbal answer as finding the topic too hard to speak about.

It worked and the man nodded. "It's alright son, we'll get you safe," The three of them turned and started towards the woods, when suddenly the father stopped. "Ya know," he said slowly. "Your Mistress must really trust you not to leave if she let you roam so...freely," He stopped walking. "Ya know I've met another one of your kind, once just once, witches usually keep them so well hidden that if she dies, the slave dies because nobody knows that they are there," There was a pause. "Now, this 'ne that I found was probably a little bit older than you. When I found him, though they had him all dolled up, in a silk robe. With an enchanted gold chain keeping him from traveling too far,"

Taran watched the man's back, trying to figure out where this story was going.

"They ain't need no imp skin," growled the man, turning around quickly, crossbow drawn, finger on the trigger.

Taran reacted on impulse. Like earlier that day, his whole body caught fire, blasting flames twenty feet on either side of him. Then, just as quickly, the flames died, leave destruction in their path. The forest, while not on fire, was smoking and burned looking, two nearby tents were badly burned and in front of him, two bodies lay still in front of him.

Taran rushed over, looking at them he couldn't tell which had been the father and which had been the son, that was until the far one made a sound.

It was softer than a cry, and wasn't quite words. Taran got closer and the words got more clear. "M-ma," it croaked. Taran was horrified. The whole body was black and the hair was gone. The clothing was either burned away or melted into the boy's skin. His fingers and toes had crisped up and vanished into ash. "M-ma, hurts" it said again. "M-ma h-help, Ma..." Then it started screaming, or at least, Taran thought it was screaming, the vocal cords too damaged to work properly. And it kept screaming.

Lorelai, The Last Von'Strauss

Lorelai stepped into the small clearing. In a complex runed circle drawn out with a mixture of blood and sulfur stood Sousiel, stark naked, her clothes piled up near a tree outside the circle. Lorelai took a moment to appreciate the sight, Sousiel knew well her fondness for adorable things, and had long ago taken on a shape her mistress found endearing. She was slim, with just enough curves to draw the eye. Pale milky skin, eerily free of blemishes or scars. Her dark hair kept in a short pixie cut. One red and one gold Sousiel’s eyes were large and round, as if she were perpetually surprised. Cute button nose placed at the center of the delicate features of the rest of her face.

Sousiel fidgeted nervously, reminding Lorelai of what was to come. She sighed, if she could withstand the radical changes the Demon Lord Lycandi would make to her body, she’d gladly use herself as a vessel. Sousiel, being a demon, was far more flexible of essence and shape, and thus more suited to the task at hand. Sousiel was scared though, as she always was before such bindings.

Lorelai stepped into the circle carefully, being sure not to disturb any of the lines, and drew Sousiel into an embrace. She could feel her familiar’s heart beating rapidly against her chest. Demons didn’t feel fear, but Sousiel was no ordinary demon. She’d been forged in the pit the day Lorelai was born, for the specific purpose of acting as her familiar. To think of the two independently, while understandable, was a mistake. Their essence was so intertwined one would find great difficulty determining the point where one became the other.

“Do I have to Mistress?” Sousiel looked up into her mistress’ eyes.

“I wish you didn’t Sousiel, but you’ll be fine, I promise.” Lorelai patted her head.

Sousiel turned around and sat, Lorelai lowering herself to the ground behind her. She retrieved her ritual dagger from its sheath, and began carving sigils into the girl’s back, as gently as she could. “What if I die?” Sousiel asked.

Lorelai spouted off the same response she always had, these little pep-talks had occurred so many times that they were basically scripted by now. “I’ll rip you from the inferno to my side again.”

“And if I come back wrong again?”

“I’ll descend to your birthplace and forge you anew, like I’ve always done.”

“If they bar your passage?”

“I’ll ask them to move aside, once, then I’ll move them aside.”

“If I’m not strong enough?”

“Who stood with me against Rovulug when I was but a girl? Who stood before Lilith with me before my twentieth year? Who carved out a bloody citadel in the pit with me? Who stood with me at the fall of Hector Digard?”

“I did I suppose...You’re truly the most powerful Von’Strauss to stalk the dark ways Lorelai”

“And you the mightiest companion Sousiel.” Lorelai smiled as she felt the girl’s heartbeat calm after their little exchange. “How long has it been now Sousiel? You still get nervous, it’s cute.”

Sousiel thought a moment. “We joined when we were eleven, just after your first blood. So I believe it’s been seventy years. Twenty or so topside, plus the time we spent in the pit.”

Lorelai’s hands stopped a moment as her eyes widened, she resumed her carving before continuing. “Hmmm, time flows strangely there indeed. Do I look seventy Sousiel?”

Sousiel giggled. “Of course not mistress, you’re barely human. Your birthright still waits you know, you could finish your descent and rule in the inferno. Why did we ever leave? You’ve found little but pain here.”

Lorelai smiled. “I found Vespa, and a new family. People to love, and to laugh with, friends. Alexina said it best. Each creature feels the need to be with its own kind.”

Sousiel hesitated. “Were you lonely mistress?”

Lorelai reached around to hug Sousiel, her carving finished. “Never too lonely Sousiel, I’ve always had you, and I always will right?”

Sousiel grinned. “Even after everything has turned to dust Lorelai. We’ll still be here, or somewhere. You’re a nightmare, and me your shadow, the darkways echo with your power.”

Lorelai pressed her lips against the demon’s flesh, and a deep black smoke emitted from her mouth and took up residence in the sigils she’d carved in Sousiel’s back. It imparted a portion of her gift, and the knowledge of the name and rites to invoke. Lorelai turned her ritual dagger on her own palm, slicing through her flesh. Standing she offered the blood to Sousiel, who drank needily, emboldening her own will through the medium of her mistress’ sacrifice.

Lorelai stood and stepped out of the circle again. “Are you ready Sousiel?”

“It begins mistress, I’ll not fail you.” Sousiel stood and began chanting in Dragon’s Tongue.

“You never have, I don’t expect you will this time.” Lorelai focused inward, deepening the conduit between her and Sousiel, allowing more of her power to flow between them.

What came next pained Lorelai almost as much as it did Sousiel, almost. Sousiel began to tremble, sweat poured from the demon’s brow. Her muscles began to bulge and distort, and with the first crack of bone the transformation began. Her hair marched slowly down from her head to cover her body as her flesh peeled open, spraying blood on to the ground around her. Her bones elongated as more muscle mass was added with the sound of ripping flesh and snapping bone. She hunched over as she swelled in size.

When the horrific process was over Sousiel’s nubile frame had be replaced with a fifteen foot tall hybrid between man and wolf.

The hulking warmachine made it’s way to stand before Lorelai, then kneeled. “Mistress, It is complete.”

“What do you want to do now Sousiel?” Lorelai stroked Sousiel’s snout grinning.

“Ravage your enemies mistress.” Sousiel trembled with barely repressed, and entirely inhuman, rage. “Ravage them until I’m waist deep in their blood, bones, and shit mistress…”

Lorelai gave a small nod to Alphonse, who spirited away Sousiel. She was the distraction Alphonse would need to slay their captain. "Hunt well." She said to the empty clearing.

She sighed removing a coin from her pocket. It was carved of pure ruby, it was said to be a cousin of the blood moonstone witches treasure. She slathered it with some of the blood still flowing weakly from her palm, and flipped it into the air.

It was caught, but not by her. A chill filled the air as a skeletal hand appeared to snatch it from the air. The clearing filled with mist as a shadow stepped into sight, a tall wraith composed of shadow and bone bearing a long wicked scythe. "Mistress...you call...me again?"

"Charon, welcome to the realm of the living. I'll need your mantle this evening." Lorelai stated simply.

"You haven't the power currently to bind me mistress, were you hoping for mine?" The shade drew closer to Lorelai, its head tilting quizzically. "What do you offer?"

"The memory of my seventh birthday should be sufficiently warm don't you think? It was only time my mother hugged me." Lorelai hated Charon for this, while his power was immense, his price was too personal. She couldn't afford to expend any of her own magic to bend him to her will this night, she needed something to confront Reyna with if need be.

"There were other times, but you sold them to me. It shall suffice." Lorelai, who'd been focusing on the memory, felt it fade from her mind slowly, until it was nowhere to be found. "You have an evening mistress." Charon vanished in a rush of black smoke, leaving behind a tattered cloak and his blade.

She tossed the cloak about her shoulders and grasped the haft of his scythe. A chill came over here and she shivered briefly. Shadowy black smoke poured from the cloak, it filled the air where Lorelai stood until her features were indiscernible, eventually she felt the pain of her body dissolve as it was subsumed leaving her a looming shadow with dancing blue flame for eyes. She had become Death, He Who Walks Behind.

Extending a skeletal arm she paved her path, a river of wispy souls, towards the camp. Their arms glowed an unearthly blue as they reached towards her gliding form. The forest rushed past her as she took flight.

From her new vantage point she noticed something disturbing. They weren't routing, they were fighting to the death even after the death of their leader. She saw Alexina amidst her pack, Vespa had joined the fight nearby attempting to cut off the route to their camp as a possible escape route. Sousiel was covered in blood as she fought off several assailants.

The number of dead was mounting, but they couldn't stand against so many. Even scattered as they were they were well trained men, Lorelai's siblings were brave, but not invincible, already Alexina was bleeding, Vespa too. "Charon, take my mother's face from me, and the memory of my summer near the ocean."

Lorelai poured what power she had left into strengthening her hold on Charon's might as the offered memories faded. She could make warmer memories with her new family, but only if they lived. Finally she unfurled her cloak, to remind them of what awaited everyone hunter, or no.

The camp darkened as the moon was blotted out by darkness. Many looked up towards the on rushing dark, others focused on the battle at hand, it made no difference to Lorelai. Her shadow passed over them. The little men, and their little dreams, were swallowed up by the impossible chill of the end. Their wills screamed against the shadow of Death, but eventually each bright life was snuffed out.

Some withstood the chill. She saw a man with a family waiting at home, his desire to see them again too strong to suppress. "Will you run?"

He started, his eyes blinded by darkness. "If I run who'll stand against ye?"

"No one, and no one can." Lorelai drew closer.

"I 'have a boy at home." The man continued to scan the inky dark for signs of her. "He deserves a better world 'n I had."

"Go then, teach him of your courage. Tell him of the day you stood in Von'Strauss' shadow and lived. Inspire him to the strength he'll need to build his own world, with his own hands."

"I'll not give ye the satisfaction of watchin' me run before ye slay me demon!" He started swinging wildly with his axe.

He didn't even make a sound when Lorelai's scythe pierced through his temple, he simply collapsed to the ground. She took a moment to clean her blade of the blood and brain matter. "So the cycle continues, as your sons seek blood for blood. The foolishness of the young."

Soon the camp had gone still and she released her grip on Charon's essence. Unimaginable pain and fatigue assaulted her immediately as she became flesh and blood again. 'They all better have lived' was the only thought she could form. Lorelai was unconscious before she hit the ground.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

@Aerandir @urukhai
One thing became apparent very quickly: There were things going on in this village. It was the first time Andri saw how someone badly hurt was carried into the backroom of a tavern with all the guests being able to see it happen. Oh he would have loved it to lurk to that door and do some eavesdropping, but... He had to admit that he was the rookie here, so it would be better for him not to get caught on something like this. On the other hand: These two women made such a course of action entirely unnecessary, as it really wasn't difficult to comprehend that there was a bit of a dispute going on between them. However the assassin couldn't find out what it was all about as he lacked the necessary knowledge or suspicions. There was a man with bad injuries in the backroom, most likely recieving initial treatment. This implied that something had gone badly wrong, and the ongoing dispute indicated that there was even more going the wrong way as he conceived it as pretty inadequate for the given situation. However it wasn't his job to intervene. Two men seemed to attempt just that already. Andri focused his attention back to the mug in front of him and took some sips. Thinking about what to eat, he was interrupted.

"Erm... hello. I'm just trying to relax a bit and fill up my stomach." He sounded diffident, if not even shy. He let Bobby inspect him without resistance - he was just too accustomed to it as most people did it. That man most likely was a hunter, otherwise he wouldn't have accompanied that other guy into the backroom. "My name's Andri. Andri Hymir. I've arrived two days ago and I'm trying to settle in. What happened ?" He noticed Yuri out of the corner of his eye and paused his words until Bobby turned back his attention towards him. Perhaps he would join them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheDoctor
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TheDoctor Wandering

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Mat,Fenros, Emiliah, Elizabeth, and Bobby

"Well shit," Mat muttered as he clutched his left thigh. "What a bloody lovely day..." The wound had been spouting blood ever since the last witch Mat encountered threw glass with her telekinesis powers right at him. Fortunately he missed most of the attack but it still got a few hits on him. Well at least I'm still alive and her pretty little face is no longer a part of her body, Mat happily thought.

To his knowledge, Witches Paradise wasn't too far from him, and he figured Bobby was still alive. He hadn't been near this place in years but hoped that he wouldn't need to explain much when he got there. Mat had dropped his spear some streets back in an alleyway after figuring he couldn't keep a hold of it. He liked having his spear around and he hoped that he could find it again. Nevertheless, holding a bloody spear probably wouldn't look too good for any random person that happened to come upon him.

Mat had to stop and lean against a wall; the wound was taking its toll. "Bloody hell...this is..." While the hunter had gone through worse, most of the time he was with someone else who could help him. Ever since his father passing away though Mat preferred going at it alone with the reasoning that less people would care if he had died.

The cool night area was a relief after the extreme heat of Bobby's Tavern. All Emiliah wanted to do now was get home, to her bed and stupid drool dog. She had only gone a few blocks when she heard cursing from one of the few roads branching off the main street. Emiliah glanced down and noticed a man leaning against the outside of a shop. Even in the soft glow of the night, she could see a coding of blood on the man's leg. "Uh, excuse me," she said, taking a few steps into the side street. Her own, unabandoned spear hanging loosely in her hand. "Excuse me, are...you alright?"

Mat was shaking a bit as he heard a woman's voice in front of him. He looked forward to see her holding a spear in her hand. "Lovely..." he muttered, spitting on the ground as he tried to stand a little straighter as he kept leaning on the wall. "I'm doing just great; stabbing myself is a pastime of mine. If you...you could help me out and not kill me that'd be wonderful. W-Witches Paradise, got a friend, actually he's not really a friend more like a co-work-" Mat's arm slipped off the wall and he almost fell. Things began getting blurry for him as he tried to concentrate. If this woman had ill-intent Mat had no way to defend himself, he was bleeding out already. "Damn witches, ruining everything..." He mumbled to himself.

Emiliah reacted on instinct to steady the man, her free hand snapping out to catch him under the arm. "Stabbing yourself is strange pass time," she said, almost soothinly. Mostly to make sure the man didn't fail around and hurt himself more. "Yeah, witches are a pain," she said, only half listening as she tried to get a look at his injuries. She then shifted so that she was taking more of his weight. "I'm not going to kill you, unless you know...you try to kill me first," she said with a little laugh. "Come on, I'll help you to Bobby's, it isn't as though I just came from there or anything," She took a few steps forward with the new man. "Names Emiliah by the way, I don't think I've seen you around here much."

As soon as Mat heard that this Emiliah knew Bobby he became much more relieved. He might not actually die today; that was something worth celebrating. He continued clutching the wound as he walked with her to the destination. "I'm not one to interact with many others, and I mostly end up killing the majority of them," he replied. "Thanks for the help though..."

"I'm so glad I'm interacting with someone who ends up killing those he interacts with," She said dryly. "Your thanks almost isn't enough to cover the risk," A slight breeze shot through the street, causing goosebumps to shoot up her arms. She could see the sign of the Witches Paradise less then a block down the road, yet with the added weight and the exhaustion she already felt from the days events, made it seem like a lifetime away. "So....How did you manage to get yourself stuck with witches glass?" she asked, mostly hoping that keeping him talking would stop him from passing out on top of her.

Mat made a small chuckle as he listened to her complaints. "I said most...don't worry about yourself," he said with a droll smile, but winced as some pain shot up through him. He had started to blink more and could feel that his right rand was soaked in blood. As they stepped closer to the destination Mat started to lose grasp of his senses that when Emiliah asked her question it sounded like she was at the end of a tunnel. "The glass? A nice parting gift from the last witch I met. Would've made me sink down to Hell with her too, so it's nice that you're helping delay my inevitable gruesome death..." Mat had to concentrate intensely just to not fall to the ground; he knew he didn't have much time.

"Hey," Said Emiliah, she could tell he was fading fast, as his words were starting to slur together so badly she couldn't understand what the hell he was saying. "Hey, buddy, if you see a light, wait till he are in the tavern to go into it. You've gotta stay here now? Okay?" The fact that his body was failing so quickly now made her drag the mostly dead man down the street just a little bit quicker. Soon they arrived at the tavern. "Bobby!" she called. "I swear this one isn't my fault, but he is dying,"

Bobby perked up from looking at the two new comers. "Wot the 'ell?" Bobby shuffled around. "Sophie!" He bellowed. Looking at the man's face. "Victar's Boy is hurt." He looked to Sophie as she walked out bewildered. "Emiliah! What are you doing to these boys?"

She said as she went back to the kitchen to get the medical supplies AGAIN.

Bobby glanced at Fenros who came over and lifted the man onto to the table, clearing the men there from drinking. "S'cuse me" was all he said, as he leaned him back. He looked to Emiliah with a raised eyebrow....He then asked Bobby. "You sure she's safe to work with?" He said with a small, very small smile. He was knocked around really good when he was working with her...then Flint...now this guy.

Sophie hurried out with bandages and when ready Fenros placed a hand on the glass in his leg.

At this point Mat could hardly tell what was going on, hearing everything from afar. He wasn't even able to say anything or explain, and all he wanted to do was fall asleep. "No, I don't want to fall asleep, stay awake you idiot or you may never wake up!" He said to himself. He could hear and kind of see another woman arriving with supplies. "Stay awake, stay...awake..."

Emiliah narrowed her eyes a Fenros, "Everyones come back alive so far, you best watch it or next time you might not be so lucky," She then turned back to Bobby. "So, is this another one of your long lost almost sons," She looked down at the muttering man again. "Or...who is this...person that I just saved?"

Fenros looked at Emiliah and shrugged, as if just stating the evidence while he held the man down. Bobby raised an eyebrow as mat started saying he didn't wanted to sleep. He was already hobbling over to the fireplace. "Well... Fenros don't pull that for a sec." Fenros nodded, knowing what he was going for. While Bobby answered, "Worked with his dad. Him a few times as well. Name is 'Mat' His dad was good hunter." He bent down and grunted as he did. He pushed an iron poker into the fire. "Fenros...keep him awake."

Fenros simply looked down and slapped the man in the face while Bobby continued. "Don't really think of this one as a son...more of an acquaintance ...or coworker." Another slap could be heard as Sophie yelped, "Fenros!" He simply shrugged.

Bobby then pulled the iron poker out, white hot as he shuffled back over.

Elizabeth was sitting at the bar when Emiliah brought in yet another injured man. This one was a stranger, and although he was probably handsome when he was cleaned up, at the moment he was ragged and pale. She glanced down at his injury, and blanched. "Oh, oh wow. So you're Mat, right? You're going to need something strong if you don't want to feel the pain." She pointed at her glass, and offered him some. This was her fourth drink so far, at least she presumed it was. When Fenros smacked him, she simply shook her head and shrugged. It was an effective way to keep him awake.

Fenros glanced at Ellizabeth as she offered a drink to the man Fenros then reached out, grabbed the drink and poured it over his wound. "Thanks" he said simply to Elizabeth. He then examined the wound and satisfied that a major artery was not punchured He looked to bobby and as they had a private conversation between them with just their eyes, he ripped the glass out while pinning ht man down with an arm and Bobby placed the iron poker right on the wound, spinning it and going down his cut. The hiss of flesh instantly rose and attacked their noses.

Mat was about to reach for the glass that was offered to him but the man beat him to it. Before he could even think about what was going to happen next he felt the glass rip out of him and the iron poker go right in the wound. Having nothing to bite on, Mat yelled out in pain. "Shit! Shit!" Mat wasn't too able to control himself from yelling, but other than that he didn't resist them.

Emiliah had chosen one of Bobby's larger chairs near the fire to curl up in. Still close enough to the action that she wouldn't miss anything important, but far enough away that she wasn't about to trip over someone. The fire was making her warm and sleepy, she longed for her bed, but she was invested on being around until they were sure he wasn't going to die.

After it was done, Fenros moved so Sophie could start wrapping his leg, while Bobby took the poker back. Once done Fenros then asked, "Do you want something to help you sleep?"

Mat had gotten down to taking heavy breaths, but could still feel the pain surging through. He looked over to the man asking the question and gave a frown. "Fine, but if I die I swear I'm going to come back from the dead and haunt your soul," he stated. "Left cheek please, my dad usually used the right for these circumstances."

Fenros nodded, as he looked at Mat. "I already have Ghosts haunting me." He quickly lifted his left fist and slammed it into mats face, causing head to snap to the left and fall backwards onto the table.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Meiyuki
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Meiyuki I eat cute things

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

a collab feat. @agentmanatee and @Aerandir

"Lorelai can be stupid sometimes"

Sousiel limped across the battle field. It was littered with corpses, some bore rending wounds from her claws, some fell to Alexina's pack, others had markings from more 'traditional' weaponry. The ones that interested her however where the ones that looked as if they'd frozen to death.

Sousiel recognized Charon's handiwork. Surely her mistress wouldn't be foolish enough to summon death in her condition. Her heart sank as she spotted Lorelai laying on the ground amidst a small group of frozen bodies. She quickly made her way over. A quick check revealed her to be alive at least.

Genoveve made her way into the camp as the spirits began to return to her body slowly, coming back from their havoc causing and Hell-raising amongst the hunters, she always hated the feelig of them returning to her body... it was so cold and jarring, especially if alot came back at once. It was particularly jarring whenever Yeris left and came back, being bound to her and as powerful as she was.

As she walked along the field of corpses she found one particularly unlucky hunter still alive, rather badly injured though. Genoveve walked up to him, kneeling before his bleeding form with a sad look on her face, placing her hand upon his cheek,"Oh, you are so cold young hunter... here, I will give you warmth again.", her eyes glowed green as she whispered words in the spirit tounge, a small ball of the possesors left her mouth and dissipated into the hunter. He shuddered for a moment, his eyes rolling back, before coming back down a luminescent green. He stood up with his new mistress and she smiled, she didn't get to keep a thrall very often.

She couldn't see Yeris at the moment, who was no doubt beating on some dead body for fun, but she saw Lorelai and Sousiel kneeling over her covered in cuts and the viscera of men. Genoveve quickly ,ade her way over, her new thrall in tow, kneeling across from Sousiel over Lorelai,"Is she alive? What does she need?"

Sousiel started a bit at the sound of Genoveve's voice. "Uh...yeah, she's alive." Sousiel racked her brain for what to do. "Something for pain...everything for pain actually. Something to promote blood circulation, and maybe a prayer or so if your faithful."

Genoveve nodded and turned to her new thrall, she spoke quickly in the spirit tounge and the thrall ran to the woods. Genoveve reached down to Lorelai and quickly ripped open the front of her dress, wishing to see what possible damage there could be. Seeing nothing she sighed in relief and withdrew one of the glass vials she always kept with her as the thrall returned, its arms full of herbs and plants. Genoveve quickly sifted through them, crushing a few up into the vial.

She whispered more in the spirit tounge and the vial heated, liquifying its contents,"This may burn her mouth sslightly but it should eliminate most all the pain.", she opend Lorelais mouth and poured the hot orange liquid into it, rubbing her throat so she would swollow. She then returned to her dress, sighing at the corset she was wearing,"She needs to have unrestricted breathing.", Genoveve began to undo her corset.

Alexina slowly looked around at the aftermath of the battle. Her body weak with the blood she lost, but she managed to stay awake. She started to look for the other witches that fought, but mostly Lorelai. Who was her really only friend she had. She noticed Genoveve working over someone, ripping her dress off. She reconized the dress, even in this darkness. Her eyesite was impeccible in this moonlight.

She hurried over to catch Genoveve undoing her corset. Her cheeks blushed at the sight...it had been a while since she had even been this close to seeing her former lover Naked. But the blush was not just of that thought, but it was hot anger boiling up, even though Lorelai was not her own lover, she still did not like the fact anyone would want to put their grubby hands on her when she couldn't do anything.

"Get your hands off her!" She growled dangerously, as a lioness protecting her own. She ripped a cloaked of a dead man, still covered in his blood, but she didn't care. She shoved Genoveve away and covered Lorelai with the cloak. She knelt over her, each arm on either side of her as she glared at Genoveve.

She then placed a hand on Lorelai's neck, to feel for her pulse. While she asked, "What were you doing?" She hissed.

Sousiel growled at Alexina lowly. "Trying to save my stupid mistress' from whatever dark fate she's invited for herself." She removed the cloak roughly. "Now let her work would you? Lorelai won't mind her modesty over her incredibly stupid life."

Alexina hissed at Sousiel... "Don't you dare call her stupid..." She glanced over at Genoveve "What do you need?" She said, not really wanting to let her near her still. But she did worry more for her life.

Genoveve yelped as she was harshly shoved away and saw the glaring and animalistic Alexina over Lorelai's body. It was as Sousiel growled at Alexina that Yeris returned standing behind Genove in the body of the massive hunter, though heavily damaged. She didn't speak, she wished to look like a simple thrall. Genoveve gulped as Alexina asked what she needed,"W-well I need room to examine her as things progress and what she drank wil dull the pain but... if she can't breather deeply it could fill her lungs with gas and damage them... I need to remove her corset.", she slowly crawled back towards Lorelai's body, reaching for the corset to undo the rest of it.

She narrowed her eyes as she got close. Her hand suddenly morphed into that of a cougar paw. She then sliced the ribbions that held the corset together. Corsets took forever to get on and off...and If Lorelai's life was in danger...better to get it off quickly. "There..."she said. leaving the corset on, as the fabric only covered her, no longer restricting her breathing.

Genoveve had hopped back slightly as Alexina had made her hand a paw with claws, afraid she would get slashed. Yeris debated simply smashing Alexina in the face with her massive mornig star... but decided to let Genoveve handle things."W-well thats... uhm good but... I need access to her chest in case she can't breath properly, and the plated corset is uhm... obscuring her chest rising and falling..."

Alexina ripped the cloak Sousiel had taken off and placed it back over, then she reach under and pulled the plated corset off her. "There...." She hissed as she looked at Genoveve."unless a cloth is restrictig her breathing..." she said in a vemous tone, pulling the cloak down far enough that her chest was just enough covered. "Now do your thing." She looked up to the thrall behind her. Her instincts started tingling that this thrall could be a threat. That there was something more behind the mask. She shifted just so to give Genoveve just enough space. while giving herself a good position to pounce and protect Lorelai incase.

Sousiel arched an eyebrow at Alexina. 'Vespa might have some trouble on the way' she thought to herself. "Mi'lady's not stupid you're right..." Sousiel sighed. "Perhaps too brave for her own good though. Charon? In her condition and without proper preparation?" She shook her head.

Again Genoveve flinched away from Alexina as she moved and gulped loudly,"Ehm... no a it shoudln't... restrict her...", she leaned as close as possible, and safe, to observe Lorelai. She breathed normally it seemed, her chest rising and falling slowly, until suddenly it picked up, and she began hyperventilatng. Genoveve's eyes widened and she felt her pulse speeding up quite a bit,"Oh no, it appears the herb may be racting to... something in her, her heart rate is climbing I need to slow it down...", she bit her lip and looked at Alexina, but decided Lorelai's life was more important. She spoke in spirit again, a blue spectre seemed to lift itslef from her back and dance over Lorelai, before seemingly being sucked into her mouth.

Alexina watched Gen as she looked after Lorelai. Her heart jumped into her throat as Gen said oh no. She shook her head... not accepting it. "Do you even know what you are doing?" She growled. How ever she did restrain from pushing the girl away again, Despite not liking hte situation, there was nothing much she could offer, as her remidies were only for wounds, not...spiritual or demonic...which is what she thought this was all about.

Shifting in her spot as she grew more and more antsy and worried that the girl didn't answer. A sense of helplessness started to come over her again. "Lorelai hold on dear..." she muttered... "You promised...." she started to rock a little more.

Souei's eyes widened as the spirit took up residence in her mistress. "Genoveve...you truly have some serious control over those spirits don't you." She smirked a little. "Alone inside my mistress, poor little thing."

She laid a reassuring hand on Alexina's shoulder. As worried as Sousiel was, she'd seen worse. Although not much worse. She put on a half-hearted grin. "Lorelai's seen worse days Alexina, and I'm sure Genoveve will see her through." She turned to Genoveve. "Right?"

Genoveve looked at the worried Sousiel and nodded,"Well, that spirit... should clean things up... of course I have no idea whats going on in uhm... inside of her considering her demon bits...", Genoveve hoped the healing spirit could calm her down... right now she wasn't sure if it could overcome whatever strange biology she had in there.

Alexina looked up to Souei as she placed a hand on her shoulder. Trying to calm her. She looked back to Lorelai and rested her own hand on Lorelai's forehead, stroking her hair as she did. Genoveve's words were not reasuring to her, her other hands fingers gripped at the grass below her. As she still rocked slightly. Trying to keep the feeling at bay. "She has to make it... Lorelai...she's too strong to die...." She said...mostly to her self to calm her self down.

Lorelai's breathing calmed, and as the strange concoction Genoveve had admisnistered took effect being concious was suddenly tolerable, if only just. "Hmmm? Did I miss something?" She said weakly as her eyes fluttered open. "Sousiel...why is my chest bared? In front of Genoveve and Alexina?"

Sousiel let out a pent up sigh. "Someone coved you with a cloak thingy or whatever." She narrowed her eyes at her mistress. "Will you ever learn moderation?"

Genoveve exhaled happily as the spirit returned to her body and Lorelai woke up, she blushed as she asked why she was half nude,"Well... we needed to make sure you were breathing steadily and your corset uhm... had to remove your corset...", she smiled as Yeris decided she had held this host long enough and flew back into Genoveve's body who exhaled sharply. The massive hunter fell over dead as blood spurted from his mouth.

"I see, then I presume you're responsible for my currently not-so-miserable state." Lorelai smiled at Genoveve. "Thank you."

Alexina let out a massive breath she did not even realize she was holding and swooped down and wrapped her arms around Lorelai's neck, hugging...well her face. Her breasts pushing up against Lorelai's cheeks. After a moment what she realized she was doing and pulled back, tears in her eyes. "You had me worried Lores.... Why do you take such risks?" She said,....covered in her own blood. seemed hypocritcal. But... It was Lorelai...

Lorelai was smothered breifly by Alexina's breasts, which while not unpleasant was not conducive to conversation. "Thirty or more against four hardly seemed equitable, so I thought I'd even the odds a bit." She coughed a little as she tried - and failed - to sit up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ellion
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Ellion The Knowing

Member Seen 9 mos ago

a collab feat. @Meiyuki and @shagranoz

"A Fortune to Behold....."

Angharad Seher and Company. Medusa and Rebecca

The journey from the cave to Bloodrose Castle had taken far longer than it should have. A bit because....well....Angharad had no idea where to find the bloody thing. And some of her poor children simply needed more rest then could be given if they were to make respectable time. But find it she did, and enter it she did.

Over all...she found the whole thing rather...empty. It seemed as though most of the inhabitants where away on some sort of holiday. That was fine with Angharad, she really would rather not have her meeting interupted after all.

It only took a few moments to find her intended target, but her children helped make the search go a lot quicker then it should have. Angharad soon found herself inside a massive library. "Oh Medusa," she called out in a sing song voice. She then spotted the woman a little ways off. "Oh Medusa," She said, walking over to her. "Why, you are even more lovely then was describe to me,"

Medusa turned to the strange woman as she approached. Her sentries had informed her of a new witches arrival several minutes ago, but she hadn't expected one so...exhuberant. "You are?"

"Oh, silly me, I've heard of you for so long that it is like we are already very good friends," She gave another smile. "My name is Angharad Seher, leader of the Seher Covent," She gave a little mock bow, still smiling at Medusa.

"Seher you say." Medusa eyed the woman warily. "You're certainly younger than I expected, but no matter. What brings you to my home, daughter of Grethu?"

"Well, mostly the death of Grethu," she said, with a faux look of heartbreak. "I've come to share her last will and testament," Angharad then pulled up a chair across the table from Medusa, reaching out to take her hand. One of her smaller children jumping up on her lap.

Medusa laughed a little at the news of Grethu's death. "So, the old witch finally met her end huh? I wasn't sure I'd live to see the day." She looked down at her hand, which was suddenly ensnared by Angharad. This witch was obviously...eccentric, but then again so were the best of them. "Her last will and testament? Go on."

Angharad smiled and reached into her bag, pulling out a long wooden box. "I suppose we ought to get down to it," She almost opened the box before stopping. "I actually don't think you would...well....mind me asking a favor first?" she said with a smile.

Medusa arched an eyebrow at Angharad. "A favor? You may ask, but I reserve the right to refuse of course."

"It isn't any much," She said, "And, as a show of good faith, I'm even willing to offer you a gift, free of charge," With that, she reached into her lap and put the creater on the table
"For you, her name is Spot, I hope she will offer you protection for many years to come,"

"Well isn't she cute." Medusa reached out to scratch under the creature's chin. "Go on, ask your favor then." She continued petting the cub, quite pleased.

"Tell me, Medusa darling, do you know of the Digards?" She said with a flick of her hand. "A particularly nasty bunch of hunters,"

At that moment, a new woman entered the room. Unlike the other two, she was in a state of considerable disrepair. As in, flesh rotting off most of her face, along with various other parts of her body. She moved slowly, a bit of a shuffle to her gait. "Excuse me, but you must be Madame Bloodrose. Is this a bad time?" she asked, a hand slightly covering her mouth. Obviously, she was somewhat self-conscious of her unusual condition.

"Obviously," said Angharad, looking over at the girl. Instead of looking at her with disguest, she looked at her as though intrigued. "I would love to explore you though," She said, almost itching to stand up. "Skin that falls, yet you do not. That could fix the skin peeling problem I've been having with a few of my more scaled mammals," Angharad then glanced back at Medusa, knowing that what she was about to say, she wouldn't in front of this new girl. "So, my dear, if you could just...pop out side, this won't be much longer,"

Medusa waved Angharad off, turning instead to the...undead witch? "My my! Have you managed some form of immortality dear?" She found the state of the witch's flesh displeasing but was fascinated by the topic of immortality. "That would be impressive in the extreme." She cast a glance at Angharad. "We've time for whatever problem you have with which ever Digard angered you. Lorelai will return soon anyway, and she'd know more to be honest."

"Immortality? Indeed I have, Madame Bloodrose." A little pride crept into Rebecca's voice. She may have been disturbed by the status of her body, but there was a great deal of difficulty in doing what she did. "I came across an ancient Babylonian lich ritual, and when my life was threatened, there was only one option. Now, I have all the time in the world to do whatever pleases me." Rebecca gave Angharad a curt nod. "My apologies to you, but this is Madame Bloodrose's home, not yours. If she bids me to stay, than I shall stay."

Angharad gave the girl a bright smile. "Of course, this is Medusa's home," she said, her hand still holding the witch's. "I would never dream of anything other than a respectale guest," She then returned her eyes to Medusa, reaching up to brush a wayward hair from the woman's face. "I merely worry that what I about to speak of might be best left between two sets of ears, rather than three, but if the lady doesn't mind sharing the news, I will happily do it, audience and all,"

"Hmmm..." Medusa's face flushed slightly at this crazy witch's boldness. [color=ed1c24]"I presume....I never did catch your name."[/coor] She turned back to the decomposing witch. "Are you here to join the Coven? If so I've no issue airing new in front of you."

Rebecca shrugged her shoulders. "I've no home to call my own at present, so yes, I shall join your Coven. You shall find me a formidable ally, my lady. As for my name, I am Rebecca Van Zant. I presume there is some sort of ritual to join, so let us be done with it."

Medusa nods smiling. "Speak your oath to protect the Coven in all things, to respect and obey those above you, and honor those beneath you. Offer your blood-tithe to seal the pact, and we'll be satisfied."

Rebecca pulled a small poniard from a sheath on her ankle. "I swear to protect the Coven in all things, to respect and obey those above me, and honor those beneath me." A slice across her palm caused a few drops of black blood to ooze out. "I hope that's enough blood to prove my devotion, as I'm not going to have much more to give anytime soon."

Medusa nodded satisfied as she felt the pact settle into place. She'd know if Rebecca violated it. "That will do dear. Welcome to the Bloodrose Coven." She turned to Angharad. "Go on."

Angharad gave another one of her smiles as she pulled out the box, only this time she clicked it open. Inside were many neatly folded and sealed pieces of paper. "My grandmother, rest her soul, had the habbit of keeping track of all the world's most important people," She reached in and pulled out two pieces of paper. "Obviously Grandmother thought you needed two. Many of your witches are also in here, nearly five, that is almost four times as many as every other coven," She placed the two papers on the table. "Now, one will speak of your death, and the other will have a list of everyone who will ever betray you. What they say, I know not and I am willing to give you one of them to with as you wish. I suggest burning it, but...to each his own,"

Medusa's eyes widened. Such a gift was certainly powerful, if unsettling. "I'll take..." Medusa wracked her brain. "The list of betrayals." In the end she'd decided that knowledge of who would betray her would be more useful. Perhaps less depressing as well.

Rebecca's eyes blinked in surprise at Medusa's choice, until she thought it over and realized that even if she were alive, she'd have made the same decision. "A wise choice, in my opinion. Why worry about something that's preordained? Better to take some information that you can make use of in the present."

Angharad gave another cheerful smile, happy to pass over one of the pieces of paper. But she kept the other one on the table. "I'm stilling willing to part with this information as well, but with a cost, would you like to know my price?"

Medusa hadn't read the paper yet, to afraid to have the answer to the question she'd been torturing herself with for months. When Angharad offered the other it took a moment for her to register that the other witch was even speaking. With a small start she responded evenly in spite of the haunted look in her eye. "What would that be?"

"A kiss," she said, leaning forward slightly. "And for two, I'll let you pick anyone one of your followers that I have from this box as well. Don't me started on what I'll do for three,"

Oh. Oh, my. Such forthcoming behavior! Rebecca was no stranger to scandalous thoughts; she'd been attracted to women more than once. But of course, such things were best kept in the privacy of one's mind, lest they become public. The fact that the other witch was not only willing to kiss Medusa, or even to announce her intentions in public, but to do so with an onlooker? Rebecca was shocked, but she managed to hide her emotions, at least somewhat.

"Meet me in my bedchambers...I'll take the box thank you." Medusa replied simply. Witches were no strangers to trading bits of themselves for power, and Medusa was no different. At least it wasn't a body part, or a binding oath.

"The whole box?" She said, her face lighting up with even more excitment. "Well, the whole box will cost you much more then simple kisses, this box has the futures of those not even born yet, of leaders and rulers and pig keepers. I'll trade it, but it'll cost you more,"

"Rebecca, let's show you to your new quarters first though shall we?" Medusa offered the witch a small apologetic smile as she stood. "We'll discuss price later Angharad."

[color=ed1c24]"Any requests for your room Rebecca?" She asked as she started towards the dormitories.

"No, nothing special. Necromancy is an art that can be practiced just about anywhere, as long as I have some privacy." Rebecca stretched herself out, moving to follow Medusa. "If you see a black cord on my door, I am not to be disturbed. Otherwise, I have no requests."

Medusa steps came to a halt in front of Laina's old room. "This should serve then, it's sizable enough." She pushed the door open and removed the key from a ring of them on her hip. "Get yourself settled. I'm sure the rest of your sisters will be eager to meet you when they return." She handed Rebecca the key.

"Okay, then." Rebecca settled in to her new abode, drawing the covers of her bed around her. She wouldn't be heading out anytime soon... but that didn't mean she wouldn't be keeping an ear open.

Medusa's room

Medusa let Angharad through the large black-iron door to her chambers. It was a spacious cirlular room with lavish carpeting and furniture. A desk sat to one side coved in parchment and various open tomes, a vanity bore Medusa's grooming accessories on the other side of the room. Dominating the space however was the centerpiece; A massive canopy bed with black silken sheets. It was covered with small pillows embroidered with her family seal.

She took a seat at the foot of it and patted next to her. "So...tell me the price for all the papers pertaining to members of my coven first."

Angharad sat beside Medusa, however, she layed back almost at once, streching her arms out, closing her eyes as though at peace.

"I'd forgotten how comfortable beds were," She said, twising on her side. Blinking up at Medusa, "Nothing like 6 months of a blind witch telling you were she hide her treasures two hundered years ago to make you long for the little things,"

Still laying on her back. "Well, I did say one kiss for yours, two for one of the five, hmm, what would be a good price for four lives?" She put one figure up to her chin. "I'm interested to see what offer you will make for them," She said.

"You mentioned the Digards." Medusa stated, turning to face the amusing witch. Stretched out like a child on a strangers sheets, Angharad was certainly interesting to say the least. "This castle plays host to Lorelai Von'Strauss, I'm sure she'd be willing to aid whatever fate you've planned for them."

"Do you plan to share what you see in these letters with Lorelai?" She asked, blinking up at Medusa. "I am certain I could give Loreali her own letter for that aid and it'll only cost me one, not four. Shall I offer it to her? Give her the same edge I've given you?" There was a slight teasing in her voice. "Do you trust her with such information?" The woman reached up and ran her hand down one of Meduses locks.

Medusa wouldn't admit her suspicions in front of Angharad, but she hardly wanted Lorelai having access to that kind of information. She sighed and began undoing the straps of her robe. "I think we both know what you want..." Medusa leaned in a pressed her lips to Angharad's. "So...how many will you offer me to relieve that itch hmm?"

Angharad closed her eyes, enjoying the kiss. When it ended, she savored the moment for a while before sitting up and answering Meduse. She put her hand under the woman's chin, coming so close that their noses and foreheads touched. "Your whole clan," she whispered, breathlessly. "But it only counts," She said, pulling back slightly. "If you truly want it,"

Medusa rolled her eyes grinning. She certainly wanted the letters, sex she was largely ambivalent about. Ever since that man had left her at the altar all those years ago she had little use for it. She eyes Angharad, the witch was pretty enough she supposed. It's not like she wouldn't enjoy it. "Let's see shall we?"

"We shall," She said, pulling Medusa atop her. "If at anytime you want to stop, I won't be mad, you won't get any letters but your own, but no hard feelings," She said, her hands resting on Medusa's hips. "Or you could kiss me quick and secure yourself another one,"

"I've never settle for less than everything. I'll not start now."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SillyGoy
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SillyGoy Goius Sillius

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

a collab feat @Meiyuki the cutie
Lorelai Von'Strauss, Vespa Ruvina & Elina Ruvina

The man continued to crawl, dragging his jingling chainmail and much-bloodied tabard across the muddy ground. His eyes were wide with fear, and yet he enjoyed a certain clarity to his thoughts, which surprised him greatly. His main concern was survival, yet somehow his mind had more than enough space to accommodate a flurry of totally inconsequential or otherwise trivial subjects. Was this what it was like to be bleeding to death? Pyotr did not feel pain, but the approaching fatigue had finally caught up to him. So be it then, he thought. He would just lay slumped against this tree and maybe close his eyes for a few seconds, then he'd continue his retreat. He'd live - he had always been the lucky one.

"Fuck," he said, just after settling himself against an old oak's root. It had to have been at least thirty feet long, the trail of blood that he'd left behind - a slightly curving path that traced all the way to when that raven-haired witch, faster than a swooping hawk, stabbed him right in the gut, over there in the mist-shrouded distance. He coughed then, and thought to rejoin the fight - Pyotr had thought it to be but a mere flesh wound - but somebody had yelled about a werewolf, and there was blood splattering all around the clearing and Darien's screams were reverberating in the air...

He coughed, and to his admitted fear there was an iron tang on his tongue. Ah, no matter, the apothecary would have something for it and he'd be fine within a week. He was no coward, but he wasn't a fool either. They were horribly outmatched, and that was why he ran - to live another day. Pyotr had done so in a stumbling run at first, then a tired jog, before finally going prone and crawling at various speeds. His decision was clearly a wise one as the sounds of battle had gone, replaced by an ominous silence. Among his venerated peerage, there was always cheers after a victory - but witches were particularly quiet in their triumph.

Again, he was the last man standing. Pyotr grinned, revealing reddened teeth. It was getting a little hard to breathe, so he began to breathe through his mouth. There. Much better.

He'd live, he thought to himself. Oh, he would live. Yet he was unceremoniously thrown off of this silent mantra as he closed his eyes, and opened then again half a minute later to behold the silhouette of a woman in the mist.

"Fuck," Pyotr cursed. He had dropped his crossbow when he got stabbed. All he had left was his arming sword. In his retreat, he had dropped his shield. So then, this was it. Dead at thirty-three years of age at the hands of the heretic enemy, with at least four unrecognized children across the brothels of three kingdoms. Not bad, he thought. At least he did not die some poor fucking peasant farmer. He'd burned witches at the stake - perhaps he was not the most famous or the strongest of hunters, but he had done his part!

He raised his sword, and pointed the tip at the approaching witch. It was getting hard to focus, and he found his eyes rolling when he ordered them to be steady. He cursed and cursed again, trying to stand up but only managing a fidget or an awkward bend with his legs. Death was coming to him, and instead of making a respectable corpse, he was going to die helpless and humiliated.

"Don't," he coughed again, "come any closer!"

Yet she was close enough for him to hear her footsteps. Her tread was soft upon the ground, with even, measured steps. Her gait was like that of the residents of castles and mansions, and she looked just like the part. No, this was not the same woman who had ultimately killed him. A skirt that wide would not have allowed the ridiculous moves she'd pulled off with her rapier.

It was a different woman, with a very haunting look. Her tresses were made of silver and her eyes were red like blood. To his horror, they were glowing, too. Was this witch going to take his heart? Strength left his fingers and his sword clattered to the ground. His luck had run out. He could swear there was a sorrowful look on her face, but as his soul was leaving this mortal coil, he decided that he could not make any accurate judgements.

He made an effort not to yawn. Only now did he notice how wet it was around his stomach and thighs. Pyotr wasn't a lucky man this time - whoever killed him simply decided to do it slowly through unstoppable bleeding. A true sadist. "Why," he said, "why did you come here?"

"Why?" he gurgled, before falling asleep, his head lolling towards the side, and dying a few seconds after that.

Before him, Elina Ruvina clasped her hands together, muttered a few quiet words, and did the Sign of the Cross. She took Pyotr's hands and gripped their now lifeless fingers around the handle of his sword, which she laid on his stomach.

Elina looked up, through the branches of the oak tree and at the full moon overhead. This was Vespa's last victim. Elina, for the entire duration of the battle, was not fighting, but rather giving the hopelessly outmatched hunters these rudimentary last rites. She was also there just in case Vespa hurt herself. That was quite fine, as she did not know how to fight, anyway. She never inherited her mother's martial prowess, nor her stomach to fight, unlike her sister. Sometimes, that woman felt quite alien, almost not her sibling but an entirely different person altogether. Elina struggled to comprehend how Vespa found it so easy to kill when she could so tenderly love Lorelai and whisper sweet nothings to her ear by the pillow.

She sighed. Her voice was lost in the midnight breeze. Perhaps she was just too simple for this increasingly complex world?

So it was over, but nothing, save a quiet stillness and her thoughts, came to recognize that fact. It was as if neither the world nor the gods cared about the sudden loss of dozens of lives. A headache began to throb at her temples, her mind overburdened with questions not even the wisest philosophers could give her a satisfying answer to. The pain worsened as she walked back to camp, and arrived only to find a battered Vespa struggling not to weep over an uncharacteristically limp Lorelai. At that point, the pain reached its climax, and it was a struggle not to retch.

Lorelai struggled to calm her lover's worry, she was struggling with quite a few things these last couple days it seemed. "Vespa, my sweet, I'm fine I promise. You should tend to you own wounds instead of worrying over me." She noticed Elina enter the camp again looking quite ill. "Or perhaps see to your sister."

"Hush," Vespa said, only briefly looking towards Elina, finding her lover's reassurances to be so incredibly empty. "I'm fine, but you're not. Gods above, Lorelai," she leaned back and pulled a dagger from its small sheath at her belt, and slit her own wrist with it. She winced at the pain - a sense that she had thought thoroughly dulled with her earlier rituals - but continued to make an arcane circle around Lorelai anyway with her very life essence.

She appeared to remember something important, and looked towards her sister, who stood entirely undecided at an awkwardly far distance away. "Elina!" she yelled. "Come here and help me!" A startled Elina did so immediately, as fast as a briskly walking pace could take her.

Vespa leaned in and gave Lorelai a small kiss on the cheek. "I can't afford to lose you, love. Damn it, do you have a death wish or something?"

Lorelai cringed at the sight of Vespa's blood, especially in such a quantity. She hardly accepted the fact that her love had been touched in the earlier conflict. Lorelai's cheeks burned with shame at the continual worry she seemed to be foisting on the dark haired Ruvina lately, but now her love would bleed for it.

"I've nothing of the sort my sweet." Lorelai's cheek tingled from the kiss. She drowsily wondered what Vespa was planning when she called Elina over, but she was in no condition to protest whatever it was. As much as she was trying to keep a brave face, the truth was that her wounds were deep. She'd expended too much of herself in the binding of Charon, and now she could feel pieces of herself hemmoraging into the abyss as pieces of that twisted plane flowed in to replace them. Her hand wandered to Vespa's hair, her finger listlessly twirling an errant lock. "You're so pretty Vespa, do I tell you I love you enough?" Her eye-lids became heavy.

[color=f26522]"Lorelai? Lorelai? Oh Gods." Lorelai appeared to be drifting away, and Vespa shook her head in fierce denial. She looked towards Elina, who looked back with a worried expression. "I've made the symbol with my own blood," she said, "now do something! You're better at this than I am. You always have been!"

Elina looked completely bewildered. "W-who, me? But you-"

"I can kill," Vespa interjected. "But that is all that my blood can do. You saved this woman from the Devil's clutches, whereas I could barely ease Genoveve's pain! Please, Elina."

"I, I-" Elina's mind threw around half-thoughts of panic and excuses, but the pleading look from Vespa shook them into order. She closed her fearful eyes for a moment, and opened them full of determination on top of the usual nervousness. The headache, too, was gone. "I- I'll do it. But I don't know how to- ah-"

Vespa sighed. "If you must kiss her again, then please do so - because I'd honestly rather have her cheating than dead!" Lorelai weakly muttered a protest at the notion, but quickly fell silent. Elina, meanwhile, nodded, and quickly crouched beside her prone form. She placed a hand over her chest in vain to quell her pounding heartbeat, before giving up and placing two fingers to her lips.

The sybillant whispers of a dead language were powerful, in presence if not in sound, as they rolled off of her tongue. As words of power were uttered and the spell slowly took form, the air buzzed with energy and took upon an almost oppressive aura around Elina, as she was the nexus of all this magic. Eyes closed, she furrowed her brow, deep in concentration and unable to hear her sister's urging to hurry. When it was done, and the atmosphere settled, and as she could feel Lorelai's very own mortality, she saw that it was slowly drifting off, flaking into scattering ash and glowing dimly compared to the brighter auras all around her. Vespa's circle of blood, meanwhile, had all but mystically evaporated at this point.

Then, with a lot less embarrassment than she thought it would take, and under the witness of so many eyes, she leaned in then, and pressed her lips against Lorelai's own.

The powerful magic that she had been gathering to her lips suddenly flowed into Lorelai. Such was the torrent of sheer energy that the aetherial cascade seeped into her mind and bombarded her with images of blooming flowers, plants growing at incredible speed, the rising tide, and the snowmelt of coming spring. As Elina slipped her tongue into Lorelai's mouth, images of Vespa - with a particular fixation on her body - sprung up with such vividness that the bewildered demon binder thought of them as real life. Elina could feel it then - Lorelai's aura becoming normal once more. The pieces that had been torn off from her very essence could never be taken back, but what she had lost had mostly been replaced. Energy of all forms ebbed and flowed within her, looking for anything to mend or fill - enough for her to wake up to a blushing silver-haired girl who was wiping her drool-covered mouth with the sleeve of her dress.

And a suddenly closer Vespa, who hovered over her with an expression somehow combining both worry and relief. "Love? Love! Are you okay?"

Lorelai's face was red, but this time it wasn't embarassment. "I'll live my dear." Her body trembled with anger. "How many times must I, must we be subjected to these idignities love? When did it become so common place for me to sell myself for the strength required?"

Lorelai found herself sitting up, trapped in an embrace from a happy Vespa. "I don't know! I don't really care! I'm just happy you're alive. I couldn't feel your pulse just before Elina performed the spell." She leaned back, looking into her lover's eyes and caressing her cheek with a gentle hand.

"I find myself further in her debt then." Lorelai gave Elina an apologetic smile. "Your healing talents are truly prodigious."

"Just what kind of monstrosity did you bind for you to end up like this? Please don't do it again," Vespa turned solemn then. "I thought... I had lost you, you know?" She chuckled, but it was a mirthless one, just to reassure herself. A tear threatened to fall and she immediately got rid of it with a finger. Yet her voice trembled. "Don't... do it again, whatever you just did, okay?"

"As much as I'd like to promise that, I get the feeling darker things are coming. I'll be better prepared before I conjure Death again however." Lorelai pulled Vespa into an embrace, showing no signs of releasing her love anytime soon. "I'm not even sure what I sold him this time...Sometimes I fear that alive or not, there just won't be enough of me left to love."

Vespa tightened the embrace. Elina, still blushing, quietly excused herself without anyone hearing and impolitely began towards her carriage where she had leashed Luna so the cat wouldn't hurt itself. Her sister whispered into Lorelai's ear. "It is a dangerous path of magic that you tread. But I'll always be here with you as you walk along it. Lorelai. I love you."

"I love you too Vespa, and always will." Lorelai surreptitiously looked around the camp, and once she had determined that there was no one close enough to hear she drew her lips close to her lover's ear. "Medusa's going to die for this."

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Yuri gave a small grin to Bobby as the man seemed to recognize him, taking of his hat as he did so. "As long as your willing to listen, and provide a drink, ill be more than willing to share.". As Bobby turned his attention to the giant of a man that had also seemed to take up residence in the tavern, Yuri took the moment to take a look around the establishment. There had obviously been a wounded person carried through here recently, and was ether being treated somewhere in the back or had moved on. Yuri couldn't help but shake his head slightly, this was a hunter bar to be sure.

Finishing his visual tour of the place, he overheard Andri and Bobby's conversation. Turning slightly Yuri stood slowly, collecting his weapon he made his way over to the pair. slowly as to not interrupt their exchange. "If it is no trouble, I would ask the same question as my colleague. Seems like something went wrong somewhere." Yuri said as he joined the two.

It was at that time that another wounded hunter entered the bar, and a frenzy of motion began again. Stepping back, Yuri pressed his back to the wall, almost as if to be as out of the way as possible. As he did so, he leaned his weapon on one of his shoulders and held out a gloved hand to Andri "Well met Andri, name's Yuri.". Casting a quick glance to the frenzy surrounding the wounded hunter, Yuri grinned slightly once more. there could be no doubt anywhere, this was most definitely a hunters bar.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Teancum


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Marcus Lucroy,Emiliah Hazelbrush, Yuri Alensev

Marcus groaned. What he would give to be in a down feather bed. His head was down as his eyes were slowly closing. It had been like this for the last three hours, riding ontop of his Stallion. It seemed like a moment but suddenly he was on the edge of town, hearing the people in taverns or their homes, laughing and mingling. He must have fallen asleep, the sharp pain in his neck of the awkward sleeping angle for his head confirmed it.

With a quick twist of his head he heard a loud pop that instantly woke him up in the process as well. He looked around for the Witches paradise, a hunters inn that he's been to once or twice before with Flint. Flint... He wondered where that sly bastard was. It had been a few months.

Arching his back to streach his muscles he finally found it. Quickly dismounting, he groaned when he hit the ground. It was good to stand as he streched all of his muscles. He tied his horse up and made his way to the door. He could hear screaming inside...as if being tortured. Sounds about right in a bar...someone might not have paid their debts.

He pushed the door open and instantly welcomed the warmth of the interior...though the smell could be worked on, besides the warm food, he smelt the oder of sweaty men. He glanced to his left to see a MASSIVE man knock out another with a mean left hook, sprawling him over the table he sat on. Always entertainment when one visited, that was for sure, his armor clinked as he turned to the bar to order some food and drink. He didn't sit however...three hours on a saddle, he would rather stand for a bit. He looked around but it seemed the Barkeep, Bobby was busy with the man who was just knocked out...including his wife, Sophie. Despite most of the men in here, Marcus seemed out of place, with his metal and leather semi shiny and clean appearance despite the trip on the road.

The fire was making her far too drowsy then she ever liked to be in a tavern. By the sounds of it, Mat was going to be fine, even if he had added another few bruises to his face thanks to Fenros. Taking the 'he's going to live...probably' as her cue to leave, her balanced seemed a little off center as she stood, making her way towards the door, only to lose her footing slightly as passed by the counter, causing her to bump into a man that was standing there "Sorry," she said, rubbing her eye, fighting to stay awake. "Nothing spilt?" she asked, her mind too fuzzy for real conversations.

Marcus was suddenly knocked into the counter from behind, letting out a "oophf" As is gut hit the counter top. He quickly turned arounnd, honestly expecting a drunk ready to fight. But he heard the soft and tired voice of a girl who said sorry and asked if nothing was spilt. "Nothing to worry about Mi'lady." He gave a very big smile. "Are you alright though?" His head moved to one side to the other as he tried to look at her with different parts of the candle light as he gently touched both of her shoulders to steady her. "You've had a bit of a tussle it seems."

"Hm?" Said Emiliah, her eyes finally focusing on the stranger, she glanced down at one of his hands on her shoulders, then back to his face. "Oh, yeah, it has been a rather eventful day, but don't worry, most of the blood on me isn't mine," Between Flint and Mat, she looked like a right old axe swinging hacker. "And it isn't anything a little sleep can't cure,"

He nodded as he listened to her, she truely seemed out of it, he then asked "Would you like me to escort you home? Obviously you can take care of your self, but still...to keep you from falling into other strangers?" He knew he just met the girl, but it was drilled into him since childhood.

"Are you always this 'nice' to all the girls who bump into you?" She asked, looking up at him. "I'm tempted to say no, but knowing my luck I'd run into another injuried hunter destined for Bobby's. If you came, I could always pawn him off on you to take back,"

From where he was sitting at the end of the bar Yuri couldn't help but overhear the conversation between the well dressed newcomer and one of the other hunters in the room. The entire thing was amusing to say the least, and as much as he wanted to let it play out, he couldn't help himself from interjecting "From what I have seen of the traffic today, you'd pawn one injury off on him, and then get caught up with one right behind that." His head turning slightly so he could glance at the pair.

Marcus looked sideways at the man who spoke up and interupted their conversation. He was all scarred up on the right side of his face, if he didn't know better he would have guessed him half dead, from the milky eye. He furrowed his brow at him. "Excuse me Sir? Did you say something?" He heard him clear, but his tone was slightly annoyed, feinting that he didn't hear him at all.

Emiliah glanced over at the man, having heard him just fine, responded. "Right? And of course, all dying men what to come to the tavern. Why they would when there is a perfectly good healer not a block away is beyond me,"

Yuri turned all the way to see the both of them better, his eyes flicking to each of the duo. "It was nothing" he said, nodding slightly to Marcus "Simply commenting on what I can only guess is a feild hospital being run out of the back. Now as to why they like to come here in their dire streights, my guess would be for the alcohol. Makes everything feel better."

Marcus stuck out his chin as he thought on the subject. It was an intreaging thought. "Perhaps it's also the fact that it's better to be patched up while there are a bunch of hunters here while the other recoups? Besides, there is a wealth of knowlege of medicine that could be shared here for all wounds from men patching themselves up. I would say it would be far supirior to that of a doctor of a small town...not that this town is small." He said as he glanced from the man back to the woman. Seeing her eyes were still very tired. "Though I would love to sit and discuss this intreaging idea, I don't want to hold up the lady, as she seems to be falling over where she stands."

"No, don't worry about me," Said Emiliah, she knew that the man was anxiouse to be on his way. "I can walk myself home if you are that into discussing the theory of 'Why Hunters Go to the Tavern and Not a Healer '"

Yuri grinned slightly "An intresting idea, probably true honestly. But you have a point, the night is getting old, probably time to turn in. Unless you have a contract for one of the things that crawls in the dark." He said with a joking tone, but at the same time knowing full well that could be the case.

"As fun as hunting something that crawls in the dark might be, I've spent all day in a cave and I am off to bed," She said, heading towards the door.

He looked at Yuri and quickly said, "Excuse me." before following Emiliah, He then moved passed her to the door and asked, "Are you sure you don't want an escort miss?" He pushed the door open for her.

Emiliah looked at the door and back at the guy. "I promise you, I've gotten home plenty of times before, so come if you want to, stay if you don't. I am fine either way,"

He bowed his head and said, "If you will pardon me, As a Gentleman, I cannot in my good mindset let you walk home alone, this late at night in your condition. " He waited for her to walk out and followed her as well.

Yuri lifted his glass in a salute "Night."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ellion
Avatar of Ellion

Ellion The Knowing

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Sam I am....Sam I am.....I do not like that Sam I am

A collab feat. @Aerandir and @Wildeyes

Everytime Taran thought that the boy...Sam... has died, he'd give out another patheic weeze of life. In the end, he ended up simply smashing the boy's head in with a rock. Although head was giving it far to much credit, it was mostly ash with a little bit of jelly like blood seeping through. He didn't really feel like going anywhere, not even when he heard the other witches return, so he just...sat there next to the ashes.

Taren suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up to see Alphonse standing behind him. "That was a hard thing you did there. Are you alright?"

Taran jump as he felt the hand touch him. He looked around and saw Al standing behind him. "I'm fine, this is what we do," he said. "This is what I do," His voice kept the same ton as he drew circles in the dirt.

"Yeah, it is." Al hunkers down next to Taran. "First time's always the worst." He hunkered in silence with Taran for a moment, taking in the macabre display. He could guess well enough how this scene had played out. "I'm glad to see it's them lieing here though. Instead of you. I wasn't sure if you had it. The will to survive."

Taran glanced ove at Al, an eyebrow raised at the man who, when last they met, tried to blast him for not wanting to fight. "It...wouldn't be so bad...if they didn't think they were honestly trying to help me,"

"That's the problem with hunters. They mean well enough. They even do a lot of good work, but they won't trust us. When they see us, with all the power we have, they see a monster. They spend so much of their time fighting against real evil. They can't help but see it in us, lord knows, there are plenty of witches that have planted the idea deep in their minds."

"I want to go home," he said finally. "Not back to Castle Bloodrose, but back home. Where there aren't hunters and ...I guess I'm the only witch that even knows that it exists,"

"Go home and do what? Pretend that you never left home? That you were never a witch? Could you go back to hiding everything that you are from everyone you care about? I don't know about you, but tonight, I'm gonna put back drink, and spend the night amongst folk that know what I've been through. Who I am, and what I've done, and accept me for all that."

"I never wanted to leave, and now I don't have to worry about setting things on fire if I don't want to," He muttered, looking over at Al. "But seeing how I don't want to even accept, me I don't think your plan is a choice, so...have fun drinking the night away,"

This was when Alexina seemed to form the darkness and the tree near by. She had been only a few meters away, licking her wounds. Her bandages nice a white, compared to her dirty face and bloody clothes. She stood in front of both of them. She glanced to Alphonse... then to Taran. " Taran." She said in a short and soft voice. waiting for him to look up at her. " You made a promise to Medusa, to protect this coven. To protect your sisters. To do that you must also protect yourself. Fleglings are often sacrificed to make a snake stronger. It is a sad fact of life, but it is a well known one. "

Taran looked at Alexina for a moment. "....I have no idea what you are talking about," He said, rubbing his head as he blinked up at her. He kept up with her till she got all metaphoric, but he was in no mood to try and solve riddles.

"To be honest, I'm not exactly sure what she meant by that either. She's right though, it's a dog eat dog world out there, dammit now I'm doing it!." Alphonse pressed his fist against his head. "I'm gonna give you some space. If you decide that you'd rather be with people, you know where to find me."

Alexina let out an irritated sigh, She had found out from her forest animals what had happened to Taran...to everyone actually. She watched as Alphonse stood up and left...leaving silence between them for a moment. "What I mean to say, the weak are often killed to make one stronger." She looked down at him. "I know what happened... It is always sad when a child is killed."

She folded her arms and rubbed them while then continuing. "But one of the biggest lessons you must learn is that everything must be use to it's fullest extent, especially if it means taking a life. When you kill a deer... do you let it go to waste? Or do you use it to nurish yourself? make yourself stonger?"

"I'm not eating him," He interupted quickly, his face going white as he pushed himself away from the body.

She narrowed her eyes at him. "I'm not saying to eat him Taran!" She sighed, "I'm saying use this to remeber why you did this in the first place! Don't let his death be such a waste."

"I didn't do anything in the first place!" he shouted. "I tried to kill the father and the boy just got caught in the flame! The boy didn't even know he was being attacked! HE thought he was saving me from...from you!" angry tears started falling down his face. "There is nothing to be learned from this besides the fact that all I can do is kill people!"

Alexina stood in silence... She let out a sigh. He missunderstood her again...But she did feel a pang of regret of draging him to the coven now. He seemed to sweet and innocent. She knelt down infront of him and looked him in the eye after lifting his cheek with her hand gently. She looked at him, with firm but caring eyes. "Taran..." She said softly. "You did do this. This did happen. Take responsiblity for that boy's life. Though you may have not meant to kill him, it happened. Because you are still untrained." It seemed like a harsh thing to say. But she was trying to be as kind as she could. "Take responsibilty and learn from your mistake. Use this to hone your ability so you wont accidently kill someone again. THAT is how you make it so his death was not in vain. He was a hunter, be it a young one....he knew this was a dangerous life..." She wiped a tear from his cheek with her thumb.

Taran froze up at the witch took his face, he looked at her, the last of his tears being wiped away by her thumb. "But...we...still have to get the castle, Medusa cannot aid me out here...I cannot further my training on my own," he said quitely. "I don't know what to do. I don't want to disobey Lorelai and not fight, but...am I safe to...keep fighting when...it could be one of you if you get to close to me,"

"When you do not have someone to further your training, you train on your basics, by doing them over and over and over again. I can tell you what is holding you back though..." She paused for a moment to gently poke his forehead. "You keep doubting yourself...which is just as bad. You are holding yourself back because you don't believe in yourself...you don't think you can ever control your fire. That is when it consumes you. Bend it to your will Taran. Don't leave it up to chance if your friends get hurt. Make sure they dont. Belive in your self Taran...Like I do." She said softly as her hand went from poking his head to stroking the side of his face and ending on his cheek.

Taran felt his face flush a bright red color as Alexina spoke to him. While believed in himself enough to know that he could keep his fire from happening...controlling it was another story. "I...I will try Mistress," he said, and he truely meant it. "I-If it is all the same to you, I think I might just...g-go to bed now,"

She shook her head, "No Taran. You will do it. There is no trying." [/color]She stood up and nodded. "Goodnight Taran."[/color] As she turned and walked back into the night, away from camp.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ellion
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Ellion The Knowing

Member Seen 9 mos ago

There Are No Strings On Me

A collab feat. @shagranoz
It was the dawn of a new day at Castle Bloodrose. The sun was shining brightly in Rebecca's window as the lich crawled out of her bed. She selected a light grey outfit for her robes for the day and headed out of her room, not really going anywhere in particular.

Angharad had been creeping around the castle, for lack of a better term. While Medusa certainly didn't seem to mind her being there for the time being, she wasn't quite sure where she stood in the castle and there was someone she very much would like to talk to before the she left. She stood, waiting near an open window, when one of her children informed her that Rebecca was nearing. Seeing her chance, Angharad stepped out into the hall. "Good Morrow Rebecca," she called in her sing-song voice as the girl approached.

"And the same to you, Angharad." The lich sounded somewhat quiet, as if she had other things on her mind. "Another one of your creations, I take it. A badger and a... crocodile, or is it an alligator? I could never tell those two apart. In any case, you have a remarkable gift. Molding living flesh like that is difficult. It tends to resist changes. Much easier to manipulate something that's already deceased, I find."

"Caiman," she said, reaching out to pet the growling creature. "I enjoy creating those things that fate has deemed an impossibility," She took a step closer to the girl, her eyes wide as she scanned the girls face. "My dear, you are wonderful," she said, reaching out to touch the girl face, tipping her head up. "While what you say is true, about life being unwilling and death less so. But you, you have bound the two, something both alive and dead. Oh, what a creature you could make,"

"You... you really think I'm wonderful?? My god, that's something I haven't heard in a little while. Back home, it was all 'Thank you for letting me speak with Dieter one last time.' or 'Praise God for sending us someone like you, to let us know he cares for us even after our mortal shells fail.'" Rebecca's voice hardened a little bit. "But when I changed myself, they spat venom at me, tried to dig golden crosses into my flesh. I only wanted to help people, and I couldn't do that from the... other side. Yet when I tried to show them I was still the same person, their hatred of my outside overwhelmed their love of my inside. You're one of the few people to say that my undeath is not necessarily a bad thing. You and Medusa. That's why I joined her coven."

Angharad nodded in understanding, the whole time, watching the girl until she finished speaking. "It is hard, to still be yourself on the inside, yet the whole world seems to think you are a monster," Angharad had heard this many times from humans she had saved by mixing t with other creatures. Such as the blind girl she had given the power of bat sight, sure the girl grew wings as well, but at least she could experience the world. There were men who wanted the power of beast, only to become upset when the cost of the strength of bear, was a warm coat of fur. Or the speed of a cheetah when they were graced with rather attractive spots. "If you don't mind this too forward, can you still breed?" she asked, a simple enough question really.

Now this was an unexpected question. Rebecca took a few seconds to process it, before giving her reply. "I-I don't think so. I doubt the act itself would be any issue, but with no blood, no life force to nurture the infant... no, they'd be stillborn." The witch quirked an eyebrow. "Did you wish me to sleep with one of your beasts? I am more open than most when it comes to sexual matters, but even I have my limits."

Angharad let out a loud barking laughing, tipping over, holding her waist. Eventually, she was able to right herself. "My dear," she said, wiping tears from her eye. "If simply laying with a creature was all it took to create one of my children, we would find ourselves with a forest full of goatmen," She then righted herself, looking back at the woman. "No, I were merely interested if there would be a way to create a child with your power, perhaps a viable womb? I've worked with that before? A barren queen," she said, thinking back on a past time. "A first prefect daughter and a cat boy son, isn't it wonderful?"

Rebecca was intrigued. "You mean a chimera of a living creature and a zombie? It might work, though the margin for error would be slim. I'd need to keep a sliver of the creature's spirit in place as it died, to let it mix properly with the living one. I have a mouse in my room we could try it with, if you have something you'd like to combine it with."

Angharad let out another laugh. "Well, ain't you a woman after my own heart," She seemed to ponder the question a moment longer. "I could nip out and get a man, I'd like to be able to communicate with the half dead creature, but...perhaps we should start small," Angharad reached into her pocket and pulled out a sleeping orange and white kitten. "Will this do?"

Rebecca looked over the tiny kitten. "Oh, that will serve quite well. Let's head to my quarters; I managed to get a proper ritual chamber designed. But please, don't touch any of my runes. They require exacting imagery, and they aren't quite dry yet. I plan on carving them into the stone later." The corpse girl turned, beckoning Angharad to follow her.

"I will not mess up your ruins dear," she said following the girl to her chambers. "For having been here only a night, you have made yourself comfortable," she commented, looking around the room as she followed her in.

"Well, I couldn't sleep last night. You and Medusa could have been heard three leagues away." Rebecca flashed a smile, wondering what Angharad would think of that. She opened the door to her room, setting out a black cord on the knob. "Stand over there, if you would, and try not to react, no matter what happens to me." Rebecca pointed at a space devoid of any markings. "There can be quite a psychic shock from crossing between life and death, but I need my concentration intact until the ritual is complete."

"I'll be honest, I never pegged her as a screamer," She said, almost in wonder. "If anything, it makes her more...attractive," She moved across the room to the indicated territory. "I promise, no matte what, I will not be any more of a distraction then I already am," Angharad was itchy to touch the other things in the room, but she kept her hands to herself.

There was a small cage in one corner, with a mouse scampering inside. Rebecca took the mouse out and set it on a spiralling pattern, beginning to chant. The language she spoke was not the Dragon's Tongue; it was something older. Fouler. The temperature in the room seemed to plummet as Rebecca reached a crescendo, plunging a knife into the mouse's heart. The creature's legs twitched once, then lay still. Now came the hard part.

Rebecca's chanting turned low and rough, as a familiar sensation of agony started up. This time, it began in her right arm, slowly spreading into her chest. Still, she continued her incantation. She resisted the urge to howl out in pain, though it could clearly be seen on her face. Finally, she raised her arms to the sky in triumph, the little rodent's body now a puppet under her unwavering control. She walked the mouse around briefly, making sure that the nerves were still working. "That... it usually doesn't hurt quite that much. Now, it's your turn."

"Sometimes the smallest things cause us the greatest pain," she said, reaching out to hold the small mouse in her hand. She bought it up to her mouth, whispering softly to the creature, she then held it out in her right hand and the kitten in her left. She then closed her eyes, pressing the two creatures close together, a faint glowing could be seen coming from her hands and the creature for the next hour and a half. The kitten had made pathetic squeak when it first started, but the more mouse it became, the more quite it became. A few more hours passed before the morph between the two animals could be clearly seen. "There," said Angharad. "If they can live, or well, keep moving, then we will know," she whispered. The tiny ball of grey, orange and white fur, hung from the creatures thin body. It's whiskers grew longer, it's noise more pointed, ears rounded, tail narrower. It then gave a feeble twitch. "It at least wants to live then"

"It does indeed." Rebecca reached out with her consciousness, prodding to see what was dead and what was alive. The newly created beast was a smooth blend between living tissue and rotting flesh; she couldn't tell where one began and the other ended. "A question, Angharad. Just to satisfy my curiosity. Can you separate two creatures once you've merged them, or is the process irreversible?"

"Why would I want to do that?" asked Angharad, petting the exhausted creature. As though the very idea was as silly as a child asking why the sun came up. "But...in theory, the creature would die, the merge is a very stressful part. Then to rip apart the wound again...it would drive the creature mad. But, why do you ask?"

"I was asking because..." She couldn't tell Angharad the truth. As much as she desecrated the natural order with her necromancy, what she was going to ask was perhaps more disturbing. And yet... "You said you can make half-human hybrids. But- I want you to be able to return me to normal. Or at least this." With that, Rebecca stood silent, waiting for the other witch's response.

Angharad stood up, the creature protesting weakly in her hand. She circled the woman once. "I think....yes?" she said, lifting the girls arms up and poking at every part of the girls body. "However, I think..." she said. "To be safe, it would be best to mix you with a living, healthy human," She tucked her finger under her chin. "Meaning, if you wanted to change your hair color, now would be the time. I know a slaver down the south coast if you'd like to use someone who won't be missed, other wise, the world is your oyster,"

"Hmm." Rebecca thought for a minute. "Put in an order for a female slave. A young woman, about twenty. If it is as you say, I doubt she'll survive, but all the same, I hope she does."

"If I use her to make you more whole, she will not survive," Said Angharad, "Well, perhaps a bit of herself will remain behind, to whisper in your ear,"

"That's good enough."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Bobby and Andri

Now that had been fast. That was the second time he had got somebody's attention and lost it seconds later again due to another event. If this aura of distraction would surround him in action as well, his job would be a child's play. However the fact that this tavern more and more remembered him of that sickbay he had seen during his time in the military did start to diminish Andri's hunger. The oversized man deferred the meal and gobbled the last bits of alcohol in his mug.

Bobby came back to the bar, "Sorry bout that Sonny. Emergency." reffuring to Mat. He poured Andri another drink and said, "One of the Digard boys got caught in a cave in with another hunter. While the other one had a few scratches, He took most of it." He ran his hand through his beard. "He'll be fine though...The Digards are tougher than anyone here. "

Andri made an appreciating gesture towards Bobby as he had just replenished his supply of alcohol. "Judging by what they look like, I think that this is true." He took another gulp. "My knowledge of this region is sparse. Actually, I don't even have a contract at the moment."

Bobby looked at Andri and said, "Well ye came to the right place. We have the board over there. " He motioned to the mark board filled with fliers of jobs that needed to be done and continued. "I would stay a while though and mingle... I have a feeling a big hunt is coming. I'm sure they could use a man....of yer stature."

He leaned on the bar with his left elbow. "Ill also set you up with a hunter here, who knows the area. I'm a wee bit busy to be showing ye around. If you need anything else, supplies, info what ever, come here. The rest of the shops over charge on all their items."

Andri laughed a bit, then continued with his very deep voice: "Don't overestimate me. I'm probably half a yard taller then the average man and if it comes to weight... well... one may imagine that. But I'm a rookie in this business and basically everyone I've met so far wasn't able to guess how I prefer getting things done." A slight grin in his face indicated that he offered Bobby to find out right now. "Thanks for that precise information. Then I'll wait for this big event to come." He emptied the mug again, and this time it was him who got both it refilled and Bobby a beer, too.

Bobby took the mug and offered a mock toast before drinking.

Flint, Elizabeth, Emiliah, Mat, Yuri

Morning After

Flint groaned as he shifted in the cot he was sleeping in the back room. He could hear the sounds of birds outside as the sun began to rise. He took a deep breath and winched as his sore muscles in his back cried in pain. He reached back and felt his back....the fact alone that he was able to move his arm behind his back. As he felt his ribs back into place...yet his breathing was fine as well.

He then felt a hot wet tounge over his face, causing him to pulled back and wave his arms to stop Mishka from drowing him in her saliva. "Mishka...I'm awake. IM AWAKE."

It was early in the morning, and Elizabeth had 'gone to bed' a few hours ago. She had taken a bottle of gin to her room, but instead of drinking it she had sat up staring at it. By then she had been five glasses in, but now that she had rested, the usual effects were starting to wear off. With a head full of mist, she got up, fixed her hair, and started going downstairs.

At the last few steps, she looked around and found herself looking at the back room. She had to go in, it was calling for her. She crept forward, and opened the door just enough so she could slink in. She had been expecting to see Flint, but she hadn't been expecting to see him awake and lively. "Flint!" she gasped, taking him in.

Flint pinned Mishka's head to the as she continued to try and lick him when he heard a suprised version of his name. He looked up to see Liz at the door. He was lost for words at the moment...what was she doing in his room? Wait this wasn't his room. Bits of yesterday flooded to his memory.... the beating he took. and the fact that he was lying there...not dying. He narrowed his eyes...slightly confused...which was semi truthful. "Liz... What are...You doing in my room?"

"So the back room is yours now? Did Mishka move into your other one?" Elizabeth smirked, although she was surprised by how normal and healthy he looked, she didn't want to show it. She walked up to him and reached out to pet Mishka. "May I?" She asked, fidgeting with her hand as she held it in the air above the wolf. "How do you feel Flint?"

He blinked a few times and slowly looked around as if realizing for the first time this was his room. "Uh....." She then came forward asking to pet Mishka, he nodded as he slowly and painfully sat up. His groaning loud at first, but more and more softly as his body slowly became upright. His head began to swim as he held his head. "Like..." he trailed off. "I was trampled over by a few hundred horses." He unpinned Mishka's head as he looked to Liz

Elizabeth smiled at him, and ran her fingers through Mishka’s rough fur. She liked animals, but she could never imagine taking care of one. “She has a beautiful coat.” She acknowledged, giving Mishka a scratch behind the head.
Elizabeth didn't believe what he had said about his condition. He looked so much better, and if he hadn't had some sort of outside help, he wouldn't have been awake at all. “I’m sorry I barged in, but I wanted to check on you. I thought you would be unconscious. As creepy as that sounds.”

Mishka turned towards Elizabeth and pushed her head into Elizabeth’s hands. Enjoying the scratches. When she mentioned she thought he would be unconscious. Well… he can’t really recover that….he could drop and act dead. . He doubt it would work though. He grunted as he looked to her. “Yeah….well… My brothers and I tend to be a little….stronger than most guys. You can thank my father for that and...his training.” He held his head again and continued. “That does...sound creepy….but it's better seeing your face, right now than having slobber all over my face only.” He wiped his face to rid the last of it.

Elizabeth giggled, and pulled up a stool so she could sit down next to him. “I saw you come in last night, it was mortifying. I stayed up for a little while afterwards, but Sophie said I couldn't come in.” the words rushed out of her mouth before she could prevent them, the effects of what she had been drinking earlier were still strong enough to lower her usual filter. “I was arguing with Emiliah, and we got kicked out. That's fine though, I figured out a way to see you. Even though it wasn't conventional.” She continued scratching Mishka as she thought of what to say next. “So, what happened, what do you remember?”

Flint looked at her as she quickly told him about what happened last night, He looked at her with confused eyes… He didn’t remember any of this. The last thing he remembered was holding Emiliah close to his body in the river. He shook his head softly, “I….remember the cave in… and us escaping into the river… But nothing much more than that.” He didn’t want to talk about more what happened earlier with the witch and that… He then said, “ I don’t remember much more….Quite boring actually. How bout you? How did your day go?” He said with a smile, “You went out with Emiliano right?”

Elizabeth nodded along as he explained what he remembered about yesterday. She kept a small smile on her face until he mentioned Emiliano. “Oh, yeah. I went out with Emiliano yesterday.” She said, her face pained as she remembered scrubbing down her body to feel clean again. “It was boring…
nothing to tell.” She sighed, and rubbed her temples. “I'm sorry, I must sound so depressing. I got drunk, that's why.”

Flint raised an eyebrow at her expression. When he brought up Emiliano. She tried to say it was boring and that she got drunk. He thought for a moment before he reached out and touched her shoulder. “Just drinking doesn’t sound like that is the real-”

Emiliah had been gone most of the morning, she yesterday had been far more exhausting than she thought it was going to be, so it was almost mid morning before she drug herself out of bed. After that, she went to her blacksmith brother to pick up a bow to Flint. Finally, she got to the tavern, Bobby was busy and therefore, couldn’t stop her from going into the backroom. She knocked once before entering, not wanting to be caught and slipped inside the room. “Hey Flint I-,” she paused, looking at Elizabeth, eyes narrowing. “Oh...sorry, I didn’t realize that you were...entertaining….” The bow still hanging loosely in her hand.

Elizabeth was almost happy that Emiliah showed up and stopped Flint from asking questions. But then she sighed, because it was Emiliah, and she really wasn't ready to start an argument. “Hello there, he's not entertaining anyone. I just came to check on him, and he was awake.” She scooted over in her stool, so Emiliah could see Flint. She wasn't going to leave, but she didn't want to be rude either.

Flint looked up at Emiliah as she walked into the room as well. His hand dropped from Elizabeth’s shoulder. He instantly felt the tension in the air as they looked at each other. He quickly spoke up. “Emiliah!” He stood up slowly...groaning as he did, halfway before falling back into his bed. “You are alright? Good.” She looked fine, He knew Liz had just told him she was arguing with her...but seeing that she was not really hurt made him relax still. He then looked over to Elizabeth and said, “Two women in my room? It seems too good to be true.” He said with a chuckle, trying to diffuse the situation.

Emiliah raised her eyebrow at his comment with a face that just said ‘no’, before walking deeper in the room. His observation was correct, other than a few superficial cuts and bruises and feeling sore, she was fine, well...better than him anyway. “I was just coming over to check on you and to bring you this,” she said, holding up the bow. “It isn’t as good as your last one, but it’ll hold you over until you can get a better one. If you like, you can go to my brother Eric, the blacksmith, tell him what you want,” She then gave him a sly smile. “I think I even talked him into giving you the family discount,”

Elizabeth glanced between them as they discussed his new bow. They were both very comfortable with each other, and it made Elizabeth flinch when they shared smiles. She figured it was good for the both of them, after all, having friends was tough in the business. She wondered what secrets they had shared in that cave, and what everyone else knew that they wouldn't tell her. She sighed, and played with her hair. “Je devrais vous laisser seuls tous les deux , je vais faire en sorte de vérifier sur vous chaque fois que je peux. Pour l'instant je vais me enterre dans ce gin . Au revoir pour le moment Flint.” With another sigh, she picked herself up, gave Mishka a pat on the head, and exited the room.

Flint looked up to her as she left, He raised a hand to say she didn’t have to go. But it was too late. He dropped his hand. He then looked to Emiliah and smiled. “Thanks Emiliah. He took the Bow from her hand. Feeling the weight and balance of the bow. He stuck out his lower lip. Impressed with the bow, “Thanks for the offer, Ill look into it.” He said as he placed the bow against the wall. He actually prefered to create his own bow...but having another bow in the meantime was great. “I…Don’t know how I got here.”

“She didn’t have to go,” said Emiliah, after Liz was out of the room. “I don’t plan on staying a horribly long time,” All the same, she took to sitting in the seat she just left. “What do you mean you don’t know how you got here? Like, you don’t remember the cave? The river? What?”

Flint looked at Emiliah as she sat down. He sratched the back of his head, “As In the last thing I remember being thrown into the water and wrapping my arms around while trying to breath.” He looked at her and asked, “ How much did I miss??” He looked at her in the eyes. He sighed and held his head as he looked down.

“Well, not much then,” she said slowly, trying to recall the blurred events yourself. “We fell into the...well, I pushed us in the water and...by some miracle we didn’t hit a rock or get sucked into an underwater cave pocket. And then…” She found herself struggling a little more. “And then we got sucked out into the river and I pulled us to shore

He looked at her, “And then what?” He asked, feeling as though she was hiding something. He laid back onto his bed as his head began grow fuzzy as well.

“And then… I kiss-” She froze as the memory came rushing back in full force. “I mean...then Fenros showed up and put you and me on a horse and ….then we came here,”

Flint jerked his head back at Emiliah said she kiss...but then his head began to swim and she misheard….”Wait wait wait….you kissed Fenros? When he showed up?” He fell backwards as his head was growing dark at all his movement. Grunting as he hit the bed. The sudden jerk in his body caused a wave of pain to overload him as he passed out.

Emiliah set Flints new bow next to his bed, then stood to leave, not wanting to hang around the
unconscious hunter. She started to stand, intending to go and get more lavander before the day got too hot.

Mat went through a dreamless sleep after being knocked out the last night. He awoke with his eyes looking up at the ceiling. Before long he realized that his spear wasn't at his side, in fact none of his weapons were. Mat quickly sat up before realizing that he was in a cot and as soon as he bent over the cot went careening to the side. Mat fell to the ground with a loud BANG as he hit the wooden ground.

Emiliah jump as she felt the ground move. She turned about to see that the other occupant of the room had finally awaken. And had found his way to the floor in record time. "Ah, I see the cut hasn't killed you yet, that's good," she took a few steps closer to him, offering her hand out to help him up.

Upon seeing Emiliah Mat suddenly remembered where he was. Right, Bobby's tavern, he thought. Mat took Emiliah's hand to get up and looked around the place. "Yeah, good thing you found me or else I'll probably still bleeding. Probably not dead yet but pretty close," he replied.

"I disagree, if I hadn't found you, you'd most certainly would be dead, I distinctly remember you trying very hard to die right outside the tavern and that was last night." The man had a faint bruise on his face from Fenros' make shift anesthetic. "Are you sure you are ready to be standing up?"

Mat put his hands in front of him to try and steady himself. "Yeah sure I'm fine, just gotta hit the ground running you know? There's witches to murder and stuff, can't be lying in my bed," he said, but then immediately made the error of stepping with his damaged leg which made him fall back against the cot. Mat laid at an angle in a cot looking over at Emiliah. "OK, maybe not 100% OK but I'm doing pretty well."

"Yeah, that's what I though," said Emiliah, watching Mat sink back onto the cot. She leaned against the wall, watching the man sort himself out. "I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I think you are out of the hunt for AT LEAST the whole day. But don't worry, I'll be sure to come back and tell you about the the grand things that you missed," Her voice has a light teasing air about it. "But, I am happy that you are getting better," she said. "And while I do know you name, I can say that I don't think you properly introduced yourself last night,"

Mat rolled his eyes at the news of having to sit and heal for a day, but he knew she was right. At the mention of introducing himself Mat gave a small laugh and looked at the floor. "Proper introduction? Right. I'm Mat, I murder witches and other things that most people don't even know exist, and I like using my spear to kill them." Mat was never really one to open up much, he disliked doing it. "Speaking of which, where is my spear? Dammit is it still back in that alley?"

"Emiliah," she said pointing to herself. "I also like using my spear to kill things, like witches and other nasties," Emiliah then pursed her lips, thinking the mystery of the wayward spear over. "Well, the spear didn't come in with you, that is for sure," she said. "And, to be honest, in a hunter town, your spear has probably already found itself in someone elses arsenal," She shift her weight slightly. "And...unless you are willing to track you spear down and pay to get it back....I don't think speary will be coming back," Then thinking that was too harsh, she quickly added. "But, I mean, since you can't go out and look for it, I'll keep my eyes peeled, if you'd like,"

Mat sighed and looked up at the ceiling. "Ugh, of course it's gone. Well if you feel like being nice that'd be great if you could find it when you go out on your amazing adventure today. If you gotta buy it back I'll pay for it. It's the spearhead I mostly care about," he explained, looking back Emiliah.

"Seeing how I have no idea what it looks like, sure, I'll buy back your spear," she said, fighting a slight urge to roll her eyes. "All I know is that it wasn't near you when I found you. Does it have anything that will make it distinct, so that I know that I am buying your spear and not a spear?"

Mat thought for a bit, looking down on the ground. "You know what? I think I'll just find it myself if I WHOA." Mat had tried to stand back up but lost his balance fairly quickly and he ended back on the cot. "Well shit," he muttered, then looked back at Emiliah. "Look it's a damn spear and it can kill stuff. If you find one I'll pay for it, I don't even care whose it was." It was a lie, he cared quite a lot about it but he wasn't going to go into that.

Emiliah raised her eyebrow at the man who seemed to think that, despite not having been able to stand a moment ago, he would get a different result this time. "Well, somebody is grumpy today," she said. "But, if it means that much to you, I'll try to see if I can find it. Do you want me to send Sophie back here with food?" She asked.

Yuri grumbled slightly to himself as he glanced down at his most recent purchase. there was no way that the bundle of wolfsbane cost that much, but he was in no mood to have been argueing the price. Still, he had bought it and now sat in the near empy bar, nearly empty coin purse on one side of him, bag or of the herb on the other. Sighing he put both away and cast a look around. He had been waiting for a small while for any indication of a contract, or just odd job. But it seemed that the early morning was not prime hours for busness of any kind. Eventually, recalling the events of last night, his inquisitive side got the best of him and the hunter stood and begain poking around the bar, looking for any sign of the wounded. His poking eventually brought him to the back room where he heared muffled voices, which only further drew his intrest. Poking his head into the area where the noise was coming from, he saw both one of the wounded and a female hunter. Slowly he tried to back out, in case he was interrupting yet another conversation, but grimiced as one of his heels caught the door frame.

"If you could that'd be great," Mat was saying to Emiliah as he Yuri walked in. Mat wouldn't have even noticed until the other hunter hit the door frame with his foot. Glancing over Mat gave a mock salute. "This another one Emiliah? Never seen this many hunters together before," he commented.

"There are over fifty hunders who leave here full time and more than I care to count that wander through this town. Perhapes you haven't noticed because of that recluses nature of yours, but this is a hunter's...well, a lot of hunters come here," She then turned to the person who had tripped his way into the make shift clinic. "Are you looking for something?" she asked, she had no idea who this man was, nor any idea about why he might be back here.

"Ah... just...wanted to see if those brought in were better than they were." Yuri responded, his tongue feeling slightly dry as he was put off balance by the questions. He coughed slightly into his hand as he shifted his weight around on his feet, "Sorry if I interupted."

Flint started to snore in his cot, still in an awkward position, from where he fell backwards a few minutes before while talking to Emiliah, He muttered in between breaths incoherant things....but one of them was something about biscuts and gravy....his arm, in an awkward position as well, propped up against his side, twitched a few times as the others spoke.

Mat was still gawking over the amount of hunters Emiliah said there were. More than 50?! Hell I don't even think I've known that many but that much for one town? He hadn't really paid too much attention when he came to the town, it was mostly because the witch had tried to flee here so Mat had pursued her. Hearing the other hunter speak Mat looked over at him. "I'm doing just wonderful, except I get bloody walk anywhere right now. Then again I'm still alive and didn't bleed out so that's always good," he summarized. Hearing something from the other cot Mat looked over at one hunter that was sleeping. "Who's that one?" He asked the other two.

"Honestly?" Yuri looked the other wounded hunter up and down, "No idea, I think he came in before you last night." Yuri leaned on the door frame, relaxing somewhat as he spoke. "So whats your name?" His attention turning back to Mat.

"Mat," replied the wounded hunter. "Yours?"

"Yuri. Pleasure to meet you Mat." Yuri looked over his should at the still empty bar "So ya want a drink for the pain, it might not help the standing bit, but that might not be too bad."

Mat shook his head. "Nah you're not gonna want me drunk, or even drinking a little," he said, then grinned. "Trust me Yuri you're going to regret saying it was a pleasure to meet me."

"Well, not usually at the same time," she admited, of the 50 who 'lived' here, only about 30 where even in town at the same time. "But, that is because this is sort of a hunters town, I think people like being around their own kind," Emiliah then glanced over at the sleeping Flint, a small pang of guilt twisted her stomach. "Oh, that is just Flint, he ended up there because he is too heroic for his own good and really bad at caving," She then waited for the two men to finish introducing themselves, thinking it was time she left.
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