Just another day as a hunter
He looked at Elizabeth as he sensed the sour tone,
" Ann wot's the tone with me missy?" He said as he folded his arms in reply to hers, shifting in his seat to get more comfortable. He had an idea of what she was mad about, but he didn't want to say anything without knowing exactly what she meant.
"I think you know why I have a tone, Bobby." Elizabeth wanted to scowl, or glare, or show some sure expression of anger but she couldn't put forth the effort. It was Bobby after all, and he had been like an Uncle to her ever since she had come here.
"Let's talk about this at the bar, it must seem strange that the hunters have all been having meetings in the back room lately." without glancing back at them, she walked out of the back room and took a seat at the bar. She thought of what she would say to them when they came out, and how she would explain her wounds without getting into too much detail.
"You heard what the lady said Bobby," said Emiliah following Liz out to the counter. The tavern wasn't full, but there were a number of hunters milling about. A giant of a man and a few others she remembered seeing the night before.
"So, Bobby, is there anything good out there tonight or do we just need...to poke around?" Bobby growled as they walked away from him,
"No it doesn't!" He said softly as he stood up and walked into the bar with the two girls, taking his spot behind the Bar, Looking at Elizabeth.
"No I don't know why you have a tone lady...after smashing up one of my rooms I don't now why you are mad at me for being worried what yuu two are doing." He looked at Emiliah and said,
" Just the normal." He had a lead but he was waiting for more info.
Andri hadn't come to eat anything the day before, but he had achieved to get himself drunk until he basically had fallen into a deep slumber right where he had been sitting. Completely unaware of the events that had taken place during the night, he woke up now as there was more noise around him. The first words he understood were something about somebody having smashed up a room. He mumbled "Smashing ? What non-professional person does that..." and rubbed the back of his head. This headache...
It was about this time Fenros walked into the bar, and over to Bobby, Emiliah and Elizabeth. He glanced at the giant who was still in the same spot from the night before. Rasing an eyebrow when he talked about smashing. He then looked at Bobby, ignoring the coversation Bobby was having with the girls.
"Bobby... I need my fathers Journal. Did you find out anything about..." He looked at the girls.
"The deals we had?" Marcus was sitting in the bar the entire time, looking at the mark board and figuring out what he needed to do. He noticed Emiliah who he walked home the night before...she seemed to have been busy, as well as a Blonde woman who he had been hearing about tearing up a room. He noted the fresh bandages. There was also a giant and in walked Fenros...again. He had yet to speak to him about Flint. He didn't move from his spot for now, As he was sitting at a table with his legs crossed as he sipped a glass of wine, and the only Bottle of wine Bobby had rested on his table.
Fenros' face appeared blurry. The assassin pushed his hands onto the table to help himself get out of his chair, but due to his...impaired...state, he didn't pay that much attention to that wooden crossbeam that protruded downwards from the ceiling. The result was a bang, a loud moan, more headache and a bump that had started to evolve right now.
Emiliah was about to probe Bobby for information on some of the 'normal' stuff, when two thing happened. Fenros walked in and a giant of a man cracked his head on the ceiling.
"Ah....hey Fenros," she said....still a little awkward about the whole marrige thing. She then turned towards the man who had just added a dent in Bobby's ....ceiling. To be honest, she'd never seen someone so tall anywhere.
"Hey, are you okay?" she called across the bar. The man seemed a little...intoxicated.
After Fenros showed up, Elizabeth's attention was turned away from Bobby. She watched the other patrons at the bar, and noticed a few hunters from last night. She figured she could talk to them until she had Bobby's attention. Before she could start a conversation, she saw a giant man pick himself up, and hit his head on the roof. She figured he was drunk, and she realized that was probably how she acted when she was under the influence.
"He needs to sit down before he falls, or if he doesn't want to do that, someone should escort him to his room."Fenros looked at Emiliah, as she said hello, he was still kinda mad about what happened a few nights ago, He could have killed her family because of a rumor that started because of Jack. He simply nodded and jerked his head around when the Giant stood up hitting his head. He reached out and steadied the man with a grip to the shoulder. "You ok there?"[/color] He asked as she looked up at the mans face. It was not often he met anyone taller than him. actually ever. Especially a half a foot or so. Once he made sure he wasn't going to fall over he turned back to bobby.
Bobby had shook his head at Fenros's request.
"No Nothing in your fathers journal about our...issue." He said glancing around. Fenros had come to him the night Emiliah's family almost got in a tussle with him. Telling him about his 'deal' with Medusa. Where he then told him about his 'deal' with Lorelai. While Fenros was out finding all the info he could on the Ruvins, Bobby was combing his fathers journal.
"I sent a letter to an old friend who is a high priest...but it's going to be another day or so."Andri's mind took a noticeable amount of time just to comprehend that it was him who was being talked to. "Err...yes, I think so. It just hurts... Didn't remember the ceiling being so low." he responded to Emiliah. That was an understatement: He hardly remembered anything from the first time he had entered this tavern. He turned his head and looked upwards. "Sorry for that... impact." However this quick turn revealed the delay his sense of balance was operating with. He clinged to the desk in a violent move, but it was Fenros who really stopped him from falling. "I probably shouln't repeat this, should I ?" He appeared to be a bit unstable as his weight was constantly shifting forwards and backwards, not stabilizing at the point of balance. The giant sat down again. "Did I miss anything ? Must've been here the whole night..."
"Nothing of importance," said Emiliah,
"However, perhaps you should sit down yeah? Like my friend said...you know, just until the world stops moving?" She then turned her focus back on Bobby and Fenros, clearly the two knew of something that she didn't.
"What are the chances that you two will stop being cryptic and inform the rest of the class about this....issue?" Elizabeth chuckled at Emiliah's retort, but she agreed With what she was saying. They were being cryptic, and it was making her a bit curious.
"I agree with the teacher, you should both stand up and say everything aloud." Elizabeth looked at the other hunters at the bar, wondering if they were also curious.
"What do you guys think?" Yeah... world stopping moving... right. He felt like crippled as he now couldn't even get himself something to eat. Asides from that he had no idea what the others were talking about, although the word 'cryptic' attracted his attention. It was really hard for him to concentrate. "I..I... don't think anything at the moment.. I think..." His stomach was about to kill him, and probably even the others could hear it rumble a bit, so he lifted himself off the chair again and approached the counter at a slow, unsteady pace.
Bobby looked at Emiliah as she asked him to stop being cryptic.
"Unlikely at the mom..." He stopped when Elizabeth agreed, and then turned it to the entire bar, trying to make him annouce his buisness to everyone. He glared at Elizabeth. as the Bar grew quiet at her question, leaving both he and Fenros looking around the room. This was something he wasn't ready to share, and dangerous enough that he would only trust the Digards with.
Fenros sighed and shrugged. Maybe someone knew something. Bobby then spoke up.
"How bout no. Don't tell me how to handle my information." He said gruffly.
"EVERYBODY BACK TO YOUR BUSINESS." He yelled. Some of the hunters jumped in their seats and turned away...some got up and left.
Andri froze where he was when Bobby yelled. Now this did piss him off - from what he had been told holding back information to the extent that the others started arguing about it was no good thing on the long run. He stopped himself from saying this and noted to himself that he probably wanted to talk to Emiliah later when she wasn't busy anymore. For now, he opted for being diplomatic: "Can everyone just calm down a bit ? This permanent excitation can't be a good thing. Besides... I'm not sure if I have already introduced myself to everyone. So... I'm Andri. Andri Hymir. Arrived just two... three days ago. I could use a bit of fresh air. Anybody interesting talking ?"
Emiliah rolled her eyes at Bobby.
"Fine, keep your secerts, I'll find out soon enough," she said shortly. Before turning to face the rest of the bar. The drunk giant from before seemed to decided that it was his time to introduce himself. She gave him a wave before her attion was draw to a man sitting at a near by table drinking wine. It was then that she noticed the man who had walked her home...was it last night, or the night before. It was one of those things that she had simply forgotten about until his face jogged her memory.
"Hey--" She said, suddenly realizing she had no idea who this man was. "
You.... Man who walked me home," Elizabeth was only slightly surprised about Bobby's outburst. He had them often enough that they no longer scared her, or made her jump. She was however a bit intrigued by the giant drunk that introduced himself. With a shrug she turned away, looking at the man Emiliah had brought up. Immediately she noticed his posture, and the wine he was drinking. She squinted her eyes, considering what this meant to her. She shrugged it off for now, figuring she would discuss it with him later.
"I would love to know who took Emiliah home last night. Pleasure to meet you...what can we call you?"Marcus found this quite entertaining, watching the girls and Bobby and Fenros. Even the Giant trying to Calm people down, Andri he said? Interesting. He swore he heard of an Andre the Giant before....could it be the same? Probabbly. He took a sip of his wine when he heard Emiliah calling to him. He glanced back at the bar to see the woman he walked home last night looking at him. He blinked a few times as he placed his glass on the table. "Yes?" He asked her, wondering what she wanted. Then the blonde woman called out to him. He stood up and tugged at his white shirt, his armor upstairs in his room. "My name is Marcus, It is a pleasure to meet you both." He said with a bow. " He looked to the three hunters and motioned to his table. "Please, care to join me with a glass of wine? I'm sure Bobby and Fenros have business to attend to, I would on the other hand, would love all of your company..." He looked to Andri "Including yours my massive friend."
"Rightt...Marcus, I knew that," Said Emiliah, trying to get over the fact that she let someone who she didn't even know the name of...walk her to her house. She was reluctant to leave Fenros and Bobby without her information. On the other hand, dropping the subject might lower their guard just enough to finagle the information out of them.
"Ah, sure," She said, sliding from her stool and taking a seat in one of the chairs near this...Marcus person.
When the boy-Marcus-stood up and bowed, Elizabeth raised an eyebrow before standing up herself. Keeping her eyes trained on Marcus, she fell into a deep curtsy.
"What an honor, I'm Elizabeth." with a giggle, she raised a hand to Marcus, wondering just how far he would take this. The hand was meant to be kissed, if he knew what it meant she would assume he was from higher birth. Or maybe he was just another gentleman, like Flint.
"So, how does the wine here taste, Marcus? I've never really had it." "Wine ? One more tiny bit of alcohol and I'm gonna collapse right here." Andri said when joining the other hunters. Besides of that, he wasn't accustomed to wine at all. He had been a peasant all of his former life - wine was just way too expensive.
Marcus smiled as they came over, Emiliah took her own chair, and didn't give him a chance to pull it out for her. The other woman however, introduced herself, and had gave him a deep curtsy Giggling as she introduced her self, giving her hand at the same time. She was of higher birth. No doubt. Any woman who was not never did these things. He took her hand ever so gently into his, and bowed deeply, kissing her hand just as lightly as well. He stood up and smiled, his hand not leaving hers. "I am the one who is honored Mi'lady." He then guided her to the seat he was just sitting at. pushing her in and motioning to one of the wenches for more glasses. He then moved over to the last seat and sat himself.
"The wine is surprisingly good for a bar. Bobby has taste Ill give him that." He said with a smile. Once the glasses came he took the bottle and filled up two more glasses, as andri did not want any, "That is a shame Andri, i like it far more than ale." He looked to Emiliah and asked, "May I ask your name Mi'lady? I did not manage to catch it last night, I am sorry."
Emiliah watched the bizarre interaction between the Marcus and Liz. It was almost like a secert handshake and certainly something she had never seen happen before. It looked...tedious.
"Do...you two know each other?" Emiliah finally asked as the two of them sat down. Andri certainly didn't do any weird dance before sitting down, so cleary it was...something that the two of
them shared. She looked at the wine in front of her. It wasn't as though she
didn't drink, just...not often enough to know the difference between good wine or bad. Or to have more than one glass and still trust her feet. But it would be rude to turn it down after not performing the cerimonial sitting down for wine handshake.
"It's Emiliah," she said, not quite sure what to make about the m'lady part. In her haze, she suposed that she did miss many key steps in introduction.
"Nice to meet both of you," she said, looking at Marcus first, then Andri. At least he had the sense to stop drinking.
Elizabeth politely took her seat, letting Marcus push her chair in for her. She straightened her posture and when the wine was poured for her She swirled it in her glass, taking in the aroma before indulging herself with a small sip. The flavor was pungent, a mixture of sweetness and bitterness she hadn't tasted in a long time. She turned to Emiliah when she suggested that Marcus knew her.
"Oh, no. We were greeting each other Emiliah. It is a silly little thing people of class do to say 'hi'." Elizabeth took another slow sip from her glass, before turning to Marcus.
"I believe I can call you Lord Marcus? Or something along those lines." She smirked, sizing him up. He definitely carried himself like someone who was raised in high society. She wondered what family he was from, she had never seen him before.
Andri carefully looked around in order not to constrain anyone as he settled his massive body onto the chair he had grabbed from another part of the room. Marcus had to be some sort of nobleman of something like that - the way he acted was indicating this. And that meant that it would possibly be considered impolite if he would interrupt his conversations with the ladies. So the assassin waited until there was a long enough gap between words until he came back to Marcus' mentioning of ale: "I have to honestly admit that wine didn't count to the things that were widely available where and when I grew up. So ale is fine for me." He, as a former peasant, had no real idea of what ritual was actually happening right here, but he felt that lack of knowledge and so he was very worried about committing a blunder. He attempted to return a friendly look towards Emiliah and nodded, though his face likely was still marked by his alcoholic escapade. Then he wondered where he could direct his eyes at without appearing to be staring at something or - much worse - somebody. He noticed the word 'Lord'.
Now he knew that he was outclassed at this table. He became nervous and started fiddling around with his own fingers, not noticing what he was doing.
Marcus glanced at Emiliah when she asked if they knew each other, but before he could answer Elizabeth did so for him, He simply gave a deep nod while raising his glass just lightly to indicate she was correct. He then said, "It is nice to meet you as well. " He glanced at Andri who seemed to be a little nervous...a giant who was nervous? Marcus hardly was threatening. The way he acted before and now, one might call him the jolly green giant. But then Elizabeth looked to him and asked if she should call him Lord Marcus. He smiled politely, a woman of class as she said would have certainly figured out he was lord. "In some circles...yes. But this one?" He motioned the round table they sat at. "Marcus will be fine. I am just a hunter, like you all." The best they steered away from the talks of Lords and ladys, the better the chance of people finding out who he was, He was trying to stay away from home as long as he could, his mother and father hired men to find him and bring him back. He already ran into them a few times.
He looked at Andri and said, "quite... Not everyone can afford it. I tend to forget that Forgive me." He noted his hands and took a sip of his wine. "There is no need to be nervous around me, my friendly Giant. I am not like most Lords."
Emiliah's eyes returned to Andri as he recounted his childhood poverty. Her own family was very far from poor. Even now, she didn't ever have to worry money. However, she also knew that she lived a...simple? lifestyle. She didn't buy dresses or jewelry unless the jewelry could be used to kill something. She gave Andri a reasurring nod. She didn't care about lords and ladies, but she could see how others might. Speaking of ladies...
"Say, Liz...If he is a lord, and you are both of 'class', doesn't that make you a lady?" She was doing a very poor job of keeping the laughter out of her voice. But Liz being a lady certainly explained somethings. Like the fact that she was willing to drop over a hundered silvers fighting veela and never even mention going back for them. She picked up the wine glass and took a sip...It tasted like wine.
Elizabeth smiled politely at Marcus, he seemed to understand things the way she did. In a whole other world, they were both high and mighty, but here they were all equals.
"That's how I see it. In a field of battle, we are all the same." she didn't bring up anything else about his background, and she expected him to do the same. With that conversation over, she turned to Emiliah...who brought the topic up again. Elizabeth's cheeks turned a bright shade of red, as Emiliah laughed about her heritage.
"Uh...well...Yes Emiliah. It does make me a Lady."Flint pushed open the door, groaning. his back was so sore from the practice he was doing with the bow, trying to get a feel on how it shot, as it was differnent from his bow. He paused looking at Fenros and Bobby talking. They both looked at him and he smiled, giving Them a wave. As he waved though he looked over and saw Emiliah and Elizabeth. He was about to walk over to Fenros when he saw Marcus. He paused in midstep as their eyes connected.
"What the hell are you doing here?!" He said with a smile as he walked over. He then realize he was sitting with the others. "What did you tell them?"[/color] HE looked at the girls.
"Don't believe a word he says. It's all lies." Marcus stood up as he saw Flint. Glad he didn't call him Duke, the nickname Flint insisted on calling him. " Flint! I heard you were in a cave in last night. You don't look like it."
"He doesn't look like he was in a cave last night because I did an excellet job of saving him," she said, momentarily distracted enough to leave Liz alone for the time being. She looked at the bow in Flint's hand.
"How do you like it? Not as nice as your old one...but if you do like it, my brother said that you have to tell your friends. If you hate it, it was made by those 'Damn Shevi Brothers the Crooks," Friendly giant ? He called him a friendly giant ? Apparently he had done something the right way. "It's just... not that I would have seen many Lords in my life so far, but everytime I did I felt like there is an entire world parallel to the one I live in, an unknown and yet extremely powerful world. To be nervous in front of the great unknown is a human trait I think... Sorry." He forced himself to stop his fingers with a somewhat delayed success. The talk between the ladies and Marcus continued. The influence of the alcohol seemed to wear off a bit - he felt better. Before being able to formulate more words, he heard a door being opened behind him and his well exercised instinct made him turn around his head at top speed in order to identify the source of this event. It was Flint, so not a threat to be worried about. Andri thought about having to stop this, with this super sensitive sensing and fast timings it wouldn't take that long until everyone knew or at least suspected his exotic way of getting things done.
"Good afternoon" he greeted Flint and inspected the bow he carried, acknowledging that the explanation of him being involved in a cave in did fit to what he started to remember from the day before. "This appears to be a fairly good weapon to me."
When Elizabeth saw Flint enter the bar her eyes brightened. She felt happy seeing him, and she was surprised when he came to greet Marcus.
"Well Flint, he didn't say anything about you, so I'm sure he wasn't lying. How are you doing?" she kept her focus on the both of them, but her words we're specifically meant for Flint. She wondered if he had talked to Emiliano yet, and if he had, what words had been exchanged? She decided these were all good questions, for a later time.
"You two know Each other?" Flint walked over and said,
"Well, you know me, I'm super lucky." He said with a smile. He looked at Emiliah,
"I'm pretty sure I techincally saved myself. Because I saved you, if I didn't save you the you wouldn't have saved me." He smiled as his voice was clear he was joking. He then heard the massive man mention that the bow looked like a good weapon. He nodded, It was for the most part. An archer of his skill he noted that it was not as powerful as his longbow, and it seemed a little lighter than his taste prefered, but For a black smith he did a good job for making it. Usually archers would go to a carpenter to handle the wood properly. But he didn't want to sound ungrateful, as it was a gift. He nodded to Andrie
"It is a good bow. A little light for me but I am indeed grateful for the weapon." He rolled his shoulders as his shoulders ached pulling the bow. It irritated him that a lesser weapon was hard on his back muscles. He barely managed to fire it, he guessed he would have never been able to fire his longbow.
He then looked to Elizabeth and smiled.
"That's good to hear. I'm doing fine, Us Digards bounce back pretty quickly." He looked to Marcus and added,[color=0054a6] "We are practically brothers. Marcus and I have been Best friends for a while."
Opening the door to the bar, Yuri pulled his scythe down so it wouldn't knock the top of the frame, and stepped through. As he closed the door he shook his head at the silhouette of the crow that had perched itself across the road.
"Feed it once, and it expects you to do it forever." He muttered to himself as he crossed the floor, and found himself a chair, giving a tired wave to Bobby and a friendly nod to the others as he took his hat off.
"I'm happy it'll get you through," Said Emiliah, smiling, her brother had been over the moon when she mentioned that a Digard would be using his bow, something he was just getting into making, he was over the moon. Nearly forced the dam thing on her to be honest. She was about to comment on the 'brothers' bounce back powers' when another person entered the tavern. Yuri or something...from when he...broke into the back storeroom.
"Hey Yuri!" She called, waving at the man. If anything, it would at least kill the bromance.
Yuri looked up at Emiliah and waved back slightly, still slightly emberassed about what had happened earlier. As he did his mind raced for a name, with him quietly cursing his inability to recall such a simple thing. But with it eluding him succesfully, he settled for the next best thing. A greating with no name at all.
"Hello! Nice to see you've moved operations to a more sutible location." Being the stubborn hunter he was, Mat had been attempting to walk the entire day despite almost everyone telling him how terrible an idea it was. In the morning Mat had gotten up and snuck out of the tavern as soon as he found a chance. Of course, he extremely regretted his mistake but refused to turn back and instead explored the town. By the time the afternoon came, Mat had gotten his arsenal back (minus his spear) from the various venders of the town.
Stepping back into the tavern Mat attempted to proudly walked in but it quickly turned into a limp where he had to lean against the wall. He quickly noticed the group of hunters all drinking together and decided to invite himself to the group. Using the tables for support, the hunter made his way over to them.
"Mind if I join you all?" He inquired, sitting down in an empty seat.
"Yeah, the backroom was getting a little crowed," She said, before seeing the door open again...only to see Mat walk in. She was a little irratated by it, it was like the man
wanted to reinjure himself.
"Are you certain you should be walking Mat? I'd hate to have to drag you back to the tavern again," she motioned for the man to sit down in the empty chair across from her.
Yuri looked over his shoulder at the new arrival. He made no attempt to hide the grimace that worked its way on to his face as the wounded hunter stumbled his way across the floor.
"I've got no qualms with the company. But I have to agree with her, why in all the hells are you walking." Yuri responded to Mat's question, obviously trying not to offend.
But as he looked at Mat, his face suddenly changed, as if a light whent off in his head. He stood quickly, and grabbing his scythe he handed it to Mat, turned so that he could grab the pegs on the handle.
"How could I forget!" He whispered on a panicked, hushed tone, before switching back to a more relaxed one
"Here I have to uh.. step out for a moment, forgot something. But If you need to move, use this for the love of it all, dont go falling down." And after placeing his weapon in Mat's care, Yuri hustled out of the door, an almost happy caw meeting him on the way out.
Mat looked down at the scythe as Yuri left the room.
"A scythe? I thought you people didn't want me hurt," he said, then looked over at Emiliah.
"And yes I totally believe I can walk, if I didn't I'd be in that annoying hammock being super depressed. That's something I don't believe any of you would like. Instead, I decided to be productive with my life and got fancy weapons, though I couldn't find the spear." Mat pulled out a flintlock pistol to show off one of his items.
Emiliah gave him a disbelieving smile.
"Okay, fine you have the ability to walk, but just because you can do something, doesn't by any means mean you should," She took another drink of Marcus' 'fancy wine', she could feel the drink starting to warm up every part of her body, from fingers to face. She glanced over his haul of items.
"I'm honestly shocked you were able to get so many back AND return with all your body parts," She eyed the pistol, she'd never trained with the wepon herself, long ranger wasn't really her thing, but she could appearicate its beauty.
"The sellers must have taken pity. But the leg is feeling fine? Ready to go for...say a jog?" The door to the bar swung open as Yuri walked in, his face beaming as he carried a long object, wriapped in oilcloth and tied in several places by long strands of twine. Closing the door, he hummed quetly to himself as he crossed the floor and deposited the bundle in front of Mat with a supriseing amount of care. Reaching over he also grabbed his weapon back before he spoke,
"Here we are. Took me a while, and cost most of what little coin I had left. But I figured it was worth it." Retakeing his seat with a sigh, Yuri continued to grin as he motioned to the strings.
"Well go on, I promise it wont dissapoint."Mat rolled his eyes at Emiliah's comments.
"Oh come on, you meet me once and assume I'm close to death everytime I go out? Please, it's only every other time," he assured.
"And as much as I want to go on a jog I'd rather not be mocked when I immediately fall to the ground." He noticed Yuri coming back and looked at the rather odd bundle he carried.
"Christmas already?" He asked when the fellow hunter placed it in front of him. Mat slowly opened it up and grinned when he realized it was his spear.
"Oh hell, thanks for getting it mate!" He called to Yuri.
"Here, I can pay you back for it." Without waiting for comment Mat grabbed a handleful of gold coins and tossed them to Yuri.
Seeing how I have nothing else to go on other than that one time, I'd say it is a fair assessment of your state of being," She took another sip of her wine, nearly finishing the cup.
"Well, at least you are starting to understand the fact that you are, indeed, injuried," It was at that moment that Yuri came back with an usual package. The moment she saw the spear, she could tell it was something speical. Something so special that Mat was lucky that it wasn't
she who found it. Otherwise, he might not have it back right now.
"Wow," she said. "I didn't think that your spear would ever be found. Can I see it?" she asked.
Catching the coins , Yuri set them down on the bar behind him
"Bought it off a peddler, who says he bought it off a kid, or something like that. Had the thing sticking in the dirt like he didnt know what to do with it. But I'm just glad to get it back into your hands honestly." He tapped his fingers on his scythe absentmindedly as he spoke, leaning it ageinst his shoulder as he sat.
"Interesting choice in the color of the haft I must say."Mat was still excited to see his spear returned to him. He thought he had actually lost it this time around.
"It always returns somehow," he said to himself.
"Through it all, it's the only thing that stayed." It took Mat a moment to realize that Emiliah was asking to see it.
"Hm? Sure," he said, handing it over to her.
"I trust you won't manage to break it instantly." Looking over at Yuri he shrugged his shoulders.
"Black shaft, it makes it harder to see. Simple as that." It wasn't really but he didn't feel the need to discuss it.
It would be a crime to break something as wonderful as this," she said in awe, taking the spear in both hands. Flint might have his bow fetish, but this spear really was a thing of beauty. She stood up away from the table, giving the spear a few experimental twirls. "
"Where on earth did you get something like this?" she added, an almost longing in her voice.
Mat made a small smile as he watched the huntress twirl his spear.
"It was...I found it off a vendor. Ripped off the poor guy," he quickly lied.
"Shame for him, win for me." Mat stepped up and used the table as a lean.
"You use a spear too right? I think I can remember you with one when you found me. Nasty weapons, very nice to use."Emiliah gave the spear another thrust. Before standing straight and almost sadly handing the weapon back to the man. "
I hope that I am someday as lucky as yourself to get such a weapon," Her own spear was being kept behind the counter, more out of habit than anything. "
Yeah, spears really are natures killing machine. You hear people go on and on about the sword and bow, but you really can't be the basics." She then turned back to Yuri.
"You must really have a knack for finding this if you were able to spot a spear you've never seen before and bring it back to its owner," Yuri watched the two hunters in front of him descuss the finer points of working with a spear with the same grin as before. As they spoke he slowly put the coins that were given into him into his coin pouch, the last one clinking in as Emiliah asked her question. Yuri placed the pouch back inside his coat as he responded
"I wouldn't say I have a knack for such things. Just simply remembered the description I was given yesterday, not many silver headed spears with black shafts and inscriptions running around this place."Mat gently took his spear back from Emiliah and ran has hand over it. He looked over at Yuri and nodded his head.
"Right, Aminy anao aho. That's the key to finding it! Thanks again for locating it Yuri," Mat said as he began to lean on it.
"It's also a much better walking stick than most as I can stab people with it without probably stabbing myself in the process.""That is does make it quite the walking stick. Also think nothing of it, was mearly a favor to another hunter, one im sure you'll pay back in the feild." Laughed Yuri, before he quickly added on
"After you heal obviously. No sense in rushing out to get injured again, well so soon at least." Mat made a small grin as he thought for a bit.
"Well, I suppose I can act like ye olde' mage guy standing in the back for now as I watch you all kill some witches. Shouldn't be that boring to spectate." The hunter reattempted to balance without any support, but failed pretty quickly and had to grab the spear again.
"I'm not going to get used to it though, be sure of that.""If you really wanted to fit the part, all youd have to do is continually yell about burning things and I would certainly hope it wouldn't be boring to spectate. If a day that a hunt becomes boring, even just to watch, ever comes. I will eat my hat." Yuri said as his face flashed with concern as Mat lost his balance, but all was well and Yuri relaxed.
"Also I'll hold you to that not getting used to it bit." As he finished talking Yuri bought and poured himself a drink, taking a long sip from it.
Mat looked over at Yuri and shrugged.
"Well in the moment of murdering stuff it's not boring but you gotta admit having to track, wait, locate, wait, search for, wait, and then wait even more has got to be somewhat boring, especially the waiting part. In fact my dad an-" Mat stopped himself pretty quickly.
"Waiting's boring, but the other stuff isn't. Speaking of weapons which one do you use?"Yuri grinned as he put his drink down and picked up his scythe, and upon standing, gave the weapon a quick jerk twords the ground. The mechnism within the upper shaft going into gear as the scythes blade folded out with the motion, locking into place.
"Its a bitch to repair and find replacement parts for. But it's mine." The wepon itself looked fairly nice, the darker metal contrasing ageinst the lighter wood used for the shaft.
"Been through a lot with this blade. quite fun to use in combat. Almost like a dance.." Yuri's voice trailed off a bit before he shook his head slightly and grinned at Mat, giving the weapon a couple slow swipes here and there.
Mat gave a nod as he watched Yuri show off his scythe.
"Impressive, the folding motion does add a nice flair to it," he commented. Mat switched sides with his spear.
"I do need to wonder how many heads you've decapitated with it. I imagine quite a lot.""A few here and there" Yuri said as he tripped the hidden mechinism once more, folding the blade away.
"I wouldn't say going for the decapitation is the most safe or reliable method. However, I will not lie, it is undeniably satisfying when you land it."Andri waved at Yuri when he entered, but apart from that only the corners of his eyes started paying attention to recovered spears and retractable blades. It would've been very interesting though and perhaps the discussion unfolding between Yuri and Mat would have made him show off his comparatively puny, but excellent looking, noble metal plated wires of death - but not now. He just wasn't the person that hopped in and out of conversations at high speed, especially not when his thinking was still slowed down a bit.
Making use of his giantism, the assassin got hold of a chair standing by one of the neighbouring tables without standing up himself and offered it to Flint. "There you go. You must've been really lucky." He had already heard about the robustness of the Digard family. "So... a little too light, you said ?" He started to scrutinize the bow as good as he could without holding it in his own hands. "Aren't there any ash trees around here ? If we acquire a suitable piece of wood and find a craftsman we could come over this drawback without spending too many coins."
Elizabeth lost track of the conversation, as they tossed around a spear and grunted about how amazing it was. It was really a pointy stick, a well made, pointy stick. With a shrug, she ignored them and turned to Flint.
"When did you two meet?" She glanced over the comment about the Digards and their amazing healing. She briefly remembered a flash of light, but she didn't know where to place it, and the memory was fuzzy.
Flint glanced as Emiliah began to have her little thing about spears... but before he could make mention, the giant spoke to him, offering him a chair and suggesting finding an ash tree. He shook his head and took the seat,
"Thanks. But Ash is a poor subsitute for a bow, They are very brittle and break easily. I need wood from a Yew tree. It makes the best long bows... and I prefer to make my own bow. As I've done before to complete my training." He looked over to Elizabeth and said,
"We met about five years ago on a hunt. He just started out and I had a few years on him...Taught him all he knows...well sort of." He said with a smile. He then noticed her arm and reached out to gently hold her elbow.
"What happened?" He asked, wondering how this woman can hurt her self so often.
Elizabeth pulled away when Flint grabbed her arm, not because she didn't want him to touch her or be concerned, but because she was fine and she didn't need him to baby her. [color=ff00ff]"It's a flesh wound, nothing serious. Right Emiliah?"[/ she smiled at Emiliah, a flash of something mischievous in her eyes. She wondered what Flint would think about the two of them working together, then she realized he was probably out of it during most of their fights. "It was a fun day, but more of a girl's thing."
"Ah okay." Andri answered. "I'm just a basic woodworker. Would've been a bad peasant if I hadn't known how to fix things on your own, but I never had to do much with bows. I prefer weapons you can throw at your enemies or very close combat with small, nasty things."
"Right," said Emiliah, getting drawn away from the spear conversation by Liz.
"The veela barely touched her," She said, flashing a smile back at her.
"Speaking of, we are...thinking of heading out again. Any body know of anything?" Emiliano groaned as he began walking downstairs into the bar, rubbing his eyes... he had drunk far to much last night trying to drown away his... memories from yesterday. He entered the bar and immediately wanted whiskey, but saw the group forming up and sighed as he walked up, and asked no one in particular, "Whats going on?"
Flint furrowed his eye brows when she pulled away from him. Wondering why she did so. Then explaining it's just a flesh wound...then being all buddy buddy with Emiliah, though he must admit he never saw them fighting the night before. But he didn't know they were friends. He simply said,
"Ah..." Not knowing what to really say at the moment.
Glancing back to Andri he explained his reasonings.
"Not many people do know what's best for a bow. And while enjoy getting up and close and personal with my enemy...trust me, growing up with my brothers often resulted in wrestling, and learning how to defend myself from them. But Being able to bullseye a mellon at two hundred meters is simply gratifying."Then Emiliah spoke up, asking if anyone knows anything. He shrugged his shoulders,
"I don't know..." He looked over and saw Emiliano walking down the stairs and over to him. Acting so casual after what happened the day before. He stood up, as he stood between Liz and Emiliano. Subconsciously trying to protect Liz...even though he was sure she could protect himself. He folded his arms
"Nothing that Concerns you." Emiliano raised an eyebrow sluggishly at Flint and his aggression,
"Uhm... Ok... I was jus' askin Flint, no need to bite my head off.", he looked at Elizabeth sadly behind him and sighed,
"If you think its not my concern fine, I'll just get a drink... need to get drunk some more to stop this hangover...", he tapped the bar for Bobby to get him a drink,
"But... are all of you doing something? IS this a hunt? And if so, how is it not my concern?", he turned to Flint confusedly.
Andri had just been about to tell Flint about being gratified by being able to approach the enemy from two hundred meters without being noticed, but it never came that far as Flint suddenly stood up. His body language and words didn't appear very friendly, but he had no clue about why. Obviously confused, he looked at Liz, then Emiliano, then at the other hunters one by one as if any of them could yield him additional information.
Elizabeth was about to make a few jokes with Emiliah, when Emiliano walked in. She cringed, but when Flint stood in front of her like a guard dog, she rolled her eyes. Tugging on his shirt she pulled him aside, crossing her arms in front of her. Did he honestly think she was incapable of defending herself?
Well, you did drink yourself to half to death. shoving her subconscious aside, her gaze caught on Andri's. He looked confused, and as much as she would love to explain herself to him, she didn't bother. "Flint, don't you think we should clue Emiliano in? It is a group discussion." her tone was sharp, and she hoped he would get the message and back down.
Yuri looked up from his drink, and had to resist the urge to kick himself. The bar had certinally filled up while he was engrossed in his drink, and several conversations had sprung up. Both of which culminated in the hunter feeling a bit lost
"Note to self, do lose track for a second around here." He thought to himself as he turned slightly to catch more of the conversation, and perhaps be a bit less lost.
Emiliah notice the change in Liz's stance the moment Emiliano walked in. What she found even more surprising was that it was Flint who seemed the most hostile in the situation. Emiliano on the other hand...just seemed...very very confused and sad. But judging by all involved, it probably had something to do with last night. But she decided it was time for lesson number 4.
"Liz, if this has anything to do with last night...Don't let Flint defend you. Punch him in the face, you don't need protection" Flint looked back to Elizabeth, now confused that she was even willing to allow this creep near her. He blinked a few times. Before looking back to Emiliano, then back to Elizabeth. He then heard Emiliah telling Elizabeth that she didn't need protection. He looked to her with a confused look as well. This was the mans job. to protect women...of course Liz and Emiliah were hunters, they could take care of themselves. But that wasn't the point, As a gentleman, it's his duty to protect a womans honor.
He looked back to Emiliano, and dropped his arms from his chest, He took a step backwards, turning his body to the side. Normally it looked that it was going to allow him to join, but he didn't offer his hand to a chair. What he did do was ball his right fist and launched a powerful jab into Emiliano's jaw.
Emiliano raised his Eyebrow as Emiliah mentioned something about last night... he was getting drunk last night. As flint stepped out of the way he stepped forward to join them,
"Wait what happend last n-", it was then Flint's fist collided with Emiliano's jaw. He hit
hard, the strength of his blood adding to the strength in his arm, a harsh smack was heard as Emiliano was thrown back, and the back of his head smacked the table. He smashed into the ground, his eyes rolling in his skull and his vision blurring, the back of his head bleeding. He tries to sit up but fails, groaning loudly. Though he was able to form semi-rational speech,
"W-w-why... ahhhh... f-f-fu-fuck... ahhhhhh...", a small puddle of blood was beginning to form under his head. He choked a bit, rolling his head to the side and spitting, two bloodied teeth clattering in the floor as he groaned in pain and the world swam around him.
Elizabeth had been tense in her chair, so the second Flint swung, she had been up and ready to take action. She flinched when the punch connected, and Emiliano fell backwards, hitting his head on the bar. After she did a quick assessment of the damage, she turned Flint so he was facing her, her eyes burning with rage. "That is not what I meant, you didn't have to attack him!" with a frustrated squeal, she threw a hard punch at Flint's jugular, knowing that any other attempt probably wouldn't hurt him enough to feel satisfying. After this, she threw her hands in the air, and stormed out of the tavern. Once she was outside she paced around, wanting to throw something, she buried her head in her hands and gritted her teeth.
Emiliah blinked as she watched Liz punch Flint. Although she had suggested the action, against Emiliano, such was more than a little shocked to see that Liz had actually done it, but to Flint . There was a part of her that felt...bad. But another part of her that felt...proud. Emiliah pushed herself away from the table.
"I'm just....going to go check on her," she said following the angry Liz outside.
"Well, you certainlly showed him," said Emiliah, a poorly hidden smile on her face.
Flint wasn't expecting his hit to land so well, and the fact that despite his age and his ability as a hunter, he still often forgot how much strength he really had in comparison to...well normal humans. He watched as Emiliano smashed his head against the table. He honestly thought that he was going to be well... getting into a brawl, not just knocking out the man in one punch.
Suddenly Elizabeth was looking at him as if he was the one who did wrong. "I know..." He couldn't even finish his sentence when he was throat punched by the smaller woman. He coughed and bent over as his windpipe was collapsed for a moment. He gripped his throat and tried to breath, focusing all his mind to the single act to survive. Once his thoughts suddenly jumpstarted his breathing, he coughed more. Standing back up and leaning agianst the table as he watched Elizabeth walk out and Emiliah holding back a laugh.
Bobby and Fenros had both moved over to Emiliano, seeing the blood pooling under emiliano's head. Bobby snapped his fingers to gain the attenion of Emiliano to see how bad it was. While Fenros stood up and looked at his younger brother.
"What the hell did you do that for Flint?"At this point Mat had little to no idea what was going on, and most of what he was thinking was
wow that guy can really punch! Everyone around him seemed to be running around and discussing what was going on.
"What the hell did I get myself in to?" He asked himself as he continued leaning against a wall holding his spear as both the huntresses left and Bobby went over to check on the downed hunter.
Yuri coudln't help but flinch as everthing transpired, as all the punches were thrown. Quickly putting his drink down, Yuri got up and went over to see if Bobby needed any help with the wounded hunter, keeping a small distance until he was needed. All the while looking around as confused as ever.
"Any idea what promped that?" He asked Bobby, honestly at a loss for any other words.
Elizabeth pulled her face out of her hands when Emiliah came out to check on her. After the anger wore off, she realized just how horrible she felt. She was the one that had caused this, if she had just kept quiet about the situation, it wouldn't have happened at all. “Showed him what Emiliah? That I'm a horrible person? I punched him in the
throat! What do I do? I need to apologize.” though she said this, she didn't rush through the doors and go apologize to Flint. That would make her look weak, when she apologized, it would have to be to private and sincere. [color=ff00ff]“I cannot believe myself. I caused this, by being a little girl.”
Emiliano was not really capable of real thought or speech at this point, he had a fairly serious concussion and severe head trauma from his fall onto the table edge. Currently his vision was swimming about in his head and his thoughts could not form coherrently, only able to groan in pain.
Bobby looked to Yuri.
"Hell if I know, Flint usually has a good reasons for doing things like this." He looked at Flint who looked confused at what happened as well as not sure what to do.
"SOPHIE! We need your Expertise in the back room!" He lifted Emiliano and looked at Yuri to help him. He still was a gimp and all. Once Yuri helped he would walk him back to the room and lay him on the cot, where sophie would come in with some clean cloths and water. She then shooed them out of the room.
Fenros looked at his brother, he almost just killed another hunter. He saw the hit, he knew he used his full strength. Flint shook his head,
"It's not your Business Fenros. Stay out of it." He picked up his bow on the table making his way to the front door. He pulled the heavy oak door and slammed it with great force as it slammed into the wall behind it.
He noted Emiliah and Elizabeth talking, but with the recent throat punch for what he didn't understand he recieved. He turned and continued to trudge away, off to find a Yew tree so he can make a new bow...the only thing that really calmed him down.