Jason Hunter
"I figured there was worse things than putting my hands in between your legs." He said as they ran from the walkers that were surrounding them. "You know... like being eaten?"
Jason Had ignored the woman trying to take a shot, even to the point of moving his arm and cinching down her arm so she couldn't shoot from over his head. One, the recoil could hit him in the head, two there was no point at shooting at the walkers behind them. The twenty minute run with the girl on his shoulders was harder, but he did similar things with men twice her size. He was a little winded to say the least when they came to a walk.
When Jason heard Ethan say that he would carry her now, He wasn't one to argue, The only reason he took her onto his shoulders was to get some distance between the horde and them. Ethan can carry her if he wished. But before he could put her down, apparently he wasn't doing it fast enough as she wiggled her way off his back and fell on her ass. Explaining she could walk on her own now. Even saying that the 'fall' fixed her leg. He narrowed his eyes as she started to talk to Ethan.
Jason wasn't stupid, the girl was lying about her leg. This pissed him off, as she could have killed them with her lie. He growled that he was just played and walked away, letting Ethan deal with her. It was his group after all. He holstered his pistol made his way to the group. Leaving the two Brits alone.
He moved towards the two cars as he paused by a police car. He looked in and saw a dead cop, gun in hand, with a gunshot wound under his chin and the top of his head a mess. He busted the window open and pulled the gun from the corpse's hand He could feel the weight of it and guessed it was a .40 caliber. Hitting the mag release with his thumb and catching it with his other hand. He was right,it was a .40 caliber. Pressing the ammo down with his thumb he noted there was only one bullet fired. He then continued to search the man to find four more mags as well as his short wave radio. He twisted the on switch to find that it still worked, His heart jumped with excitement at his luck. He wasn't close enough to use it to reach the aircraft carrier, but when he was, he could call for extraction. He turned it off once again to save it's battery life and clipped it to his back part of his belt. He then popped the trunk of the cruiser and found a shotgun, fully loaded with more ammo for it as well. He sighed as there was no ammo for his 9mm. But the others could use this.
He continued on his way back to the others. He noted that there were a few more missing, shaking his head he wished he was more alert to have given them more time to escape. He did see that Kat and the baby Grace was still alive. He was relieved at that. He saw Nikki walking away on her own. He raised his voice. "HEY!" He didn't care as they should be moving on anyway. Where you going?! We need to keep on moving!"
He dropped the shotgun into the back of the truck and looked at the Two new people in the Chevy. He was surprised that there were so many people that survived this close to the city's. Normally there was no one in the once heavily populated cities due to the sheer amount of Walkers. He shifted his FN SCAR just enough to be in easy reach. It would seem the group had gotten used to the newcomers already. He had a feeling this group was too trusting of outsiders...and it could be a problem later on.
He looked at Kat and said, "I'm glad you're both OK." As he looked over to where Ethan was walking back with the new girl.