Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Aintitfun1997
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Aintitfun1997 Hiatus

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Camyllia's head snapped up and she was off the ground grabbing the machete and ripping it off Lanes head. Running out of the room she nearly trips over Blitz who makes a noise,"Get up! Blitz,we gotta go!" She wasn't sure if it was the urgency in her voice or the new voice that moved Blitz but she moved and Camyllia shuts the door running down the stairs almost tackling Alex on the way. She looks at him with a bright smile before the groans caught her attention," I have two backpacks in the closet I need ta get," Camyllia whispers shushing the growling Blitz.


@Demonic Angel
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Aintitfun1997@alexfangtalonClara Jekyll Moon Alex's Group

"Alright clowns. We have you surrounded. So give up before we get rid of you permanently." with that said the darker half stood up. An evil grin placed on her lips, as if she was waiting, for the beast within to be unleashed. Clearly they didn't suspect these kids to have a plan. Pain started to seep into the girl's shoulder adding to her already horrible mood. Breaks screeched to a stop from a building towards the other side.

"How do we know you won't kill us anyway?"

"Oh, you don't. I won't kill you though. Can't promise I won't break your knees though. You are a danger to everyone else in this world. I can't have that anywhere near my family. So either get lost and never show your faces around here again, or have fun with the last few moments of your life. At this moment your options are limited. Have me kill you quickly and with little pain, get eaten by Walkers, leave, or have my friend behind the barrels kill you. Oh, and I can promise you it won't be nice."

Clara was just about to say something before they took off in opposite directions. As she turned her head a piece of brick smacked into her leg. This wasn't the best thing for the guy to do. The girl out the gun down and ran at the now charging guy. Her knife was out just when he stopped with a shocked face. In the end the girl forced the knife into his heart causing him to choked out a name before death claimed his soul.

"Finish off these guys if you like Clara. Haru, pull the van up here quick we need to move."

" I'll get it done." the darker half said as she got to work. The girl had lost count of how many lives she had took now. Her brother never liked leaving survivors which left the four of them with no other choice but to kill. Now and days it's just become a habit of hers which made sleeping at night rather difficult some days. Slowly Clara killed them and by the time she was done Haru was up front looking as if he was ready to go home.

" Nice to know that your brother's traits rubbed off. Next time I'll make the time to bury the dead as well as call their families. Hello my name is Haru. I hate to inform you but my girlfriend killed someone you either know or that you're related to. I'm very sorry for your lost."

The darker half only grumbled something before going after Alex. When she heard footsteps upstairs she decided to make sure there wasn't any walkers around. Half way into the back of building was a closed room. There was groaning along with banging on the door making the darker half rather worried. Quickly she ran towards the stairs and up. Once Alex was her sight she skidded to a stop nearly falling down.

" We have to get out now. There's a room full of Walkers and I don't know how long the door will last. Haru has the car up front and it seems like those Walker are gaining ground quite well."
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Collaboration with @LPFan

As he was driving through the field away from the horde and looking for a way back on the highway Chris took a glance at the girl who identified herself as Nikki, and then back to the road. "My name's Chris, Chris Donovan, music shop owner and part-time mechanic, and that is my sister Lisa. We are from Miami, Florida. At this point you're probably wondering what the hell were doing in California but seriously...we just headed where the road took us."

Chris took a glance at Nikki's gun which she visibly kept on her lap probably as a warning sign and smiled. "You can put that gun away you know. With all these walkers around i'm the last person you should be concerned of." He also noticed the katana sword at her thigh. "You know? You look just like a female version of Blade." He said smiling while concentrated at the road. When he finally got back on the highway Chris started chasing the truck that Nikki pointed out and dodging the walkers that were tailing it.

Even though he was paying attention at the road, Chris couldn't help notice how good looking and pretty the girl was. And besides that, he had a weakness for women in leather. She was definetly young. Much younger then him that's for sure. But that wasn't neccesarily a problem for him. His last girlfriend, before the outbreak, was 25 years old. Although the angry roar of the Impala's V8 engine occupied much of his hearing, Chris did also hear the cries of a baby, probably a girl, judging by the looks, coming from the truck's bed, where he saw a woman, presumably the baby's mother and a dog fighting off some walkers that wanted to climb up.

As Chris got closer, Nikki pulled her knife and herself partly out the window and started stabbing walkers in the head and tossing them off of the truck. She smiled at Kat who obviously had her hands full between Grace and the dog. After the two that were an issue were handled Nikki slid back into her seat.

"Okay so you're a musician?" Nikki smiled. "That is very, very good for me. I'm a dancer. I was supposed to start Julliard in the fall." She said her smile faltering a little. "So what do you play?"

Chris glanced at her while smiling back. "Well I can play the guitar. Both acoustic and electric. When I was a teenager I dreamed of starting off my own rock band but it proved to be a lot harder and more time consuming then I thought, especially since none of my friends knew how to sing or play other instruments. Sometimes I hate myself for quitting that easily." He said while keeping an eye on the road as the situation started to calm down a little as the two vehicles drove further and further away from the walker horde.

Chris could definetly feel a connection forming between him and Nikki. He couldn't quite explain it but it felt strange. In the meantime his sister on the backseat was awfully silent. But that didn't matter much in those moments.

Nikki smiled, "It's hard to do it if you are the only one with any talent." She looked up and saw the sign for the town in three miles. She waved at Tex, "Pull over at that clearing up ahead." she told him. Tex pulled the truck over and they all got out to stretch their legs. Nikki went to the truck and made sure everyone was okay. Then she went back to Chris to talk. "So have you had to kill many people or just walkers? And you seem safe enough to me but I haven't met too many friendlies yet that didn't have an ulterior motive. My gut is pretty trustworthy though."

Nikki couldn't help it, she knew she was blushing so she turned her face away so he might not notice. "Miami? You guys see anywhere that was normal or safe between here and there?" Nikki took off her coat and laid it on the truck's tailgate and hopped up on it.

Chris thought for a while about what Nikki had asked as he pulled out a cigarrette and placed it on his right ear. "I used to run a group myself. Not very large. Just seven people. But as time passed they started dying. And in the end it was down to just me, my sister and a cop. We pushed forward in this formula for about a month up until last week when I caught the bastard trying to rape my sister. We had a fight and after I mauled him down I slashed his throat with my KA-BAR. I've never been so angry my entire life." Said Chris as he took the cigarrette from his ear put it in his mouth and lit it up with his zippo lighter.

As he sat down on the ground with his legs crossed he thought about Nikki's 2nd question. "Honestly no place is safe right now. But in Texas I felt the safest. A lot of well armed civilians back there. I couldn't expect any less from a state with such lax gun laws. Hell you could even buy a .50 cal Barrett there." He said while taking a smoke and looked at Nikki with a mix of seriousness of dissapointment.

Nikki nodded and understood the disappointment in his voice. Everyone was hoping that there was still someplace safe. She looked down the road and hoped Ethan and Jason were okay and on their way.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LPFan
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LPFan Linkin Park Soldier

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Chris felt weird. It wasn't like him to open himself up like that to a stranger. While continuing smoking the cigarette, Chris got up and went to his car as he opened up the door and sat on the driver's seat, with his legs still outside and looked at his sister. "You okay? You've been pretty silent ever since we ran into this whole mess with the walker horde." He said looking at his sister. "I'm fine! Are you sure we can trust these people?" She said while running her right hand through her hair. "They seem alright. I think we'll stick with them for a while, depending how things go down in the future." He said while looking at the group, especially at Nikki.

"Be honest now! You like this Nikki girl don't you! I mean, it was pretty obvious given how overly friendly you two were with each other." She said while crossing her arms and raising her right eyebrow. Chris dodged an answer and got out of the car but imidieatly stuck his head back in. "I got more important things to think about right now. Like keeping us both alive. Now get some sleep, you drove the whole night." Said Chris as he grabbed his sister by her shoulders, kissed her on her forehead and then slammed the door shut.

As he was leaning on the car and smoking the rest of the cigarette Chris couldn't help but think about what his sister just said. What if she was right and he indeed developed feelings for Nikki? How would that affect his decision making in the future? Afterall he had the lives of two people in his hands. His own and that of his sister. As he smoked the cigarette to a stub and threw it away Chris headed back to the truck. "So you boys got a destination or something or you're just seeking refuge wherever you can find it." Said Chris while looking at Nikki and crossing his arms.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As Rey was picked up all so suddenly by Jason, more walkers appeared from the bush where she had once been. "Woah, what the hell man. I understand the need for urgency and what not but come on mate. you dont just put your arm between a lasses legs without giving telling her man." She shouted before noticing the walkers had emerged. She still held onto her rifle but pulled it to aim at the walkers.

"Just stop and turn for one second mate, i can take them walkers down before they get closer. dont want 'em following us or they could cause problems later on. Rey said in her thick scouse accent. She cocked the rifle and aimed just above the chest of a nearby walker. the way the rifle recoiled she realised that aiming just there would more than likely mean that the bullet would enter the walkers head. that was the plan anyways. She took a deep breath and waited for Jason to turn.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

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Nikki smiled and looked at Tex who was giving her a 'be cautious I don't trust 'em" look. She nodded to him and said. "They are good people Tex. It's ok." He shrugged and looked at the car. Nikki pulled out her map and showed him where they were going. "Last I heard, the consensus was San Clemente. I walked in on the tail end of the discussion though so I am sure that I missed some information."

Nikki started thinking about her old daily routine and realized that she had taken so many things for granted. She used to get to do so many things that now just couldn't be afforded to any of them. She pulled her hair to the side so she could see better. She reached further into the back of the truck and grabbed her bag. Pulling out a hairbrush she brushed her hair til it shone and then she pulled it back from her face. She handed Kat the brush and took Grace from her so she could straighten herself up a little too. Nikki watched as Grace stuck her thumb in her mouth. She looked up at Grace and Chris.

"Do you know what I miss from before? I miss ice cream. What I wouldn't give for a banana split or a milk shake. Poor little Grace here isn't likely to ever have any ice cream unless someone stops this virus." She handed the baby back to Kat and took the brush to Chris' car and offered it to his sister, Lisa. "Come on out Lisa, we won't bite. Even the dog is pretty nice."

When she turned around she felt Chris' eyes on her and it made her blush. She smiled up at Chris and asked Tex, "You going to scout up ahead or shall I? With Walter gone I ..." Tears started to fill her eyes and she said, "I'll go." She grabbed her trenchcoat and sword off of the truck and she nodded to Chris. "I'm going to go scout up the road a couple of miles. I'll check out the surrounding area so we know what is in our immediate vicinity. If you want to come with me you can." She checked her coat and made sure all of her knives and guns were there. Nikki looked up at him and hesitated a moment. What if she left and they got attacked before she got back? Or what if she got ambushed and never got back.

Nikki spontaneously wrapped her arms around Chris' neck and kissed him. She didn't give him time to react she said. "Just in case I don't see you again." Chris looked stunned but not unhappy. Tex busted out laughing and a couple of the other passengers were grinning. Nikki headed down the road blushing and chuckling.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Nikki suddenly reappeared out of nowhere with a two new people. "Where's Ethan? I thought you went back for him?" Kat asked as they took out the remaining walkers. She wasn't being accusing in her question she just wanted to know. Nikki had taken off back into the horde to get Ethan and Jason and her she was back with two other people and neither of the men she went after in sight.

And the new guy mainly just flirted with Nikki. And she flirted back. Kat stamped down her irritation. This wasn't the time to be flirting and trading life stories, not when Ethan and Jason were still back there somewhere and several people had died. But it was also not the time to cause dissention so Kat bit her tongue and comforted Grace, who was still crying.
She took the brush and let Nikki hold Grace long enough to brush her own hair. Grace didn't have much but Kat gave a little brush to the patch of golden hair she did have. Grace sucked her thumb and Kat allowed it because it kept her from screaming.

When Nikki headed off yet again, after kissing a man she had apparently just met, Kat mumbled under her breath. "We should be looking for Ethan and Jason."
Since she couldn't trust Grace to not scream her head off if she tried to go off and find them herself, Kat resigned herself to getting out of the truck and sitting in the grass. Grace was already standing, with help, and was trying to take a step. But she didn't have control or balance yet so she ended up on her bottom. But she just tried to get up again. Her baby girl was stubborn alright. Kat wondered which parent she had gotten that from.

The dog, which they still had to name, as sitting nearby watching. His ears were facing forward and his whole body was alert, listening for any signs of disturbance around them. Apparently he had accepted Grace as the pup of this new pack of his and as such she needed to be guarded carefully.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by josephb
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Member Seen 23 days ago

Ethan Blackledge

The scene of watching the new girl on Jason’s shoulders flailing about whilst at the same time trying to shoot walkers was a funny scene just because of how random it was. Ethan would of laughed at them if the walkers weren’t closing in. “We don’t have time for you to take shooting practise... Let’s go Jason!” Ethan started jogging down the road, keeping with Jason’s pace who was a little slower now, with the added weight of still carrying the girl. It only took them a few minutes, to see the exit that would lead to San Clemente.

Ethan knew that his group would be somewhere along that road. “Come on, we’re close!” He said to Jason, who was still carrying the scouse girl who was still struggling on his shoulders. Ethan would have said something about letting her down, but Jason was right, they’d get there a lot quicker if the Navy Seal was carrying her. Ethan knew that the man had obvious strength, mainly down to the fact of his years of training.

Twenty minutes had gone by as they’d still been making progress down the road. There was a bend in the road, making them go even further east. San Clemente was only an hour or two away now at the speed they were going at. In a car it would only be a matter of minutes to get there.

Ethan slowed down to a walk and said to Jason, “I’ll carry her the rest of the way… You could do with a rest. Besides you’re a better shot than me… Also you have guns.” Ethan carried on walking round, waiting for both of their responses. If she was a true scouser, she would make her opinion heard. Before either of them had a chance to reply, in the distance two cars came into view, and people standing around the cars, they were too far away to make out their faces though. “Look.” Ethan pointed towards them, “That must be everyone!"

@Belle@Wick@Kurai Assassin@LPFan@Aerandir
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Ahhh fuck it. I should be good to walk now. Tah for the lift mate."She said as she pushed herself off of Jason's shoulders, falling flat on her arse as she fell. She used her rifle to prop herself up and shook her leg. "fuck, fall must've fixed mi leg" she said putting pressure on it. Her lie had worked and had made her look vulnerable enough to need help. Now she had to work her way into their group.

"Oi Mate, your from the UK right, I recognise the accent. Leeds or Sheffield? Cant tell which it is? but i know for a fact its not that shitty american accent that butchers the english language eh?" She joked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jason Hunter

"I figured there was worse things than putting my hands in between your legs." He said as they ran from the walkers that were surrounding them. "You know... like being eaten?"

Jason Had ignored the woman trying to take a shot, even to the point of moving his arm and cinching down her arm so she couldn't shoot from over his head. One, the recoil could hit him in the head, two there was no point at shooting at the walkers behind them. The twenty minute run with the girl on his shoulders was harder, but he did similar things with men twice her size. He was a little winded to say the least when they came to a walk.

When Jason heard Ethan say that he would carry her now, He wasn't one to argue, The only reason he took her onto his shoulders was to get some distance between the horde and them. Ethan can carry her if he wished. But before he could put her down, apparently he wasn't doing it fast enough as she wiggled her way off his back and fell on her ass. Explaining she could walk on her own now. Even saying that the 'fall' fixed her leg. He narrowed his eyes as she started to talk to Ethan.

Jason wasn't stupid, the girl was lying about her leg. This pissed him off, as she could have killed them with her lie. He growled that he was just played and walked away, letting Ethan deal with her. It was his group after all. He holstered his pistol made his way to the group. Leaving the two Brits alone.

He moved towards the two cars as he paused by a police car. He looked in and saw a dead cop, gun in hand, with a gunshot wound under his chin and the top of his head a mess. He busted the window open and pulled the gun from the corpse's hand He could feel the weight of it and guessed it was a .40 caliber. Hitting the mag release with his thumb and catching it with his other hand. He was right,it was a .40 caliber. Pressing the ammo down with his thumb he noted there was only one bullet fired. He then continued to search the man to find four more mags as well as his short wave radio. He twisted the on switch to find that it still worked, His heart jumped with excitement at his luck. He wasn't close enough to use it to reach the aircraft carrier, but when he was, he could call for extraction. He turned it off once again to save it's battery life and clipped it to his back part of his belt. He then popped the trunk of the cruiser and found a shotgun, fully loaded with more ammo for it as well. He sighed as there was no ammo for his 9mm. But the others could use this.

He continued on his way back to the others. He noted that there were a few more missing, shaking his head he wished he was more alert to have given them more time to escape. He did see that Kat and the baby Grace was still alive. He was relieved at that. He saw Nikki walking away on her own. He raised his voice. "HEY!" He didn't care as they should be moving on anyway. Where you going?! We need to keep on moving!"

He dropped the shotgun into the back of the truck and looked at the Two new people in the Chevy. He was surprised that there were so many people that survived this close to the city's. Normally there was no one in the once heavily populated cities due to the sheer amount of Walkers. He shifted his FN SCAR just enough to be in easy reach. It would seem the group had gotten used to the newcomers already. He had a feeling this group was too trusting of outsiders...and it could be a problem later on.

He looked at Kat and said, "I'm glad you're both OK." As he looked over to where Ethan was walking back with the new girl.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nikki Hyatt

Nikki turned when she heard Jason's voice. Her eyes scanned for Ethan and she ran back towards him. She practically threw herself into his arms and hugged him tight. She loosened her hold on him and she felt tears of sadness and of relief running down her face. "You know about Walter?" She could see the hurt in his eyes and she said, "I thought you were in the truck. You scared the hell outta me!"

She hugged Ethan a little longer then she walked over to Jason and gave him a quick hug. "Thanks for staying with him." She looked at Rey and asked. "So who is the new chick?" The expression on Jason's face said it all and Nikki decided she would have to watch that girl. Nikki walked over to the Impala and opened the front door and sat down in the passenger side. She could feel Chris staring at her so she turned around to see if Lisa was awake. She was and she handed Nikki her hair brush back. Nikki paid a lot of attention to putting it in her trenchcoat.

@LPFan@Josephb@Aerandir@Belle@kurai assassin

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by josephb
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Member Seen 23 days ago

Ethan Blackledge

Ethan watched as the girl magically sprung up and started walking fine. Straight away he became very skeptical of her and he could tell that Jason was even more annoyed as he walked off to the rest of the group. Ethan listened to her, as they walked up the road a few metres behind Jason. “I’m from Leeds yeah. The Yorkshire accent give it away?” He let out a little laugh as she went on about the ‘shitty’ accent that the Americans had. “That’s a first coming from a scouser. I’m surprised the yanks can understand you.” Ethan retorted. “I’m Ethan by the way, what’s your name?”

As they continued to catch up to the group, Ethan watched Jason scavenging through a police car pulling out a few weapons and some other items. The man was resourceful to say the least.

Within a few minutes, Nikki ran over and hugged him. Ethan embraced her straight away. She’d been like a little sister to him and he knew Nikki would take the death of Walter hard. It was still the main thing that was on Ethan’s mind. “I… I was with until the end.” That was all that Ethan could muster up for the moment. They hugged for a while longer before she walked off again checking on Jason.

Ethan was only a few steps behind her though because she was heading in the same direction as where Kat and his daughter was. Ethan wanted to check on her and hold his daughter for the first time. “It’s good to see you’re both okay Kat!” Ethan said with a smile, “Are you bothered if I have a minute with my daughter?” He asked the question just to make sure she was okay with it, even though it was his own daughter, they’d only ran into each other less than twenty four ago and he knew mothers got really protective over their children.

As Ethan picked her up, she had a smile on her face and it was easy to tell that Grace was his daughter. The baby definitely took after him. She started to make him feel a lot better, the innocence clear on her face as she wrapped her hands around one of his fingers. Ethan knew he couldn’t hold her forever though, so he gave Grace back to Kat. They needed to get moving straight away.

Ethan moved to the front of the bonnet and chucked his bag on the car pulling out his map and laying it out. He started to study the map intently, “There’s a few places that groups could be at.” Ethan said, thinking out loud. “People could have set up in the town centre like Dana Point. Then we have the school and the hospital. They’re the two biggest buildings in San Clemente, so people might have evacuated there... The hospital and school are both on the other side of town, so it’s best going to the town centre first... We’ll drive closer into the town, and a few of us will scout it, to make sure it’s fine” Ethan didn’t look up from the car, but he knew people were listening to him, just not who.

@Wick@Aerandir@Kurai Assassin@Belle@LPFan
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@alexfangtalon@Aintitfun1997Vincent James McGarth

"In Dublin's fair city, where the girls are so pretty, I first set my eyes on sweet Molly Malone." Vincent quietly hummed as he began to sway to the song. His Beretta Cheetah was raised in the air while his twin sister grasped onto the mp5 and one of his men grasped his 12 gauge tightly. They were originally a large organization and now there was only 12 left. Most were taken out by Walkers, some Vincent had killed himself due to their betrayal, and a few had committed suicide as an escape from the horrors. There were two scouting the Dana Point Group which hadn't been seen in a while which meant they were killed by the horde or with the surviving members, the information was gained from by a newly infected member of the group, whom they granted his final wish. It was bad enough they were holding by a very thin thread and now some wanted to just go to anywhere to get away from this.

Someone roughly tapping his shoulder caught his attention. Looking up the man saw why which made his swaying stop completely. It wasn't a huge horde, like the one described by the infected survivor, just a small one. It looked to be about twenty to twenty-five at least. And most of them were walking except for the few which were crawling in the back due to missing the bottom halves." Looks like they're heading towards that bar. Might be survivors Vincent. Maybe Erin is inside or at least someone with information about were she might be." This caused one of the men to give his leader a pleading look causing the older man to groan.

" Alright. I want this to be as quiet as possible. Meaning pipes, knives, fire axes, and bats only." The leader said as he placed the gun back onto his belt. His sister followed her twin's lead whispering to the man with the shotgun to not fire and stay towards the back. They were about to gather what they could only to hear a car alarm about three blocks away and a distant figure running away. This cause the ones standing to go after it leaving the grounded ones to defend for themselves. Once they were completely sure they were out of distance the mob went to work clearing the Walkers out one by one. Once that was done everyone ran towards the bar. Thankfully just in time to save Haru's life though he didn't like who was with the people." Hello Haru. Since you're here have you seen my sister around lately?" Vincent asked as he went towards the bar's entrance.

" No I haven't Vincent. Clara left me high and dry a while ago. I'm on my own scavenging for meals like a rat. So why don't you just go look somewhere else. I would like to get everything I can before more people show up just to shoot someone.Haru said in a distrustful voice." Let's check the building brother. I'm sure Erin/Clara isn't too far behind. Besides I would like to see my sister. I'm going to stay with him just in case he's telling the truth." Raven said in the same tone the teenager had. With that the others searched the downstairs clearing around the area while the man walked up the stairs humming once more.

Clara Jekyll Moon

" She wheeled her wheel barrow, through streets broad and narrow, Crying “Cockles and mussels alive, alive oh!" Instantly Clara paled upon hearing those lyrics. It was from an old Irish lullaby called Cockles and Mussels which was her older brother'a favorite. The girl stepped away from the stairs and in front of the other two. Once the older man got up the stairs there was a crooked smile forming on his lips." Alive alive oh. Well now what do we have here? I see Erin standing before me yet Clara seems to be driving today. Which is rather odd. Are you alright there kiddo? You don't look to hot. Why don't you came over here so I can see if you have a fever?"

" Both of you just stay behind me. I'll take care of this guy. Wait a minute. What have you two done to my Haru? Tell me before I kill you Murder." The girl said loudly towards the man. This made him frown and shake his head." So you two are going out huh? Do you really think it will work out Clara? I'm just asking-" a sudden thumping from down stairs caught his attention. Only to add to the darker half's problem as the guy's sister walked up." We've got all but the locked door cleaned out. As for how long it will be is up to the Walkers. Haru is inside the van keeping watch and waiting on people. I just come up to-" the older woman stated only to have her jaw drop upon seeing Clara." By the way Raven I found Erin but it seems Clara is awake instead and has people around her. I think we should go with them don't you?"

" Alright now that I know he's safe I'm going to take these guys with me and walk out. Though I hate to inform you two that you're not coming with us." the girl stated as she walked towards them. The Raven went to check the Clara's wound only for her hand to get slapped. This caused Vincent to grab his younger sister's hand roughly." Let go! I don't want your blood stained hands on me. Wah!" the darker half was suddenly picked up by the older man." Go and get everything. We're coming with you guys. My name is Vincent James McGarth and this older girl is my twin sister Raven. It seems you know our youngest sibling." Vincent said towards the other two. Raven just waved at the as she tried to make their sister stop struggling." Hold still or else I can't see if the bullet is inside or not."" My family is dead. I had to kill my newly turned Aunt along with Haru's family. Besides you two are nothing but demons and my half siblings who are 10 years older. Put me down now Vincent!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LPFan
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LPFan Linkin Park Soldier

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Nikki's sudden kiss left Chris stunned. He certanly never expected something like this from her. Afterall they did just met. Whoever said love at first sight dosen't exist was a moron. Chris just experienced it, and it felt good. As he sat with his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket and watching Nikki leave to do some scouting, Chris realized that the others found that particular moment very amusing. But their laughs and grins whether they were bad intentioned or good intentioned mattered less to him right now. The only thing crowding his mind was the face of that sword wielding, leather clad, warrior princess who currently rocked his world. Chris remembered what Nikki just told him. That they are heading to the city of San Clemente. As Nikki went to scout ahead, Chris saw this as the perfect moment to get acquainted with some of the other group members as well.

After taking a look at his sister who was brushing her hair with the brush Nikki gave her, Chris set his eyes on Kat and her baby girl. But he didn't get the chance to talk to Kat a little because he saw three other people arrive. And judging by how friendly Nikki greeted them it was obvious that they were part of the group, except for the british girl who seemed to be new. After seeing Nikki abandoning the scouting, getting back to the group and entering his car, Chris went to the front of the car and opened up the hood, revealing the engineering marvel that was the 427 cubic inch V8 engine. After checking the oil level, Chris closed the hood with an unhappy look on his face and went to the back of the car, opened up the trunk, revealing the mess that was inside and looked for the plastic motor oil bottle. After checking the inside of the bottle and seeing that it was empty, Chris threw it away unhappy and got inside the car on the driver's seat, next to Nikki.

"I'm gonna need some motor oil. And fast. The level is kinda low." Said Chris as he looked at the oil pressure indicator, which was low and then back at Nikki. "What's going on between us? I mean it's obvious we like each other. I've been in relationships before but in neither of them the fire lighted up so fast. Don't get me wrong, I like the feeling but at the same time I can't help but feel a little confused." He said while staring at Nikki.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nikki Hyatt

"Hold on there might be some oil in the truck. I'll check." Nikki hopped out and went to the truck and pushed the seat forwards. "Ah ha! Jackpot." She said to herself. She heard Ethan talking about where they were going. She waved Chris over to listen too.

"That's Ethan." She said smiling. "My brother." They stayed and listened to Ethan and after a few minutes Nikki headed back to the car and popped the hood. After dumping in a quart of oil she checked the oil again and satisfied closed the hood. She turned to Chris and said. "Put this one under the seat for now and there are 4 more quarts behind the truck seat."

Nikki looked up at Chris and quietly said,"Since all of this started with the walkers I've seen people die everyday not because of old age, health or accidents but for no reason at all. I don't want to spend tons of time flirting and hinting and finally getting together only to have something to happen to one of us a week later. I want my happiness for as long as I can have it. We have chemistry and there is something there. We both feel it and I want to explore that. I've never had an attraction to someone hit me so hard either. It's a little scary but I'm okay with that. So that is where I am. Is that okay with you or do you need to go slower?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Rey coughed and cleared her throat. "My names, Rey. Rey Grace Blackwell. I came with the Liverpool Womens team. We were meant to be playing LA Galaxy the day the Apocalypse began. Your the first Brit ive seen since my Team mates died. Sorry for the trouble earlier by the way. I was near Dana Point when a group of walkers found me. I tried to run but fell." She said beginning to tear up near the end. "I'm sorry, I usually dont get like this but, they were my friends and now they're...they're...they're...The Walking Dead" she wiped her eyes with the Grimy Liverpool FC shirt she had worn since the beginning, the number 7 on its back peeled off slightly at points.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kat looked up when she heard the men approaching. "Thank God," she said aloud and stood, picking up Grace and settling her on her hip.
Jason approached her first. She smiled a bit at his concern. "Thanks. You too. Try not to do that again okay? In this world heroes usually end up dead."
That was Kat-speak for 'I was worried about you'.
It was nice that he had done something to save their lives, but not if the cost was his own. Kat would never admit it out loud, but of all the people she had met so far in this crazy mixed up group, Jason was one that she actually liked. And considering her personality that was saying something. The guy was either REALLY good or REALLY lucky.

Ethan came up soon after, once Nikki got done hugging him tightly. It gave Kat a twinge of jealousy, but not for what you might think. Nikki was so relieved to see Ethan alive and unharmed the joy was plain on her face. Deep down, that was something that Kat had always wanted for herself : to have someone care about her, not because she was a mother or out of a sense of duty, but because they genuinely deeply cared...

Kat was surprised when he asked to hold Grace. "You never have to ask Ethan," she said quietly. "She's your child. I would never keep her from you."It actually warmed her heart to see him interact with her. Grace smiled that wonderful sunny smile of hers, like she knew automatically that Ethan was her daddy. When he handed her back rather quickly Kat wondered if it was because they needed to get going or if he was comfortable with being a father. It wouldn't be surprising if he wasn't yet. Finding out something like this had to take time to sink in and accept. If she had known anything about him or where to find him Kat would have let him know about Grace sooner.

Speaking of Grace, she started fussing to be let down. Kat stood over her as she crawled around a bit. She babbled at people, hoping someone would give her attention. The baby wasn't even a year old and she already loved being the center of attention.
Keeping near to Grace, Kat spoke to Jason. "We lost the dog's owner back at the house. I guess he's taken to us now. Don't know his name though."
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LPFan
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LPFan Linkin Park Soldier

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Chris watched as Nikki went to the truck and started searching for something. Then she prompted him to come too. Chris got out of the car and went to the truck and listened to Ethan's plans. Judging by everybody's reactions so far this Ethan was definetly the group leader. San Clemente was indeed the destination. The town center, the school and the hospital. In these three places Ethan believed that people might have taken shelter into. It was risky but it could work. Right now the more people grouped up together the better. A few minutes later, fter listening to Ethan's plan, Chris watched as Nikki went back to the car, pulled up the hood and poured oil herself inside the car's engine. Once she was done she gave Chris the rest for safekeeping, saying that there's more in the truck.

Then Nikki explained to Chris the reason for her strange behavior regarding him. After hearing Nikki out Chris started to feel bad. He never should've brought it up and just let everything go with the flow. He felt like he had to save the situation somehow. "Fast or slow, however you want it is fine by me. Afterall i'm a grown man for Christ's sake, not some dumb teenager who just entered puberty." He said smiling as he wrapped his arms around Nikki's waist and gave her a long, passionate kiss. You're right. Nobody knows what's gonna happen tomorow. We might as well take advantage of the situation while we can." He said smiling while his arms were still wrapped around Nikki's waist and with a smile on his face. Love was the last thing he expected to find ever since this whole hell started but yet he did, and after everything he's been through the past year, he felt like he deserved it.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Aintitfun1997
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Aintitfun1997 Hiatus

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Camyllia glared at the two new comers trying to calm herself down,"Please put her down," she asked as Blitz began to growl. She didn't even bother to shush the dog because she probably felt like attacking them too but being smart enough to know these people are dangerous, she doesn't. She's shaking she doesn't know if it's in fear,not likely, in anger or just her adrenaline. Camyllia grabs Blitz by the scruff trying to keep her from attacking.

@Demonic Angel
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nikki Hyatt

Nikki was a little surprised by the kiss but responded in kind. When it was over she blushed to her toes and had to lean on him for balance for a minute. Not surprisingly, she realized that people were watching because the talking had stopped. The others started talking again and pretended like everything was normal. Nikki went to the truck and grabbed her bag out of the back and put it in the car. She didn't make eye contact with Lisa who was obviously wanting to say something. Tex looked angry, "Nikki come here." She did and he grabbed her hand and pulled her about twenty feet further away.

"Are you out of your mind? You don't know that guy! He could be a rapist, murderer or here to rob us blind!" Tex ran his hand through his hair agitatedly. He slipped into his native portuguese and she shook her head.

"You know I don't understand you like that. And don't you say it I know what you are thinking."

Tex said it, "He's older than I am and your mother disapproved of ME!"

Nikki glared at him and said. "I don't care how old he is. I don't care what you think about it. If you are so worried then keep an eye on me. If he does something that puts me in danger talk to me about it but until that happens BUTT OUT!" She shouted. Nikki turned and went back to the car. She smiled at Chris as she climbed in. Only then did she dare look at Ethan. She held his gaze and said nothing.

She leaned over to Chris and said, "We might want to cool it on the PDA. I think "us" as a couple will go over better if we do ok?"

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