Jason had spent the time looking for someone in charge, talking to some woman that Ethan had just finished a few minutes before. He didn't get as much luck with her as well, as she clammed up when he tried to ask about the defenses or supplies. This only made him even more certain to not stay here.
The building it's self was fairly defensible. A few entrances and the windows were high enough on ground level you didn't have to worry about the walkers breaking through and getting in. Though looking at the people here, they seemed to cling onto a past life as if sticking their heads in the sand. He heard music playing, they had lights on, even during the day. He could hear a generator coming from the basement somewhere but still, the fact that they were being so loud would only guarantee that the horde will find them. Besides the walls and doors, there was no other defenses put up, no cars made into walls, or trenches dug, or fences made. Just the building. He walked around the building, seeing the gym and the man named Chris freaking out still. As well as another man, who seemed to put off a bad vibe for Jason, someone with military training...he couldn't place it though. Some more people...all seemed to want the comforts of the old life. None of whom noticed him, as he was trained to be unseen. It was second nature now.
Jason would have liked it as well, but he wasn't one to stick his head in the ground and put himself in danger over it. He visited each of the doors, and the guys around the most used ones seemed to be lounging around. He tried figuring out how many people where here, how they had hot water and electricity...but he didn't get much. Despite allowing them to stay they didn't trust them obviously. Well they got one thing right.
He sighed and made his way back to the rooms where the group was assigned, hoping to find Ethan or Kat. When he turned the corner, walking into two men who were murmuring about getting rid of a bitch and her baby. They got pissed that he had interrupted their plots when he quickly asked, "Wanting to rid the woman and child that just came in? I can help with the issue."
The two raised their eyebrows, slightly confused. "Yea? Why should we let you?" one of them asked.
That was all he needed to hear to confirm they were speaking of Kat and Grace. With out warning he launched his right foot up and into the groin of the one on the left, then threw his right arm out, Jabbing the guy on the right with a throat punch. Dropping both within three seconds. It was dirty, but in war, there was no such thing as a dirty fight.
He then leaned down and said softly. "Come close to her or her child, or anyone else in my group for the matter,Ill break your legs and throw you out to the walkers."
He stood up and left them coughing and groaning on the ground. He soon came up to the rooms where the group was assigned and saw Kat holding grace, talking to two other kids. He then said as he walked up to them, "Sorry for just walking away like that... I'm not getting the best vibe from this place..."
@Demonic Angel@Belle
The building it's self was fairly defensible. A few entrances and the windows were high enough on ground level you didn't have to worry about the walkers breaking through and getting in. Though looking at the people here, they seemed to cling onto a past life as if sticking their heads in the sand. He heard music playing, they had lights on, even during the day. He could hear a generator coming from the basement somewhere but still, the fact that they were being so loud would only guarantee that the horde will find them. Besides the walls and doors, there was no other defenses put up, no cars made into walls, or trenches dug, or fences made. Just the building. He walked around the building, seeing the gym and the man named Chris freaking out still. As well as another man, who seemed to put off a bad vibe for Jason, someone with military training...he couldn't place it though. Some more people...all seemed to want the comforts of the old life. None of whom noticed him, as he was trained to be unseen. It was second nature now.
Jason would have liked it as well, but he wasn't one to stick his head in the ground and put himself in danger over it. He visited each of the doors, and the guys around the most used ones seemed to be lounging around. He tried figuring out how many people where here, how they had hot water and electricity...but he didn't get much. Despite allowing them to stay they didn't trust them obviously. Well they got one thing right.
He sighed and made his way back to the rooms where the group was assigned, hoping to find Ethan or Kat. When he turned the corner, walking into two men who were murmuring about getting rid of a bitch and her baby. They got pissed that he had interrupted their plots when he quickly asked, "Wanting to rid the woman and child that just came in? I can help with the issue."
The two raised their eyebrows, slightly confused. "Yea? Why should we let you?" one of them asked.
That was all he needed to hear to confirm they were speaking of Kat and Grace. With out warning he launched his right foot up and into the groin of the one on the left, then threw his right arm out, Jabbing the guy on the right with a throat punch. Dropping both within three seconds. It was dirty, but in war, there was no such thing as a dirty fight.
He then leaned down and said softly. "Come close to her or her child, or anyone else in my group for the matter,Ill break your legs and throw you out to the walkers."
He stood up and left them coughing and groaning on the ground. He soon came up to the rooms where the group was assigned and saw Kat holding grace, talking to two other kids. He then said as he walked up to them, "Sorry for just walking away like that... I'm not getting the best vibe from this place..."
@Demonic Angel@Belle