Kosara Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 04, Barbarian, Level 01HP: 34/ 34 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: Exhaustion(1) Location: Coach House Action: Excited Cooking! & Lesser Restoration Bonus Action: N/a Reaction: N/a | ![]() |
Kosara’s idea was mostly boiling down to throwing some cover over the barrels rather than carrying them back inside the room, but on a second thought, maybe that was for the best. She still didn’t help with the barrels though, mostly cause they were too heavy for her and she was going to be more in the way than helping if she tried. Best leave the half giant woman to her own strengths without hindering her. She did however trip on the last moment with the last barrel. The barrel didn’t spill, but still… ouch.
Still when the big warrior woman left the room, Kosara hopped out after her and VERY carefully looked around as if waiting for something to jump out. Once nothing jumped out for a few dozen seconds by the point of which a heavy thunk sounded from the doorway into the coachhouse itself… It seemed Kathryn’s head met the door frame. Kosara closed the door tightly and hurried after her very good friend and inside the warm confines of their temporary home. In any case, the pale tiefling was staring flatly at Kathryn who first snacked hard on some biscuits and then moved to dried meat and alcohol. Kosara did take the offered tea however.” THANK YOU!” She called gratefully and took a sip from the fancy pretty cup.
“...” She stared HARD at the big woman until she began asking ‘funny brigates’ about the time V left to go presumably deal with the loot body barrel. Kosara very well remembered the last time Kathryn got a bit too 'funny'.” LESSER RESTORATION!” Kosara stated hotly as she placed a hand on Kathryn’s shoulder to remove whatever drunken thoughts were starting to accumulate into the warrior woman’s big and handsome head.” No drinking to get drunk in the mornings!” She barked, pointing a finger at Kathryn’s nose.” I will go prepare some breakfast, Kathryn’s right, we need some food. It’s been a long night.” She added and headed for the kitchen, taking off her coat and tossing it on a chair in passing. She halted her step just as she reached the doorway and turned around eyeing the trio left in the room.” Don’t let Kathryn over drink again while I’m in the kitchen! She’s a clumsy silly drunk!”
And with that Kosara vanished into the kitchen, focusing on preparing a breakfast meal for the group who apparently went by the moniker of ‘The Ones Who Answered’ or something along those lines. A fact she had already forgotten about. Her merry band of friends needed sustenance and she was going to provide it!
Like a storm she swept through the kitchen, finding ingredients and putting more wood into the stove. She took some preserved vegetables, meats, eggs and even located some druid fruits. A frying pan was placed and soon after there were ankheg meat, some other salted meat and veggies stir frying. The sound of sizzling filling the air. She in the meantime was also putting the preparations for some dough for flatbread and scrambling eggs to fry too. A kettle was placed on the fire with a bunch of dried fruits to boil for a fresh fruity tea. Kosara was surprisingly in her element at the kitchen. Though her knife handling and stirring techniques could be generously called interesting and more realistically the brainchild of a lunatic. She did have to use… FLOURISH! It was fun… So she was humming a song her sisters used to back home about the golden sands.
* * *
Preparing the food took some time as it turned out. The Stir Fry and the eggs got ready quick, but the flat breads took a bit more time. Which was good cause the dried fruits needed a bit more time to boil properly. Dried fruits made remarkably good tea even she from the desert knew it. At some point Kosara heard the front door and following that V’s voice. It was time to serve the food!
“Hey, V! Food’s ready!” Kosara called out as she opened the door, carrying two platters in this case the stir fry and the eggs.” Bread and freshly brewed fruit tea is in the kitchen. Could somebody help with carrying all the plates?” She asked as she walked over to one of the tables and put the food down, heading back to the kitchen for the rest.