Kathryn Pyke Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05 HP: 49 / 49 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: Exhaustion (x2) Location: Coach House Taproom Action: N/A Bonus Action: N/A Reaction: N/A |
Kathryn had a busy few weeks. Despite the concern of dead people crammed into barrels, things seemed to calm down and didn't get too weird since. She was still lacking answers though. To amend this, she needed to learn what she could about the southern deserts, the people who ruled over them, and who were the major players. Kathryn's own knowledge limited her rather drastically, but as a whole she was far from dim in this regard. With a little research she was able to think up a few key players. Including, but hopefully not limited too, Lords of Argentum, the Princes of the Southern Deserts, the Elves of Kyrilor. She knew little and less on these people. Other than the fact they were fuck you levels of rich. They were a good start to get things going. Some groups of dwarves and paladins came to mind, but she put them on lower priority and less likely suspects. But she would keep note of them just in case. She didn't have a lot of leads to filter out the wash of irrelevant information. So she would need to make a new lead. She vaguely remembered that Victoria's new teacher was a soldier during the necromancy wars. As this seemed related, Kathryn hopes she may be able to share some information. And maybe it would give her some answers to the weird dreams she has been having recently... She hated how related all of it seemed to be.
The investigation wasn't the only thing to take place, Kathryn still worked hard on her studies! And had been making solid progress on her notes. She was finally able to make out simple sentences without having to use her notes! Most of the time... But she still found herself relying on her notes to translate less and less! IF that wasn't progress she wasn't sure what was! Soon she would be able to fully translate the note they had found with the goblins. She hated not knowing what the deal with those little fuckers was. They were clearly up to something... more than just raiding. Unless some sort of factory lost a shipment of weapons a few months ago, none of it added up. And apart of her worried that she and the party were meant to come across the horrid beasts. Soon, she would have that note translated. Soon she would have her answers. For now, she waited and learned.
For more good news, Kathryn finally had her armor. With a fresh clean bath for herself, a nice polish work done by herself and Master Urmdrus and soon herself just to make sure it looked perfect, Kathryn found herself looking at her reflection in the window admiring a new woman. Stronger, more powerful, fiercer, prouder, and despite her lack of skills in dressing up and makeup, she thought she looked rather nice too. Overall, this was a huge win for Kathryn. Her confidence was booming and it showed. She felt she could take on the world! For now though, it would be the teenager.
Kathryn had not let up Lizbeth's training one bit. If anything, Kathryn got harder with it. Kathryn never let Lizbeth win, but she made it an effort to never just flatten her into the floor every time they practiced. She wanted the girl to learn. So Kathryn would call out attacks Lizbeth could make, and for a while even called out her own shots so Lizbeth could react to them. Now, that stopped. She expected Lizbeth to be able to register most of Kathryn's swings as she did so. After the first few bruises, Kathryn opted to layer some padding on Lizbeth's arms so that the swings Kathryn did hurt far less. Though she was holding back, Kathryn was still nearly 3 times Lizbeth's size, and no less than 10 times as strong. Kathryn's new addition of plate armor only made things more intense. During a day when the snow was light and shallow, Kathryn had approached in full armor with no weapons or shield in hand and had simply said "
I am going to pick you up, and lay you down flat in the snow. Your goal is to stop me. Either by tiring me out, tripping me up, or preventing me from making contact. Understood?" And before Lizbeth could reply, Kathryn began an aggressive march over to the small bean. The shallow snow not slowing her down one bit. At first Lizbeth had worked on keeping distance and maneuvering under low branches to slow Kathryn down, but as Kathryn failed to slow and had used her strength and size to muscle her way through every obstacles that Lizbeth maneuvered around. Letting Kathryn get closer and closer. It wasn't until Kathryn went to grab Lizbeth's arm that the teenager took her first swing, knocking away Kathryn's hand before she could pin Lizbeth to the snow. "
Good job. Now keep it up." Kathryn refused to slow, muscling her way through obstacles, and blocking Lizbeth's wooden sword with her armored forearms, speaking up only occasionally to give Lizbeth advice on how to face off against a larger opponent. "
Many people who are good at fighting are big, strong, and are used to being able to push about people smaller than them. You need to know how to face off against them." During one of these advice strips, Kathryn had walked through a cluster of branches Lizbeth had passed through in an attempt to slow Kathryn down, and Kathryn began walking through it as if it were snow in the wind, only to get tripped up on a sudden but short drop that had tripped up Kathryn sending her face down into the snow. Before Kathryn could get up to continue, she felt the wooden sword whacking her repeatedly on the back of her helmet. Lured into a trap via her own arrogance. It was clear Lizbeth was far better prepared to battle people bigger than herself than she gave her credit for. "
Shit Fuck Hell alright alright I yield. You win." Kathryn spoke up surprised, proud, and confused all at the same times. And for the first time since training began, Lizbeth had gotten a victory over Kathryn.
Kathryn also figured she was overdue for a rematch against Blackberry. An opponent who could not only go toe to toe with her, but also had won their past duel when Kathryn underestimated him. SO! She was only going to pull punches enough to not cause any permanent injuries. She was ready to win! A time and place was set, and soon there would be a rematch.
It seemed things were going great with the estate as well! Cecily had approached the party and offered them to join her in wine tasting! Not just any wine tasting! Tasting older years of the batches that were about to be released now! "
That would be so wonderful! I can't wait!" The problem, she had no guests to bring. They were all present. She had no family (At least none that shared a name with her household), she had no friends who were outside of the party, and she had no lovers. She was pretty sure most of the rest of the party was in the same boat. But she couldn't be sure, and wondered if for a brief moment if she would be the only one going by herself. What if she was the awkward lonely alcoholic of a girl being edgy on the back wall of the party?! Shite... But maybe others didn't have people to invite either? She didn't know, and figured she should probably not depend on that to save her pride. "
I don't practice Frostval personally, but it seems like something fun to participate in!" A holiday involving booze? What was there to not love.
With Lizbeth's training going well, the goblin learning going also acceptably, Kathryn wanted to show her party that she could in fact be of great help other than just raw muscle and her ability to win in battles. Most of the time. First! She had gone to Victoria with the intentions to see her new teacher Annick the healer. Though it took a moment for Victoria to realize it wasn't a jest, she seemed to agree. Hearing how uneasy the woman got with strangers Kathryn also wanted to make the best first impression possible. Apart of her debated grabbing her dress and wearing that over. But she figured that would make her uncomfortable, and visibly so. Giving bad vibes seemed like a great way to not make friends. So, full armor, but with the proper colored talberd over it to give it the best looks possible. Make her seem powerful without seeming intimidating. That is when Kathryn was most confident, and she wanted to be confident, but not arrogant. So no booze... Shame. But necessary. Next! Treats, Cinnamon buns! Kathryn heard the old war vet loved cinnamon, so why not lean that way but with a sweet treat? Not being an expert baker as of yet, Kathryn did opt for some help from Kosara. And honestly? Kathryn found baking with Kosara some excellent fun! Even if some more moments may have played out that made Kathryn question is her friend was a bit of a perv or just sweet and innocent in the most confusing ways possible. With enough made for her bribes of friendship and a few leftover, Kathryn thanked Kosara, and made sure she was ready to face the old vet. "
Thank you Kosara! I'll let you know how it all goes! Same some rolls for me though!" Kathryn spoke up on her way out. The temptation to snack on all the cinnamon rolls now was ever present... But she must resist. To help her case, Kathryn made sure to grab some of the bug meat that was left over from the great battle as an offering. They had gone through a bit, but they still had some left. Though Kathryn figured she was probably one of the bigger reasons they had gone so much... she enjoyed her snacks...
The road to the hamlet was long, but considering the fact that Kathryn wasn't carrying 1200lbs of wine today, it was more of a casual stride for her. No working out, no battles to the imitation death with Lizbeth this morning, and she honestly slept rather well! With a little bit of a moral boost from Victoria in the ways of her magic music, Kathryn felt ready to take on the world! Or at least talk face to face with an old war medic. Things were looking optimistic! Walking in with Victoria also gave Kathryn a bit of a boost. Though it was clear by the way Kathryn would go on her worrisome ramblings during the whole walk, seemingly without taking a breath, she was a little concerned with making a bad impression. So when Kathryn finally approached the house at the edge of town, isolated in the woods, she was able to hold her warm smile as she knocked politely on the door. Though dressed in full armor, her helm sat buckled to her belt so her head was visible and it was easier to see her as friendly. Kathryn waited for permission to enter, and when doing so did so slowly, and with both hands visible. One hand holding a burlap sack, and the other gently and slowly off to her side to ease the door open, and too then grin the top of the bag with her other hand. Kathryn even came in lightly equipped by her standards today. Taking only her family sword that hung on her belt on one side, the hammer which hung on the other, and the boot dagger. Though fitted with the belts, straps, and buckles across her person, everything fit together rather nicely.
Hello Madam Annick." Kathryn said with a polite curtsy before returning eye contact and a warm smile again. "
My name is Lady Kathryn Pyke. I hear some good things about you." She spoke gleefully, but did her best to not lay it on thick. She was really excited to be here. This was like a mini adventure in her journey as she tried to piece little bits and bobs together. "
I wanted to thank you for your time today, I know you're a busy woman so I wanted to bring my thanks. My friend and I made some cinnamon rolls fresh from the oven this morning, and I brought some of our Ankheg jerky too in case you were interested. I hear it's a great treat though out of season. Still, I thought you might like it." Kathryn said. Unsure if it would be better to hand the woman the bag, or to take the treats out individually and give them to her. Kathryn opted to give the woman the bag, if she didn't want to take it in hand, Kathryn could find a surface that was hopefully out of the way to leave it. "
I must admit... I do come here with motives outside of just meeting an impressive individual with experiences that... I don't think I could match in five lifetimes." She spoke sheepishly as she pondered the best ways to approach these questions, so she figured she could start simple. "
I was wondering if I could ask you some questions about the necromancy wars." She said bluntly, figuring beating around the bush would be the last thing that could help her. But she didn't want to encroach more than she had too until she knew it was safe to do so.