Baronfjørd "Blackberry" Chedgusah Dragon Born, Monk (Astral self), Level 05HP: 40 / 40 Armor Class: 16 Conditions: N/A Location: Rose River Vineyard (Coach House -> Tasting Room) Action: Insight (12) Bonus Action: Recounting Epic Battle Reaction: N/A Ki: 5/5 | ![]() |
While the others were spending their own time getting ready BlackBerry took the opportunity to dash out but didn't say where he was going. Even upon his return he would simply say, "Just running a quick errand that I should have done before. I should not wish to spoil the mystery of my Plus One this evening" With an innocent smile and a wink. Thankfully he had returned with more than enough time for Kosara and Victoria to make suggestions for his outfit for the evening.
"A 'Toga'? Yes, that will do quite nicely. I only hope to look even half as marvellous as the rest of you. My, we shall indeed make a fine addition to the party this evening. Gracious me, Lady Kathryn. Where have you been hiding that dress? I ask in the upmost compliment of course but I must say that until now I had yet to see you not a suit of armour or something of the like."
Despite Victorias initial misgivings of his general appearance, which he agreed on while trying not to feel insulted, BlackBerry was open to most of Kosara or Victorias suggestions on outfits but he did insist on wearing the more warm and colourful fabrics they found amongst the offerings. Once he had dressed, BlackBerry spent some time admiring himself in front of a polished silver tray, turning this way and that to get a good look at himself as the waves of orange and reds, cinched by a simply belt at the waist, swayed around him. The wooden fish still happily tied around his horn clapped appreciatively at the sight. After making sure his swords were safely stored under the bed and putting on his faithful scarf, BlackBerry was ready for the evening.
While he and the others were being escorted by Cecily towards the Manor House BlackBerry kept spinning on his heel to look behind them, keeping an eye out for someone but continued to keep pace with the others.
"Oh! Before I forget; Lady Kathryn and I were wondering if anyone has ideas for games or competitions even? No doubt you may have heard along the grape vine, or Madame L'Rose, Lizbeth may have informed you that we have been doing a bit of training. In fact our latest session, Lady Lathryn here was the victor..." And so BlackBerry took the time of the walk to inform the others of his and Lady Kathryns friendly fight.
As they all drew to the House he caught sight of someone standing under the canopy trying to hide from the wind and chill. "Jon! There you are my good man. I had worried you would not be able to make it."
The man, Jon, wandered to the group from under the canopy's safety. He was dressed in his nicest clothes which being a working man even of high station, amounted to a well looked after simple jacket with a woollen jumper underneath. "And miss the Wine Tasting? Not for the world. Glad to see you walking still after the other day. You could have given me more time to get ready though." He removed the smoking pipe from his mouth and gave a polite nod to the others, and then to Madame L'Rose and Lzbeth. "Afternoon all. Madame, Miss."
The tour started and continued through the cellar. BlackBerry was simply amazed at the sheer size of it all and how much it contained! The cellars of the Monastery had nothing on this place despite the building standing atop them being a few times bigger than L'Roses home. BlackBerry would be the first to admit the details, let alone the basics, of commerce that Cecily cheerfully explained to them all and he politely nodded to. From what he could deduce from it all it seemed the Lizbeth would remain quite comfortable once she came of age. However, something in Cecily's story coupled with the knowledge of the letter rang a warning bell, and BlackBerry wondered if Cecily's little pause suggested she wondered the same thing.
"Hello there!" BlackBerry playfully called into the darkness and then made a show of putting a hand to his ear waiting for the echo. "Gracious me. This may take some time if we are to taste all of this"
Brought into the main tasting room he was impressed at the show of it all and the number of people gathered filling the room with a comfortable warmth and noise of people chatting amicably to each other. The food and drink laying on the table of course caught most of his attention and there was a momentary fight within himself, but he managed to withhold himself until such time that Cecily began the festivities proper. But until then, there were people to meet, and to re-meet as well! BlackBerry gave a quick wave to the Mosswaters as Cecily moved them along to a very respectable older man leaning heavily on his walking stick; Monsieur Laurent.
After making her own introduction to Monsieur Laurent Victoria then headed off to talk to an older looking woman with an apparent permanent scowl. He followed Victorias example and held out his hand to Monsieur Laurent.
"Pleasure to meet you Monsieur Laurent, and to put a face to the name." Even as he spoke to the man BlackBerry's eyes were drawn over the mans shoulder to the large lock upon the door. It seemed so out of place surrounded by the elegant and tasteful decoration. The old rumour of someone being someone they shouldnt popped into his mind, was that lock the persons quarry? "I do trust you have had no further issues with the, ah how did you put it Madame L'Rose? Insect Problem. If you do please just send word and we shall be over to lend a hand like that." He snapped his fingers for emphasis.
He then stepped back to let Lady Kathryn and Kosara to make their own introductions. The pair did make a handsome couple.
But as introductions were made BlackBerry couldn't help but focuss on the locked door. "Well I must say, Madame L'Rose. I was aware you wines were well sort after but I did not realise you had to take such drastic actions for it." The thought popped out before he could stop it, but he saw no issue with it anyway and let it pass with a chuckle. He then turned to Madame L'Rose expecting a similar response.
Instead he was met but a subtle change in the air. If he hadn't been looking at her he would have missed the subtle change in the polite smile on her face; the sudden strain at the edges of the polite smile, a crinkle between on her brow, and slight widening of the eyes. She was nervous about something.
BlackBerry, feeling his own heat of nervous embarrassment at apparently stepping on a particular subject, quickly brushed the matter under the rug with another chuckle and a quick turn back to Monsieur Laurent. But he then caught sight of Lizbeth and caught her gaze snapping away from him to anywhere else she could see. She was nervous as well.
What had he said?
Jon meanwhile suddenly seemed to find his unlit pipe very interesting, making a show of trying to refill it despite being inside. Monsieur Laurant as well seemed a bit off. In fact out of everyone here, BlackBerrys eyes ever dancing roved across everyone gathered, it seemed only the party and Victoria's Plus One who hadn't reacted oddly to the comment. However, the old woman seemed just as focused on everyone else as BlackBerry was.