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Baronfjørd "Blackberry" Chedgusah
Dragon Born, Monk (Astral self), Level 05
HP: 40 / 40 Armor Class: 16 Conditions: N/A
Location: Rose River Vineyard (Coach House -> Tasting Room)
Action: Insight (12)
Bonus Action: Recounting Epic Battle
Reaction: N/A
Ki: 5/5


While the others were spending their own time getting ready BlackBerry took the opportunity to dash out but didn't say where he was going. Even upon his return he would simply say, "Just running a quick errand that I should have done before. I should not wish to spoil the mystery of my Plus One this evening" With an innocent smile and a wink. Thankfully he had returned with more than enough time for Kosara and Victoria to make suggestions for his outfit for the evening.

"A 'Toga'? Yes, that will do quite nicely. I only hope to look even half as marvellous as the rest of you. My, we shall indeed make a fine addition to the party this evening. Gracious me, Lady Kathryn. Where have you been hiding that dress? I ask in the upmost compliment of course but I must say that until now I had yet to see you not a suit of armour or something of the like."

Despite Victorias initial misgivings of his general appearance, which he agreed on while trying not to feel insulted, BlackBerry was open to most of Kosara or Victorias suggestions on outfits but he did insist on wearing the more warm and colourful fabrics they found amongst the offerings. Once he had dressed, BlackBerry spent some time admiring himself in front of a polished silver tray, turning this way and that to get a good look at himself as the waves of orange and reds, cinched by a simply belt at the waist, swayed around him. The wooden fish still happily tied around his horn clapped appreciatively at the sight. After making sure his swords were safely stored under the bed and putting on his faithful scarf, BlackBerry was ready for the evening.

While he and the others were being escorted by Cecily towards the Manor House BlackBerry kept spinning on his heel to look behind them, keeping an eye out for someone but continued to keep pace with the others.

"Oh! Before I forget; Lady Kathryn and I were wondering if anyone has ideas for games or competitions even? No doubt you may have heard along the grape vine, or Madame L'Rose, Lizbeth may have informed you that we have been doing a bit of training. In fact our latest session, Lady Lathryn here was the victor..." And so BlackBerry took the time of the walk to inform the others of his and Lady Kathryns friendly fight.

As they all drew to the House he caught sight of someone standing under the canopy trying to hide from the wind and chill. "Jon! There you are my good man. I had worried you would not be able to make it."

The man, Jon, wandered to the group from under the canopy's safety. He was dressed in his nicest clothes which being a working man even of high station, amounted to a well looked after simple jacket with a woollen jumper underneath. "And miss the Wine Tasting? Not for the world. Glad to see you walking still after the other day. You could have given me more time to get ready though." He removed the smoking pipe from his mouth and gave a polite nod to the others, and then to Madame L'Rose and Lzbeth. "Afternoon all. Madame, Miss."

The tour started and continued through the cellar. BlackBerry was simply amazed at the sheer size of it all and how much it contained! The cellars of the Monastery had nothing on this place despite the building standing atop them being a few times bigger than L'Roses home. BlackBerry would be the first to admit the details, let alone the basics, of commerce that Cecily cheerfully explained to them all and he politely nodded to. From what he could deduce from it all it seemed the Lizbeth would remain quite comfortable once she came of age. However, something in Cecily's story coupled with the knowledge of the letter rang a warning bell, and BlackBerry wondered if Cecily's little pause suggested she wondered the same thing.

"Hello there!" BlackBerry playfully called into the darkness and then made a show of putting a hand to his ear waiting for the echo. "Gracious me. This may take some time if we are to taste all of this"

Brought into the main tasting room he was impressed at the show of it all and the number of people gathered filling the room with a comfortable warmth and noise of people chatting amicably to each other. The food and drink laying on the table of course caught most of his attention and there was a momentary fight within himself, but he managed to withhold himself until such time that Cecily began the festivities proper. But until then, there were people to meet, and to re-meet as well! BlackBerry gave a quick wave to the Mosswaters as Cecily moved them along to a very respectable older man leaning heavily on his walking stick; Monsieur Laurent.

After making her own introduction to Monsieur Laurent Victoria then headed off to talk to an older looking woman with an apparent permanent scowl. He followed Victorias example and held out his hand to Monsieur Laurent.

"Pleasure to meet you Monsieur Laurent, and to put a face to the name." Even as he spoke to the man BlackBerry's eyes were drawn over the mans shoulder to the large lock upon the door. It seemed so out of place surrounded by the elegant and tasteful decoration. The old rumour of someone being someone they shouldnt popped into his mind, was that lock the persons quarry? "I do trust you have had no further issues with the, ah how did you put it Madame L'Rose? Insect Problem. If you do please just send word and we shall be over to lend a hand like that." He snapped his fingers for emphasis.

He then stepped back to let Lady Kathryn and Kosara to make their own introductions. The pair did make a handsome couple.

But as introductions were made BlackBerry couldn't help but focuss on the locked door. "Well I must say, Madame L'Rose. I was aware you wines were well sort after but I did not realise you had to take such drastic actions for it." The thought popped out before he could stop it, but he saw no issue with it anyway and let it pass with a chuckle. He then turned to Madame L'Rose expecting a similar response.

Instead he was met but a subtle change in the air. If he hadn't been looking at her he would have missed the subtle change in the polite smile on her face; the sudden strain at the edges of the polite smile, a crinkle between on her brow, and slight widening of the eyes. She was nervous about something.

BlackBerry, feeling his own heat of nervous embarrassment at apparently stepping on a particular subject, quickly brushed the matter under the rug with another chuckle and a quick turn back to Monsieur Laurent. But he then caught sight of Lizbeth and caught her gaze snapping away from him to anywhere else she could see. She was nervous as well.

What had he said?

Jon meanwhile suddenly seemed to find his unlit pipe very interesting, making a show of trying to refill it despite being inside. Monsieur Laurant as well seemed a bit off. In fact out of everyone here, BlackBerrys eyes ever dancing roved across everyone gathered, it seemed only the party and Victoria's Plus One who hadn't reacted oddly to the comment. However, the old woman seemed just as focused on everyone else as BlackBerry was.


Baronfjørd "Blackberry" Chedgusah
Dragon Born, Monk (Astral self), Level 05
HP: x / 40 Armor Class: 16 Conditions: N/A
Location: N/A
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A
Ki: x/5


BlackBerry titled his head and nodded as he absorbed Victoria's explanation. It seemed to line up mostly with his own experiences of the festival.

"Yes it is quite the same even so far as my corner of the land. Thiugh there is more a focus on the spiritual side of things mind. But once the various rituals and blessings are complete then oh hohoho oh then why yes indeed then the real festivities begin."A mishevious chuckle slipped through grinning teeth and BlackBerry bounced his legs at the memeories. "A marvelous feast inviting many of the townsfolk, and great bonfire in the courtyard if the weather permits. Oh you shall all have to visit sometime it is marvelous! And then, and then, do promise to keep this to yourselfs though, but some years one can slip away at night to join the choirs and gamesm there is a frightfully fantastic one that is my favourite."

By now BlackBerry was leaning across the table after throwing an arm up and around in a jolly pantomime of the celebration back home.
"One may join others in going door to door dressed in such fanciful attire as a horse or other such animal to ask for a song or ryhme and if the host cannot reply then iti is cake and wine for the winner. Do becareful though as it is custom to put coin into the batter, they say it is good luck should you find it. The jury is still out though as to what is means should you accidentally eat it."His eyes took on a far away glaze as he sank into the memories for a few minutes before he returned to the present to answer Victoria's question.

"Oohh but,Victoria, while I would love to hear who you all bring I think a surprise might be yet more fun indeed." His eyes innocently flickered between Lady Kathryn and Kosara while he not so innocently made a bet with himself.

He then wondered who he would bring as his plus one. It suddenly occurred to him that while he had been working hard the past few weeks there weren't many of the handful of people he had spoken to regularly he could think to bring. Jon, the head stablehand, however did stand out but BlackBerry wondered if the man had already been before or was already invited?

After a few minutes deliberation BlackBerry settled on asking the man anyway when he had the time as therewas no harm in asking anyway.

"I do suppose I might need some new clothes, however." He gingerly picked at his robes. "Yes, these have indeed seen better days."

Weeks of hard labour and several more months of traveling interspersed with combat had left their mark on his robes as strings of messy stitching, hastily applied patches, and stubborn stains he hadn't yet had 'Prestidigitation-ed' away.

"We do still have the silks and fabrics from our Guests, do we not? I might see if I can put together something tasteful. If I could perhaps borrow a hand or two, please?"

The word 'tasteful' lodged in BlackBerrys mind for two reasons. The
first, being a Monk he had never had much in clothing aside from a few robes, nor did he have any real want or need until recently, but after time spent with Victoria and Kosara his mind was slowly being introduced to the concept of "Fashion", and he wanted to try it. Secondly, it occurred to him that maybe wearing fabrics given by an unknown party who knew a bit too much about your hosts niece and suggested dark contracts with said hosts deceased father-in-law could be seen as not very tasteful or even so far as being distasteful. Another part of him however stated the silks were simply far too good to waste.
Baronfjørd "Blackberry" Chedgusah
Dragon Born, Monk (Astral self), Level 05
HP: 40 / 40 Armor Class: 16 Conditions: N/A
Location: Coach house, The vineyard and all around
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A
Ki: 5/5

In the wake of all that had happened in the task of taking Lizbeth home fell to BlackBerry. After the sun has crawled through the sky to the other side of midday, and everyone had had at least a nap he then escorted the Young Lady home to her guardian and relative safety. As much as he enjoyed Lizbeths company amongst the party, the recent revelations left several things to consider he felt would best discussed without her nearby to overhear and worry about. Especially BlackBerry's own idea of a 'Next Step' was one he easily imagined Lizbeth being against. The girl was clearly well into her rebellious phase while trying to figure out how she fitted into the world, and now she had all this all thrown on top. He chewed his cheek while walking back to the Coach House as he pondered how this would go over between Cecily and Lizbeth.

r=00aeef]"If I could have the attention of everyone for a moment, please." [/color]He would say as he entered the Coach House or otherwise look to gather the party. "I strongly feel it would be in the interest of ourselves and more importantly for the L'Roses that we inform Madame L'Rose of what we have uncovered. For one, I imagine she would know a lot more about what may be lying beneath our noses here, and for another I know she would not appreciate us withholding such information that concerns her niece. Unless anyone has any objections I intend to talk to her first thing in the morning. It should at least give some time to wonder how best to deliver this information."

It was a thought that hounded BlackBerry as he slept that night. He stared up the the ceiling as he pondered the best words to use only to double back on those ideas to then come back just as quick. Despite the franticness of his thoughts sheer exhaustion soon won out and pushed him into a dreamless sleep.

The next morning, after reporting to Jon that he had some personal matters to attend to and would not be able fulfil his morning duties, he set off to try and find Cecily with the offending pieces of parchment tucked into his pocket. through the fresh, cold, morning air he followed the various pointing hands and 'Just missed her, sir.' to soon find Madame L'Rose as she worked.

"Madame L'Rose. If I may borrow you for a moment? It is of great importance that I speak to you." Perhaps Young Lizbeth had already spoken to Cecily about last night and the notes? Perhaps she had not? In either case BlackBerry would inform Cecily. He figured it would be better to break the news to their host whilst walking and invited her to do so, the motion of walking gave the mind room and forced it to slow for a moment between the steps to take in would could be upsetting news.

"I suppose some word may have already reached you of certain visitors yesterday appearing just over the hill there." He kept his voice low as he talked and walked. This and further information was not something he wanted or felt everyone needed to here. Loud as he was he knew when to force his volume down for the benefit of everyone. "Unfortunately I must inform you that those visitors were in fact Undead and likely were magicked into the area. Do not worry they have all been dealt with and thankfully did not appear to be from anywhere nearby."

He would then with great kindness and careful consideration would inform Cecily of the letter while producing the original and translated copy; speaking of Arnaud, the senders regret, knowing the remaining heir not yet of age, the offered silks, and references to an 'Agreement'.

"I would like to apologise for how long it took to give this information to you but we had to consider the...implications and risks of any actions we ourselves may need to take." He turned to her and with his hand on his heart lowered his gaze. "We did not intend to keep this from you a moment more than was necessary." He knew he had arrived with no small amount of bad news for Cecily and unfortunately, he felt awful that he had one more piece to add to the pile. "I am loathe to admit that Lizbeth is aware of the letter and its contents. I know I have no right to ask anything of you, especially with such news, but if you are to speak with Lizbeth with this then please say that I let you know of this independent of the others. I only ask because I doubt she would approve of this and I would not wish to sour the buddying mentorships she has with them all which i am sure you have noticed."

"But with us in this position we would humbly offer any aid we may give to yourself and your family. But if we are to be making some sort of decision then...then we need to know what it is we may be deciding upon. I do not expect anything anytime soon of course, take as much time as you need to, well, think over everything. But if anything does come to mind then do not hesitate to come find us."

Days then marched on by without any further events of note. BlackBerry continued his duties under Jon's tutelage learning yet more facts about horses, their care, and various rolls they had taken over the Estate and even Avonshires long history. Jon was surprisingly, yet also unsurprisingly, simply a fountain of knowledge when it came to the creature that quite a bit sadly hoped in through one ear and out the other for BlackBerry.

While the others he noted spent sometime doing their own work and Lady Kathryn even seemed at one point buried under a mountain of paper and scrolls, his own thoughts kept straying to to the L'Roses. He worried for both their sakes of the contents of the letters. He worried of the dark shadow hanging and watching over Lizbeth. He worried of the questions Cecily would now have of her father-in-law and without a way to get answers. He worried for himself and the others as they now found themselves being wound into a families dark secret with final say on its resolution. The worries chased each other in his skull whilst he brushed the mares coat. He wondered if the mare knew that beyond the confines of her warn stable with fresh hay and feed that something untoward was creeping its way towards her home.

A hand landed on his shoulder. BlackBerry dropped the brush and grabbed the hand. He spun to face his supposed attacker, pulling the arm straight and twisting the attached wrist. The Stable Hand owning the wrist gave a pained yelp. It took a few minutes of BlackBerry frantically apologising to the poor boy, now with sore but thankfully unbroken wrist, before the Stable Hand would even dare to come near again. From the otherside of the paddock door the Stable Hand explained that Jon was waiting out in the yard for him.

Once BlackBerry had finished tidied his remaining work and packed away the tools he wandered into the yard to find Jon dutifully leading a large horse around the yard.

Spotting BlackBerry the man brightened and patted the horses saddle. "Ah there you are. Finally. Right come on jump up."

After a momentary blank stare it then took several more minutes for Jon to convince BlackBerry that; yes, the DragonBorn was expected to ride, and yes this was both some training for the horse and a little treat for BlackBerry as well, so yes it's fine now get on the damn horse.

It only took BlackBerry a few tries to get onto the very patient horse and once he was up managed to quickly settle himself into the saddle. It had been a very long time since BlackBerry had ridden a horse, since the special occasions from his childhood with a trusted rider sitting behind him in control of the reigns.

"I must admit Jon. I am a tad unsure if this is wise." BlackBerry admited with the reigns in hand, and suddenly realising how high up he really was. "It was many many years ago since i last rode a horse. And even then i was not the one handling it."

"Nonsense you daft thing." Jon cried, bringing another horse he rode to stop beside BlackBerry. "You been handling Old Boy just fine. It's a similar thing. Just make sure to hold on with your knees and I'll lead you on from here. Eyup!"

"With my knees?"

BlackBerry needn't have worried. Either the rider was more competant than first thought, or the horse was the very agreeable sort happy to go anywhere it was bidden to. The afternoon passed as Jon lead them all around the grounds while teaching BlackBerry how to properly handle a horse from a saddle rather than from behind in a wagon, and only semi-ocassionally having to double back to collect BlackBerry whose horse would sometime choose its own destination.

Again time slipped by to its own little tune and a gentle march. The promise of wine tasting and the Frostival beyond seemed like a sudden bright light in the otherwise dark winter.

"My that does sound delightful." He echoed the mood from his now established place by the fire. "A wonderful change of pace as well i do say from ...ah well.. everything else."

Baronfjørd "Blackberry" Chedgusah
Dragon Born, Monk (Astral self), Level 05
HP: 40 / 40 Armor Class: 16 Conditions: N/A
Location: N/A
Action: History (11)
Bonus Action: Nap
Reaction: N/A
Ki: 5/5


BlackBerry set the cup down and proceeded to pinch the bridge of his nose in an effort to sooth the headache now drumming with fury to his own heart beat. But with a wince at the dull 'thunk' of Lady Kathryn clipping the doorway he admitted it could be a lot worse. The was the usual cacophony of noise as people ambled into the room and began trying to either find somewhere to sit, stand, or otherwise exist all at once in the same room. Whatever silence there had been before was not well and truly shattered.

"Careful Lady Kathryn, that did sound as if it left a mark." At her request he did of course gesture to the biscuits laid out on the table for her and Kosara to help themselves to. Then to the next question he gestured loosely to the kitchen door behind him. "I am sure there is something one could put together from various leftovers but I myself will pass on any substantial meals for now. Thank you."

Why was it when you had a headache, you could suddenly hear everything in the whole county? Let alone someone nearby scarfing down snacks. Granted at any other moment BlackBerry would have been doing the same.

But to Lady Kathryn's other question and what was undoubtedly also on Kosaras mind BlackBerry felt his stomach twist again with unease, and to make matters worse Victoria had promptly excused herself from the situation leaving him to try and explain things. He took another sip from his drink to give a moment to collect his thoughts and cast another look at Young Lizbeth who had remained understandably quiet.

"To answer your question in Victoria's absence, Lady Kathryn, yes progress was made and the letter has been translated in full. To add yet another layer to the fine mystery on our hands; while the letter was written in old Draconic, the contents were phonetic Abyssal." The cheerful tune in his voice then faded away as he pulled the offending letters from underneath his poncho, offering them to whomever whish to take them to see. BlackBerry had no intention of lying about the letters contents but he saw no need to point anything towards Lizbeth, so for now the details of 'how' could simply be left for another day. "Unfortunately the details within are less than...well...optimal? Preferable? Good, one would say. But given our current tiredness and lack of urgency in the letter itself I do suggest we leave any decisions until tomorrow. Saying that, Kosara, if you have any thoughts we would appreciate your input. I do not mean to presume anything but this does seem to be from you neck of the woods."

Still wearing his poncho from the night he was starting to feel uncomfortably warm now that the fire had done its job. He pulled off the poncho and started to roll it up in his lap, taking a moment to retie his scarf and the rest of his addled thoughts into order. By the gods he felt tired in both mind and body. How the others could even think of eating at a time like this he had no idea. A small snack and the warming, calming tea of Victoria's had been more than enough for him and now all he wanted to do was sleep.

"I do wonder if anyone else has noticed but there the letter is lacking instruction for sending a response." Using the rolled poncho as a pillow for his neck, he let his head roll backward over the the back of his chair and closed his eyes. "Do you suppose they expect us to send a letter back? 'Please Post Master, Sir, but what are you rates for delivery to parts unknown? 3 gold? My how reasonable of you indeed.'"

At some point BlackBerry must have dozed off, possibly even snored once or twice, because the next thing he knew the front door had opened with another unwelcome blast of cold air. He lifted his head and cracked open one eye just to see it was Victoria returning with her arms laden with bundles of cloth. His eye followed her as she placed one such bundle onto the table in front of him and revealed 5 blades in decorated sheathes. He opened his other eye and blinked slowly at the blades.

Something in the song Kosara was singing from the kitchen stirred a memory of another adventurers tales from the Southern Deserts.

"That comment you made earlier; self-importance and all that. I think you are correct. Something as decorated as that would have cost quite the pretty penny." BlackBerry shuffled in his seat trying to find the comfortable position again. With his eyes closed and chin resting on his chest he added to the thought, "Status symbol or someway to say how rich a person is I think. I remember being told a story about waves and water being a kings right or something along that idea or other. Curious really."

Again the question nagged in BlackBerry's mind; Who is Farid al Ramil Sabaj al Hazred. This and many other questions sat in lumps, worrying each other without any answers and only the promise of uncomfortable truths at best, and dangerous lies at worst. He let out a sigh and cracked open an eye again to look at Lizbeth.

"How are you feeling, Young Lizbeth?"
Baronfjørd "Blackberry" Chedgusah
Dragon Born, Monk (Astral self), Level 05
HP: 40 / 40 Armor Class: 16 Conditions: Exhaustion (1)
Location: Coach House
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A
Ki: 5/5

There were the sounds of rummaging through cupboards and shifting things across shelves from the kitchen before BlackBerry then proudly declared, "Ah ha! found the buggers." He shortly appeared from the kitchen proudly carrying a small plate of treats. Setting it down on the table he said, "Nothing too fanciful mind. But they are still delightful if I do say so myself."

There were a dozen or so of the simple oat biscuits, no wider than the length of ones pinkie finger, and each delightfully toped with a bit of dried fruit pressed and baked in the middle. Sat in the middle of the table alongside the cups and pot of tea the spread looked quite homely.

Reclaiming his seat, BlackBerry took a healthy spoonful of honey to have with his tea, thanking Victoria and then took a sip. He closed his eyes to savour the wonderful tea and let it warm up whatever parts of him were still frozen from the nights work. Gods, he needed that. Not one to ignore a sweet treat, especially not of his own making, BlackBerry then helped himself to one of the biscuits.

"Yes, yes, of course Lizbeth. Though stay in here, do lets. I fear the upstairs will still be frightfully cold." He replied once finishing the biscuit. Had the chairs always been this comfortable? A yawn forced a pause in the sentence. "I do say I could do with some shut eye before, myself. This tea is very nice indeed, Victoria, thank you."

Resting back in his chair, still with teacup in hand to enjoy to sweet aroma of the hot drink, he could feel his eye lids starting fall. But there was still at least one more task to finish before he would let himself enjoy the promised well earned rest. But he could also see the look Victoria and knew with a guilty twist in his stomach would have to face the music soon enough. He waited for a moment for Lizbeth to be looking down at her mug before his shot Victoria an apologetic half smile and mouthed 'later'.

"Though it may be needless to say the wretters are litter, the litterin are letters, the...the...good gracious me. Pardon me while I put my teeth back in." He rallied himself with a deep breath. "The letter. Draconic Writing. Spoken Abyssal. There, good grief that was hard work." Collapsing backwards again after spending the last shreds of energy he still continued."We shall let the other two know when they get back in, and then decide upon our next action only after we are all rested. We have 'Adequate Time' after all so no reason to rush things. Speaking of the other two, where are they? Perhaps the pair have fallen asleep somewhere? Lady Kathryn did look to be two paces away from collapsing, poor thing."

In the resulting quiet he took another drink of his tea and gazed down into its black surface. It seemed an appropriate colour, black and featureless, like a stained looking glass reflecting a calm and quaint scene of them all enjoying hot tea and biscuits in feverish denying spite of what the letter contained.


Baronfjørd "Blackberry" Chedgusah
Dragon Born, Monk (Astral self), Level 05
HP: 40 / 40 Armor Class: 16 Conditions: Exhaustion (1)
Location: Coach House
Action: Insight (10)
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A
Ki: 5/5


BlackBerry sat at the table and with a strange sense of not-quite-deja-vu. He watched and listened to Lizbeth as she went over the letter again in Abyssal with the dawning realization that he had been in nearly exactly the same position that Lizbeth was now in; a young child with knowledge they shouldn't have and without a clue as to how.

Lizbeth said she didn't know how she knew Abyssal, and BlackBerry believed her.

The initial shock had now worn off and he was able to keep his face locked into one of mild but calm concern. His leg bouncing frantically betrayed him however, and his thoughts scrambled in his skull trying to slot this new piece of a puzzle into place while at the same time trying to work out how to calm Lizbeth down. Bravely she was trying to keep a brave face but BlackBerry could see the gaping holes in her mask. She was scared.

"Well. Well that is quite alright, Lizbeth." He kept his voice low, quiet, as soft as he could. He pulled the offending pages across the table towards him. Folding both the offending pages together and held them up. "In Any case we shall get to the bottom of this."

Pinched between his fingers the offending letters hung in the air. He hoped he could inspire at least some comfort in the poor girl. But the first instant he got BlackBerry planned to question Madame L'Rose about the sort of man her father-in-law had been. Something rotten was going on around here and BlackBerry was going to get to the bottom of it, one way or another.

"If I may try to lessen at least one worry, Lizbeth. I have been in almost the very same position that you find yourself; knowing a language you have no knowledge of ever having gained." BlackBerry paused for a moment to chew his cheek wondering if this was really the right thing to do. He plunged forward and in the Abyssal tongue spoke. "I also haven't a clue why I can speak Abyssal. I simply remember waking up one day and found the words sitting on my tongue. Y'know I was so scared that I just stopped talking. For years I didn't say a single word. Practically mute, some even thought I was deaf."

BlackBerry leant across the table and in a stage whisper behind his hand, trying to make light of the situation, asked in the common tongue, "Can you perhaps guess then, what happened when people found out?" He waited a beat for Lizbeth to wonder or answer, before he gave a shrug and leant back in his chair. "Nothing. Admittedly they were shocked, of course, who would not be? But in the end it made no difference to those who knew me that I could speak such a language."

This was not, of course, the whole truth and BlackBerry hoped that Lizbeth would not see through his half lie. BlackBerry could no longer remember what it was he as a young child had been found reading, whether it was a scrap of parchment or a bound tome he had stumbled upon, but he remembered the shock and fear that had rippled through the Monastery. While Brother Rorvil and several others had come around to the fact without a second thought, it had taken the rest much longer. It had been a lonely period for BlackBerry. Even now, an old rumour that he had survived that storm by a devils kiss would occasionally resurface.

But Lizbeth didn't need to know that. If BlackBerry could take away or soften the blow of even one of the many questions and fears that accursed letter had dumped upon the poor girl, then the lie was worth it.

"But onto more important matters." The letters disappeared under his poncho as a smile appeared on his face. BlackBerry put some faith into the old saying 'out of sight, out of mind'. Slapping the table enthusiastically he did decree, "Tea! A marvellous idea indeed Victoria. I for one could do with something warm before some shut eye. We are all simply exhausted and no good ever comes from making rash decisions especially after a night of hard work and no sleep. Actually, now that I think about it I do believe I may have some biscuits stashed away somewhere to go with. I may not look it but I can make a marvellous spread of treats myself. We can fill in the other two on what we have uncovered about this 'Farndip el famal cabbage al hazard', once they get back in from...whatever it is they are doing."

BlackBerry stood up and headed towards the kitchen to find the promised treats. A second after entering the kitchen, his head then reappeared around the door frame.

"And Lizbeth. You are of course more than welcome to sit and rest here for a while. Either myself, or perhaps even Kosara or Victoria can walk you back once you are ready."
Baronfjørd "Blackberry" Chedgusah
Dragon Born, Monk (Astral self), Level 05
HP: 40 / 40 Armor Class: 16 Conditions: N/A
Location: Mummy Hill -> Coach house
Action: History (15)
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: Moderate Concern
Ki: 5/5

BlackBerry had to admit that Kosara raised an interesting point on their way back to the Coach House with their Guests no doubt enjoying scenery from the back of the wagon.

"Do you suppose, Kosara, that given the timing of us finding those in the Distillery and our Guests arriving that perhaps the two are related?" Walking alongside Old Boy, BlackBerry followed the road and the thought. "We now have two appearances of undead, not counting dear Morty of course, and you know what they say; 'Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Thrice is a problem.' Now then. If you do not mind, I shall leave our Guests in your caring hands you two while I put Old Boy to bed and then make us all a hot drink if Victoria and Lizbeth have not done so already."

After positioning the cart close to the empty workers rooms for the two woman BlackBerry then unlatched Old Boy from the wagon. The mule didn't need any encouragement back to his stable where the very instant BlackBerry had removed his equipment Old Boy gathered some hay beneath himself and lay down for a well earned rest.

"We have returned. Oh, Good morning again Young Lizbeth." BlackBerry announced through a yawn as he came into the Coach House. "Lady Kathryn and Kosra are seeing to our Guests. Let me get the fire going again and we can finish off the last of the marvellous drink from fast night."

BlackBerry beelined for the hearth at the end of the room and got to work clearing away the ash from the surviving smouldering embers, and make room for new material. Yes, he mused, we shall have a roaring fire again in no time and hot cider to warm us all. Lady Kathryn dashing through only to help herself to another helping of the 'Reclaimed Brandy' promptly earned a sour look. Gods knew what her or Victoria were thinking drinking that stuff.

It was when he was plucking fresh tinder and wood from the pile that his attention turned (without his permission as eavesdropping was rude) to the conversation going on behind him. He turned and his eyes locked onto Lizbeth. Colour drained from his face. He knew that language. He knew the words she was saying. Where Victoria stumbled over the guttural sounds and twists of the throat, Lizbeth would repeat, correct, carefully moulding the sounds into words and then repeated in the common tongue.


"Lizbeth." BlackBerry's voice crawled along the floor. "How do yo-" A muted shattering noise from somewhere outside cut him off, and replaced tension with bafflement. He went to stick his head out the door to see what all the fuss was about. "Nothing to worry about. Lady Kathryn and Kosara appear to have everything under control."

The door clicked shut. Turning towards Victoria and Lizbeth he held a finger to his lips. "Now, where were we?" In the ensuing silence he recaptured the thought. "'Al Hazred'" The word tumbled in his mouth with unfamiliarity. "'Al Hazred'. Yes, I do believe I read about in a book concerning the Necromantic Wars; a place somewhere to the south, a desert perhaps? The clothing our Guests are wearing does put one in mind of Kosaras own. With any luck the name might mean something to her."

He now stood at the table with Victoria and Lizbeth, His eyes fell upon the letter, and the written fruits of their labour. He picked up the Letter that their Guests had handed to them and, now that he knew what he was looking at, suddenly felt very foolish indeed. Perhaps he was simply that tired to have missed the clues, or perhaps he had not wanted to see them?

He folded the letter with a heavy sigh and placed it back on the table. "I see you both have been busy as well. Yet more pieces of this very strange puzzle. Lizbeth." Looking down at the girl, BlackBerry felt as if he were about to step onto very, very thin ice. "May I ask, and I will accept if you do not wish to answer, but how is it that you know Abyssal?"

Baronfjørd "Blackberry" Chedgusah
Dragon Born, Monk (Astral self), Level 05
HP: 40 / 40 Armor Class: 16 Conditions: Exhaustion 1
Location: Mummy Hill -> Coach House -> Mummy Hill again (there and back again)
Action: Animal Handling (12)
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A
Ki: 5/5


When Victoria went to peel a layer of clothing from one of the Attendant Guests BlackBerry stuck out his tongue, and wrinkled his nose in clear disgust. Granted, it probably made no difference to the Guest themselves but he could hear years of filthy stickiness fighting to keep the fabric in its grasp. The only saving grace in this moment was that Victoria chose to magic the fabric clean with her trusty Prestidigitation. Sadly, that did not extend to help the faint smell wafting from the stripped Guest.

"Gods. They do remind one of an onion, do they not?"

He did trust Victoria's assessment though that for all the Guests smiling and standing, they were just puppets. Nothing more intelligent than lumps of very, very expired flash made to prance about to do their masters bidding. But then who was pulling the strings?

He could feel the headache he sensed earlier now finally arriving. Wiping his face BlackBerry came to fully understand how tired he was, but a look towards Lady Kathryn made him realise he could be feeling a whole lot worse; the knight looked nearly dead on her feet. He tucked his arm back under the poncho in an effort to reclaim any shred of heat he could. Alongside Lady Kathryn he waited with baited breath as she reeled off a few languages at their Guests without being granted even a hint of a reaction. At her suggestion he nodded and stepped up to the largest figure.

In Draconic he spoke. "Alright. Morning, Name's BlackBerry. Not trying to be rude but who am I actually speaking to?" The Guest didn't move or even so much as move a single rotten muscle. Despite feeling a bit foolish BlackBerry continued. "Hello? Is there something else you're wanting to do or can you just...leave?"

No reaction. Pinching his chin he then wondered if maybe Undercommon might do it. He had heard from the adventurer who taught him that Undercommon was used more by the subterranean people, and corpses were supposed to be underground.

"Hello. My name is BlackBerry." His Undercommon speech was markedly slower, and for a few moments he paused to try and figure out the words. It had been a while since he had last needed. "Why are you here? Can you leave?"

Again no reaction.

Clicking his tongue in frustration he addressed Lady Kathryn, in common once again. "This is ridiculous."

Looking back at the estate it was all calm and quite....for now. If more people turned up and the corpses were still here it could really cause some panic. A part of him sitting on his shoulder suggested following Victoria's lead and just leaving the Guests to their own devices. If they were really puppets and had done all they needed to then they weren't any harm. But they were clearly the result of necromancy, and even BlackBerry after the exciting events of last month and being around...Morty, still had the inbuilt sense of dread and disgust at the mere suggestion of the act.

"Oh." He stared at the sky hoping one of the gods would give him the strength he so sorely needed at this moment. "Oh, hang it all. A pox on this damn thing and all." BlackBerry instinctively flinched hunching his shoulders over his ears after uttering the curse. Somethings habits just never died. "Well...well, well well. We can not simply leave our Guests out here in the cold, or in sight of decent company now can we?."

Oh yes we could. Said that part of him again which longed to be inside with a warm drink and his feet up by the fire. We very much could.

It was unfortunate the Victoria had already excused herself from the situation, and even more unfortunate she had taken Morty and his wagon with her. He trusted Victoria's judgement on the matter of the Guests, she was the resident expert of the group after all on such matters, but he doubted Madame L'Rose would be willing to see it that way. Better safe than sorry after all.

"Come. Let us get Old Boy and bring our Guests inside. We have plenty of room and better to keep an eye on them until..." He waved his hand in the air, fishing for an idea of how to end the thought. "Until we figure out what is to be done with them."

With that he stomped his way back to the coach house but refrained from going in side so as to not disturb Victoria from her own work trying to translate the letter. With any luck by the time he once again returned, and put away the Guests somewhere secure and out of sight, Victoria would have finished translating the letter and greet them all with the answers to all their questions.
But a little flag was waving as his mind turned back to the letter written in that old script, a bell in his mind rang with warning dread. He ignored it as just another sign he was tired. The letter had been delivered by undead that had seemingly just appeared in the middle of the night, if he had any other feeling than dread he wouldn't have been in his right mind.

With that reassuring thought keeping him energised, BlackBerry got to work setting the wagon up and convincing Old Boy crawl away from his comfy stable for one last task. The Mule was not stupid however, and only stopped trying to bite after BlackBerry promised him all the sugar cubes and tasty fruit he wanted for the next three months.

"And there we are." BlackBerry proclaimed with the last of his enthusiasm when he returned to the hill with Old Boy and the wagon. "Let us get them all loaded and back to the Coach house."


Baronfjørd "Blackberry" Chedgusah
Dragon Born, Monk (Astral self), Level 05
HP: 40 / 40 Armor Class: 16 Conditions: Exhaustion (1)
Location: Mummy Hill
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A
Ki: x/5


BlackBerry traipsed his way through the snow, back up the hill to the others and the visitors, arriving just in time for Kosara's suggestion of their guests. He Pinched his chine and tilted his head at the idea, and the subsequent thoughts that followed it that made him grimace in distaste.

"As I said Kosara, it is an old Dialect. Myself I have only seen it written less than a handful of times, and very little of it at that. Whomever they are representing I am at a loss as to why they would communicate in such a way." Lost in his thoughts, he failed to notice Kosara's staring contest with their most-leader-like...visitor. BlackBerry continued. "Did I hear correctly, Victoria, that you could translate it? If you need some assistance I would be more than happy to help in any way I can."

His attention now on Victoria he noticed Kosara trying, or more accurately failing, to hide behind her. Alarm bells rang. In one swift movement, BlackBerry spun round to face the bodies in a fighting stance ready to retaliate.

As before, nothing happened. The stoic statues simply stood silently together smiling at them all.

"They moved." BlackBerry took a step back, drawing level with Victoria but kept his eyes locked on the visitors. "When did that happen?"

This observation did not bode well at all. They were all tired, unequipped and woefully unprepared for a fight should it come to that. His thoughts then turned dark wondering how the Estate might fair should they fall to these visitors. But then again, other than looming menacingly in the distance, their visitors had done nothing untoward as of yet. If they meant any harm then surely they could have done so during the night when everyone was busy working and often barely in sight of each other. But instead they had simply waited, the tracks proved they had just moved to the top of the hill sometime during the night, assuming they hadn't been appearing here-there-and-everywhere beforehand.

Undead dressed in desert clothing, now leagues away in Avonshire, with a letter written in 'Olde Draconiq'.

Giving the Guests another once over; all human, he then suggested. "I could try talking to them?" BlackBerry didn't sound convinced. "It is possible they may understand modern Draconic." Dropping his voice to a low murmur he leant towards Victoria, and Kosara. "We can not leave them here. Either let us take them out now or someplace we can keep an eye on them all."


Baronfjørd "Blackberry" Chedgusah
Dragon Born, Monk (Astral self), Level 05
HP: 40 / 40 Armor Class: 16 Conditions: Exhaustion (1)
Location: Fields near the Estate House -> Corpse Party on the hill
Action: Survival (20)
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A
Ki: 5/5


BlackBerry gladly let Jon take Old Boy from him. The mule had become ever more intolerable as the night had wore on from being just as cold and tired as BlackBerry was. In his mind the pair could do with not seeing each other for a while or at least until they had had a chance to sleep away their sour moods. Kosara quickly stepped past him and strode confidently ahead, straight to the strange figures still standing resolutely still atop the hill above them.

"Good gracious. Already on the move and one to take the lead as always Kosara. Do wait a moment would you. Ah never mind." Worry nagged at his tired thoughts. There was something strange about those figures and he bit his lip at the idea of Kosara being there on her own. Quickly setting off after her, he slowed down and hopped sideways just long enough to quickly say towards Lizbeth. "Worry not Young Lizbeth, we shall return before you know it. Best you go and rest up after last night, you appear frightfully exhausted. Oh! And do check on your Aunt as well!"

Sparing not another thought he spun back around and trudged up the hill after Kosara. BlackBerry kept his eyes downturned and focussed on the ground in front of him, focussed on keeping his legs steady and tired feet landing in Kosara footsteps so he wouldnt have to push through any snow drifts himself. Shortly after Kosara, he arrived to the same awful, macabre sight of the undoubtedly dead bodies. They were human, that much was still obvious, and BlackBerry couldn't help but think of Kosaras own clothing when he saw the silk garments and threads waving lazily in the breeze.

"Well...I daresay this is less than reassuring. I dread to think we had an unknown audience during the night." His thoughts turned to the bodies they had found in the hidden distillery not long ago. He saw Kosara scrunch her nose in thought "Copper for your thoughts, Kosara?"

That grim feeling of unease took its usual spot in his stomach, which then did an impressive backflip when Kosara plucked the ribbon tied letter from the standing corpses hand. BlackBerry snapped into a defensive pose, snow crunching under his feet, and waited for an attack. Several seconds past without a sound or movement from the gathered corpses.

But nothing happened.

His glare was dawn away from the bodies once Kosara had finished reading the letter. For a moment he had thought she had read something on it. BlackBerry, tiredness testing his patience, didn't hold back the disgruntled sight which he immediately regretted.

"May I see? Please."

Tied eyes struggled to focus on the squiggles on paper that was handed to him and he turned so the sun lit it better. His eyes grew to the size of dinner plates and then were promptly crushed by eyebrows slamming down. He read the letter. He read it again, and then a third time. BlackBerry lifted himself out of the letter with a heavy sigh and a troubled look.

"Well this is....this is very surprising. I believe it might be written in Draconic, or some form of it at the very least. Do give me one moment." He sounded uncertain however, and squinted again at the paper. "Yes...yes, definitely Draconic. However, It seems to be a very old dialect. I must admit it makes little sense to me." BlackBerry's voice was quiet, subdued, trailing off as he handed the paper back to Kosara with his eyes turned downward. His fingers began to tap, tap, tap against his thumb.

Into the silence he cleared his throat and seemed to quickly rally himself. "Well. I suppose have yet another mystery on our hands. And to add one more to the pile I, for one, would like to know just how these..." He waved his hand at the direction of the bodies. "...corpses got here." Following that train of thought like a lifeline he crunched his way through the snow around the upright corpses, careful to keep out of their assumed reach, towards their rear. "Ah ha! Here, there's a trail of footprints leading away from them." Tired as his eyes were they still worked, and he pointed into the shallow dents in the snow of obscured footprints leading in a straight line away from them.

Captured by this clue and eager to make himself useful BlackBerry followed the trail, careful to walk alongside it rather than in it, down the other side of the hill. He continued to follow the trail until it stopped so suddenly that he overshot it by several steps and had to double back to find it again. Anyone watching the shiny blue dragon born would see him looking at the ground and then this way and that, and even a full spin.

"Bloody buggers came out of nowhere." BlackBerry called back up to the others. "Popped out of the ground like daisies or something like. Good spot I must say. No sign of the watch tower or the house from here." He continued shouting back at the other as he was already stomping his way back up the hill.
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