Avatar of Lexisheeps


Recent Statuses

2 mos ago
Current And when Santa squeezes his fat white ass down that chimney tonight, he's gonna find the jolliest bunch of assholes this side of the nuthouse.
4 mos ago
Just to be clear, I'm not actually sorry. 💅
4 mos ago
Wtf have I done? @Poohead: In a parallel universe, I'm terribly sorry for imploding the status bar. But in this universe... well... I'm just terrible.
4 mos ago
PSA: If anybody says, "Your body, my choice." to me, I will be utilizing that logic by dropkicking them in the nuts.
4 mos ago
Trans rights will never stop being human rights.


I'm not a /ˈɡōs(t)ˌrīdər/

I'm not a / person whose job it is to write material for someone else /

Beep beep imma sheep
said beep beep imma
pink sheep.
Baa mufuker baaa~



Back From Hiatus?

Not starting anything new.

Forgive me for my wrongs; I have just begun!

This Happened: Backrooms: The Thing that Breathes

Follow Along: Dark Beyond: Voices of the Past
What Started It All: The Dark Beyond
Origin Story: The Dark Beyond: Adventures in Candyland (Prequel)

With the script firmly in his hands, he stared blankly at the cover art he'd doodled. Wondering about the potential grammar mistakes he'd made. But instead of flipping through the pages curiously, he pulled the tablet to his chest and held it as if it was a stuffed animal. He'd finally realized that the majority of the people on stage weren't just a figment of his imagination and had become entirely embarrassed by his current state of existence. His drab unkempt sense of physical self.

I will rp here via pm or threads. I am not a fan of large groups. Small groups and 1x1s are prefered. I do not write smut/kink/ERP.

annnnnnnnd insert long wall o' text bio in 5, 4, 3... *coughs*

The. Sheep.

Love is worth fighting for.

bye bye bye

Most Recent Posts

Love you guys ♡
Hoping everyone's doing well this Holiday season! Hope you're all safe and happy, well-fed and warm!

And thanks, Esty~

It's definitely a doll from the larger online doll community that HighRise is apart of, but unlike HighRise, Ernya's been reduced to nothing but happy forum-shenanigan memories. My last pfp was actually a random freebie art (of one of my dolls) that I'd been gifted from there.

Sorry for rambling, but Ernya/doll talk is a bit of a thing for me. 😅

But, again, wishing everyone a safe, Happy Holidays! 🎅🤶🎄🎁🧸🎉❄☃️🍰🍪🍗
@Days Such a fun post! Loved the character development regarding her feelings for Anna~

where is Nick?

Are you sure you want to know? Because I'm not entirely sure myself, at this point.

always spoke so highly of her father.

Sassy italicized font, ftw!

He was the first to draw his gun at the battle at the Louvre and the first to jump into a hole.

Fairly certain he was actually the third Louvre agent to open fire, but I totally understand Nova's fascination with Nick and not the nameless, faceless, npc fillers floating around DB...

But... holes, man, holes.
I know those feels of wanting to write, but irl getting in the way. It's an ugh feeling for sure~

I hope you get positive info, once your MRI results are in! I got positive medical results recently, so I'm sending you some extra positivity!
@Days No pressure! Thanks for the update!! <3


I know that I'm not @Estylwen, but just wanted to say that I don't mind the wait.
I give all my thots and prayers to Nova!

Hopefully, Nova will stop shivering, now that clothes have been found.

I wonder if the staff uniforms will keep the robot guards from realizing that there's been a breach...

But, surely Von is already aware, so why not tell the facil- right, I keep forgetting that Vonny Daddy's a player casino owner. :p
I think that's the mostly case for everyone... except perhaps Nick. And even then, I'm not entirely sure. xD

Great posts, you guys!

Though, I'm a bit worried about Axen just swooping down like that. A noise trail would have been safer, imho. But now the robot will know something is moving and will probably keep searching the floor.

Just ramblingsheep thots
So the prequel's name got changed to Candyland? Or is it the prequel's prequel?

PREprequel?? x'D
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