Baronfjørd "Blackberry" Chedgusah
Dragon Born, Monk (Astral self), Level 05
HP: 40 / 40 Armor Class: 16 Conditions: N/A
Location: Coach house, The vineyard and all around
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A
Ki: 5/5

In the wake of all that had happened in the task of taking Lizbeth home fell to BlackBerry. After the sun has crawled through the sky to the other side of midday, and everyone had had at least a nap he then escorted the Young Lady home to her guardian and relative safety. As much as he enjoyed Lizbeths company amongst the party, the recent revelations left several things to consider he felt would best discussed without her nearby to overhear and worry about. Especially BlackBerry's own idea of a 'Next Step' was one he easily imagined Lizbeth being against. The girl was clearly well into her rebellious phase while trying to figure out how she fitted into the world, and now she had all this all thrown on top. He chewed his cheek while walking back to the Coach House as he pondered how this would go over between Cecily and Lizbeth.

r=00aeef]"If I could have the attention of everyone for a moment, please." [/color]He would say as he entered the Coach House or otherwise look to gather the party. "I strongly feel it would be in the interest of ourselves and more importantly for the L'Roses that we inform Madame L'Rose of what we have uncovered. For one, I imagine she would know a lot more about what may be lying beneath our noses here, and for another I know she would not appreciate us withholding such information that concerns her niece. Unless anyone has any objections I intend to talk to her first thing in the morning. It should at least give some time to wonder how best to deliver this information."

It was a thought that hounded BlackBerry as he slept that night. He stared up the the ceiling as he pondered the best words to use only to double back on those ideas to then come back just as quick. Despite the franticness of his thoughts sheer exhaustion soon won out and pushed him into a dreamless sleep.

The next morning, after reporting to Jon that he had some personal matters to attend to and would not be able fulfil his morning duties, he set off to try and find Cecily with the offending pieces of parchment tucked into his pocket. through the fresh, cold, morning air he followed the various pointing hands and 'Just missed her, sir.' to soon find Madame L'Rose as she worked.

"Madame L'Rose. If I may borrow you for a moment? It is of great importance that I speak to you." Perhaps Young Lizbeth had already spoken to Cecily about last night and the notes? Perhaps she had not? In either case BlackBerry would inform Cecily. He figured it would be better to break the news to their host whilst walking and invited her to do so, the motion of walking gave the mind room and forced it to slow for a moment between the steps to take in would could be upsetting news.

"I suppose some word may have already reached you of certain visitors yesterday appearing just over the hill there." He kept his voice low as he talked and walked. This and further information was not something he wanted or felt everyone needed to here. Loud as he was he knew when to force his volume down for the benefit of everyone. "Unfortunately I must inform you that those visitors were in fact Undead and likely were magicked into the area. Do not worry they have all been dealt with and thankfully did not appear to be from anywhere nearby."

He would then with great kindness and careful consideration would inform Cecily of the letter while producing the original and translated copy; speaking of Arnaud, the senders regret, knowing the remaining heir not yet of age, the offered silks, and references to an 'Agreement'.

"I would like to apologise for how long it took to give this information to you but we had to consider the...implications and risks of any actions we ourselves may need to take." He turned to her and with his hand on his heart lowered his gaze. "We did not intend to keep this from you a moment more than was necessary." He knew he had arrived with no small amount of bad news for Cecily and unfortunately, he felt awful that he had one more piece to add to the pile. "I am loathe to admit that Lizbeth is aware of the letter and its contents. I know I have no right to ask anything of you, especially with such news, but if you are to speak with Lizbeth with this then please say that I let you know of this independent of the others. I only ask because I doubt she would approve of this and I would not wish to sour the buddying mentorships she has with them all which i am sure you have noticed."

"But with us in this position we would humbly offer any aid we may give to yourself and your family. But if we are to be making some sort of decision then...then we need to know what it is we may be deciding upon. I do not expect anything anytime soon of course, take as much time as you need to, well, think over everything. But if anything does come to mind then do not hesitate to come find us."

Days then marched on by without any further events of note. BlackBerry continued his duties under Jon's tutelage learning yet more facts about horses, their care, and various rolls they had taken over the Estate and even Avonshires long history. Jon was surprisingly, yet also unsurprisingly, simply a fountain of knowledge when it came to the creature that quite a bit sadly hoped in through one ear and out the other for BlackBerry.

While the others he noted spent sometime doing their own work and Lady Kathryn even seemed at one point buried under a mountain of paper and scrolls, his own thoughts kept straying to to the L'Roses. He worried for both their sakes of the contents of the letters. He worried of the dark shadow hanging and watching over Lizbeth. He worried of the questions Cecily would now have of her father-in-law and without a way to get answers. He worried for himself and the others as they now found themselves being wound into a families dark secret with final say on its resolution. The worries chased each other in his skull whilst he brushed the mares coat. He wondered if the mare knew that beyond the confines of her warn stable with fresh hay and feed that something untoward was creeping its way towards her home.

A hand landed on his shoulder. BlackBerry dropped the brush and grabbed the hand. He spun to face his supposed attacker, pulling the arm straight and twisting the attached wrist. The Stable Hand owning the wrist gave a pained yelp. It took a few minutes of BlackBerry frantically apologising to the poor boy, now with sore but thankfully unbroken wrist, before the Stable Hand would even dare to come near again. From the otherside of the paddock door the Stable Hand explained that Jon was waiting out in the yard for him.

Once BlackBerry had finished tidied his remaining work and packed away the tools he wandered into the yard to find Jon dutifully leading a large horse around the yard.

Spotting BlackBerry the man brightened and patted the horses saddle. "Ah there you are. Finally. Right come on jump up."

After a momentary blank stare it then took several more minutes for Jon to convince BlackBerry that; yes, the DragonBorn was expected to ride, and yes this was both some training for the horse and a little treat for BlackBerry as well, so yes it's fine now get on the damn horse.

It only took BlackBerry a few tries to get onto the very patient horse and once he was up managed to quickly settle himself into the saddle. It had been a very long time since BlackBerry had ridden a horse, since the special occasions from his childhood with a trusted rider sitting behind him in control of the reigns.

"I must admit Jon. I am a tad unsure if this is wise." BlackBerry admited with the reigns in hand, and suddenly realising how high up he really was. "It was many many years ago since i last rode a horse. And even then i was not the one handling it."

"Nonsense you daft thing." Jon cried, bringing another horse he rode to stop beside BlackBerry. "You been handling Old Boy just fine. It's a similar thing. Just make sure to hold on with your knees and I'll lead you on from here. Eyup!"

"With my knees?"

BlackBerry needn't have worried. Either the rider was more competant than first thought, or the horse was the very agreeable sort happy to go anywhere it was bidden to. The afternoon passed as Jon lead them all around the grounds while teaching BlackBerry how to properly handle a horse from a saddle rather than from behind in a wagon, and only semi-ocassionally having to double back to collect BlackBerry whose horse would sometime choose its own destination.

Again time slipped by to its own little tune and a gentle march. The promise of wine tasting and the Frostival beyond seemed like a sudden bright light in the otherwise dark winter.

"My that does sound delightful." He echoed the mood from his now established place by the fire. "A wonderful change of pace as well i do say from ...ah well.. everything else."