Kathryn Pyke Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05HP: 49 / 49 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: N/A Location: Couch House --> Vineyard tasting room Action: N/A Bonus Action: N/A Reaction: N/A | ![]() |
Victoria's assistance with the makeup and prep work came a long way. As long as Kathryn could keep up her confident presentation it would be impossible for one to tell she was a fallen noble. But instead a woman in waiting who was a representative of her people, her household, and a figure worth looking upon. She felt good, she felt confident! She felt POWERFUL! "Thank you Victoria. I couldn't have done this without you." She had no idea how she could ever return the favor to her bardic friend. But she would be ever grateful even when the debt was paid. Should she ever return to a seat of power, she needed to know how to look and act the part, and Victoria has been a huge part in getting herself back up to par again. Kathryn was still unsure if she would ever be able to return to a seat of power, but the thought was nice. A thought she could enjoy for just tonight at least thanks to Victoria's help.
Walking confidently as close to a proper noble woman as she could manage, she recited the trainings she took when she was growing up. She practiced walks she saw other woman of higher stations on the day to day. She even paid attention to Victoria and added a bit of what she noticed from the bard into her step. The compliments were almost overwhelming at first, she had to fight not to break the show with heavy blushing and embarrassment. But she held firm. Her will tonight was stronger than ever. "I've had the dress for a bit less than a year now. It's a little difficult to travel with but it does well. I'm honestly surprised the thing still fits." Kathryn said as her tone began to break speaking to Blackberry. Praise of any kind left the woman who could physically beat a bear into submission about as flimsy as a wet noodle. But she recovered and continued to hold firm. "I mean... I did wear pajamas a couple times yeah?" She asked being a little literal. But she got the comment. It was rare for Kathryn to wear much other than her armor. And when it wasn't armor, it was thick padded clothing that protected her from physical harm, the cold, and also shielded anyone from being able to imply a figure she may or may not have. The dress she wore now was a rare occasion within a rare occasion. And it left Kathryn feeling rather... All sorts of things really. Womanly, soft, vulnerable, beautiful, and powerful in ways that she couldn't even imagine were real until she felt them herself. There was power in self confidence.
Kosara's reaction was so over the top that it could only have come from her! And again, she felt like her spine was turning into a wet noodle as she was inspected by her date. "You do? That's so cool! When Ser Lucas and I got the dress we wanted something that could still be used to represent my family's colors, but they're hard colors to make look nice on a dress. Mother used to always complain about it saying how our household colors really limited her options if she was to follow that tradition." Kathryn chuckled. But she was glad to hear that the dress was doing wonders! And thankfully, Kosara agreed to not suddenly sober up Kathryn unless she was on the path to do something Really problematic. "Thank you, on both counts. Its nice to have you watching my back." Kathryn said as the confidence began to return to her.
Kathryn turned to great Cecily and Lizbeth as they entered to escort them. "You both are looking rather lovely tonight, I love the matching themes you both have going." Kathryn then took a moment to note Lizbeth's whip on her hip. "Little curious on your belt there? Mine's a ceremonial piece. How about you?" Kathryn asked curiously her hand resting on the hilt of her sword. She didn't mind that Lizbeth was going armed, but was indeed curious. When given the chance, she would have to show Lizbeth how to fight with such weapons. The girl was clever enough to be good with it, and she was faster than Kathryn gave her credit for. Considering her size chances are that most people that she may come to blows with would be bigger than her. In most lands, woman tended to be smaller than men, and in most lands, men did much of the fighting. Even in cultures where woman were permitted to fight it was noticeable the difference in numbers unless the culture made it a point to break that norm. That still meant Lizbeth had to know how to fight people bigger and stronger than her. Kathryn was an exception on an exception and an extreme example at that. The whip seemed like a good counter. "I will happily get a head start to drinking." Kathryn said as she accepted Victoria's offer for some of the brandy that was recovered. And taking a few sips herself before she got going.
The walk up was nice, BB giving a recount of their duel that turned into more of a bullying match, Kosara on Kathryn's arm as they walked, and Lizbeth just having the time of her life! The night really couldn't get much better. Plus, Kat was on her first real date in her life! She had done practice dates before. And she had spent time with the boy she was supposed to marry. But even then, never a proper date. Hiding her excitement was a challenge of itself. "Like what BB said, any recommendations for our duels and challenges is much appreciated. I think we can only beat on each other so much before we start losing track of teeth." Kathryn joked. Plus, she got a little carried away last time, and had almost done some real harm to BB. She wondered about tug o war, but she wasn't so sure it would be fair either. Not that BB wasn't as strong as Kathryn. But... he wasn't. And Kathryn was a lot bigger. And could get bigger. It was an unfair game at the best of times.
Entering the winery through the gazebo was an adventure of its own. Kathryn was awe struck seeing the place and was mostly just surprised a place like this could exist under the property! It was absolutely huge! Kathryn listened closely through as they were given the tour, simply just excited to be present. It was all such a process that Kathryn really had to think about how much labor and patience when into her drinking problem. The answer? A lot probably. Would that slow down Kathryn? Probably not no. "Took me some time to put it together, but my father used to partake in some of your vintages. By the time they got to Arcanaple they were far from cheap, but he enjoyed them as a treat from time to time when we made it to port cities." Kathryn said enthusiastically when she saw a moment she could include her tidbit without interrupting Cecily. Entering the wine tasting room, Kathryn was almost in shock seeing the room. Though smaller than the previous rooms, she found herself almost in awe at the place. Though a little secluded, it felt perfect for a private event!
Kathryn would strut in like the honored guest she felt she was with Kosara's arm still wrapped in her own, and would graciously meet those introduced and reintroduced to them. Kathryn gave a polite curtsy to the Mosswaters with a warm smile on her face. Apart of her wondered if she was even recognizable without armor on? Then she realized that not many humans stood just shy of 7 foot tall, and figured that alone made her recognizable enough. "Pleasure to see you both again. I hope all is doing well." She spoke warmly and welcomely to the two land owners. Monsieur Laurent. He gave Kathryn an off feeling. Condescending almost. That is when it clicked for Kathryn. This arrogant prick who needed his land saving was looking down on her. He was the sort of person who should never be granted any form of power, yet by some terrible fate, here he was. It left a sour taste in Kathryn's mouth. Maybe she was bias, being of noble lineage herself, or bias because she found arrogant pricks annoying, but she wasn't warming up to him well. She didn't let it show on her face though. Once everyone was done with their introductions Kathryn spoke up to the man. "Please to meet you Monsieur Laurent. My name is Lady Kathryn Pyke of Arcanaple. Heiress to the family homesteads, and glad we were able to provide assistance in these concerning and confusing times." Kathryn would not admit subservience to this man. Nor would she allow herself to be treated as less than this man. He gave Kathryn the impression of a small man who needed to demean others to feel good about himself. Kathryn would do what she could to mitigate this tonight while not provocating the evening. First, by taking a seat directly next to the man. Kathryn would continue to be a shield for her party, and hopefully her presence could help keep the man's ego in check. In that moment, she realized how much power tripping pricks got to her. As long as her temper stayed in check she should be fine.