Finn Edward Reinheart




He is 5’6” despite having a tall father and equally tall mother didn't seem to to pass on to him. He has an olive skin tone with emerald green eyes, broad shoulders, muscular right arm and athletic body. He also has a Dwarven made, arm and leg
prosthetic. (leg has similar designs) That functions exactly like a regular arm and hand, but he only has a sense of pressure that he can feel throughout it. the same goes with his leg. He also has massive
scarring up the remaining part of his arm, across part of his chest and back. Then coming up his neck to his eye. He also has many nasty scars that are from knife wounds that litter the rest of his body.
He always carries his custom made long bow, which is a bit thicker than any other longbow, and slightly less of a bend. As if it is a staff that was turned into a bow. Which is essentially what it is. Enchanted to be as hard as steel, but remain as light as wood. It has a long thin rod that goes over the hand grip (as if it is a makeshift hand guard) But it is what he uses to hook to a loop over his right shoulder on the back of his dark brown bandolier. So he can easily put his bow away when not using or quickly arm himself. He decides to wear his quiver on his right hip instead of his back. And has leather bracers as seen in the picture. (no goggles)
If you could define Finn in one word, it would be determined, possibly the very definition of. He is always optimistic, despite any odds and never gives up. Seeing each new thing in his way as a challenge to make himself even stronger or better. Seeing the lesson in all things.
He is smart and observant, also kind and honorable. always looking to help others before himself. He believes fiercely in defending those who are in need, even if he has to stand alone. He doesn't care for money but for the experience in life and becoming stronger himself, often spending all his money on others after his needs are met.
He is always smiling and often, quite often. Has a mischievous side where he likes to prank anyone and everyone.

Archer/Rouge - Finn took on his fathers fighting style as using his bow as a quarterstaff. While he is adept at both, he still is learning. While he can fight head on, he tends to observe and find weaknesses in his opponent and use his surroundings to his advantage. Using his agility and nimbleness to use his surroundings as well.

-Archery: He doesn't always hit his target, but he's skilled to be close to be able to. He is very skilled at shooting quickly, able to hold three arrows in his draw hand at a time. (his father can hold five) and fire them fairly accurately within 3 seconds. (His goal is under a second)
-Quarterstaff: He is adept with using his bow as a quarterstaff, while he can block swords and clubs. He can only deflect axes otherwise his bow can be damaged.
-Magic: He mostly only uses basic elemental magic, but he can apply it to his arrows to throw off the enemy or use it to advantage.
-Observant: He uses his surroundings to his advantage, whether for moving around or using a pot of oil, water, hay, Etc. to use his basic magic on.

-Finn can be too reckless. He pushes himself way too hard too often, and has gotten hurt from training more than in actual fights. it's as if he is trying to make up for lost time.
-Even though he has had his prosthetics for four years, they are still a bit heavy. His shoulder and hips hurt badly after long days, the skin under them can get raw and even bloody. Again, he will push through the pain but often pays the price. If he's too hard on them they can break, they are strong but there is still many fine parts inside them. The magic inside can only do so much. He has broken both his prosthetics a few times. while he learned a little on how to maintain them and do minor fixes, he would have to go to a dwarven specialist.
-He wont be able to learn higher power magic. He cant wrap his head around it. He can chant silently in his head, but it takes a lot more concentration than it would others. He has already screwed this up a few times, injuring himself badly.
-He gets a little hot headed when he meets anyone who supports slavery or profits from it. He can be a bit brutal if it comes to blows. This has also spilt over to anyone who thinks humans are better than other races. He knows he and his family are some of the few who are not ok with it, and has to control himself a lot. This has come up much more when Selena came into his life.
-He hates bullies and will always start a fight with them. (Even if there are any teachers he will probably do this.)
-Gets Irate if called too small or weak. Will often make stupid decisions right after.

Born as the youngest of 5 to a pair of adventurers who were partners when they traveled. He was a surprise, being four years younger than the fourth brother. He was also born prematurely. Which often was a sure death for a baby. Making his parents distraught at the thought. But by some miracle, he did survive and grew up in a large town of Everton on the coast in between Hoseforn and Windlton. Far smaller than those two cities, it mostly uses the ocean to transport the large amount of food from the lands around it, being much quicker to do so than to travel by cart to either city .
He would grow up hearing stories of his parents' adventures, as well as his fathers more recent ones when his mother stayed home. Finn’s personality was greatly molded by these stories and his fathers lessons. Knowing from a very young age, he too wanted to be just like his father.
Finn was always on the smaller side, despite his taller parents and siblings who seemed to be blessed with their height. Often being picked on by the other children of the town for being so small and not being able to keep up with the other kids. Often getting in fights because of this.
His father Fenros Reinheart was known as a hero in the world of adventurers and commonfolk. He would focus on protecting towns and citizens wherever he went, even against what seemed impossible odds. Also known for a unique fighting style not used by anyone else. A mixture of archery and staff fighting with a small amount of hand-to-hand combat.
Fenros, would train all his sons with his same style of fighting. His four older brothers became successful adventurers because of it. Fenros trained Finn as well, but it seemed he would put on kid gloves in comparison to his other brothers.
Finn noticed this, and wanted to prove to his father he wasn’t weak, or afraid. But no matter what he said, it wouldn’t change for years because Finn desperately wanted to be like his father and brothers, Finn would often get hurt badly because he pushed himself too hard. This worried his father and mother, so much that he wouldn't budge on his stance. That is, until after Finn almost died.
When Finn was thirteen, he had grown a lot stronger physically. Enough that he wasn’t losing AS many fights anymore. He also was quick and agile, from the times he was ganged up on and had no choice but to run. He could move around the town quiet easily, climbing walls and jumping between roofs to get away. Only because of years of practice. Which made him confident.
He happened upon two men attempting to kidnap a ten year old boy and girl. Most likely to sell into slavery up north. As it was known to happen. Finn couldn’t let this happen. Managing to get the drop on one of the men, Fin used a piece of garbage wood to crack him in the back of his head.
Quickly turning on the other guy who had a dagger. In the next few minutes, Finn managed to fight back, and give the man a few bruises, but nothing serious. Finn on the other hand received countless cuts and deep gashes, along with a black eye and bloody nose. Dizzy from all the punches the man gave him as well. But managed to keep the man away from the two kids, and kept getting back up. Making enough racket that other people were now starting to hear them.
The man finally had enough and decided to cut his losses and started a chant in his head for a fire blast. When he was just about ready he raised his hand, the fire gathering in his palm as he aimed towards the kids to get rid of the witnesses.
With the last of his strength, and no other choice. Finn rushed forward and grabbed the hand, using his other fist to hit the inside of the elbow to turn the hand away. The momentum and unexpected move worked, and knocked the man over. However the chant was completed...Finn had taken the brunt of it on his left side. But so did the man as they were both on the ground.
The pain was so unbearable, he passed out. Waking up almost a week later, he found out he had suffered massive burns obviously, but so bad on his forearm and leg they had to amputate both. Finn was crushed… his dreams to become a hero like his father was gone now.
What crushed him more, was he heard his father left the day after this happened. His mother wouldn’t say why. But he knew. He was a disappointment… he couldn’t protect himself from a thug. Nor could even become stronger if he wanted.
But that wasn’t the case. His father returned a few days later, with a Dwarf in tow. One he met on his adventures a while back. This dwarf was skilled in making magical armored prosthetics that were so intricate and light that it felt like a real arm, mostly. Such prosthetics were typically super expensive, this dwarf being the expert in this. But it didn’t matter to Fenros.
His parents explained to Finn how proud they were of him. When they had heard how hard he had fought, Fenros realized this was all his fault for not listening to Finn and training him as his brothers. Now, he would do everything in his power to make sure his son will have the best chance to become an adventurer.
The next couple years were hard after that, because Finn had to relearn how to walk with his new leg. Also regaining the fine motor skills in his left hand once again. But Finn never wavered, complained or pitied his situation.
A couple years after he fully recovered he was training with his eldest brother and father when they came upon a group of drunks surrounding a mysterious girl on the beach. His eldest brother recognized the men as a group of wanted criminals tied to kidnaping and murder. After explaining this, was when the girl began to yell and try to get away. Without hesitation it was Finn who raised his bow and fired the first shot.
Finn had heard myths of kitsune, as they were actually the closest to the island. Stories of how merciless they were kept any sailors away. mostly thought it was superstitions, and what it really was just dangerous waters, or just dangerous beasts. He never thought they were so beautiful.
After all that, and when Selena started living with them, Finn was the one who helped her the most with speaking. While his family did help a lot as well, and all of them learned a bit of kitsune as well. As he spent probably the most time with her, he is the most fluent in the family. though it is very much broken up he is sure, similar to how Selena speaks in their tongue. Selena will often turn to Finn if she doesn't understand, asking in her own language while using charades till he understands.
while Finn still aims for his original goal, he does hope and aim to help Selena in her dreams as well.