Avatar of Aerandir
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Aerandir
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
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    1. Aerandir 11 yrs ago
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Finn sighed as walked to his door, exhausted from the day. From the journey, to dinner where he almost got into a fight with a jackass that knocked Selena over, now having a duel before school already started.

But then helping Selena settle in and teach her how to use the shower and started a bath for her. A fact that made him smile a little. She was already in a better mood once back at the room. And the fact there was hot piped water just made her wonder where it came from. And ask a bunch of questions.

He reached his door and heard the door unlock automatically, opening it he noticed one one in the room yet. That is until he heard a familiar voice.

"Welcome, Finn Reinheart," Athena spoke up. "This will be your dorm room for the foreseeable future. There is a bathroom in the door to your right that you and your roommate may share if you do not wish to use the public baths. While sleeping in the dorm room is not strictly required, sleeping in any non sanctioned area of the school is forbidden and may result in disciplinary action."

He heard the same message for Selena’s room and was already making for bed on the right side of the room where he saw his bags and a small work station for his prosthetics for minor repair. As well as a ring and hook for bow and quiver.

He easily slipped the bow off his back and slipped it into the ring on the wall, and the quiver off his hip and onto the hook. Then proceeded to grab an extra pair of undergarments and trousers. Taking it with him into the bathroom. Where he proceeded to take a nice hot shower. Leaving his prosthetics on due to them needing a good clean as well.

His shower only lasted a few minutes, at which he stepped out and proceeded to dry himself and head out into the room after putting his pants on. He knew it was coed here; he wasn’t about to be THAT guy. He didn’t know if his roommate was a female or male. Preferably the former.

He brought his towel and clothes out and put the clothes in a hamper and sitting down at his small workbench. Pulling his leg prosthetic off and Starting to detail clean/dry his leg first. Letting out a sigh as he pulled it off, rubbing his nub as it was sore.

He looked around, still his roommate wasn’t there. He wondered if he happened to get the drunk who couldn’t make it back to the room after that dinner….or if they were just lost.

Time: Early Evening
Location: Caesonia Castle Ballroom
Interaction: Princess Beatrice@baraquiel Shahazde Amir@Omni5876 Lady Thea@TaeLord Leo@Helo Prince Felix @MoleLady Charlotte@princess
Mention:Alidasht siblings
Attire:”FASHION” (with the cape.)

Verrick looked to his princess as she laid one of her hands on his arm, adding to her mothers words to enjoy the evening and to not worry. He huffed a sigh and his shoulders relaxed only slightly in defeat. Mingle with the crowd and enjoy it? While he was a Woodsman and this was well within his jobdescription to pull off. It was the worst part of his work, and to top it off… There wasn’t any coffee to be seen! Logical of course due to the event. But he much preferred the strong aroma of a good roasted coffee over any alcoholic beverage anyday.

He perked up when the princess’s hand slid from his arm as she mentioned it wouldn’t hurt to have him along to introduce herself to the Sultan and his children. He tilted his head softly into a bow at least allowing him to do that. Taking a step back so she didn’t have to walk around him.

As they walked she again tried to hammer in that they must show respect. He gruffly added in a low voice before they reached the Alidasht party “Respect should be earned… not given away freely to feed their delusions of grandeur..”

He however, did his part. Performing the same Alidasht custom bow to the Sultan and Vizier, however more quickly as to not be caught with his guard down. While he did not smile, he did have a less….scowly… neutral look on his face. When he was introduced he didn’t bow his head, but remained motionless, not making eye contact with them, but keeping his eyes moving between the guards and the sultan’s children. Watching as they began to break away to other parts of the ballroom.

He glanced back to his princess as she elegantly buttered up the sultan. Perhaps a small smile appeared on his face but if someone asked, he would deny it. But he always was more impressed with how she handled diplomacy. He personally felt that she was better than her younger brother. Who he still saw as a spoiled child at times. But far more tolerable than other nobles in the kingdom

He glanced over to the Prince and Lady Thea, he noticed her looking at him just before she looked away. He always remembered her as a sweet, soft spoken and kind girl who was the only one out of the family who didn’t ‘look down at him’ while he served his post at the Smithwood estate. It was a shame that because of her fathers disappearance, she had changed quite dramatically.

He glanced at Lord Leo, Lady Thea’s elder brother, who was much like his father…a spoiled little shit who looked down at him just because he wasn’t of ‘noble’ blood. Though, the thought of tossing his father out of the castle window into the moat still brought a small satisfied smirk on his face even after all these years. Perhaps one day, Lord Leo would irritate him enough to follow in his fathers…trajectory?

He looked forward again as one of the daughters of the Sultan, Nahir, spoke up after the Saltan moved on. Being a diligent diplomat, she was far more in control and civil in comparison to her sister and brothers. His father spoke about her during her few visit’s to Varian.

As Nahir decided to find the wine, and as all the other children have moved on to whatever interested them, Mayet with Prince Wulfric, Munir with Lady Mina. And Amir was off to the food tables next to Lady Charlotte. He seemed a bit more restrained than what the branches in the Alidasht kingdom explained in their reports, while spot on with the others. This made him wonder if something was up.

He looked to Princess Beatrice, now that introductions were over, and the main ‘threats’ were off and about. He remembered her previous instructions for him to ‘enjoy’ and mingle after introductions. Signing softly before looking at Prince Felix and Princess Beatrice.“If you will Excuse me I will return to sulking in the shadows this evening…” He opened his mouth as he was going to ask for one thing while looking at the princess… but his voice caught in his throat and cleared it as he decided not yet. “I do actually hope you enjoy this night, and not have it be all work..”
He said with a small smile…a rarity for sure.

He then bowed deeply towards Lady Thea. ”I haven’t had the chance today to say, but you look even more radiant than ever today Lady Thea…” He said with a polite smile. Twice in one night is amazing.

Standing straighter before looking at Lord Leo, Only giving him a polite bow. Before moving on. His smile went away in an instant and back to his neutral scowl. He cursed himself for honestly chickening out at the last moment. As well as having this awful taste in his mouth when speaking so ‘formally’. He rubbed his cheeks… perhaps he’s over working his muscles in his face?

He weaved his way through the crowd once more. Picking up snippets of conversations as he did. Until he realized he appeared just behind Lady Charlotte, looking up to see her offering a plate of food to Amir Kadir. “ Lady Charlotte…” He said as he appeared quite suddenly from behind her on her left. “Shahzade Amir. He bellowed his head slightly. “Forgive me for intruding on your conversation. I only wanted to see if the brave and lovely Lady Charlotte was quite alright after this ordeal.”

Verrick Grumbled to himself as he stood near the edge of the ball room as he tugged at the collar of his Woodsman formal attire. All while keeping his eyes scanning the room. Keeping his eyes mostly on Princess Beatrice as she moved about the room. Far enough not to be obvious he being a bodyguard, but close enough to be able to spring into action. Which annoyed him, apparently his glare was enough to unnerve some of the pathetic excuses of nobles that tried to woo the beautiful princess. For ‘diplomacy sake’ the princess told him to give her some room. He would often move to another spot if the Princess would move a bit too far away, but never too close that she would notice him.

While she was ‘safe’ he would scan the room more. Not for threats, but to read the people mingling. Noticing when nobles from separate kingdoms would speak, how long, and how friendly. Of course everyone was ‘friendly’ but it was easier for Verrick and his fellow woodsman to see past the mask. While he could not get direct information from hushed conversations, it was still intell. Over the years he had come to know most of the Noble’s in Caesonia. Not that they would know him. Despite being Princess Beatrice’s bodyguard for eight years, he still performs his duties as a Woodsman. Any little details that could give Princess Beatrice an edge when it comes to politics.

He also kept tabs on King and Queen Camille. Despite his father actively standing near them…as he was their advisor. As well as Prince Felix and his fiance Lady Thea. To make sure they were safe as well…and more. Lady Thea was one to get drunk quite quickly, then quite talkative, and always seemed to corner him to talk with him. While he had nothing against speaking with her per say… he couldn’t allow himself to be caught in a conversation just now. So he had also been expertly moving silently out of the Lady’s path. Just in case.

Suddenly the doors swung open, and a parade entered. Verrick was prepared for this, From what the Woodsman knew of the Alidasht kingdom, they were a very proud and dangerous people. Of course they would try to show how great they were with this stunt. As soon as he saw the armed guards, he instantly went for Princess Beatrice. Moving silently and unnoticed
As everyone’s eyes were glued to the spectacle. He reached into the inner forearm of his gauntlets and made sure both of his hidden blades were accessible.

As he reached Beatrice, he moved around on her right side and stepped in-front of her. Not enough to block her view, but to firmly place himself between her and the ‘threat.’ His father mirrored his movements on the left of the queen, though a bit more casually. He glanced back towards her with a ‘look’ as if he was proven right and let out a slow breath as he looked back towards the Alidasht group.

What happened next was a carriage wreck. Duke Lorenzo made the first move to try to flatter the Saltan. Only to get too close and cause an over eager guard to rush him… and somehow trip into one of the palanquin bearers and knock the Saltan over. ”Are you fucking kidding me…” Verrick said under his breath, just enough for maybe Beatrice to hear, resisting the urge to facepalm. He glanced at his father who gave him a look that said the same thing.

This led to the Saltan being enraged and demanding for his head, the king and queen of Caesonia trying to appease him in other ways, to Lady Charlotte trying to fix her fathers mistakes again. Despite not being a part of this kingdom, it pained him to see a woman lower herself to do what she offered. He began to look around, his mind looking for anything that could distract everyone to forget what happened. The few ideas he had would certainly embarrass the King of Caesonia just so that the Saltan might ‘call it even.’

But as others continued to try and fix what happened it came to an end with a strange demand. Clearly there was going to be something that happened at that dinner to utterly humiliate Duke Leronzo.

King Edin jumped at the opportunity and moved on with the party. As soon as the music started, Verrick’s Father sighed, but with the tiniest smug smile on his face. ”Verrick, what were our lovely Queen’s exact words about wanting to keep our weapons and having extra armed guards nearby?” He asked, his voice had a clear ring of amusement on it.

Verrick would narrow his eyes, as if to concentrate. Then he replied in a soft grumble. ”Every time we come to these court gatherings we show respect by not bringing weapons. We shall continue to do this.” He looked to the Queen and bowed his head gently, “With respect my queen.”

”All very good when dealing with Caesonia. But It’s pretty clear that the Alidasht don’t Respect us. This could have been a bloodbath with that oaf of a duke’s antics.”

“And Yet it wasn’t.” The queen Retorted.” You fret too much over what could have. Enough grumbling, Let us all enjoy the night now.”

Duke O’Hare bit his lip before he bowed his head and took a step back. ”Of course, It is a burden I must bear. I will not speak of it again.”

Verrick frowned slightly. It was their duty to make sure the royal family was safe at all times. The Woodsman plans for things to go wrong because eventually they will. He did turn to the princess and said softly. ”If you would allow me to stand by you, in light of this new development.I promise I will…try… not to scare away any ‘suitors’.”

Finn came to a stop after the run with only a slightly elevated breathing. He was glad his father put him through some grueling workouts before even attempting to come here. He turned his attention to the demonstration. And like Arn, he was entranced by the woman's ability. He was told by his mother and father that she was an amazing swordswoman, but still to see it for himself. He didn’t believe what he was seeing.

He only hoped she would be interested enough to come over to him to give him a few pointers.

When it came time for him to start, he glanced around. Taking in his surroundings and making a mental note where everyone was. ‘Always be aware of your surroundings.’ He heard his fathers voice in his head. Once he was ready he looked at his own training dummy which had a basic arming sword. Placing a hand on it and taking a step back as it stood up straighter.

“Student Finn Reinheart, are you ready to commence assessment and beginner routine?”

” Sure. I am ready.” He said simply as he got into a stance. Not pulling his bow from his back. He needed to practice everything. Even though it might be short.

The training dummy rushed forward with a basic right to left slash, to which Finn stepped forward, reaching out and stopping the blow by grabbing the wrist. Twisting into the dummy and jamming his elbow into the face. Very much like Selena… then twisted while pulling the dummy’s sword arm and toppled it over in the same manner. A little trick he learned from her.

However, the dummy quickly rolled around, despite its arm still held by Finn. When it got into a stronger position, it used Finn’s grip against him and pulled itself up and launched a punch with it’s free hand. Finn barely moved his head out of the way, receiving a grazing but still strong hit on his Jaw. He kicked the dummy square in the stomach and released it’s arm at the same time. Sending it rolling.

He took the moment to rub his jaw and shook his head before taking a breath. He probably would be able to dodge that sword again, but he wanted to push his luck. Rushing forward as the dummy did, he dodged two more attacks. And slapping away a third and very close one aimed for his gut. Though as if the mannequin read his thoughts, performed a kick to Finn’s gut just before he was about to kick its knee out. This time sending Finn rolling.

Coughing, as he rolled to a kneeling position. Quickly getting back up while holding his stomach. It probably wasn’t the best plan, but at least he managed to evade three attacks. He smirked to himself. He reached up and over his shoulder and flipped his bow over it and held it in his left hand. He could easily shoot it from this distance, but now there were students behind his target. While he was confident. He decided to wait till he managed to switch positions, as his back was near the wall of the Combat arena.

The mannequin rushed forward, attacking Finn with a flurry of attacks. Finn, doing much better now with his bow in hand, using it to match each attack. Deflecting and slapping away. Each time becoming slightly harder to block. He was starting to feel the exhaustion in his left arm, moving the slightly heavier prosthetic as quick as he was.

Finally he gripped the bow with both hands, using it more like a quarterstaff now, easily catching up to the speed of the training dummy, if but for a few moments. He managed to knock the sword to the dirt with a hard hit downwards, following up with a quick uppercut to the chin. Then spinning it around the back of the mannequin’s head and twisting, sending the mannequin stumbling forward where he once was. Finn didn’t hesitate as he pulled three arrows from his quiver and within three seconds fired all three.Two centermass and one aimed for the head, but just barely missed.

“You missed that one.” Dex said, standing almost directly behind Finn. The beak of his mask was mere inches away from the young man’s head. “Don’t forget to pay attention to your surroundings. The quickest way for a marksman to end up dead is by letting someone sneak up behind them.”

Finn flinched as he suddenly heard the teacher's voice behind him. He swore there wasn’t anyone right there before. Only students farther away. Not even his father was THAT quiet. He shook his head when he said nearly the exact same thing his father drilled into him, that and stating the obvious with his miss. As much as it irked him, he understood why he said it. It just reminded him too much of his father and brothers. Every single shot he missed, they would make sure he knew they saw it.

“I'll make up for that missed shot with extra training tonight.” He said before turning around and looking up at the mysterious teacher. That beak and blacked out eyes was a bit unnerving.“I thought I was paying enough attention, apparently not enough though, if I missed a big dark bird walking around.” He said with a Cheeky grin.

“My point exactly. You can never be too careful about what’s behind you. It’s a delicate balance, focusing on your opponent and paying attention to what’s going on around you, but it’s a vital one. Range user’s will always be a target in battle, so it’s important you learn these skills quickly” Dex cocked his head to the side ever so slightly. “As is making sure that you finish off an opponent before you turn your back on them.”

He knew this already, logically it made sense to get rid of the ranged fighters first. But it was a clear reminder that he still had much to learn if he couldn’t keep aware of the one teacher with a large beak.

Finn only smiled as he brought up turning his back to an opponent. He might have been caught unaware by Dex, but he could clearly hear the mannequin behind him. He turned quickly and raised his bow to deflect an attack before pulling and knocking another arrow within a second and firing at half pull. Hitting the mannequin dead center in the face.

He notice a glint of metal moving quickly towards him, looking to his right and just barely raising his right arm to block a dagger that was flying directly at him. The dagger sliced into his forearm, just below his elbow. He grunted in pain, holding his arm close to him before pulling himself out of it and dodging another attack, from his own Mannequin.

Of course this had to happen right after being told to watch his surroundings. He backed up more and more with each attack from his training dummy, barely knocking away some attacks with his bow in his left hand, as his right hand couldn’t grip anymore. Soon enough his bow was knocked from his hand, causing him to dive out the way with the follow up attack.

Finn pulled the dagger from his arm, and charged the dummy, who went for a right to left swing. Finn fell to his knees and raised his arm, the blade deflecting off his prosthetic, while slashing up his uniform in the process, but it deflected the sword just high enough to miss his head. He allowed his momentum to carry him into the training dummy’s stomach, stabbing it with his ‘new dagger’ just above the groin.

“Good. Adapting when you’ve lost your weapon is important as well. Although I’m sure you know what I have to say about watching your surroundings.” Dex pulled a small vial filled with a dark red liquid out of one of the many pouches that covered his suite. He tossed it to Finn, trusting that he would catch it. “That will heal up your arm in about a minute. Take a break. If I were you, I’d take that time to study some of your classmates. Many of them are dangerous in their own right. And there’s a good chance that some of them have been….provoked, recently.” Dex turned to walk away before pausing once more. “Getting too close to him is dangerous. He’s strong, and faster than he looks. Don’t let your guard down.” With that Dex walked off, seeming to move in the direction that the throwing knife had come from.

Finn smiled for only a split second at the complement, going away right when he brought up the surroundings again. He wanted to say that he was aware enough to notice the odd sound of the blade enough to block his face from being the target. But he held his tongue, only nodding slightly. He stood up and placed a hand on the mannequin again to stop it from restarting. Looking back just Dex tossed him the small vial. He winced as he tried to catch it with his right hand, managing to knock it up and unintentionally juggling it between his hands till he managed to catch it with his left.

He let out a sighing groan at the multiple attempts to flex his right arm and sent jolts of pain searing through his muscles. He looked back to Dex and said softly, Thanks.” before he continued on to give him a tip. It was clear who he was referring to. He nodded once again, indicating he understood. As he walked away, Finn popped the cork and tossed the potion in like it was a shot.

His neck tensed at the horrid taste, and he cleared his throat as if it would help...it didn’t. He then slowly walked over to his bow and picked it up, while watching the one who he was to fight later that day.

Finn was up long before everyone else. While training with his father, he gotten used to sleeping about 4 hours a night, as he would train well into the night, and have to get up early to continue. It was like his mind had an internal alarm clock. Every morning at 4 he would just suddenly wake up. Usually to get ready for the day and train. After placing his prosthetics back on, he stood up and stretched his arms and legs to help wake him up some more.

Once he was ready, he quickly made his bed and threw on his normal tunic and trousers instead of his uniform. He also put on his bracers and quiver, along with the bandolier that held his bow. The whole amount of time that it took to get ready was ten or so minutes before he was out the door. Jogging to the stables to check on his own horse, quickly feeding him, and leaving a note that he did. He continued to the Hall of Combat Where he would find some targets to use.

It took him a bit longer to find what he needed, so he decided to use only one target. Aiming for different spots on the target as his bullseye’s. Proceeding to unload his quiver 3 times before knowing he needed to get back. Hopefully he could do this more quickly now that he knew where everything was.

Once he got back he noted his roommate was already gone. He paused as he saw the bread and crumbs on his bed. He took a deep breath and took it and tossed it in the trash, quickly wrapping up his blankets and taking them into the bathroom. Unfurling it in the tub he brushed his hand down it to knock off all the crumbs before placing it neatly on his bed once more. Only to see a grease mark from the butter that was left on it the night before.

Gritting his teeth as he controlled his anger, he tossed the whole sheet into the dirty clothes hamper before switching into his uniform. He didn’t sweat enough on his jog to take a shower, and he was now almost going to be late because of that. He also grabbed his small bag just in case. Basically wearing what he would normally wear while on a journey. (Except for the uniform.)

He managed to make it a few minutes before the class started, sighing he gave his roommate a glare (that his roommate of course didn’t see) Before falling in and taking it easy at first. It helped that he didn’t have any actual armor besides his uniform’s pauldrons on...like Arn, and Valencia. He wondered how long they would last while doing this. But it wasn’t long before he decided to push himself, deciding to make up for the poor workout this morning. He suddenly started moving faster, not winded at all like many of the other students. As he passed each of the students from his table the previous night he would nod with an encouraging smile. Especially those who were looking like they were having a hard time already. Passing Valencia with a wink.

It was fairly quickly when Dex started pelting students with blunted arrows. Finn wasn’t too surprised. His father did similar things to him and his brothers. Perhaps they were both thought the same way? Finn watched as the dickhead from the night before pushed over his roommate who tried to help him up. He felt conflicted...almost justice for tossing a crumbly bread on his bedsheets. Almost. However it would seem other students from his table decided to take justice in their own hands...a bit more directly. Valencia clotheslining the dude, Lorelai roasting him after pantsing him. Though she received an arrow for her efforts. Impressively seemingly catching it. That’s something that took him forever to learn.

He shook his head as the blonde haired kid named Calven sped past him with Ixius in tow. He noticed Selena upfront near Vincent. As expected, she was always quick and agile. This pace would be easy for her. He decided to sprint up to the front of the pack to catch up to Cal, Selena, and Ixius. It was only after all this he started to sweat a little. But his breathing was controlled and collected.

He frowned for a split second when Emrin didn’t acknowledge Liah and himself. Glancing down he wondered if he said or did anything wrong recently. He listened to their mission, and was fine with it...that was until he heard the rules which were placed on them. Sometimes he wonders about the wisdom of these masters. Couldn’t they simply just put one on them that paralized them if they sold/ or intended to take it for themselves? However he decided to hinder long range combat, and force them all to stick together essentially. Which would limit his ability to fight because he moved around.

Brilliant. ‘Lets send students to get this extremely valuable relic, and hinder them at the same time. ‘ He sighed as the others asked questions, looking around at his new teammates. He noticed two other guys who seemed formidable. An odd girl..or guy, who was wearing a poncho backwards...Liah would love that. He was surprised to see she didn’t have a voice, scribbling her questions at an incredible speed. Apparently she was a hexer, with the way she asked the question and that only the one named Ryder had revealed he was a hexer as well.

He was sure it was fine, as there were different fighting styles even between two people who used the same magic. But he decided not to bring it up as the meeting was clearly coming to a close. He nodded at the last comment by one of the teachers and said nothing. But once he was done he turned to leave, nodding to his new companions. He then left for his room to get a shower changing into some traveling clothes, and a very small backpack, with only a few changes of clothes and essential traveling gear. He could hunt for their food easily if they needed it. He inspected his prosthetics, quickly as well, doing any last minute matentince and making sure he had quite a few extra mana stones with him before making his way to the Carriage.

He decided to not bother the others, and let them sleep… so he jumped ontop of the carriage. To be honest, he was lying to himself….he was just extremely awkward around people in a close space...His face turned red as he thought of the chance to sit next to Emrin and if she fell asleep. Not that he would do anything to her, just hope that she would rest her head on his shoulder. He shook his head as he was actually tempted, but the anxiety of making small talk with anyone else won out.

Probably better if they had someone on guard anyways… and he wasn't tired at all. The trip was uneventful, and quick thankfully. At least to him. He sat up when he noticed the town in view, and immediately he felt….something was off… It seemed too quiet… even in this early morning, usually someone is getting their day started. Standing up, he unslung his bow and pulled three arrows out of his quiver and knocked the first arrow. He waited for a moment, listening and watching. He stomped his left foot three times to wake up anyone who was still sleeping before jumping off. On the right side of the carriage. He took a deep breath. He didn’t like talking, but he was drilled enough to push that down when there needed to be communication. He glanced back and said softly. ” Guards up, Something’s off...Liah, stay back with Emrin. Ryder, follow just behind me.” he looked to Ryder, who had a spear as a weapon. He had seen him in combat, and would trust him to know how to clear a room, even if he was using a spear inside. Then to the blonde, ”If you're fine in close quarters follow up behind Ryder. “Before making a glance at the darked haired one with a rifle. “You can cover all of us. he said without giving anyone time to object as he turned and started to make his way to the Inn slowly. After a moment of checking around he opened the door to the inn, Quickly moving and looking around, turning with his bow up and the first arrow pulled back ready to fire. He stopped next to the fire on his left about five feet, giving enough room for Ryder and the blonde to come in behind him. They would immediately see that When they entered the inn there were 5 dead bodies scattered about and 3 sorcerers. One behind the counter who was holding a staff right in front of us, one on the far side of the room with a grimoire and one coming down from the stairs next to the counter had his dagger drawn.
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