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Current Although I've only been here sixty minutes...It feels like an hour!
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why am I still awake at 2 am


I enjoy a good story! Even more so if it's intriguing enough to suck me right into it, as though I were there alongside the characters. I've been through a wide range of characters over the years and often if I am joining a story I'll ask around as to what the others feel they are missing in the story character wise and develop one to fill in any gaps.

OOC chatter is good too if people aren't in the mood to be in character, right? Writing is based off a lot of things and how people are feeling at a particular time can impact their IC writing drastically. Some people prefer planning certain things out OOC and I'm ok with that also.

I guess I'd say I'm very opened minded. Always encouraging newer writers to just start writing. Details or the etiquette of their writing doesn't really matter much to me! only that they are getting it out.

I'm open to writing for a wide range of genres, but I will specify this though! I live in reality, so I do not enjoy writing about it. Mostly fantasy and anything that does not feel too real.

I'm a fantasy writer at heart though, and I enjoy planning out worlds to base novels and stories in ahead of time, so that when I am ready, I can just focus on the story writing while not having to worry about how anything in particular will fit into the world or worlds the story is set in. Probably one of the downsides to this preference is that world building can take a long time!

Most Recent Posts

He nodded at Gabs then offered her a humorous half bow, while skillfully preventing his tankard from spilling! “Aye it’s a little bit of both I suppose. I’m always on the prowl for extra work, but at the same time if I am to be working with people I don't know, I consider it beneficial to get to know them a bit first!” He grinned, "now then, how am I so sure I’ll get employed with this here guild you may wonder? It’s simple, everyone needs a good blacksmith, and an extra bit of muscle in a fight!” He flexed his arm then took a gulp from his tankard, shifting his gaze to the younger noble “So what do you say sir? I will happily be of service to your new endeavor if you wish!”

Taxian's eyes returned to Drather, narrowing them as the man stumbled over his words in regard to the tools! he leaned in with a growl "Speaking of services! You didn't sell my laboriously crafted tools for guild funding, did you?" He took the man’s hand and shook it gently with a grin. He pointed at him then added “It’s fine if you did! As long as they fetched a good price! As far as business goes, it’s been steady since all these people showed up in town, but inventory for my more specific materials, has plummeted drastically lately so there’s that as well. Nevertheless, I am at all of your services!" he finished his ale and rested the tankard down on a Nearby table with a nod.
The recent influx of visitors to the town did not bother to the large smith in the slightest. Some residents grumbled about the visitors drinking up all the finest ales, while others whined about them occupying all the rooms at the inns. But, as far as he was concerned, more people around town meant more opportunities for him to earn some coin!

Taxian had been roaming the streets with his more common, portable smithing tools. whetstones for sharpening, a selection of pins, rods, and fasteners that could be used to repair handles and the like and of course his hand tools. All in all, it had been a rather productive day for him. He had even managed to catch the eyes of a few older women, wealthy women, all the while, trying to avoid the disdainful stares of the husbands of those older, wealthy women.

He passed through the doors of Balenof’s Tavern, the aged metal hinges protesting with a groan as he moved through the doors. Pausing for a moment, he rummaged through one of his satchels producing a small jar with something resembling salve, and a scrap of cloth which he used to apply some of the lubricant to the hinges. Nodding with satisfaction after working the doors back and forth a few times until the hinges fell silent, he moved through the crowded tavern towards the bar with a deftness that seemed to belie his size and smiled at the old barkeep as he approached.
“Ahh fair morning to you Balenof!” Sweeping his calloused hands across the room before setting his tools down on a nearby stool with a grin “Seems well and full in here today, I hope there's enough food for everyone! I’ll take a tankard of ale if you have any left, and perhaps a chunk of smoked sausage.” He set a stack of coins down on the bar top and slid them across to the barkeep with a nod.
The old barkeep returned the greeting with a smile of his own, as tired and crooked as it was. But Taxian suspected the elder man was just too busy to rest at the moment and appreciated the
effort none the less!
“Yeah Business been good past little while! what with all the guild recruitment drives!” Balenof said gruffly while flicking his head in the direction of the old man and the noble “Even that old man has a recruitment drive going. ‘The Helping Hand’ he’s registered the guild name under.”
“Hmm interesting” He replied, recognition flashing across his face as he looked towards the old man and his 'Helping Hand' signage.
“No smoked sausage yet Taxian. Still on the pit cooking...Sorry. But the ale’s fresh, just tapped from my reserves this morning!” Balenof sighed as he poured.
“You should get some rest! No good to any of us if you faint from exhaustion, especially since you'd have no one else to run the tavern.”
“You want it? The tavern? She's my pride and joy you know!” he winked.
“And that my salty old friend, is exactly why you should keep it!” He smiled adding a few more coins to stack then continued, “you should get yourself a barmaid or something!”
“Aye! Maybe I will! If one fails at their quest of becoming a monster hunter.”
“One could only hope!” The smith chuckled, then took up his ale, and tools and moved towards the Helping Hand’s ever-growing crew, raising his tankard in a mock toast as he drew closer to them.

“Greetings old timer!” It was an informal greeting, but respectful all the same. “It’s been a while since I’ve been summoned to your home so I’m assuming that all my previous wares you had commissioned are still in good repair?” He dipped his head respectfully to the old man and the others around him before resting his tools down on the floor with a resonating thump.

He gently passed by the others and picked up the sign before reading aloud “The Helping Hand hmm?” Setting the sign back down in its place on their table with a grin, he rubbed his hands together in anticipation.“Catchy name! Tell me about it!”
@Affili Character looks pretty good.
With the skills, you get two main skills, connected to your role, and then two secondary. (One of which should be a hobby or interest.)

(I think the Cha sheet was discussed in discord or maybe the interest check but you put it together pretty well considering.)

I've edited it! should be ok now I think but let me know.
No worries. I might just enjoy reading the story as you all progress for now. I like a good read in any case!
No worries I'll fix it when I get home. Forgot to join the discord the other night as well
Hi all. Sorry I posted this CS in the wrong spot originally. I'm not sure if you're still taking on characters, but here's a character sheet none the less. Let me know if you think it'll fit into the story. It's been a while since I've written on here and this seems like it might be a good casual RP to join.

oh! such a shame! I guess I was a little too late huh. Didn't realize it had already been started, well it'd be nice to work on a character but doesn't make much sense if they aren't taking on anyone else.
This looks like it might be a good RP for me to get into. I've not written much in a long time myself, but I have a character idea already that might fit in to this story. i just don't know how to pull that fancy character sheet template everyone else has been using. if someone can run me through it, I'll see what I can come up with, unless it's just as simple as copying and pasting it.
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