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I enjoy a good story! Even more so if it's intriguing enough to suck me right into it, as though I were there alongside the characters. I've been through a wide range of characters over the years and often if I am joining a story I'll ask around as to what the others feel they are missing in the story character wise and develop one to fill in any gaps.

OOC chatter is good too if people aren't in the mood to be in character, right? Writing is based off a lot of things and how people are feeling at a particular time can impact their IC writing drastically. Some people prefer planning certain things out OOC and I'm ok with that also.

I guess I'd say I'm very opened minded. Always encouraging newer writers to just start writing. Details or the etiquette of their writing doesn't really matter much to me! only that they are getting it out.

I'm open to writing for a wide range of genres, but I will specify this though! I live in reality, so I do not enjoy writing about it. Mostly fantasy and anything that does not feel too real.

I'm a fantasy writer at heart though, and I enjoy planning out worlds to base novels and stories in ahead of time, so that when I am ready, I can just focus on the story writing while not having to worry about how anything in particular will fit into the world or worlds the story is set in. Probably one of the downsides to this preference is that world building can take a long time!

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sorry for the delay but I've got a post up. Soon we will all be inside I suspect.
The monk dismissed Herbert's aggravation with a wave and a smile "No need to appologize friend, it takes more than that to ruffle this monks feathers. This cold will take its toll on anyone if we're out here long enough."

Dimitri smiled warmly as the small female drew up on him. He had thought she just looked small because of the distance between them but evidently, he was wrong. No real suprise there. "Well you're a tiny thing aren't you?" he commented as he extended his hand introduced himself as Dimitri. Spareing Herbert the awkwardness of another introduction he pointed over towards thel older man "Thats Herbert over there"

The monks eyes narrowed as he noticed the feathers on the girl's back. He reached for one and gently tugged at it "Did you know that you have feathers stuck to you dear? how curious! Oh my, they are stuck on there good. Did you use glue?" he released the feathers with a smile. If she wanted to pretend she was a bird that was ok with him he had seen and done far stranger things in his time.

He glanced back towards Herbert who was picking his way through the mess of the room and heading towards a flight of steps that lead down into a hopefully intact castle. "Listen" he said turning back to the girl "That room back there is a mess...blood and gore everywhere, but it seems the only way to shelter is down those steps Herebert is heading towards. I don't knwo about you, but I am growing quite weary from holding this dreadful cold at bay, so I'm heading that way too." He flicked his hed towards Herbert then continued "you're welcome to join us if you like. I'm sure there will be some kind of shelter below and maybe we can all figure out how to gt off this cursed mountain."
Sorry for the delay. I'll have apost up tonight once I get settled at work.
Do we leave our esteemed new aquaintance for now or should we wait?
<Snipped quote by Lucius Cypher>

Unless your guy has like omniscience in the local area, 99% of what's happened is gonna be unknown to him and isn't gonna affect him for quite a while. So you don't need to know anything beyond the OP to get out there and post. But here's some of what's happened:

The Alexaviers (the x people) split up, one stays where they start on the map, one goes south and the other goes east, the former finding Vata, the latter finding a bowwoman, who he then gives leverage over with regards to his magical necklace. The one that stayed put has also found a scary large unconscious man, who he will presumably harvest organs from.

Herbet has met a skeletal thingie and approached the castle from his point on the map, Dimitri has headed from his starting point to the castle and through the inner sanctum of trauma, linked up with 'erbet and they're turning back a round to go in, for the first time for 'erbet.

Ryann has glide-y-floated down to the castle as well. She has also been abusive towards the wind.

Vata has found Xavier and taken him into his heart.

Radiation woman is far, far away. This is of no consequence as Will has a geiger counter.

William has continued to be a shining pinnacle of human perfection.

Map is here: http://i.imgur.com/nZzGDgB.jpg

Also through a little confusion in post order or what have you, I have decided that Ryann glide-y-floated not far from Dimitri and 'Erberts position and the people she was calling to were indeed 'Erbert and Dimirti and Bony Skeleton Thingie though the last is more of a something instead of a someone. I guess that's how it was supposed to be??
koodos for postage!! go us
"Pleasure to meet you Herbert!" he answered with a smile as he shook hands. He then extended a finger towards to the boney skeleton "and a pleasure to meet you my tiny skeleton friend" he added with a chuckle. "Say, would you like a name?" he questioned into the skeleton's eye sockets before chuckling once again " what shall we call him? bony skeleton seems too long a name to use all the time wouldn't you agree? Oh and trust me Herbert, I could brew you a concotion that would start a fire in your belly spreading warmth to your head and all the way to your loins" he said with a laugh.

Dimitri followed a few steps behind but paused as he heard a faint voice trailing the wind behind them. Another something or someone had moved towards them during their conversation. Dimitri hoped to himself that it would indeed be another someone as opposed to a something.

He turned into the wind and took a few steps towards the new voice calling to them over the roar of wind that was buffeting his face and whipping his robes to and fro. "Hello there strange new voice!" he answered back squinting into the snow again "We are here! Though exactly where has yet to be decided!" he added waving his arms in hopes that the new comer would see them through the endless blizzard.
Dimitri watched the smaller man amusedly as he began nervously moving from one leg to the other and the monk wasn't sure if the man's shivering was just from the cold, or if his nerves were a complete mess. There was an antidote for nervousness. Inebriation!
"You look like you need a drink my small friend, If only I had my trusty flask!" he patted the spot on his waist that it normally resided.

Dimitri was taken a back slightly at the sudden appearance of the tiny creature from under the other man's collar. It seemed wrong in itself, horribly out of place and he resisted the urge to swat it off of its perch. It seemed curious about the though, tiny bones moving and rippling with every movement as if it were of the flesh. It emanated a series of clicking sounds now and then as it peered at the monk though eyeless sockets. Despite the fact that there were no eyes, Dimitri could feel its gaze on him. Remarkable yet ghastly in its own right. Maybe the shorter man had no idea of his passenger seeming to pay the tiny companion no mind. Perhaps it was just as lost as them right now.
"Are you aware there there is a tiny skeleton seeking refuge under your collar sir?" he queried as the man paused beside him.

This stranger was right though, If there was nothing beyond the dismal bridge but more ice and snow, returning to the castle seemed like their best option. Dimitri could feel his chi draining as it fought against the bitter cold to keep him warm, it's faint glow around his body dimming significantly as time went on.

Although the man was a wreck of nerves, something seemed to be driving him on and Dimitri had learned to respect people like that a long time ago. A person's martial prowess might be little to none, but if there was something driving them forward, that could be enough to turn the tide of battle.

"I think I'll be joining you for now, but fair warning, I've just passed by that room back there and it is a terrible sight. Some kind of horrible sacrifice or something judging by what I've seen. Hell it was gruesome enough to just about sober me up and that's saying something believe me when I tell you!"

He extended a warm hand towards The stranger and nodded "I am Dimitri of the Eastern Ridges. First squad of the Silver Fist Elites. But I doubt that means much to you so for you, I'm just Dimitri!"
The forboding feeling of the room felt as though it would steal away the monk's very breath as his eyes swept over the grim scene once more

A voice from behind him called out, barely audible above the roaring of the wind and flames. However, Dimitri understood the language perfectly which helped to calm the startled feeling that had swept over him at the sound of the new voice. He wondered if this new comer was a local resident but once it registered that the man had said he was lost Dimitri sighed in frustration to himself.

"No! Unfotunately I have no idea where you are friend. But my best guess would be that you're some few dozen yards away from my current location. As for me?" he scratched his head then continued, "well I actually had considered myself dead for a while...Or at least completley intoxicated" he called to the stranger looking over his shoulder and raising a hand to shield his eyes from the relentless snow "A potent new brew I had just finished drinking you see...riding on the back of my Winddancer...then blackness"

He backed up cautiously towards the voice, hesitant to turn his back on the grim alter. Everything back there was dead he realized after a moment though. 'Pretty sure they wont be stabbing me in the back any time soon' he thought to himself as he swung around to face the stranger.

"There's a roaring fire back there, but sir I can not ignore this terrible feeling that's polluting the very air of this place so I think that I would much prefer to find a different fire to warm up at." He commented tossing a thumb over his shoulder. He stumbled a bit as he slowly moved towards the other man, or thing, whatever it was. Finer details were still a masked silhouette against the heavy snowfall.

"Say stranger, you're not planning to murder me or anything are you? I ask this becasue there are still so many more recipes for me to discover in my never ending quest for booze and I'd prefer to be alive long enough to find them!"
He paused a safe distance away from the man, sighing with relief as the gaunt figure became more clear. "Well at least your not some gnarled creature of sorts in this strange world, with a gimpy leg the size of a tree trunk and an arm which is just barely long enough to poke your nose!" he added with a smile
"I guess that's a good start wouldn't you say?"
Same here. i'll have a post up tomorrow evening
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