Avatar of Affili


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2 mos ago
Current Although I've only been here sixty minutes...It feels like an hour!
2 mos ago
why am I still awake at 2 am


I enjoy a good story! Even more so if it's intriguing enough to suck me right into it, as though I were there alongside the characters. I've been through a wide range of characters over the years and often if I am joining a story I'll ask around as to what the others feel they are missing in the story character wise and develop one to fill in any gaps.

OOC chatter is good too if people aren't in the mood to be in character, right? Writing is based off a lot of things and how people are feeling at a particular time can impact their IC writing drastically. Some people prefer planning certain things out OOC and I'm ok with that also.

I guess I'd say I'm very opened minded. Always encouraging newer writers to just start writing. Details or the etiquette of their writing doesn't really matter much to me! only that they are getting it out.

I'm open to writing for a wide range of genres, but I will specify this though! I live in reality, so I do not enjoy writing about it. Mostly fantasy and anything that does not feel too real.

I'm a fantasy writer at heart though, and I enjoy planning out worlds to base novels and stories in ahead of time, so that when I am ready, I can just focus on the story writing while not having to worry about how anything in particular will fit into the world or worlds the story is set in. Probably one of the downsides to this preference is that world building can take a long time!

Most Recent Posts

OK quickly. in three paragraphs or less sum up the IC, and I understand we're all supposed to be going to the square to fight off possessed villagers or what have you. With your graces my dearest Lily, I'd like to try and slide back in, just let me know

I hope classes aren't too stressful for you, and hope to hear from everyone soon
oh btw did Taxian end up murdered or otherwise maimed as of yet?
Hello everyone. Just popping in to say hello and wish you all the best in your daily activities. See you all soon

mine looks a lot like puke so, don't complain.
So busy working I didn't even realize the holidays had come and gone.

Good to see you again Lily
And so, with a heavy sigh.. I decided it was now or never, and registered once more.
omfg total site wipe huh. Hope everyone is doing OK these days!!
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