Avatar of AGenericUser
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  • Posts: 113 (0.04 / day)
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    1. AGenericUser 8 yrs ago


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What's up? I'm just a user - you might even call me AGenericUser. Sometimes I do an obscure little thing called roleplay - maybe you've heard of such a thing before? At any rate, there's not really much to tell you about myself. I like JRPGs though, so there's that I guess.

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@AGenericUser That would be fine. In fact, that would sort of be required. Androids don't have Aura*.

Rightio, nifty - and thanks for the clarification. I'd been thinking about how androids didn't have aura in the show, but I was a little thrown off by the aura and semblance parts of the character sheet. In the past I'd been in roleplays where androids could use them, so I was a little curious on how it worked here. Sorry about that!

Again, thanks for the answer! I'd been hoping that was the case.
Just going to chime in with my interest in making a character, if that's alright. I've gotten that certain itch to roleplay, and RWBY roleplays are always a jolly old time.

I've written some concepts already on the character sheets and have a pretty good idea of the character I want to play. I'm considering playing an android character, but I've just got a question about that. Would it be acceptable for my character to not have a Semblance - but an ability that makes use of technology instead? I'm sorry if this is a bit of a silly question, though - I've just been wondering about it.
Just a quick question on the topic of the invaders, if that's no problem. What exactly do they look like, and what are they capable of in a combat scenario? My sample post might make use of them, as long as that doesn't cause any issues, and I want to make sure that I'm not portraying them inaccurately.
Just going to throw in a post that I'm currently linking up a Linker, if that's no problem. I'd say it's around halfway done, and it should be ready pretty soon, hopefully.
You had me at 'semi-serious'.

so, i might just throw my metaphorical hat into the metaphorical ring, for this has certainly piqued my interest
Eliza stood guard, sword and shield in hand against the Savorask that dared approach the lady on the ground. Yet, this didn't seem to dissuade the beast, for it chose to strike with murderous intent. Its rotten, yet sharp teeth bared, the beast lunged. Yet, Eliza had seen such an outcome coming. The beasts were vicious... yet, they seemed to be rather quick to strike. Almost predictable, in a sense. 'Alright, focus... deep breaths. I can't screw this up, especially with people watching!' She thought as she readied her shield to defend herself from the enemy Savorask's assault.

In what felt like a second, the Savorask grew closer and closer to Eliza with a rather impressive pace... exactly what she was counting on. With her shield, Eliza struck forth, hoping to overpower the Savorask or at least stagger it. And, with a mighty impact, the savage beast was knocked back slightly, and its assault had been delayed. "Looks like a not-so-unstoppable force met an immovable object, huh?" Eliza remarked to her foe - she acknowledged that the Savorask couldn't hear her, but it just felt right to give a quip after such a move. But, in the heat of battle, Eliza had forgotten about the second Savorask, one that she had been battling previously. Her back was exposed to the beast - which was definitely not a favorable outcome. Looking over her shoulder briefly, Eliza spotted the Savorask, a feeling of dread washing over her... only for someone to step in.

And that person was none other than the person she'd tried to protect, the brown-haired lady. "Whoa, you really saved my hide there! Nice one!" Eliza spoke out gratefully. Though, Eliza couldn't let herself get sidetracked from the very battle she was previously fighting, against the Savorask she'd bashed with the shield.

Eliza slashed at the Savorask with a quick advance of her own. Taking one large step forwards and brandishing her wooden blade, Eliza performed a quick, horizontal slash on the target. It wasn't the strongest strike, especially considering what material the blade was made of, but it was worth a shot. And, unsurprisingly, the Savorask didn't suffer too much damage from the wooden blade, though its balance seemed to have broken. Spotting an opportunity, Eliza dashed forth as quickly as she could, and slammed her shield directly into the Savorask with all the force she could muster, toppling the Savorask over with an audible thud - though, Eliza nearly knocked herself over with the impact of the strike, though she quickly saved herself from falling over by pointing her sword to the ground like a makeshift cane.

"Geez... you fishmen things are like ten times as ugly up close. I'd better make this quick..."

Lifting her blade high into the air, prepared to stab at the beast's chest, Eliza brought the sword down with a swift motion, ready to pierce the skin. It wasn't something she was looking forward to, but it had to be done... but it was at this time that Eliza discovered that the skin of a Savorask was far, far more durable than she'd expected. The blade failed to cut through the Savorask's skin, and to make matters worse, it began writhing in an attempt to get to its feet.

"Are you f- are you kidding me?!" Eliza complained. Her blade's inability to damage the beast was a bit of a conundrum, but a thought came to her mind. Stabbing attacks didn't work against the beast... but what about blunt force? Crouching down and utilizing her shield, Eliza began to strike forth against the Savorask's head repeatedly with attacks that Eliza had dubbed 'shield punches', though there was little finesse to these strikes - it was simply Eliza trying her best to harm the Savorask. The Savorask seemed to be taking a little more damage from these, but the Savorask didn't plan on going down without a fight. With a lone claw, the Savorask slashed towards Eliza, who quickly reacted by trying to block it with her blade. In theory, this worked... it slowed the Savorask's attack down, but it also smashed through her wooden blade, shattering it into dozens of wooden chunks.

'... Oh crap. Ooooh crap. Maybe this wasn't the best idea... I need to put this guy outta commission fast, or... or I'll be in a spot of bother, to put it one way. That, or I'll be in a grave... and I ain't keen on that.'

Getting to her feet was Eliza's next course of action. It'd allow her a greater degree of movement to evade the foe... and then, her next move was to kick the Savorask's head with the mightiest kick she was capable of, hoping that would do more to the Savorask... and with a sickening crunch, that was exactly what happened.

'Oh man... that was a little more brutal than I expected. I mean, I suppose I won, yeah, but... well, I guess I'm feeling a little queasy... let's hope it passes soon.'

Eliza couldn't help but glance at the Savorask she'd somehow bested and gagged at its body. Her gaze quickly shifted away from the beast, to the brown-haired lady who'd attacked the Savorask Eliza had forgotten. Though, it wasn't just the brown-haired lady she'd noticed. There was a woman with hair that could only be described as violet. Eliza overheard the brown-haired lady thank the violet-haired woman... then heard something that caught her attention further. 'And you too, Orange.' was what the brown-haired lady said.

"No need to thank me! I don't think I could'a lived with myself if I didn't help out!" Eliza grinned as she gave a thumbs up gesture. "But, it should be me thanking you! That Savorask... if you didn't get it, it would've gotten me for sure. So, thanks for that!"

I'm still here and still interested, too.
Eliza Rebargo

One of the Savorasks leapt towards Eliza, teeth bared as if ready to attack... yet, Eliza saw this strike coming. Nay, she'd been waiting for such an attack. The Savorask was in the air... which, naturally, made it more susceptible to being knocked about. Readying her shield, Eliza put all her force into a shield bash. The attack hit its mark, sending the Savorask tumbling through the air - then back onto the ship, toppled over. Spying an opportunity, Eliza darted forth - her plan to attack the Savorask while it was vulnerable. Yet, the shieldbearer had made a miscalculation. As she got close to the enemy, she noticed that she'd lowered her shield... yet it was too late. The Savorask leapt up, claws at the ready, and swiped at Eliza's left shoulder, drawing blood.

"D-damn...!" She winced, as a wave of pain rushed through her body. Eliza tried her best to shrug this off - and stepped back from the Savorask. Being up close wasn't a wise idea against a beast that was capable up close... especially if you didn't even have a melee weapon of some sort. 'Wait... I think I've got time to get my sword back!'

Eliza attempted to clutch the wound on her left shoulder with her left hand, though it wasn't particularly efficient, as she rushed over to her blade - which lied off in the corner of the boat uselessly. 'I need to be quick... I need to hold the line!' She told herself in her mind, grabbing her wooden blade off the ground once more. Pain surged through her body once again, but she knew that letting it hold her back - that doing such a thing would only lead to a worse outcome.

Now with both her sword and shield in hand, she found that the Savorask she'd been fighting was following in close pursuit. Having learnt her lesson from before, Eliza raised her shield to defend herself... yet, out of the corner of her eye, she noticed something of note. One of her new companions - who she knew not the name of - was on the ground, with a Savorask approaching them.

'... I have to step in! I wouldn't forgive myself if I didn't - ever!' Eliza thought. 'Under my watch, nobody's getting hurt - I think I said something like that earlier, and I plan on sticking to it!'

Eliza rushed from the Savorask she'd been fighting - to the one approaching the person on the ground. Readying her shield, she planned on blocking the Savorask from attacking the person on the ground. "You alright?" Eliza inquired to the person, not turning away from the enemy Savorask. "I'll hold these slimeballs off - I guarantee it!"

'At least... I think I can hold them off.' Eliza mulled. 'Well... let's just hope I don't get any worse than that cut from earlier...'
The trip to Gullspire Rock was well in progress - Eliza found herself aboard the Skullfish, alongside quite a few other Divers. With every second that passed, they drew closer to their destination... and Eliza couldn't wait to arrive, and take a look at whatever the situation was with the place. It was a mystery, but she'd already pondered that enough. Now? It was just time to wait. With a yawn, Eliza sat herself down, and placed both her shield and her sword from off her back, and set them down onto the ground.

While the sword was in good shape - it hadn't seen much combat, her shield - nicknamed the Volt Vanguard, had. It was rather dented and even a little rusty... it was clear it'd seen better days. But even still, that shield served its purpose well as well - a shield. 'Geez... I'll need to find some repairman or something. Or... buy a new one. That works, too. Because it's really starting to lose its luster... in both senses.' Glancing over at the wooden sword, Eliza rolled her eyes with mild irritation. 'I really regret leaving my Shock Sabre... not my wisest move, but I'll be fine. If I really need to use my powers, I'll just find anything that's pointy and metal. That's real easy... I think?'

But, unfortunately - at that moment, the boat rocked something fierce, which, in turn, moved both Eliza's sword and shield. Instinctively, she grabbed her shield and braced herself against, as to not slip herself, but unfortunately... her sword slipped out of reach. With a sigh, Eliza began to eye the rest of the boat. Several of the others present on the ship yelled out with various cries for whatever reason, though Eliza didn't immediately see why. However, when she did... it immediately made sense.

Green, quadruped beasts that almost resembled frogs - Eliza immediately recognized these. Savorasks, beasts infamous for their tongues - and the sharp, ravenous maw that awaited anything unlucky enough to fall victim to said tongue. With her shield in hand, Eliza glanced over towards her sword... which was far out of reach. "Motherf-" Eliza exclaimed. "Y'know what?! Screw it!"

Shield raised to defend herself, Eliza rushed at the frog-like beings. 'I'll deadlock them, so the rest of these fellas can really let loose! Nobody's getting hurt under my watch." Eliza thought to herself, then she looked over at the rest of the people aboard the Skullfish, and shouted so they'd hear her. "You guys! No need to worry, I'll be your iron wall! The iron wall that'll block everything they throw at us!"

Then, her eye on the Savorasks, Eliza glared and spoke once more. "If you guys think you can take me... you're dead wrong."
Alright, I'm able to make regular posts again, so that's radical. Groovy, even. From here on out, I think I've got plenty of time to make posts from now on, so that's pretty dang nifty.
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