Genoveve Boudicca
Genoveve nervously followed her newfound love on their way meet with Lorelai, a bit dissapointed she had not seemed to ignore her hand... but it wasn't a big deal... she hoped. As they walked Yeris debated with herself what Lorelai could want with the two... perhaps just gossip? No, Lorelai did not partake in such childishness. Hmmm... she feared the demon binder had had her suspicions about Genoveve from day one... perhaps an attempted exorcism?
Regardless Yeris would remain on her toes so to speak, making Genoveve even more anxious. To calm herself she grabbed on to Laina's arm, squeezing lightly. It made her feel warm, especially in her swollen stomach.
When they arrived she disentangled from Laina and sat as she was asked, Nervously tapping her long nails together, "Thank you mistress Lorelai uh... wh-what do you need to see us for?", she couldn't hold it anymore though... the spirits made keeping anything a secret very hard, "Me and Laina are uhmm... we are in love you see and she wanted to... we were uhm exploring our love and she wanted to experience it more and I wanted to and... did I do something wrong? Because I had and we... uhm...", clearly she was nervous about this.
Emiliano Sebastiano Parisi
He chuckled at Semba's impatience. She was quite enthusiastic that was fot sure, but perhaps she needed to wait... he could make that happen, discreetly ordering her another drink,"well I've been walking for a week straight, but I'm not jumping in to die! Sometimes it's best to watch your opponent, wait for them to slop up... I think that's our best bet for tonight Senna."
He finished his second ale, much looser now he put his arm around Senna as she had done him, laughing, "Besides ! There are more ways to blow off steam than hunting!"