This was bad... this was very bad. Not long after Second Lieutenant Slade and Craster had left before the outpost was under attack. Where had they come from? Suddenly what seemed to be lightly armored Tellosian scouts had oppened fire on the base, luckily it appeared at first that they had no way of destroying it, so the occupants within were largely safe. That was until Webley got hit that was. Mika had been braced against the wall next to the machinegun mount at one of the vision slits of the glorified concrete pill box when he went down, he saw Webley grasping at his face screaming. The Lt. quickly made his way over to the Private, trying to see just what damage had been done. It looked like a grazing wound, lots of blood and pain but nothing serious... but he wasn't a medic. He was relieved when he heard Craster over the comms and responded to her as best he could,
"Ccccc-c-c-cc-C- ff--ffuck IT- COLLIE! I-i-i-iii-I'm next tttttt-o him, l-loo-looks like a g-g-g-GRazing wound n-not sure... we n--nnnee-eed you b-bbb-b-ba-ack here now!", with that he decided he couldn't do much else for Webley... but he could help the others.
He made his way to the machinegun, a .50 caliber MG, the only one the base had. He checked it, the belt of ammo and the box, satisfied, he turned it to the small bodies on the horizon. Private Esther was doing work... Kane not so much,
"K-k-kane... ss-s-s-sna-snap the f-fuck out of it! Shhhhhh- do your job y-you fff-ff-f-f-fucking c-cc--coward!", with that Lt. Mika Delouse laid down suppressing fire with the MG. The thick tracer rounds flew from the barrel, and he thought he saw a few bodies go down, but he was shaking to much to tell. The heavy gun spat death out across the field, no doubt driving more than a few Tellosians into what little cover they could find.