Vinicius had not been expecting such a frantic fight. He had slashed and charged the ork first, missing him by mere inches with the vicous teeth of his curving chainsword. Vinicius could do not but watch as the brute was thrown his weapon by the spectators and took up whatever passed for a 'readied' stance in preparation for the coming fight. The World Eater growled, before hearing the Ogryn angrily smash his meaty chest as some form of challenge, apparently angry that Vinicius had taken away 'his fight' clearly not understanding that one cannot own a fight.
Vinicius couldn't care less, as his blood and the nails were screaming at him, he wanted the ork's skull and he couldn't take any longer without it. Powered servo's whined and screamed as he charged again at the greenskin, chainsword raised, his bolter swung wildly on its strap over his left shoulder, its just under half empty belt clip visible as well, the ancient bolt shells swinging along with the vicious firearm. He would slice the ork apart, and then move on to the ogryn... didn't he use to shout something when he did this?
Hardly mattered as he was suddenly lifted from his feet, along with the ork as the massive ogryn brought all three of them to the the ground, kicking and biting ensued, Vinicius himself got ahold of the Ogryns ear, ripping a fair chunk of it out with his teeth and spraying his face with abhuman blood. But, Vinicius had the edge hear, only his head could be seen and his power armour leant him strength as he sent a pile driver straight into the orks face trying to knock him out of the vicious pint blank melee and free his chainsword again. He could swear he use to scream somwthing while he did this...
Personality: Skaldir is a sullen and brooding individual, but fanatical in his faith in the gods. He has killed many a servant for slight transgressions, burned worlds because of the faintest of omens, and summoned scores of Daemons to destroy even the smallest of inconvenient roadblocks. To say he enjoys overwhelming the use of overwhelming force would be an understatement, as there is little he enjoys more than punishing the slightest of slights with the most terrible of punishments. He is quick to blame others for any perceived failures, and uses his followers often as an outlet for his rage, leading to more than a few promising warriors meeting a quick and unexpected end at his blade. To call him a fanatic or a Zealot may be an understatement, he has dedicated at least one world to each god and several to all four.
From his days an an Iron warrior come his extreme paranoia. Slow to trust, even slower to respect, the Chaos Champion has cut short many who he believes may possibly be plotting his downfall and looks always at his servants with a judging eye, all but his Daemons. Skaldir has seen that Daemons are for more trustworthy than mortal servants, as they are far simpler and gain little by betraying a powerful champion like himself. Because of this, the Gore Beasts ranks are filled with Daemonkin such as the Possessed and Warp Talons, Obliterators and Mutilators, as well as Daemon engines. Those marines who are not possessed or otherwise changed must watch their step, lest he bring forth Daemons into them so that they may be more trusted. He seems to take an almost manic glee in fusing Daemon and man or machine, and he is never absent from the dark rituals required to make such terrible fusions.
Appearance: Millenia in the Warp have shaped Skaldir into a cruel man, his lloks bellie this. His face has a harsh scar running across is forehead from a Crozius Arcanum held by a Chaplain of the Imperial Fists. His Dark brown eyes are often bloodshot from lack of sleep, and his face often sports a cruel smirk or sullen scowl. He wears brutal jewlery often, bones spikes in his right ear or metal studs in his brow. He is raely seen outside of his Terminator armor, on which racks of many skulls and helmets are placed. The warped and curling tusks sprouting from its helmet are viciously tipped in red and black, and the armor is painted in the dull black, grey and bone white livery of his warband. His massive Chainsworf is often maglocked to his back while his combi-bolter hangs by an ancient leather strip at his left arm.
If one manages to glimpse him out of his armor, his body is heavily scarred and modified. Burns, callouses and other ghastly remnants of wounds cover his heavily muscled arms and chest. A large number of metal studs are found on his collarbones, hands and knees. His right arm appears to have an interface for tubes dispensing combat drugs, which can be seen running into his right gauntlet from a small tank on his back when in armor. He is hairless, save for the brown crew cut mohawk on his head.
'Gifts' Daemonic Strength- attributed to Khorne Forthsight- A unique power gifted to him by Tzeentch, gives Skaldir the ability to peer a short time into the future through someone else's eyes. The Black vein- A poison runs through his veins, burning any who cut him. Attributed to Nurgle. The Daemonic Harem- A Harem of Daemonettes, including the greater Daemonette 'Divvie' who is bound to him. A gift from Slaanesh
Bio: Skaldir is an ancient warrior, and has fought the Imperium since the Iron Warriors turned against it during the Horus Heresy. Not but a lowly battle brother then, when the Iron Warriors fled to the eye Skaldir began to plot his acsension. For many centuries he fought alongside his parent legion, slowly growing his own circle of followers until he believed he had what he needed. All at once he and his disciples assaulted their own grand company, stealing what they could from the IRon Warriors and escaping, painting their pauldrons black and helmets bone they declared themselves the Gore Beasts. For a few decades the Warband spent its time raiding other chaos forces for whatever they wanted; slaves, weapons, vehicles and whatever else they wished for. It was then that Skaldir began ti hear the siren call of the gods and the power they could offer him.
He began to encourage his followers to serve the gods, leading them ever further towards the path of true ascension. Many in the Warband began to disagree with Skaldir's newfound faith in the Dark Gods, beleiving chaos was but a tool to wield as the Iron Warriors believed. Skaldir began to grow paranoid about this group of warriors, and took the most logical and cautious route by tricking all of them in participating in a dark ritual thet lead to all being possessed. After that, if he feared dissent amongst his ranks he had them possessed, leading to only his most faithful followers free of the touch of the Daemon. Now his true work began, and many times the Gore Beasts burst forth into the materium, conquering and burning worlds in the name of the gods.
However, eventually Skaldir began to tire of this, he wanted more... wanted something bigger more... audacious and ambitious. It was then he had a revelation, the gods wished for him to lead a crusade out of the eye of Terror, meant to raze and conquer every world he could. So he began calling out for other Warbands to put aside their differences, to unite unger his banner. Though who did not submit, he destroyed, or simply killed all who opposed him and subsumed the rest. Once or twice he has had their leader possessed by a loyal Daemon, and brought before him. It is not much longer now, a few stubborn Warbands remain, and after that... his Black crusade will begin.
Deeds: Has dedicated at least one world he has conquered to each of the chaos gods, destroyed the venerable Honour battle barge of the Black Templars, Personally slew Sarrick the Red Chaos Champion of Khorne, has burned a thousand worlds in the name of the gods
Skullrender- A massive Daemon Chain-sword containing a powerful Herald of Khorne. The blade has been in his possession for many decades, and taken many skulls for Khorne, and lives for the other gods. Its teeth look like the hungry gore-spatterd death of a Daemon, and when not active they seem to writhe mildly in agony, hungering for more flesh and gore to chew through.
The Black Beasts- Skaldir's personal retinue of Chaos Terminators, in order to ensure their Loyalty to him, all have been turned into possessed Terminators.