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Current The Hateful eight has me inspired, whose ready for a western RP?
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@Nevix hmmmm... well I don't know if we even got far enough for a sequel...
I'll have posts soon for all. :3


What about everyone else? Who is working or waiting on a post?
Lieutenant Mika Delouse reporting for duty!
Surface of Zeta

Sergeant MArius crouched low behind the ridge, his men similarly crouched behind him, tending to their mix of weapons in silence. No one spoke, it was tradition to be silent as the dead and buried before battle for it may be that soon a marine could join them. Marius looked out acroos the massive crater filled area in the lead up to the hanger. He could see even from this distance the many thousans of Combat servitors dug in outside, thier orders to hold until they were dead. The auto-sentries and turrets dotting the mining complex swiveled around searching for targets, and just within the hangar were the emplacements of the Fallum Harvest Guard could be seen, ready to rain fireand death down on their attackers. He turned back to his own men, all in the black and red of the Death Company, all had once been in its throes... and now they were cured... but the blood still sang in his ears, he could hear his own bones creaking and muscles constricting... he needed to kill. Soon he would, his squad had jumped out to the this far ridge, intent on using the vantage point to see where they would be most needed and use their Jump-packs to arrive from the airless sky in fury and glory.

They were more dangerous than other marines, all veterans and all still had the strength of the Black Rage in their bones, the visions were gone but the strength and hate remained. THey would spill much blood this day. But they would have to be careful, they each carried several patch kits for their armour, but could only use each so many times. After that they would need to return to the Mining complex or suffocate slowly. It didn't matter, Death came for all and if they died this day it would be in glory... it was then the sound of thrusters filled the air. The Imperial Forces were descending, and soon the Brothers would be upon them. All at once this silent coven of marines had stopped adjusting their weapon and turned their heads skyward, watching as the ships of their enemy passed over, coming to land a short distance out from the killzone. They shifted impatiently, the beast inside the armour begging to escape from all of them as gauntlets gripped weapons tighter, breaths came in short growling pants, and teeth were unintentionally barred. Even so they had to sit and wait, for Marius was their sergeant, and he would not order the attack until the time was right.

Marius himself gripped his power axe and Bolt pistol all the tighter, his knuckles white beneath his gauntlets who's servos whined and protested at the strength with which he gripped the axe and pistol. His corvus pattern helm peered with red tinted eyes hungrily at the Imperial forces... soon Marius thought, very soon the killing would begin. Soon the screaming blood and creaking bones would stop. Soon the screaming in his head would stop, 'Blood, Death, Blood, Death, Blood, Death, Blo-', he shook his head, paying the screams no heed. Their was work to be done... luckily such work would include what they screamed for, all they had to do... was wait. And even that, seemed like the worst sort of torture.
I'm starting to read them. I was just wondering if anyone wants Genoveve anywhere or wants to collab with me

EDIT: And its... a lot of really long posts... it would take me a couple days of constant reading... and I'd like to jump back in... cause this RP is awesome
Cause... I am a bit lost... I've missed alot of posts heh heh... pls don't shun/hate me ;_;
Heeeeeeeeeey everybody. I apologize for my kinda lengthy absence... I'm back now... anyone have any suggestions of c where I should put Genoveve atm or want to collab?
Battle Barge Deaths Embrace

collab between @Fallen Muse and [@agentmanatee}

Ambrosius sat in his personal chamber, a massive finely wrought wooden desk sat at its back, just in front of a window overlooking the endless void. Atop the desk were a myriad of papers and datapads, but most striking was the massive power spear lain across it next to Ambrosius's crested helm. The Marine himself stood near the center of the room, a datapad in his hand as he appeared to disinterestedly thumb through it. His Half shaved head sported a crop of blonded hair, and what of his exposed scalp could be seen had several apparently intentional brands, including a black coffin.

Yes His face was largely free of scars save one rather vicious one running from his chin to the top of his ear. His pale blue eyes appeared to be reading the datapad, his black armor carried little ornamentation save the red X of the Death company and the Red coffin of the chapter. A long black cape was attached to his back, the featurless cloth did not quite touch the ground. He was growing Impatient waiting for the Dark Eldar to show... it was making him antsy as he darted a glance to his spear on the table.

The ship of Astartes, even the Renegade Graven Brothers, was not a place that Xydratha would have enjoyed herself being at especially when surrounded by terminators, at least though she also had Shessa with her as well as a small contingent of trueborn. All of them stopped outside of the doors to Ambrosius' chamber, and a terminator motioned that only she was allowed to enter. With a nod she stepped through the doors her hips swaying as her armor shifted easily along her body when she came to stop in the middle of the room. "Very nice chamber you have here. Seems a bit, plain." She looked to the spear moving towards the desk and placing both her hands on it and leaned over. "Did you finally decide to take me up on my offer? Asking me to come to your personal chambers." She grinned a bit showing the sharpened canines that were now more like fangs than regular teeth. Her tongue slid across her lips a single hand lifting from the table, and sliding down her torso.

Seemingly unfazed by her display of sensuality, Ambrosius immediately rebuked her, "No Xydratha, I am not taking you up on your 'offer'. You are here to discuss the coming campaign at length,", he stood next to her, placing a hand on his spear and pulling it away from the xeno, "and provide tactical insite, as well as to recieve assignment to where you will be most needed.", Spear in hand he walked around the desk, standing behind it and placing the spear back down before leaning forward, the table creaking somewhat under his weight, "The Imperium is on our doorstep. Their Vanguard have reached Zeta and I need to know how much you will be contributing to the coming war. If the Union falls you lose our alliance seeing as I do not intend to abandon what I have built.", he fixed her with a hard look, the Dark Eldar were flighty and although Xydratha had been a stalwart ally thus far he still did not trust her.

Frowning at being turned down by the Astartes she sighed and stood up straight stepping away from the desk. "I see." her voice took on a venomous tone in response to what Ambrosius had said. With a flash of her finger she flicked off a speck of dust that was sitting on the arm of her armor. With furrowed brows she stood up straight. "If you expect me to take orders from you, you are sorely mistaken. We are partners, I am not your dog. Now you can ask for my help, or you can watch me leave. Your choice monkeigh." She said with a snarl, her demeanor had completely changed now upon hearing Ambrosius speak to her in a way that she might be beneath him.

Eldar, so damn touchy. Why couldn't they just take orders like the soldiers of the Union or his brothers? All this political maneuvering annoyed Ambrosius... but he really had no choice. "I apologize for my brashness, the encroaching Imperium has pre-occupied my mind. You are correct I shall not deign to order you like a soldier of the Union.", he sighed gruffly and pushed himself off the table beefore pressing the vox in his ear, "Captain, I require a serf to bring refreshment to my Chambers. They are to hand it off to one of my bodyguards.", the Dark Eldar seemed to enjoy having the pleasures of food and drink during these meetings... much to his annoyance. "Now, for your help... what do you request of me Xydratha?"

Xydratha turned and found a small lounging couch that had been placed within the chambers the first time they had met. She slid down onto the cushions, and leaned back placing her hands being her head, and letting a single leg fall to let the tip of her boot touch the floor. "What do I request of you." She tapped her lips for a moment staring at the ceiling, all the while she took out a small vial and put the tip of bottle to her right nostril, and inhaled deeply. A visible shiver rode down her body and her eyes rolled back for a moment. "Imperial Prisoners... And treasures." She gave a deep satisfied sigh. "Mmph, and a kiss."

Ambrosius sighed audibly as Xydratha made her demands, he needed clarification on one and another simply seemed pointless. "The Imperial Prisoners are yours, I only require officers for information extraction. Any you find and any others we do not need will be handed over. However, what do you mean by treasures?", he walked out from behind his desk as one of his terminators entered with the 'refreshment' in the form of the finest wine and food the ship could provide, anything else and Ambrosius was afraid the Eldar may storm out in anger. He took the wine and food and offered her a glass, he had learned this tended to smooth things over. "Do you mean loot from Imperium Forces?"

She took the wine and tilted her head at it slightly before taking a sip. "Swill, but I suppose it will have to do." She gave a sight and sat up completely setting the food on the table for now, and not even giving it a second glance. "yes, i do mean loot, from Imperial forces." She purses her lips for a moment and takes another sip smacking her lips. "And the kiss of course. It would need to be a good one." Her nostrils flare for a moment. "Just point the direction you'd like us to go, and I will see about making sure my Kabal is there."

"Perfect. You will recieve any prisoners and loot you aquire from Imperial forces in addition to un-needed prisoners and material taken by ours.", he sighed at the final request but acquiesced to it. He heavily sat down next to her on the frankly ridiculous couch, looking at her with rather unenthusiastic eyes, "As for your last demand, very well. Take what you believe is required for this kiss.", frankly he felt this was a pointless addition, but the sadistic xeno seemed fixated on it.

She put the glass of wine next to the plate of food, her body turning to face him as she stood from her seat. She stared him right in the eyes, and tilted her head slightly. "That grim demeanor you always have. Very arousing." He leaned down and pressed her lips against his a hand sliding over the crop of hair atop the astartes head. As she pulled her head back she let her teeth bite down on his bottom lip enough to draw a bit of blood before letting it go back into place. "That was probably the best part of this transaction." She started to walk towards the door. "Do you have a place you wish us to go now, or will you send us a message the normal way?"

Unintentionally Ambrosius growled as the Xeno woman bit down on his lip, a reaction to the slight pain before she pulled all the way back. The bit of blood dripped down his chin before the small wound quickly stopped bleeding. He wiped the bead of blood away as Xydratha began to walk away. "Currently the Imperium are expending their resources on the Planet Zeta. I will send word where I need you once I know Xydratha.", he stood, watching as she walked towards the door, his last words, "Do not become used to that being the end of our transactions Xydratha.", he almost growled it at her. That said, the prick of pain... the blood that had been drawn... the xeno knew what felt good, and Ambrosius could not deny the slight pleasure he had felt with it.

She stopped by the door ignoring the growling, in the end she felt all these others were her play things anyways."I wouldn't assume so, I'd like it to go even further." A smirk climbed at the corner of her lips before she walked through the doors rejoining her warriors, they would return to their ships, and await further requests.

Ambrosius watched the xeno leave, once she had gone he turned back to the window in his chambers. Dealing with the Dark Eldar was certainly always... an interesting experience. Xydratha's advances had once begun to wear on him but... no, he had more important things to worry about now, the worrying attraction to the xeno temptress would need to be pushed aside for now... besides, he knew not what secrets she still kept from him.
@Nevix I will indeed be using my old character
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