Their hands folded then readjusted to instead lace their fingers, trying to seem as 'upstanding' as the situation would allow, though as the moments passed Jasper's enthusiasm finally began to wane. A disappointedly perplexed frown became of the cheer that had tugged at his expression, and it was just about the moment when he took a breath to try to call out to the walls for an explanation...that the lights snapped off.
In all of his time, here, never once had the lights gone out. Here, out in the void, without even a glint of illumination from under the door, the darkness was an unwelcome absolute.
Without their sight, the world fell away, leaving Jasper in a sea of silent eyes; tiny lights in the distance as his fleeting mind played tricks on him. It might have taken more time for him to snap, the distant sounds gaining a more personal edge to them as they were all he could focus on, but the gentle hiss of the door's locks disengaging as they lost power was the final chill up his spine, sinking nails into his skull from an imagination left to fear the voices the silence would soon bring, being left at their mercy.
Jasper knew the dimensions of the room, and a single step brought him to the door, practically colliding with it in his haste to palm and press it in any direction he could evoke the contraption to yield, his breathing quickly becoming frantic.
Others had a head start, The Draught having backed up their advance in light of the swiftly deteriorating conditions since their door-to-door executions had become a full-blown riot. Two prisoners with bloody, dripping hands clutched fragments of a metal tray, using the torn metal as grizzly shivs on a third body that laid slumped against the wall. Judging by the mess, it had been a quick and vicious scrap, rage having claimed their senses as they were merely desecrating a corpse at this point.
One had the sense to turn towards the sound of sliding metal...and the wafting scent of copper and ozone that leaked from the room. Flashing red lights briefly illuminated the figure, within, in all of their stacked countenance, a raspy dry yet hauntingly feminine voice croaked in seeming greeting, "Gentlemen...~"
The man tapped their accomplice on the shoulder, earning a shove and a maddened bark of "WHAT!? WHAT THE...f-fuck..." as they followed the gestures to the emerging occupant. The three engaged in a gawking stare-down for what felt like minutes but had likely been maybe a handful of seconds. Flashing red lights, the brief moments of darkness, the distant mournful roar of what other monsters were contained down here, poor decisions were hastily made.
With a flash, the two moved, comraderie lost as one bolted down the hall and the other leapt for the figure. Another moment of all ran red as the knife repeatedly came down. In the darkness, the two were gone, back into the cell that echoed choking wails of desperation and agony, accompanied by forked-tongue whispers hissed with promise...and a few sobbing apologies to accent sounds of tearing fabric.
Stepping out of the cell, once more, Jasper finished pulling the shiv from their clavicle, tossing it to the side and flexing with a restored vigor as the youth and potential of the criminal's essence was used to sculpt the once-druid back into their preferred form. The cuts and stab wounds swiftly sealed as simply as how Jasper used a torn section of cloth to wipe off the trickles of thick black ichor that had become of his dehydrated blood. For good measure and decency, they slipped on the tattered shirt the man had been wearing. Better than nothing, even though it was a size too small.
With the welcoming party having not shown, and the stand-ins being a bit less than accommodating, Jasper was left lost in a hall they'd only seen once before. With a dismissive sniff, looking over the mess, once more, hands on their hips and contently nodding on a job well done, they started off down the hall in the direction of where they thought the roar from before had come from. Jasper hoped there would be proper light and maybe a shower somewhere nearby, as both sounded equally suitable to ease the headache the flashing lights were causing.