Name: Cassandra O'Hare
AKA: Cassie, Cas
Age: 24
Race: Human
Appearance: Cassie stands at 5 foot 9 and has a fit physique. Her hair is full and is a dark brown, it is often left unstraightened and therefore curls at the ends. Her features are what you'd typically expect of a latino, although she retains some of the more 'white' features of her mixed heritage. Generally her features are big, with a slightly wide nose, plump lips and big hazel eyes. However, her high cheekbones reign in these features into order. Her body is littered with small scars here and there. She has but 3 on her face. The least noticeable being the tiny line on her forehead, followed by the diagonal scar parting the freckles on her nose and finally the small crescent moon just under her eye. While she regularly wears gloves, her hands have scars over the palms and forehands with a few tracing up onto her forearm. Her left ear is pierced in three places, and she can often be seen wearing her regular three black earrings.
Faction: Marauder, Criminal, Former Bounty Hunter
Role in Team?: Assault/Defense
Bio: Cassie was born on a martian mining prison colony. Her mother, imprisoned for robbery, met Cassie's father, imprisoned for murder while mining a quarry. The two were practically inseparable after meeting, becoming a pseudo Bonnie and Clyde. It only took a year for Cassie's mother to become pregnant. They knew what would happen to their child if she was born in the mine, she'd be taken away and put in the awful orphanage system the planet had. They couldn't let that happen, and hatched an escape plan with the help of several notorious heisters within the mine.
They planned for months on end, scrimping and saving to buy and steal whatever resources they could muster. It was only a month or so before Cassie was due to be born when they escaped. They blew a hole in the wall of the sleeping quarters using some mining dynamite, stole a transport ship and set out on a dangerous chase across Mars until they finally lost the police and managed to lay low for a few months.
Within this time Cassie was born, and the pair did their best to raise her in a 'normal' environment. But of course, things couldn't last this way for long. The police finally tracked them down after Cassie had just turned 3 and her father was subsequently shot in the ensuing shootout while she and her mother escaped.
Cassie was raised solely by her mother. Forced back into the life of a criminal, Cassie was brought up on the ideals of stealing, treachery and thievery being her way of life. She was taught how to handle a gun by the age of 7, and was well on her way to learning knife play before the police, again, caught up with the two. Her mother was arrested and Cassie was not sent to the orphanage. Instead, she was enrolled in a secret training program for the next generation of soldiers for defense against the other members of the committee in case they ever betrayed the humans.
She stepped foot on Earth for the first time, meeting real earthlings and learning about the world her ancestors helped build. This time was cut relatively short though, as her training started within the first week of arrival. The regime was cruel and harsh, forced to lift ever heavier weights, sprint ever longer distances and be more accurate with weaponry.
Her training finished around the time she turned 17, at which point the leaders of the world decided to decommission the training program on the basis of it having the chance to actually cause the war it was created for if it was ever brought to light. She was given a small cash settlement in exchange for her and the rest of the group's silence. They all went their separate ways with some going on to join the army, others becoming business moguls and few going on to work desk jobs.
Cassie, however, went on to become a bounty hunter. She used what money she was given to buy a fast ship and weaponry. She began garnering a name for herself throughout the galaxy as a bounty hunter of high reputation. Things turned sour when she was 23 though. Bounties became fewer and fewer with less payouts than ever before. Work was drying up, and she was desperate for a bounty if only to pay for food and gas. Soon enough, an anonymous messenger came through, asking her to assassinate a corrupt warlord. She did as she was told, but received no pay.
Unexpectedly, the police arrived at her door the next day and arrested her. She had in fact, murdered a good natured politician, and had been caught on tape in the act. Suffice to say she was set up. Given the option of prison or space exploration, she chose the latter and has been on The Monroe for about a year now.
Personality: Cassie's personality differs from the stereotypical girl to say the least. She is bold, brash and always ready for a fight. The downside to this is that she is often on edge, and is cautious about meeting new people for fear of betrayal or conflict. Before boarding The Monroe, Cassie would often be found alone, preferring a solitary life to that of companionship. However, she has come out of her shell a lot more while in the company of the crew and feels a lot safer. As much as she likes to hide it, she does indulge in some of the more 'girly' aspects of life every now and then. It's quite unusual to see her with straightened hair and makeup on, but when it happens it's usually something to be commented on.
-Rydeen™ Battle Rifle, modified with taped mags, grenade launcher and red dot scope-Mynci™ dual semi automatic pistols-Various grenades and other equipment chosen for specific missions
LandslideOriginally a racing ship, Landslide is built for speed suffice to say. It has little armour, and relies mostly on evasion and dodging to survive. Cassie got two rifles mounted under each of the front wings for attack, although these fire very quickly and overheat even faster.
Raymond ChaseContrary to how she acts, Cassie has a great deal of respect for, Raymond. While many have died while under his service on the ship, he has never led her astray and she's only gained 1 or 2 scars while under his service.
Luirae DrianiCassie likes Luirae. Suffice to say, she's been to see her a few times after getting into a few scrapes on and off the ship. She tries to help her understand the emotions and stuff she isn't used to whenever it comes up, but she isn't really the best help at that kind of thing.
8-BallCassie is intrigued by 8-Ball. She doesn't really see him as a properly thinking and feeling being, purely because she isn't totally used to seeing robots do that. She does treat him with a deal of respect and kindness though, even if she's a bit wary.
Tahillie JuntaCassie is rather standoffish towards Tahillie. She finds his cold, almost unfriendly demeanor to be rude and annoying. However, she trusts him as a fellow member of the ground team and wouldn't believe that he would betray the crew for a moment. When he's drunk she is a lot more friendly towards him, being that he opens up a lot more.
JolenarJolenar scares Cassie on a physical level.
StunNot met yet.
-Used to wear a gas mask covering her whole face to conceal her identity