• Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Avanhelisng
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 6071 (1.49 / day)
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    1. Avanhelsing 11 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Isn't it great when someone blames their Rp issues on you when it is truly their fault?
8 yrs ago
Note to self:Eating Blazing Wings from BWW is not a good idea if you don't want to feel like you are dying.
8 yrs ago
I'm sorry for not posting these last few days. I was dealing with some issues.
8 yrs ago
I have seen the signs and portents! I fear another guild crash is coming.
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8 yrs ago
Always fun to have two 1x1 rps die before they even start. Gotta love being ignored.


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I’ve been sick and been waiting a bit to post. I’ll post tomorrow.

Jake Garret

β€” Ϋ΅ ۞ Ϋ΅ β€”

Location: Half-Blood Hill; Camp Half-Blood - Long Island Sound, New York; USA.
Interacting With: Imogen- @MarshiestMallow

Jake usually would have called this girl out for being crazy and he might have done it if he hadn't been hearing the wind telling him what to do. That and the fact that the camp that didn't exist was right in front of him. "So, I ain't crazy? I was confused is all on that part. Most folks don't listen to the wind for life advice." He joked as they started walking farther into the camp.

Despite his confusion, it was clear that he was listening to everything she was telling him. "So there are more gods too. Let's file that away for later. I don't want to ask too many questions too quickly. Wait, your dad is Posideon? Oh right... Horses are part of his thing and the ocean of course. I mean, who doesn't love the ocean?" He asked as he thought for a second. She did bring up a good point about strange things.

Jake followed after her and fished his new sword out of its carrying case. "I just had someone push this sword into hands at Grand Central? Apparently, it was shipped from the Empire State Building? I mean that was odd but I think you mean the storms and my strength? I mean I could always tell when the storms were coming. Oh, and there was a lightning bolt. It just hovered over my head a few days ago. Not sure what it means?" He asked as they walked towards what looked like a meeting of some kind.

"What's the deal with that? Some sort of camp thing? Never been to a camp before." He admitted as he figured she would know what ever was going on with this.

Jake Garret

β€” Ϋ΅ ۞ Ϋ΅ β€”

Location: Half-Blood Hill; Camp Half-Blood - Long Island Sound, New York; USA.
Interacting With: Imogen @MarshiestMallow

Jake looked over at the girl and back to the pegasus as she had called it. It clearly had been flying and she had been flying on the winged horse. So unless he had lost his mind, this might be the case. Jake leaned around the girl and nodded to the horse. "Uhh, hello Aethusa... Now, I'm talking to a horse... Not something I thought..." Jake muttered to himself as his accent grew more pronounced as he grew more worried. " It's great to meet you, Immy.He managed to say before she started explaining what exactly this place was.

She was answering his questions but so far it was just adding more questions to his list. He knew that she was telling the truth but still it couldn't be true. So far he had figured out that only these children of the gods can come to this camp. That seemed to make sense and the fact that Imogen wasn't treating him like a fool for lacking this knowledge helped.

"I uhh... figure you are telling the truth but let's see if I get it. So, the gods are real? Like the Greek Gods? I hear about them but wasn't paying attention to it. He admitted with a sigh. "So is that why the win decided to talk to me? I... well you seem to be an expert. Where do I go next? I also hope the flying horse... pegasus wasn't offended. I didn't know." He said with a polite nod to the flying creature.

Jake Garret

β€” Ϋ΅ ۞ Ϋ΅ β€”

Location: Half-Blood Hill; Camp Half-Blood - Long Island Sound, New York; USA.
Interacting With: Imogen @MarshiestMallow

So far, everything seemed relatively normal with this camp. There were cabins, different buildings all over, a climbing tower that seemed to have lava pouring out of it, and other totally normal things one would expect a summer camp to have. He must have just missed the camp as he had been climbing up the hill. There was no way that a place like this would just show up out of the blue. That was impossible! He had just not seen it. Jake had been attempting to explain this whole thing in his head as he walked into a field near the camp.

This line of thought failed when he saw the flying horse and someone riding on it. Flying horses were not common in any summer camp that he had heard of. So, Jake just stared at the flying creature for a second and the only thing that broke him out of his trance was a girl talking to him. "I uhhh... how... Flying horse?" Jake stammered out before finally correcting himself to speak like a normal person.

"I mean... Where am I? What is this place? Who are you? Why does that horse have wings?" Jake asked reducing his one hundred different questions to only four. "I'm Jake and uhh the wind told me to come here?" He added to be polite. Suddenly, hearing voices on the wind was small potatoes compared to a flying horse.

Jake Garret

β€” Ϋ΅ ۞ Ϋ΅ β€”

Location: Half-Blood Hill; Camp Half-Blood - Long Island Sound, New York; USA.
Interacting With: Anyone in the area.

Jake was still not sure why he had decided that traveling nearly 550 miles north made sense. Sure, the wind had told him to do it but that made little sense. He had traveled from the only home he had ever known to some forsaken corner of Long Island all because the wind had told him that something bad was going to happen if he didn’t. Jake was still not sure what exactly that bad thing was going to be but he had chosen to listen to the voice. Either he was going crazy or the wind had actually talked to him. Either way, he was not about to risk the wrath of the wind by ignoring its wisdom.

Since flights to New York from Norfolk were not in his price range, Jake had chosen to take a bus to New York City before continuing onto Long Island and this supposed Camp Half-Blood. His attempts to google this camp was met with absolutely nothing. There was no such place called Camp Half-Blood anywhere on Long Island and the address he had led to the middle of nowhere. He would know the middle of nowhere being from where most people considered nowhere. Yet, he still kept going towards his supposed destination with most of his earthly possessions with him. Jake had grabbed his boxing gloves, his guitar, and his football among other things. They were important and something told him that going back home was not an option for him.

His collection of objects had expanded as soon as he had entered New York City. Something in the back of his head told him that he had been here before. He had been here in New York despite never leaving North Carolina. Something about the city felt familiar in a strange way. While he had been staring blankly around Grand Central Station, someone had raced up to him. The person was wearing what looked like a package delivery outfit with the words β€œHermes Express” emblazoned on the front. The person confirmed his name and then pushed a long cylindrical tube into his hands saying β€˜someone up on high thought you needed it’ before they ran off. The package was addressed to β€˜Jacob Leonidas Garret’ with the return address β€˜20 W 34th St, New York, NY 10001”. Feeling curious, Jake opened the package and saw what looked like a sword. Freaking out, he quickly closed the package and continued on his way. Jake left the station and looked up at the Empire State Building, and somehow he knew that the package had come from there. With a nod in thanks, he quickly got on the bus to get as close as possible to the address.

A while later, Jake got off the bus near Montauk and started walking towards the address. He didn’t know the area but something still kept pushing him. After walking for about an hour, he stopped near what looked like a large hill. The area seemed all alone but he knew that this was the spot he had to go to. He collected his things and crested the hill.

Then, he saw it. It looked like a large summer camp but he was sure that it hadn’t been there before. He would have heard or smelled something. Still, he kept walking down the hill looking around in the area for anyone to talk to. He figured this had to be the place the wind had meant when it told him to go.

”Hello? Uhh, anyone there?” He called out as he walked down the other side of the hill into the camp. He figured someone here had to know what was going on around here. He hefted his heavy bag over his shoulder and continued walking.

I am going to my Hermes boy tomorrow. To add more cute boys of course. Just need a few ideas for him.
I am going to change a few of Jake’s powers to make him physically stronger and a better character idea.

@King KindredI should be free in the morning to chat about Jake and Troy”s relationship. I figure it’s important.
I’m thinking of either just going with my son of Hephaestus or just change him to a son of Hermes. A thief is anyways useful.
And now I remembered I forgot to send the PM...
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