Avatar of agentmanatee
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Current The Hateful eight has me inspired, whose ready for a western RP?
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@NecroKnight I know lol
@NecroKnight cuz she's having a breakdown XD

I'm not mad about it man its just funny
@NecroKnight lol, guard has PTSD breakdown, gets called bigot XD
Done... yaya trauma!
Ninke couldn't help but smile as she watched the scene around her. Guardsmen reveling in their victory, happy faces all around. The Cadian she had been speaking to had even started to take part in somekind of ball game started by a Guardswoman who looked a bit odd, but at this point Ninke hardly cared. She took several more swigs of her amasec, slow and small at first but as she went she drank more and more until her flask was empty and she frowned a bit, turning it upside down to make sure it was all gone. She quickly devorued the rest of the spicy red meat from the squig, gulopoing the meat down hungrily heedless of the grease that dribbled down her chin and onto her poncho, smiling at the taste. She began walking over to those fancing about the fire with new liquid courage in her veins... which was when the Commissar arrived.

Even the drunkest Guardsmen stopped for a moment when he appeared, fear and trepidation filled the air as Ninke gulped, worried aboout what he would do... but such was not needed. With a warm smile and a question to join in was met with cheers and the music being turned back up and Ninke smilling and laughing despite the cold stings against her scars... she supposed then everything might just be alright. It was then that the ork head rolled towards her, stopping at her legs as hit bonked against them. She smiled and looked down... the snarling face of an ork staring back up at her.

All at once Ninke's smile dissapeared, color draining from her face as she stood over the macabre ball that glared up at her... she couldn't move for a good few moments. Slowly though, her face darkened. Suddenly the little pin pricks of the cold air against her scars felt like agony endless, the aching of her metal limbs seemed to weigh all the heavier on her and the party dissapeared. She was at the breach... no the ork trap... no the cathedral. The Snarling, shouting and screaming greenskins laughing and cutting down everyone she ever knew. Sergeant Boers, Privat Teks, Commissar Jarack, Lt. Aveeris, the cadian whose name she never learned... Belgond... tears streemed down her face, catching in the webbing of her scars. She lifted her left foot but did not kick the ball, instead she stomped it. Hard.

A harsh crack sounded as she smashed its nose. Then she did it again. And again. again. She kept stomping on the ork skull heedless of the metal that had been added, cracks sounding as her bionic leg fractured the bones in the orks face and dented the metal that had been added. She stomped for Boers, Jarack, that Cadian, her scars and her limbs... and Belgond. She started screaming, the music loud enough to drown it out for anyone near the fire. Then with a last scream she finally kicked it away as hard as she could, the 'ball' sailing through the air, the orks snarling face now a mess of cracked bone, dented metal and even more deformed than before. She slowly calmed, looking up at the Cadian woman, the felinid, the man from a regiment she hadn't known and the commissar... then she turned.

She had fucked up. Why had she done that? What was that? She started clumsily running away, tears blinding her as she stumble-ran away with alcohol still running through her veins. She had no idea she was running straight towards what was about to be a fight between human and abhuman. getting in between them would most likely be a bad idea but she could not tell where she was going.
Will be posting in a matter of hours... me had an idea
Hasou sprinted as fast as his armored legs could carry him through the hail of rubble and shuriken fire, the razor sharp disks digging deep gouges into his power armour but the superior cermite held true. The same could not be said of Melkior, who tumbled forward with a smoking hole in his helmet. Two of his brothers stopped and dragged his prone form into cover to ensure the safety of his gene seed and shouted hateful litanies to inform the others of a sniper. To make matters worse, the fire prism turned its lances upon the rushin marines. Its opening volley caught Beris in the arm, vaporising his left limb as he dove for cover. Other members of the squad took a myriad of wounds from the scatter lasers and dove for cover... but Hasou kept running. He was just within the range of the prisms mighty lances and the scatter laser turned to stop him but was too late. He bounded onto the smoothe chasis of the prism and fire a shot of superheated energy into the multilaser turret, tearing a whole in it and melting its inner workings.

Before his new exposed position could be taken advantage of he turned the melta gun on the cockpit, unleashing a point blank shot of purple energy straight into it, melting through the strong glasslike covering as he cooked the pilot inside. The Prism listed to its left before colliding with the collapsing building, Hasou rolling off as it was crushed beneath the rubble. Only now, did he seek cover, his duty complete.

Major Hurze fought hard against the exarch, he had served in the guard before cominng to this world, hired to help train the PDF. His chainsword met with the exarchs and he thanked the Emperor for the Governours liberal use of rejuvenants among the PDF's officers. But he was losing. The Eldar Exarch flowed like water around his attacks as they dueled, the Major just barely managing to hold his own as his men were cut down around him. Arash and his marines were being pinned down, unable to come to the ODF's aid... until Sergeant Mar'sua cut in.

The Veteran Firedrake terminators arrived just in time, their armour and force fields shrugging of the withering fire of anti personnel and even several heavier rounds easily. The Veteran Sergeant shouted litanites of hate as his thunder hammer smashed into one the striking scorpions helmets, causing hallf the helmet to explode in a shower of energy, shards of armor and blood. The Terminators focused fire on the scorpions, hoping to push them back away from the salamnders line.
Necro, I can't figure out a way to properly introduce myself into your character. If you don't mind playing with yourself, then maybe you could kick the 'ball' at Me or Manatee?

good idea, @NecroKnight you should do this.

You working on a post to respond to Ninke btw danny?
@Dannyrulx when do you think you'll manage to post up buddy?
Veteran Sergeant Hasou creeped along the right flank, Squad Indomitus in tow. They crawled their way quietly through the rubble on the Eldar right flank, ten marines being as quiet as possible with their profiles lowered to the ground. Only two were in front of Hasou, Borther Arnax lead from the front with his ornate flamer followed closely by Beris with his ancient bolter, carved by members of his family in the chapter for many succesive generations into the form of a snarling dragon as its front. He and Brother Melkior with his bulky melta cannon were next to one another, it was after all their job to take out the prism.

Before too long they were a mere fourty yards away, a hollowed out shell of a building in which sat a shuriken cannon team blocked their path. Using long practised hand signals the squad was informed, and without so much as a whisper the five marines up front who could get the right angle clicked frag grenades off of their belts. In almost unison they yanked the pins free, cooked the explosives for a few seconds, and let the red frag grenades fly. Three landed spot on amongst the feet of the squad, two bouncing against walls off the building and out of reach... but three was more than enough. The three cracks spelled the end for any eldar guardians unlucky or just not quick enough in the building, which would be most seeing as they were mere guardians. With that, squad indomitus and the veteran Sergeant vaulted over the rubble obscuring them and rushed through the building towards the prism... they had to be within 25 yards for the cannon and 15 for the Melta gun... a harrowing journey when being noticed before getting within range could spell swift doom.

Honored brother Ramos cycled his multi-melta down and scanned his surroundings. He was several clicks out from his DZ and needed to get their. He began his plodding trek, knowing it would be several hours before he reached his destination. He voxed to his commander, "+CAPTAIN. I AM SEVERAL CLICKS OUT FROM MY DROP ZONE. I WILL ARRIVE TO PROVIDE SUPPORT IN APPROXIMATELY 3.4 TERRAN HOURS+", heproudly announced over his vox as he began the trek to combat.
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