The warp, the Imaterium, a deadly and mysterious place where thought was made reality. Not a place one would want to hurtle through in a heavily damaged ship, which was the situation Azazel and his disciples were currently in. The Strike cruiser that had carried him and his steadily shrinking retinue had made one last hop to warp, attempting to escape their previous pursuers in spite of the blood the marines sought. Once a brotherhood of about thirty marines now they numbered five. The bridge was covered in corpses and spattered heavily with blood as the five Corsairs panted shudderingly, some grasping at their skulls. Bravis stood stock still in the center of the bridge, two dead Corsairs on either side of his feet. Azazel himself stood amongst the torn wreckage of what was once a Captains chair, now a twisted and ruined mess of leather and steel. His chain-sword idled, still dripping blood while his boltguns barrel still smoked. His blood spattered helm was focused on the large bridge window, looking out into the roiling empyrean as he panted heavily...
Screams... blood... blood screams... quiet now... ggrrrrrrr... pounding ears... increased heart rates... still... need... relief... subjects...', he glanced about the bridge as his thoughts encroached in on him once more. All their foes were dead, only his pupils remained... subjects... no. Even the surgeries could not force him to butcher his own students and he had not the time for tests now. He stepped from raised dais down onto the deck proper. What Mortal crew still lived seemed quite injured... but they were not finished.
Sssstaus flesh! Now!", the Dark Apothecary growled to any human able to respond.
"S-s-ship in warp transit L-lord Azazel... Gellar fields f-failing... destination unsure, y-you had us jump withou-"
The marine snarled and smashed a fist into the panel next to the sniveling human, "
Who-who ordered a random jump?!", he said, glaring through his helmet at the man who shied away from the Chaos Space marine. "y-you did sir after k-k-kil-ing the c-c-c-c-c-aptain..."
Azazel glanced back at the Captains chair, now seeing the horrendously ruined body which he had no doubt trampled upon heavily to get down to the crew pit. Slowly it came back to him between shattered memories that were not his...
C-captain refused order... s-suicide it was... crushed bod- BLOOD BLOOD BLOO- body... paste... BLOOD... sh=ship jumped... th-then FOR BADAB AND HURON!', the last was his, on the eve of Badabs siege... he thought... or maybe it was someone else? Where was he?
He looked around the bridge... he was on a ship... in the warp... they were going t-
Suddenly everything stopped. A great, loud sound of tearing steel and smashing bulk-heads bled the ears of every human still alive as the cacophony filled the air. The Marines mag locked their boots on instinct, humans were not so lucky. Any not strapped in flew at intense speed against walls, consoles and even the bridge window. They screamed as bones and organs were pulped in an instant from the extreme and sudden loss of speed. By the time the stretching, screaming metal had settled no humans were left alive on the bridge as those strapped in were folded around their restraints like so much paper. The bridge window strained and warped before popping, scything glass shredding any nearby humans and scratching astartes power armor.
Azael looked once more at the window... battle!
Bolters... fire... screams and shouts... he saw them, a group of lifeforms now just outside the window. The ship had re-materalised inside of another ship and now they were right next to a fight.
SCREAMING BLOOD! IT FILLS MY HEAD! STOP STOP IT!", Azazel screamed out through his vox. The pounding in his ears... it was back. His head was flush, it was pounding like ten thousand drums. Blood screaming... he had to release it. They had to lose blood!
IT MUST BE SILEEEENNCCCCEEED!", his war-cry was taken up by his pupils, five Marines rushing through the now broken bridge window into the room of the Space hulk, blades and barrels raised for combat. Azazel and his pupils charged the zealous sisters, screaming their oaths for blood and screams. Azazel answered their fire with his own, using one hand he emptied what was left of his clip into the sisters, firing wildly into the group as he closed the distance, whirring blade seeking purchase.
It found it, tugging deep into one of the power armoured women, chewing through her abdomen and spraying gore as guts were ripped out with a scream. Azazel wheeled around to her once more, cracking his power armoured knee against her face-plate, cracks spider-webbing along it from the point of impact.
DIE CORPSE WORSHIPPERS! DIE AND QUIET THE SCREAMING BLOOD! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!", he cackled as his pupils rushed their own targets. From one combat to another, with more screaming, foul blood.