Civiltà Scientifica Unu

The Core Principle
"Live Together, or Die Alone."
"Live Together, or Die Alone."
Translated into every language utilised by the
Modern Motto
"Per scio, scienco; do vivo."
"Per scio, scienco; do vivo."
Rough translation: "Through knowledge, science; and so, life."
Government Form:
Decentralised Technocratic Meritocracy
Total Population: ~900,000,000 (nine hundred million) - Includes standard and modified humans, disembodied human brains, and indentured xeno Ledynites. Not included: artificial narrow intelligences and semi-independent drones.
What is humanity?:
The knowledge and information we have attained, and the recombination of that information toward survival and an optimal society.
System: Ledynas
Capitol World: Ledynas III
Capitol World: Ledynas III
The core of the Ledynas System is a star high on the main sequence, a relatively young class B blue giant believed to have formed less than one million years ago. Whilst its official designation is SPIT-4 (fourth star discovered by the Solar and Planetary Interests Telescope), by and large the local name used is Ledynas Prime, though this shorthands to Ledynas when the system as a whole is not in the conversation. Its chromaticity, mass, radius, and luminosity are all relatively middling for a star in its class, though its most notable trait is the range of electromagnetic energies the star outputs, including a larger-than-typical ultraviolet component that drops to background levels well beyond its Goldilocks zone. As a result, the majority of its worlds (locally numbers, but officially designated SPIT-4a to SPIT-4f) are entirely uninhabitable; the exceptions are Ledynas II, which nonetheless has many issues precluding habitation, and Ledynas III, notably unusual for its presence in the system at all.
Most worlds in the system are of limited note. Ledynas I, being well beyond the inner edge of the circumstellar habitable zone, is not dissimilar to the Sol System's planet Mercury: relatively small and tidally locked, any atmosphere the rocky planet may have had has long since been blown away by stellar winds, and the especially intense radiation at that distance ensures the world is entirely sterile, useful at most for resource mining via remote operations. Similarly, whilst Ledynas II is within the conservative habitable zone, and therefore capable of harbouring liquid water and supporting life at a comfortable gravity range, both its carbon dioxide atmosphere and high UV exposure render it unsuitable for living at its surface, though hypothetically able to be terraformed with sufficient resources. As for Ledynas IV and beyond, all are methane and nitrogen gas giants between Neptune and Jupiter in radius, possessed of 4-8 moons each, with only Ledynas IV occupying even the optimistic habitable zone of the system. None are suitable for occupation within a reasonable timeframe, though they shield the inner system from further harm via, e.g., meteoric impacts, in the process forming asteroid clusters at their solar Lagrange points and a fairly sparse asteroid belt in the region covering Ledynas V's orbit. Other than these and a few extreme trans-VI objects, the only other landmark of note would be the system's gateway, located in orbit between Ledynas III and Ledynas IV with a bias toward the latter - in other words, relatively nearby, albeit still requiring a few days to reach with current travel technologies.
Ledynas III and its associated twin moons are therefore the most obvious choice for ongoing life. This isn't saying much, though: the moons too lack atmosphere, limiting them to orbital bases for now, and the planet's semi-irregular orbit brings it in and out of the conservative habitable zone, and as such the world is an ice planet with occasional bouts of modest warmth and about 0.7 times Earth's gravity. Combined with a heavy axial tilt, a large percentage of its surface lies in near-perpetual darkness, a "polar night" far more extreme than any on Earth; consequently, measuring "average" surface temperature is a bit of a misnomer, as the side facing Ledynas will reach around -10°C most of the time, whereas the side facing away drops to -100°C. As such, the "warm" side's atmosphere is dry and glacially cold, but otherwise breathable, whilst the "cold" side is effectively uninhabitable, with carbon dioxide snow forming great hills as temperatures drop below -78.5°C, ironically ensuring more atmosphere isn't also frozen.
Being in the light is not strictly a benefit, though. Despite its relative distance, Ledynas III still receives a far greater dose of UV radiation on its exposed surfaces than Earth, and its atmosphere is only somewhat more effective at blocking it, meaning anything on the world's surface must contend with both intense chill and a far greater risk of radiation damage - assuming the cold isn't lethal, humans with no protection risk vision damage and intense sunburns in the short term, and in the long term will experience cancer at best, and symptoms of radiation sickness at worst.
The same cannot be said of life under the ice layer. For all its faults, Ledynas III does possess liquid water, buried under as much as a kilometer of solid water ice, and chance dictates that most of this liquid is interconnected much like Earth's own oceans, supporting a complex aquatic ecosystem via geothermal vents and tidal forces. In fact, it has been noted that the complexity of this life is far greater than should be possible in the timeframe of Ledynas' lifespan, suggesting it has been geologically active for possibly billions of years prior; research into the matter has since confirmed the world's material composition is distinct from that of any other world in the system, confirming that it is almost certainly a captured rogue planet, possibly caught up in the initial creation of the system as a whole. This would also explain the presence of life on the surface, if surface melts allowed access to the planet's landmasses for the first time after the planet's capture.
With this in mind, most of Ledynas III's biosphere is not "interesting" - that is to say, whilst of scientific interest, it mostly fails to capture new concepts beyond those seen in Old Earth's underwater creatures, barring a specific apex predator and the evolution of pseudo-mammalian life in underwater conditions, complete with layers of blubber for cold resistance and live births with extensive parenting. The more fascinating part of this arrangement comes from the small above-ground populous, featuring a small but highly efficient food chain.
The first step of the above-ground food chain, the substance called geislahár is not a plant, but a number of symbiotic organisms most comparable to fruticose lichen or moss, with thin, hairy-looking strands of biological material forming wide stretches of yellow, almost grassy "fields" across otherwise-uninhabitable ice. The mechanisms involved are a fascinating example of evolution at work: evidence suggests the ancestors of geislahár filter fed in water, and initially developed a membrane that kept it relatively warm and protected even in direct contact with ice, allowing them to grow above the water's surface at the time it became accessible, sharing in nutrients from colonies still under the water itself. High UV exposure led to development of, first a resistant, then a radiotrophic element to their mechanisms, a task the fine hairs were quite capable of adapting to with minimal risk of long-term damage; in turn, the extra warmth helped keep patches of liquid water open to the air for later species to emerge.
From this initial ancestor, different radiolichen colonies have since diverged into a decent number of species, though three main variants have emerged over time: a more primitive sort, closer to their origins with no colouration or paler yellows and less rigid strands; a deep, dark yellow, better suited for absorbing heat and the UV of the world; and, most curiously, an intensely bright yellow with slightly broader hairs, still more than capable of capturing UV for calories, but on examination seeming to engage in a mechanism resembling primitive plant photosynthesis, using yellower rather than greener compounds to account for the ambient light of the distant star. The rate this mechanism has evolved seems to defy standard biology, though it may be accounted for by far higher than normal rates of mutation from extensive UV radiation exposure.
From this initial ancestor, different radiolichen colonies have since diverged into a decent number of species, though three main variants have emerged over time: a more primitive sort, closer to their origins with no colouration or paler yellows and less rigid strands; a deep, dark yellow, better suited for absorbing heat and the UV of the world; and, most curiously, an intensely bright yellow with slightly broader hairs, still more than capable of capturing UV for calories, but on examination seeming to engage in a mechanism resembling primitive plant photosynthesis, using yellower rather than greener compounds to account for the ambient light of the distant star. The rate this mechanism has evolved seems to defy standard biology, though it may be accounted for by far higher than normal rates of mutation from extensive UV radiation exposure.
It is believed that following the radiolichen, small crustacean-esque creatures emerged, of course seeking to feed on it. That insects evolved from crustaceans on Old Earth is a known fact, and flash beetles have seemingly followed a convergent path, again more rapidly than one would expect compared to Old Earth: whilst larger than Earth's beetles, a hard yellow chitinous carapace shields their top side, whilst jaws specialised to devour the radiolichen are present at its head, and six sets of legs let it cling firmly to ice and geislahár alike, all adaptations seen in related taxons that have yet to emerge from the oceans. Unlike their relatives, svetlyzhuk shells are flatter and slightly thinner, and shimmer with a very obvious oil-like gleam, evidence of thin-film interference that directly shields them from UV exposure at the right angles. It can be assumed that they have taken the opposite approach to the colonies they consume, relying on their shells and relative absence of predators to thrive in the unusual environment, albeit still mostly bound to the geislahár fields for warmth. Notably, certain types have also found homes in CSU cities, as these environments provide both food and warmth in excess; whilst not precisely distinct from other svetlyzhuk, inhabitants have a habit of derogatorily naming them "flash roaches", after the Old Earth cockroach and their habit of gyrating briefly when approached by larger creatures in ways that reflect light toward their eyes before running to safety.
Zmajopos bear an uncanny physical resemblance to the Virgina opossum of North America before it went extinct, if they grew to the size of a wild boar and had feet capable of gripping and climbing. Unlike svetlyzhuk, these are warm-blooded creatures much closer to mammals such as cetaceans or pinnipeds than crustaceans. This offers a major advantage, in that they are much more capable of wandering beyond the confines of water basins than flash beetles, often doing so in herds of a few dozen members at a time. Whilst this might be considered fatally improper, they seem, in addition to other heat-retaining modifications, to have formed their own symbiosis with a peculiar strain of geislahár. As a result, they bear a yellow-green colouration to thick masses of "hair" growing from their dark skin. Whilst the benefit for the geislahár is not entirely clear - perhaps access to more light, or mobility to begin growing in colonies further afield - the zmajopos plainly benefit from additional insulative layers, and easy access to energy and sustenance as long as they are exposed to light and UV, supplemented by the consumption of flash beetles living in colonies upon their bodies or in radiolichen fields.
Beyond this, the main thing that stands out are membranous projections from around their upper back. By all accounts, these are modified fins from their time as oceanic creatures - yet the resemblance to bat-like or dragon-like wings is uncanny, hence the name "possum dragon", and indeed whilst also serving as heat-regulating "sails", it appears that different subspecies can adjust them in different, quite precise fashions. Certain groups have been seen with more developed sails, and a clear move toward aerial mobility is visible; it is believed that the first gliding zmajopos will present naturally within a few million years, though acceleration due to human presence is not unlikely.
Incidentally, their behaviour, whilst more complex than that of a flash beetle, is nonetheless akin to small mammals of the sort seen on Old Earth, such as rodents and, again, opossums, and includes a surprisingly effective climbing ability likely emerging from grab reflexes when targeting flash beetles or navigating underwater fungaloid colonies. Notably, their size means they can and occasionally do present substantial physical threats to humans if they find reason to attack, and the particular developments of their physique bring to mind similarities to the ancient family Entelodontiae, known colloquially as hellpigs; however, a wild possum dragon is far more likely to simply freeze in place with its mouth wide open for an extended period when approached by humans, and even domesticated variants will do the same when sighting more esoteric addasu. This is believed to be an emergent behaviour stemming from a mix of underwater hunting methods, intimidation and mating displays, and an adaptation to guard from the gyrating light defense of flash beetles, all attempting to trigger simultaneously in response to an unfamiliar threat, notably excluding chensel. As a result, whilst useful for meat, they are considered more annoying than dangerous, not least because their ability to climb can get them into extremely bizarre locations in the CSU's cities.
Beyond this, the main thing that stands out are membranous projections from around their upper back. By all accounts, these are modified fins from their time as oceanic creatures - yet the resemblance to bat-like or dragon-like wings is uncanny, hence the name "possum dragon", and indeed whilst also serving as heat-regulating "sails", it appears that different subspecies can adjust them in different, quite precise fashions. Certain groups have been seen with more developed sails, and a clear move toward aerial mobility is visible; it is believed that the first gliding zmajopos will present naturally within a few million years, though acceleration due to human presence is not unlikely.
Incidentally, their behaviour, whilst more complex than that of a flash beetle, is nonetheless akin to small mammals of the sort seen on Old Earth, such as rodents and, again, opossums, and includes a surprisingly effective climbing ability likely emerging from grab reflexes when targeting flash beetles or navigating underwater fungaloid colonies. Notably, their size means they can and occasionally do present substantial physical threats to humans if they find reason to attack, and the particular developments of their physique bring to mind similarities to the ancient family Entelodontiae, known colloquially as hellpigs; however, a wild possum dragon is far more likely to simply freeze in place with its mouth wide open for an extended period when approached by humans, and even domesticated variants will do the same when sighting more esoteric addasu. This is believed to be an emergent behaviour stemming from a mix of underwater hunting methods, intimidation and mating displays, and an adaptation to guard from the gyrating light defense of flash beetles, all attempting to trigger simultaneously in response to an unfamiliar threat, notably excluding chensel. As a result, whilst useful for meat, they are considered more annoying than dangerous, not least because their ability to climb can get them into extremely bizarre locations in the CSU's cities.
The only native sapient species known to the CSU; the name "chensel" is notably a term from their own language, rather than assigned after discovery. These creatures share in plenty of the possum dragon's features - substantial size of three meters or more, blubbery insulating layers over packed muscle, symbiosis with a strain of radiolichen for further energy and insulation - but where the zmajopos are more akin to opossums or pinnipeds, chensel have closer resemblance to a sort of polar bear, with an elongated head and neck leading to comparisons to the Borzoi dog breed of Old Earth. It is presumed that the latter adaptation assisted in aqueous dominance as a major omnivorous species; indeed, their close relatives that remain underwater confirm this link, describing a tale of how intelligence in a social pack species evolved to the point that, once able to access heat and ores above the surface, achieved a level of civilisation equivalent to the late Bronze Age of Old Earth, with more or less full control over the other species that migrated above the surface of the water, and surprisingly little initial interference with one another upon initial discovery.
Unfortunately for them, their capabilities have been historically inferior to those of the Alpha Sophont of the planet - namely, the civilizzatu of the Civiltà Scientifica Unu, who through a mix of superior technology and advanced social manipulation strategies reduced the species to a small number of scattered tribes, closely monitored by drones to ensure minimal resistance, and what are now known as Ledynite indentures: pale shadows of their former selves, often drastically modified in ways that abuse and mutilate in equal measure, the least of which is a form of surgical disembowelment that renders the vast majority reliant on intravenous feeds for nutrition. If they try to flee or fight back, they will simply starve or dehydrate. Further details described below.
Unfortunately for them, their capabilities have been historically inferior to those of the Alpha Sophont of the planet - namely, the civilizzatu of the Civiltà Scientifica Unu, who through a mix of superior technology and advanced social manipulation strategies reduced the species to a small number of scattered tribes, closely monitored by drones to ensure minimal resistance, and what are now known as Ledynite indentures: pale shadows of their former selves, often drastically modified in ways that abuse and mutilate in equal measure, the least of which is a form of surgical disembowelment that renders the vast majority reliant on intravenous feeds for nutrition. If they try to flee or fight back, they will simply starve or dehydrate. Further details described below.
Without question, the greatest threat in the oceanic environment that comprises most of the world's biosphere, and potentially a major factor driving movement of zmajopos and chensel to shallow seas, and then above the water once the option became available. Many and varied comparisons to a great deal of Old Earth life can be considered, but it is not unreasonable to suggest the closest sentiment would be imagining a crab or lobster that simply grew larger and larger, anywhere from 15 to 25 meters long and from 85 to 150 metric tonnes in adulthood, gaining features akin to a sperm whale as it did so. The end result, far from the relative placidity of Old Earth's sperm whales, is undeniably the planet's apex predator, in adulthood threatened only by other hafgufa. Highly intelligent, with large and well-shielded brains, the banana-sized teeth, tentacular protrusions, and immense claws of these animals are more than capable of crushing most defenses placed before them, whilst their large fins can propel them at speeds equivalent to a great white shark. Communication between individuals is relatively complex, though by and large they are solitary animals with rather vast territories, thus only communicating from great distances unless a territorial competitor or mating partner is located; more pertinently, the sonic clicks they emit can reach volumes of 250 decibels or more, and can be directed toward more durable targets to quite literally vibrate them to death, liquefying their internal organs. It is truly a boon to the CSU that they are incapable of shattering the layers of ice trapping them below the water.
The typical citizen of the CSU is referred to as civilizzatu, "civilised folk", though to call them "typical" is to vastly underestimate how common it is to diverge from this notion. That said, whilst they are superficially similar to ordinary humans, two factors set even these ordinary civilizzatu apart.
First, as a function of both unique starting conditions and the ongoing drive toward the goal of science and technology, their average intelligence is substantially higher; in crude and outdated terms, a typical civilizzatu would possess an Intelligence Quotient of roughly 135 compared to the humans of Old Earth, and many are much smarter than this. Physically, this manifests as broadly more dense and efficient neuron clustering and connection within the brain and thicker myelin sheathes around neuron bodies, and the same to a lesser extent within the nervous system as a whole, allowing more refined and rapid thought patterns and reflexes comparatively. In a sense, civilizzatu literally "think faster" than standard humans.
Second, all civilizzatu possess specialised "antifreeze glands" at various points within their bodies, including within the flesh of the lower jaw, armpits, and thighs, a few connected to the kidneys, liver, and GI tracts, and one tied directly to the heart muscle. These glands are designed to produce and store urea and glycogen, triggering the substances to release into the circulatory system under specific conditions, in particular sudden temperature drops at the skin and/or in the core, producing what is essentially antifreeze that floods the cells; the effect is further enhanced by a small gland tied to the heart that stores an additional dose of adrenaline, encouraging rapid mixing and delivery of the substance throughout the body. This is important in the circumstances, as the environment of their primary world is cold enough to induce rapid freezing and potential cell damage without the liquid vitrification these substances induce. Of course, recovering from this state does require specialised treatment, but it will preserve the body and brain from death by freezing, and exceptionally rarely from more mundane causes of death if they are somehow triggered prematurely.
First, as a function of both unique starting conditions and the ongoing drive toward the goal of science and technology, their average intelligence is substantially higher; in crude and outdated terms, a typical civilizzatu would possess an Intelligence Quotient of roughly 135 compared to the humans of Old Earth, and many are much smarter than this. Physically, this manifests as broadly more dense and efficient neuron clustering and connection within the brain and thicker myelin sheathes around neuron bodies, and the same to a lesser extent within the nervous system as a whole, allowing more refined and rapid thought patterns and reflexes comparatively. In a sense, civilizzatu literally "think faster" than standard humans.
Second, all civilizzatu possess specialised "antifreeze glands" at various points within their bodies, including within the flesh of the lower jaw, armpits, and thighs, a few connected to the kidneys, liver, and GI tracts, and one tied directly to the heart muscle. These glands are designed to produce and store urea and glycogen, triggering the substances to release into the circulatory system under specific conditions, in particular sudden temperature drops at the skin and/or in the core, producing what is essentially antifreeze that floods the cells; the effect is further enhanced by a small gland tied to the heart that stores an additional dose of adrenaline, encouraging rapid mixing and delivery of the substance throughout the body. This is important in the circumstances, as the environment of their primary world is cold enough to induce rapid freezing and potential cell damage without the liquid vitrification these substances induce. Of course, recovering from this state does require specialised treatment, but it will preserve the body and brain from death by freezing, and exceptionally rarely from more mundane causes of death if they are somehow triggered prematurely.
Modification of self is relatively common within the civilizzatu, and those possessing any form of alteration from baseline are considered addasu, "modified". This is not so much a legal distinction from civilizzatu, as a given addasu is still a civilizzatu; the term merely acts as a descriptor, further delineated by the form of modification one has received.
Cybernetic modification is the most common of these alterations, making up more than half of all addasu, and typically representing direct improvements to standard baseline capabilities such as improved body parts or energy storage, alongside other mechanical effects like energetic attacks or magnetic clamps. Whilst there are risks associated with attaching heat-conductive materials directly to one's body in an ultracold environment, these are usually accounted for with active heating and insulation (assuming the modification is not strictly internal), and when being specifically referred to are considered "peiriant addasu".
Next comes purely biological modification, covering just over a third of addasu. These are considered "gnawdol addasu" in conversation, and comprise a mix of direct genetic manipulation, and a method of biosculpting to directly shape the flesh to its desired form. The changes can be as simple as gaining body parts and functions from Old Earth animals, or as bizarre and uncommon as effectively full-body transplants that leave the recipient practically unrecognisable as human to begin with. Notably, modifications that can be imposed upon other civilizzatu, such as through retroviral transmission, are explicitly forbidden; those who engage in such a practice are summarily destroyed and their more palatable works re-credited to other civilizzatu, usually the restored victims where possible.
Finally, there is the small contingent of addasu that swear by the combination of cybernetics and biosculpting, the "cyfunol addasu", naturally rare simply because combining both without cannibalising each requires intense intellect to achieve with any effectiveness. Unlike gnawdol addasu, it is rare to see a cyfunol of any note that hasn't delved far into the uncanny, which contributes to their rarity; however, for their truly alien appearances, they also tend to possess the most impressive improvements compared to their peers. Notable examples include biomechanical mind-machine interfaces, hyperactive wired nervous systems, exoskeletal armouring, and direct tissue reconstruction nanites.
Cybernetic modification is the most common of these alterations, making up more than half of all addasu, and typically representing direct improvements to standard baseline capabilities such as improved body parts or energy storage, alongside other mechanical effects like energetic attacks or magnetic clamps. Whilst there are risks associated with attaching heat-conductive materials directly to one's body in an ultracold environment, these are usually accounted for with active heating and insulation (assuming the modification is not strictly internal), and when being specifically referred to are considered "peiriant addasu".
Next comes purely biological modification, covering just over a third of addasu. These are considered "gnawdol addasu" in conversation, and comprise a mix of direct genetic manipulation, and a method of biosculpting to directly shape the flesh to its desired form. The changes can be as simple as gaining body parts and functions from Old Earth animals, or as bizarre and uncommon as effectively full-body transplants that leave the recipient practically unrecognisable as human to begin with. Notably, modifications that can be imposed upon other civilizzatu, such as through retroviral transmission, are explicitly forbidden; those who engage in such a practice are summarily destroyed and their more palatable works re-credited to other civilizzatu, usually the restored victims where possible.
Finally, there is the small contingent of addasu that swear by the combination of cybernetics and biosculpting, the "cyfunol addasu", naturally rare simply because combining both without cannibalising each requires intense intellect to achieve with any effectiveness. Unlike gnawdol addasu, it is rare to see a cyfunol of any note that hasn't delved far into the uncanny, which contributes to their rarity; however, for their truly alien appearances, they also tend to possess the most impressive improvements compared to their peers. Notable examples include biomechanical mind-machine interfaces, hyperactive wired nervous systems, exoskeletal armouring, and direct tissue reconstruction nanites.
The practice of psyche extension, or "cerveau récupération", stems from a mixture of advanced rejuvenation techniques and relatively limited resources. When the technology to fully rejuvenate a human body was first discovered, it was agreed that applying this process to every human would be wasteful, but equally that the loss of their intellect and knowledge would be just as bad. The determined compromise was to place the brain of the would-be deceased into a specialised nutrient suspension, then attach a biomechanical membrane that would serve to both feed the mind and connect it to artificial senses, before injecting a mixture of stimulants and rejuvenators called Yahqobleiter to restore and reactivate the newly-extended psyche's neural tissues. Consequently, whilst the typical civilizzatu might live over a century before "moving on", a récupéré can easily add centuries to this number, with some having been alive since the CSU's origins - though most are of course kept checkmated when attrition through accidental death eventually catches up to them.
It is not entirely uncommon that a brain is too heavily damaged one way or another to reconstruct and extend, such that the resulting "person" would not be especially sentient, let alone able to convey what the original owner of the mind once knew. For such brains, as well as deceased récupéré, as much information as can be acquired is extracted, and the tissue then repurposed toward drone command (see below).
It is not entirely uncommon that a brain is too heavily damaged one way or another to reconstruct and extend, such that the resulting "person" would not be especially sentient, let alone able to convey what the original owner of the mind once knew. For such brains, as well as deceased récupéré, as much information as can be acquired is extracted, and the tissue then repurposed toward drone command (see below).
The unfortunate xenoforms known as Ledynites are slaves, for all intents and purposes. Whilst their origins as a large, intelligent species were promising in terms of culture, and their evolution a miracle of biology and physics alike, in their current state the vast majority are perpetually "indentured" to the Civiltà Scientifica Unu through both social engineering and more direct biological restraints such as chemical blocking of nerve pathways, and the very few beyond that have no hope of developing the technology to free their kin from this fate. Even including them in a population count is often considered humorous, as most civilizzatu don't view them as particular valuable for more than physical labour. Indeed, most have had their ability to digest sustenance entirely removed, damning them to nutrient feeds and the certainty of starvation if they attempt to flee.
Worse still, many are subject to even further restriction and severe modification. Plenty receive implants allowing an extended psyche's containment unit to be attached and the body controlled directly, with no input from the Ledynite's thought processes; others are transformed into bio-suits, their bodily cavity hollowed out and rearranged through bio-sculpting to allow a human pilot to connect to their nervous systems and control them from the inside, a process often engaged in as part of surface exploration. The most extreme examples of this process, called Ledynite Carriers, are sauropod-esque monstrosities of their former selves, quadrupedal and oversized to allow multiple individuals to travel within, and their bodily processes commanded by an array of récupéré to ensure quiet subservience.
Worse still, many are subject to even further restriction and severe modification. Plenty receive implants allowing an extended psyche's containment unit to be attached and the body controlled directly, with no input from the Ledynite's thought processes; others are transformed into bio-suits, their bodily cavity hollowed out and rearranged through bio-sculpting to allow a human pilot to connect to their nervous systems and control them from the inside, a process often engaged in as part of surface exploration. The most extreme examples of this process, called Ledynite Carriers, are sauropod-esque monstrosities of their former selves, quadrupedal and oversized to allow multiple individuals to travel within, and their bodily processes commanded by an array of récupéré to ensure quiet subservience.
Artificial intelligences are not, by and large, considered to be part of the CSU's population count, as for reasons of safeguarding the vast majority are either typical narrow intelligences, or a specific form of general intelligence reliant on similar technologies as psyche extension (see above). To wit, whilst technically possible to produce AIs that can process information in the manner of a biological brain, most civilizzatu consider it far more efficient to perform this processing by attaching other systems to the pre-existing architecture of the human brain, more specifically the preserved tissues of those who could not be extended or whose brains were destroyed post-extension. These sluha remain bound by their programming, but can more actively take in, assess, and act upon information from their surroundings to follow these goals, and in most cases can remain functional with proper maintenance for vast lengths of time without rest.
History: (What happened after your Colony landed? This can be as brief or detailed as you like. Just try to give us a feel of the nation)
Culture and Society: (How do they live? Anything from ritual cannibals, to a surveillance state dystopia, to an integrated hivemind.)
Governance and Politics: Positions of power are typically given to those who present the greatest knowledge and scientific ability, and it is not a surprise that those who are highly long-lived (read: extended psyches) often receive much greater roles in governing the cities of the CSU. However, the unique circumstances of the nation-state mean that power is also geared toward group dynamics: it is rare for somebody with high status in one field to share that status elsewhere, and consequently most political leaders must by default rely on intercommunication with their peers to achieve long-term goals.
(Like the government form field, but more room for detail. If your Colony has changed in such a way that it doesn't even have a government or politics anymore, this is also a good place to talk about that.)
Technology Overview: (What have your people invented? Or have they forgotten anything?)
Military Overview: The CSU's military core is by and large focused on the use of laser-based and directed energy weaponry. As described above, their capacity to produce both more efficient light-focusing techniques and more powerful cells to fuel these has developed drastically over the last half a millenium, and consequently the use of solid-projectile weapons has declined greatly, especially in their primary development for use on militarised spaceships, where factors such as planetary curvature and relatively limited power are mostly nullified. The primary sectors involved with warfare of any sort are as follows:
Security Sector: Internal defense, e.g. crime prevention, but largely focused on civilizzatu giving sluha and Ledynites orders. As such, they tend to be viewed with a degree of command expertise, kind of like a sergeant is viewed by the army. Also has the benefit of individuals working on small-scale subdual technologies and theories, as well as actual social studies to address the causes of criminal behaviour.
Aerospace Sector: Airborne craft on-world, satellites and spaceships off-world. Whilst broadly viewed as using technical prowess to calculate trajectories, they are all trained pilots and/or astronauts, and as such most are capable of manning spacecraft in at least one role, including ship-to-ship combat; their récupéré are often assigned to piloting otherwise unmanned craft, since they're well-equipped for it. Their tech, naturally, tends to involve aerospace applications, including the space elevators spanning between Ledynas III and its moons.
Mechanics Sector: A lot more practical than many other sectors, though by the same virtue it also holds the greatest number of people willing to experiment upon themselves, and therefore the greatest degree of attrition. They usually handle the physical side of building ships and weapons tech, as well as managing the mechanical side of manipulating the bodies of indentures to fit their needs and purposes.
Military Sector: Doesn't actually exist, save as effectively a stand-in sector manned by just a few people for the sake of filing any relevant paperwork. The nature of the Core Principle is such that intranational warfare is practically non-existent, even between disparate on-world cities. It will, however, become much more prominent much more quickly once combat with other nations commences.
Additional Info: (Anything else you want to include that there isn't a spot for up there.)