There will be only a few things you need to know and that I will tell 1. I am a guy 2. why are you interested in who I am? 3. it can be very easy to make a friendship but you need to learn how to handle someone with Asperger a spectrum of autism plus several mental issues. 4. and also I am a bit of a quiet guy sometimes Specialy after a while but if you manage to catch my attention I can be very close and talkative sometimes.
Huffing and hurrying, the sound of steam and heavy machinery moving, twisting and thumping drowned half of the sound of gunshots and machine guns that echoed through the flagship of the warqueen, Pane crawled through the events trying to get away from most of the action. He was scared his mom said she would meet her in the upper decks where a defence was being mounted as both split up. But for him it seemed like the entire ship was a war zone instead as he huffed for air as he passed another illumination the sound of swords could also be heard he stopped for a moment to catch air it felt hot in the lungs, and to breathe it also felt hot his eyes illuminated the hallways with gold shimmer as he relaxed his body he soon felt an arm grab his back and soon he was lifted up from the vent access screaming he soon saw a fire and a buff man wearing armour saying. “I found a vent rat here!”
Pane squirmed while being held up in the air he quickly soon picked up a shiv he hid on his pants and stabbed the soldier in a weak joint of the armour. With a shout of pain, he let go of the boy, and as his bare feet covered by bandages hit the metal tiling, he soon began to run away. The industrial access areas were rather tight, but for Pane, it was quite easy to transfer behind the soldiers seemed to be following him they were slow he noticed, but still could catch him up. His heart pounded, rushing forward, turning into corners, hoping to lose them, until he stopped seeing a deep fall chain hanging from the ceiling; this was an access vent system; the air was a bit more difficult to breathe. Looking around, there seemed to be no way to go besides climbing down or up the ledges.
As he looked back, he soon saw the soldiers turning around a corner and beginning to get close to him. Seconds were all he had, and his heart decided for him as he rushed forward and jumped, aiming to grab one of the chains used for transporting heavy machinery through the area. Holding the rope, he managed to maintain his strength and quickly climbed up with all the strength he could muster. Looking down, the soldiers seemed to give up chasing him, returning to their tunnel as he looked around, he saw another access tunnel just 2 floors above the one he left. With enough strength, he jumped through the gap grabbed onto the ledge, and soon raised himself up the ledge he then collapsed onto the floor breathing heavily as his arms felt sore.
He took deep breaths before rising up and continuing his way through the industrial access tunnels, leaving then into a regular hallway he noticed the blood splatter on the walls. The smoke of gunpowder could be felt in the air Pane looked around seeing dead soldiers on the floor, bullet casings, and holes in the walls by said gunfire. He soon picked up a pistol from a fallen soldier. His heart pounded as he moved carefully through the hallways, the lights still illuminated. He soon froze as he saw a gun being pointed at him by a soldier turning a corner and seeing him. The woman then said. “Come in kid.” Lowering her firearm, he looked on in shock but soon relaxed when he saw the badge of a woman holding a spear charging into the stars.
They were on his side, he realised quickly and moved on when seeing other soldiers behind the woman setting up barricades as he left the hallway. He could see an opening, a large hall with several entrances one leading to the bridge he soon began to look around for his mom saying. “M-mom?” He felt disoriented by the number of people around looking for his mom after a moment of searching, he soon could see her. She was black-haired with scars on her face, and bright gold eyes glowed towards him seeing her, he shouted. “Mom!” As he rushed carrying his gun his mom seemed to notice him beginning to move towards him as he rushed, and he soon stopped seeing a man remove from a cloak a metallic sphere that seemed strange and rather advanced activating it, he soon saw the glow increase, illuminating the room he soon jumped as an explosion rocked the entire area the ringing of his ears deafening the screams and the sound of gunfire. Rising up he soon saw soldiers beginning to enter through the hole made by the explosion as the world returned to him he could see soldiers wearing their black armour and carrying a blood-red star insignia. The gunshots made him begin to crawl as his ears ringed several people running and soldiers that he was with picking covering positions as he hid behind a piece of debris. Looking up he saw a soldier begin to approach him, gun in hand, aiming at others further along looking down, he began to fondle the revolver he had. A revolver yet he never operated a gun before as he cocked up the pistol, he felt someone step behind him.
Looking behind, he saw the soldier look at him and began to point his arm at him his heart raced until he saw the head of the soldier being shot and collapse on the floor looking in the opposite direction, he could see Nis, she wielded a rifle and fired shots with extreme precision taking down several other soldiers she looked like a monolith of power her red eyes glowing like fire. Behind her several guards continued marching behind her, guns in hand helping in repelling the enemy soldiers. Spanning away from the awe Pane soon realised there were still threats around finally cocking the revolver, he aimed the heavy gun at the first soldier and opening fire the gun flew off his hand with him letting out a. “Yelp!” of surprise the shot seemed to miss he realised, as he soon hid from the gunfire going his way as he cowered he soon saw Nis walk past him looking to him she seemed to be without fear to his eyes returning to shooting as he rose up he saw the guards of her and herself together with a few other soldiers begin to drive back the attack. The bullets seemed to not even hit her or they seemed to ricochet when hitting her armour. After the loud bangs finally stopped he breathed easily as the violence finally ended.
He stared at her for a moment as she seemed amazing to himself, barely hearing a word she said as she talked with her second officer and began to walk back to the centre of the room past him. As they walked past him he soon shook his head realising, he needed to focus beginning to look for his mother again and walk around whispering for her mother in the returning crowds to work. Taking a look around he noticed the corpses and one seemed familiar a shiver ran down his spine as he began to approach some of the bodies being dragged until he saw her black her face covered in blood and gunshots he kneeled not being able to think straight. His heart felt like it had sunk into an abyss, and his eyes were heavy, barely able to be contained as tears began to fall down. He touched her arm holding it up like saying. “m-m-mooom!” He soon felt the world dissolve itself for a moment as he felt himself alone despite being surrounded by people his heart was like a boulder dragging him into an abyss. His soul felt hurt, and he raised his chin, sniffing and trying to find something else to focus on.
His eyes focused on the war queen. Nis seemed busy making orders, and most of her guard had dispersed; she seemed close by as he swallowed tears he began cleaning his eyes and looking back again. His eyes widened as he could see a man standing next to her pulling from a coat another spherical weapon that seemed visible. He soon began to rush forward shouting. “Watch out!” Closing distance quite quickly either due to adrenaline or luck pushed the large man. The sphere seemed ancient technology as it bounced off the floor it soon began to glow as people began to run. Pane also ran as he heard the man shout in what seemed like a mechanical voice. “GLORY TO THE COUNCIL!”
Pane soon felt himself caught in the blast launching himself in the air and landing on the floor his ears ringing and his body aching in pain as soon as he recovered most of his senses, he felt tremendous pain looking down at his arm, he saw only it was torn off together with his right leg he soon screamed in pain. Laying down his head feeling weak and in pain as he looked up he saw the silhouette of Nis she looked at him shocked, and quickly unbuckled a belt shouting. “GRAB ME A SURGEON!” He soon felt the tourniquet pressure in his leg. “It hurts!” He screamed at her. “I know, stay with me, you are fine. Understood?” She replied holding his head, and a surgeon soon arrived saying. “Loss of blood, severe possible broken bones besides the missing limbs, I will try my best.” He soon began to apply a tourniquet to his arm as she looked at the boy feeling his heart being pressured, she soon heard a clicking sound with a small sigh, she turned around and grabbed the man’s arm, her mechanical arm breaking the arm on his hand before turning to a shotgun and pointing to his chest and firing sending the man back with the fire.
She panted with the adrenaline coursing through her veins she then said. “Check anyone else for traitors!” The guards saluted and began checking Pane looked in awe still holding to life, but soon he heard a voice mechanical yet deep and scary it laughed. “ha ha… What a nice show huh Nis?” Nis looked shocked, turning around to see the body was actually a robot she mumbled. “Impossible…” “Ah everything is possible…” The voice replied as a screen turned on and the silhouette of a man wearing cybernetics appeared, he soon said. “This little boarding action may have failed, but several more are coming. Time is gonna run out honey, and your resources are beginning to run out.” She seemed to chuckle at the comment. “Can’t believe I once slept with you…” “Ah please… under the bridge, I like our friendly games, but my co-workers in the council are becoming more irritated at this game of cat and mouse of ours. Especially as we consolidate the system.” Pane soon saw the man’s face as he leaned closer to the camera; he seemed as young as Nis, his eyes were green, his face had a bionic jaw, and one eye was cybernetic, leaving him looking well.
“So you wanna say a final goodbye?” She replied to him saying. “Yes a game ends well… you are the only one to survive the battle, and even with one-fourth of your forces, you are holding well. Well, good luck my love you were amazing.” He smiled and seemed about to reply. She soon shouted. “WAIT!” Pane looked, and she seemed to hesitate as he took a second look she sighed and said. “What… are your coworker's conditions for my surrender? If I am allowed to still reign in some of my lands.” “Are you willing to surrender after all this time?” He replied, rather shocked by his looks. Nis seemed to take a deep breath before saying. “Does it look like I have another choice, love?” He seemed to stare before typing something in a console as time held, the room still felt silent despite the crowd. Soon several other screens turned on nine in total, Pane could not see the others as a woman seemed to say as his consciousness seemed to fade in and out, the doctor attaching a blood bag to him. “So… you are willing to bow down to us, Winner of one hundred battles?” He heard before going to sleep.
Pane soon awoke feeling a bit dizzy. Yet he felt comfortable, something he never experienced much, his head resting on a pillow and his body on a bed. As he looked around, he soon saw Nis his eyes widened, and he took a deep breath that seemed to be heard as Nis turned to him. “You are awake…” She replied with a light smile her red eyes glowed as he stared, and the only words he could say were. “My queen… I…” “Don’t call me that where your parents are?” She replied, curious he looked down saying. “They are dead…” His heart felt pressed by a boulder as he remembered once again of the events that led him here, Nis meanwhile looked sad saying. “I failed you… I am sorry…” “You did not fail me…” He replied with a weak tone. She looked at him with a soft smile yet her face still looked sad, she then said to him. “I did… Don’t worry I... you will be in good hands.” She said tenderly, running her fingers through his hair. Pane felt comfortable for the moment, falling asleep again.
45 years later.
The elevator stopped as Pane stepped out, adjusting the clothes around his cybernetic right arm. His cybernetical leg felt tight, but it did not bother him much. He wore a suit that was well made, his hair was cut short and his beard was trimmed and grey due to his age. Walking towards the chamber, the guards saluted him entering the chamber, he could hear the humming of Nis saying. “My lady… I got the reports of the recent riots in Teyin colony.” As the doors closed, he approached, seeing Nis lose a lot of her age despite having the ancient tech to boost her vitality, she began to quickly age. The flower of her youth departed quite quickly almost 10 years ago as well, her skin had gained more wrinkles and her hair had lost all its colouration, her muscles withered from the days she used to be quite strong, her mechanical arm being the only thing that stayed the same, looking at him she sighed. “Anything bad son?” she asked him. “The reliance of the local governor on a few priests who believed the gate opening was a sign of the king's return caused severe unrest. But we managed to pacify it after approaching them with our guard.” he replied to her reading the report. She sighed sliding in her chair saying. “These days I just sit here… I feel choked…” “I think losing three-fourths of what you had to the council and managing to recover things so you kept two-fourths of the original deal is a good thing.” He replied with her chuckling saying. “Please don’t try to make it seem like settling into this new life is good.”
He soon shook his head saying. “On other news, remember your son?” “Which one of my twelve, excluding you of course.” She replied, he let out a small grunt before saying. “The one who wanted to prove himself to you and became a mercenary despite being your youngest.” She seemed unsurprised asking. “Urukatan? The boy? Let me guess, he got himself in trouble against someone he was hired that was too much to chew?” “Not quite but I believe it's close…” He replied with a light saying. “He has crossed the gate into another system from what I know he has accumulated a small bounty, including captives.” She seemed shocked. “Foolish boy… Why does he do that?” she looked annoyed asking it. “Well, it's hard to live under the shadow of a person of reputation, not only that but the tension between you and your children is a bit high so he wanting to do something that you would find pride in is probably something he wishes.” He replied to her with a scoff being uttered by her. “They still envy you?” She asked. “Sometimes.” he replied, with her rolling her eyes at the answer she then said. “Of course… Why do they always seem distant… Prepare to send a message to him. I don't want him to risk his life pursuing something foolish mission.” He gave a nod heading out she then said. “Oh and Pane…” “Yes?” he replied, turning around with her soon shaking her head saying. “Nothing, go ahead please…” He gave a nod leaving the room thinking. “Still a closed book, despite needing to be open.” The doors opened for him, and soon they closed behind him as he went to work.
Vinaae stood watch over the gate welding, goggles in eyes just in case of issues. The gate was attached and surrounded by machinery made to manipulate it or at least try he hoped it would go this way. Rubbing his hands with excitement flowing, he soon said in the intercom. "Right, everyone, we are ready!" "Wait!" He heard turning his head to see Aseni putting on her welder goggles as she rushed to the window saying. "I wanna see this too." She soon stood next to him Vinaae then repeated himself saying. "Right, everyone! Ready yourselves we may explode our own stuff!" "...and possibly the gate itself." Aseni comments, worried as her brother puts his hand on the control panel after pressing a few letters and writing a command. He then pressed enter on the keyboard. Both soon watched on as the gate began to glow with intensity.
The station crew began to grow worried, some beginning to back away as the light glowed quite extremely. But soon the gate's mechanisms began to shift as it responded to the commands. Its rings rotate and align in a new shape as the gate opens again but this time in another system. Removing the goggles, Vinaae said with a wide grin. "So you can indeed change locations to go to!" Aseni gave a light nod looking up at him saying. "Yes it seems like the situation, of course it's better to avoid people from the other side knowing someone is checking in then." Her brother thought for a moment before saying. "Better not... it's good to learn more about the people on the other side than being blind huh?" Aseni opened her mouth to protest before saying. "Honestly, it is a fair point to an extent;" He gave a nod with a wide grin feeling quite happy.
"Right, so we can explore the other star systems now that the gates are connected and..." He talked on and on thinking of the possibilities that may arise but as he spoke he soon was interrupted by his sister saying. "Actually, is it not better to keep it locked to Old Gael for now?" "What why?" He asked she rolled her eyes before saying. "You know that man that went to Old Gael" Vinaae sighed remembering that event then he said. "Right, we will wait for him to return in the meantime. I think we may become an important trade port soon enough." Aseni gave a nod agreeing this could be huge if played correctly. 'What a streak of luck' she thought.
The small fleet orbited around old Gael, the sacred earth where men of greatness stood. Now from the flagship, Teenizorii stood watching the greyed skies of Old Gael; his crew also watched on, some with awe and others with less-than-happy faces. Staring into the grey skies, he soon sighed and said. "Status of the system." An officer soon gave a nod saying. "For now our forces are hiding close to Old Gael; Meanwhile, there are several dozen ship signals around us. We weren't the only gate made to escape the end of Gael it seems. We have been avoiding them as you requested. Luckily, their forces are not close to us luckily." Teenizorii gave a nod, he soon turned to the man on his side who was wearing fine clothes and then said. "Status of the shuttles?"
Both moved through the hallways of the ship his right hand soon said. "The atmosphere seems toxic while it still is possible to walk without a full suit instead a respirator is all you need." "At least that remains of good in this world. What of the location of the landing? Did you get the map I asked for?" Teenizorii asked his old friend, and he put him as his assistant despite not liking the more fancy clothes. It was a role of respect. His friend checked his hand console before he pulled a map of the world zooming to a corner saying. "Seems like a continental planet with rather high oceans. Very different from Vusary." Teenizorii soon pressed his finger in a peninsula west of a continent saying. "This place we will land there." "Close to ruins by the looks of our orbital readings." His friend replied. "A good place then." He replied to his friend with him saying. "Yes but also prone to storms. I recommend you be quick to land and leave understood?" Teenizorii gave a nod as he headed out immediately he felt nervous at the thought, and he soon heard his friend shout. "Good luck!"
The shuttles soon departed from the ships going down to the surface of Gael their, speed was fast entering the atmosphere and inside most, talked in small chatter meanwhile, Teenizorii kept his calm on his seat, he maintained his calm only, mumbling only the words of the song he had heard many times when he grew up in Vusary.
Oh Gael, Oh Gael Mother of old, do you still accept your children? ... Old Gael, Old Gael Do you forgive your lost children...
He began to take deep breaths as the shuttle landed and quaked the previous chatter of the shuttle quickly died down. He grasped an old necklace he had with him that had the symbol of a leaf. As the shuttle stopped shaking, he rose up putting a respirator on and took a final last breath moving to the unloader with a few guards as the doors opened. The wind that hit him was hot and humid making his cape be blown by it. The smell of salt was nothing new to him albeit he was used to being dry instead of wet.
He soon began to walk seeing the greyed yet somewhat blue-tinted surface, his feet walking in beach sand as guards moved on he could hear one saying. "Keep the perimeter secure. We don't know if our ancestors also built machines of war; some may still be active!" He walked through the sands but soon hit a small patch of dirt populated by grass, some dead, some still alive as he looked on, he soon began to climb a small hill the shuttle landed by. As he walked up he turned around looking back and some of his men were in obvious duty. Others were on their knees praying and making reverence. The sound of thunder and the illumination of it made him snap out of his view of the ocean; he had never seen something so big before the waves seemed big enough to swallow the sand yet they always broke before it could even swallow the sandy beach.
He soon turned around again looking into the rest of the hill and he continued his climb. Reaching the top he soon saw in the distance the black thunderstorm clouds with lightning hitting an abandoned old city in the distance, its ruins swallowed by the sea but some of its top parts still visible. The sea seemed turbulent and the air until now seemed without life looking on he soon fell to his knees his armour making a sound of metal hitting rock his ears began to have tears running down his face, and he soon began to take deep respirations. "Old Gael... your children return... and we are so sorry... Oh Gael... Please forgive us..." His hand grasped into the dirt and lifting it up he saw its greyness life, seemed weak here as it passed through his hands like sand. Lightning was the only sound he could hear besides the howling wind.
Looking to the side he finally paid attention to the ruin beside him, a destroyed bridge extremely large raising up, he began to move towards it entering the road that led towards the collapsed bridge, he could see cars half buried in dirt and sand. Some of the cars had skeletons inside and, as he looked at a sign, he could not read what was written he wondered what it was written it later would be translated as "Golden Gate Bridge" The bridge was destroyed the cables were long detached all that remained were the pillars now rusted and old.
Going down the hill, he could see his man already building a machine from afar he could easily tell it was a signal hailer strong enough that would be detected even further than the moon. Approaching the group he then said. "What is the need for this man?" "Sir! Just making sure everyone knows we were the first back on old Gael. Together with any smarties wanting to steal your honour, sir." His guard replied before he could say anything he stopped saying. "So be it, build this and let us go then..." he began walking back to his shuttle turning back he saw lightning again and he felt his heart sink more. He pulled his necklace and let it fall on the beach before burying it with his gloved hand and walking away feeling saddened. The shuttles soon took off and on the beaches of California, offerings were left to a dead world offerings asking for forgiveness.
The sound of engines cranking, gears spinning, and the reactor's heartbeat could be heard through the heat of the space station orbiting Vusary's second moon of Spiragîr. Walking through the cramped hallways, Aseni read a console given to her by a trade ship as she walked. She stopped for a moment and quickly groaned upon seeing the data as she soon began to walk through the hallways of the station, Aseni was a woman who looked in her early twenties she had sapphire-like eyes and long white hair, her face was plain and rather pale with a crooked nose, but rather well tight and well groomed compared with extremely expensive maid like clothes while having a collar around her neck made out of metal. Music could be heard as she entered the social areas where guards, soldiers, and some workers operated. Filled with shops illuminated by neon and industrial lights. As she walked, she overheard a conversation between workers, one saying. "Me and the boys in a ship tried to go asteroid mining, and guess what?" "What?" One of the workers replied. "Some fuckers from warlord Varke came out of nowhere and put a tax on us for mining in his area!" "Are you kidding me? Are they now gonna start taxing anyone if you cross into their lands?" One of the guards replied. "I don't know it is getting harder now thanks to the rivalry between Varke and Boss..." the man replied with another worker saying. "Maybe try to open a shop for the pilgrims or a stop? My cousins have been doing well for them since they want to see the ancient gate." "Ye… like that is cheap." The man replied to the others, Aseni soon could not hear them as she walked away from the conversation.
Heading through the industrial hallway, she saw the docks of the space station as their blast doors were being repaired together with the secure areas; some houses were even being built into the walls being adapted to the hangar. "The population was growing." she thought seeing the buildings as she once again entered the confines of another hallway. She pulled a chain hanging from the ceiling that headed up. She soon dragged up before being stopped on a floor, and stepping down a guard standing by saluted her as she passed down remarking, with few words. "Fix this damn elevator for once..." Walking through the hallway she soon noticed another opening. She froze and bowed before the statue of Lukary before saying. "Be well Your Majesty." She then finally noticed the other descendants of Lukarians that she ignored due to her hurry; the four men and two women gave light bows to her in solidarity saying together. “Cousin…” After giving a small bow of respect to the others she continued on her way.
Picking another elevator she soon began to go down rather fast seeing sections of industry and air controls an area of recreation and many others as she finally stopped at a more luxurious hallway decorated by bluish plants and carpets partially tattered with a sigil of a star being devoured by a Gnax, at the end of the small hallway was a flank of two guards walking softly they saluted her as the door opened and closed behind her looking at room that was a frank mess of books laid about and different papers the walls made out of reinforced steel and as she looked around she heard a man singing.
“Oh stars, Oh stars, sing with me” “Oh stars, Oh stars, sing with me”
Aseni hearing it soon saw Vinaae she soon began to approach slowly while hearing the song. Vinaae seemed to have reclined on a chair while holding a half-empty glass of Nek.
“The Night that comes into the dawn” “From Dalenndar, to Normagar” “Where fire burns, and the bullets fly” “Where man of steel march to die”
Aseni soon saw Vinaae. His hair was dark, his eyes were closed, his face bore many healed scars and he seemed to stay young despite being 34 she soon began to lean into him while she heard him sing.
“Oh stars, Oh stars, sing with us tonight” “For today we shall march to fight” “Against the heart of the beast we shall fight” “and death and glory to be us to…”
“Nice song.” Aseni whispered to Vinaae's ear with him snapped out with a scream, his eyes flaring open revealing the sulfur glow as he quickly fell out of his chair beginning to groan in pain looking to see Aseni he soon pointed at her saying. “Sister…” He soon began to adjust himself. “You Bitch!” Asenie chuckled at the display saying. “really an old war song?” “You know me, not a fan of modern stuff… Changing Topics! WHAT THE FUCK!” He shouted as she gave a light shrug he soon said. “I said more than once to knock!” “This is also my room. I will let you know.” She replied with him groaning, rising up completely and stretching his back he then said. “What is it? I hope it's important” he soon pressed a button as the metal lifted revealing a window to space as he looked on. “Well, remember Varke brother?” He rolled his eyes as he poured a glass of Nek. “Ah yes, the perpetual pain in my ass as he constantly threatens to attack. What about him?” “Well, he just declared any ship going through his territory to us banned.” She replied stopping, raising the glass to his lips and putting it on the table again he then shouted. “What! Can he do that?!” “Technically, it's his territory and I doubt the council nor the crimson eye would step in for such a petty thing” She said with Vinaae growing concerned as he sat on a chair. “This is the worst… now we have to contend with losing 50% of our mineral production.” he said. “Could be worse…” She replied to him continuing. “Remember what father always said? Always be ready for the unexpected because sometimes the good and bad can come both ways.” “Oh please, what good can come of this? I mean, think about it we rely heavily on the…” Aseni smiled, refocusing her eyes into the window for a moment. She felt like work was gonna be thrown at her. Instead, her worries drew to something else outside the gate came into view as the station rotated, and it seemed to begin to glow her eyes widened seeing it. “Brother…” she said with a tone of fear. “We already are in some high levels of debt due to the navy expenditure and…” He continued with her saying. “Brother…” She soon began to move slowly backwards with him sighing. “What?” “The gate to Gael…” She replied, sounding scared as the room was suddenly illuminated by a blue light turning around Vinaae looked towards it and shouted. “WHAT IN THE NAME OF THE KINGS!”
The light soon glowed like a new star in the heavens across all of the star system. A new star appeared in the sky near a newly made pilgrim station. For some in Vusary the planet of old, it seemed like a curiosity. Maybe someone accidentally exploded an old ship's reactor or a major nuclear attack. For others who knew of the star maps the gate towards old Gael glowed and it awoke.
Four days later.
Vinaae coughed into an intercom to call attention before saying. “Right to all workers please get away from blast areas before we launch the probe. All workers remove yourselves from the danger zone” He soon cut comms looking back he soon saw an enormous crowd of people from all clans watching he whispered to his sister. “Is it an impression or are there more people onboard?” “Ah yes more came from abroad as the gate opened.” she replied with a light annoyance. “Ah great… now the entire system knows what is going on here.” Soon the radio fliered up with a static voice saying. “Sir this is Noxi-1 I am ready” Typing into the console he soon picked up the transmission. “Good work Noxi-1 once you think you are ready to launch give a heads up and fear not in any complication, any family member shall be richly compensated for your volunteer work” Vinaae soon turned off comms for a moment. “What are the chances he dies?” “High...” she replied. “Do we really need to pay if he dies?” he said with her turning her head to him looking rather disapprovingly he sighed, taking a moment before turning on the radio again. “Are you ready?” “Yes sir” The sound of a deep breath could be heard with Vinaae smiling pressing the intercom button. “Right, everyone! We are initiating the first launch.” Putting his hand on the console watching as the pilot readied to launch his hands shook for a moment saying. “The Old kings were said to go to Old Gael and that one day they would return to bring judgment right?” “That is how the old stories go…” She said equally, sounding nervous. “We have every cannon aimed at the gate right?” he asked with her replying. “Yes, roughly all cannons and missiles we could muster.”
As both calmly talked soon the pilot of the small craft seemed to launch the procedure as the entire station could see the small craft fly from the hangar towards the gate the cable attached to it being extended from the station and pass the blue glow of the gate seeing the transition Vinaae awaited the maximum time was one hour or so he thought to himself why they did not just attempt to experiment to see if communications would work through the gate but it seemed like a safer option seeing how they didn’t know much of how the machine operated so it was best to do a simple test first. After a moment of silence, the metal cord soon began to be pulled back with the automated system Vinaae, Aseni looked on with curiosity together with the entire station also watching passing through the blue light came the small craft came back as they looked on as communication came in from the. “Everything is fine” There is a collective sigh of relief around the station but also of concern and debate Vinaae soon said. “Right, let me see what the cameras picked up.” He soon picked a console selecting the recordings of the ship to begin to be transferred over. Selecting the video, he soon saw space with Aseni whispering. “Gael?” “seems to be close to it.” He pointed to a dot in space saying. “A moon orbiting a grey dot.” “Are you sure it's Gael and not another star system?” Aseni asked him, and he replied to her saying. “There is a small chance we don’t know how old Gael looked. Mom did say Gael had 3 moons?” Aseni replied with a dry tone. “Mine said it was two…” Vinaae looked annoyed, giving the console to her and returning to stare at the gate. “Marvelous…” He pondered for a while while standing on the balcony overlooking the hangar and seeing through a window thinking for a while before saying. “Well, I wonder how this thing works and if it can change the place to send.”
Down below the pilot was removed from the exploration craft while chatter continued. Both siblings meanwhile continued some small chatter about the gate until they were interrupted by a guard knocking at the door. “Come in” Vinaae said as the doors opened a guard then said. “Ah Lord Vinaae someone wants to talk to you;” “I’m busy.” Vinaae replied with anger the guard looked a bit worried but he continued. “He's a fleet captain of ten ships, his name is Teenizorii.” Vinaae seemed to think for a moment before saying. “Let him in.” As he picked the console off the hands of Aseni searching the man’s name as the guard left. Aseni then said as both were alone again. “What is it now?” “Just seeing what this guy wants before I send him away. Docked two weeks ago to refuel, stayed after the gate to Gael opened, interesting guy.” The door soon opened again and both saw a man in his 50’s his eyes were blood red and he seemed addoned with several dozen scars he then said. “Lord Vinaae I believe correct?” “Yes that is me what you need sir…” he gestured for his name the man replied. “Teenizorii, fleet warlord.” “Ah… well pleasure to meet a Nikorian how i can help?” VInaae replied with a smile. Teenizorii remained expressionless looking at the window, he said. “The gate has opened has it not?” “ah yes…” Vinaae replied confused Teenizorii soon continued. “...and this station and the ring are considered your domain. I would like permission to take my fleet and myself through it.”
Vinaae and Aseni looked at each other with Vinaae staying curious. “You want to take your fleet to the other side of that portal?” “It's old Gael, ancestor mother who would not seek to see once again the old mother?” Teenizorii said Vinaae then said. “Well… there is a small chance that eight people may be waiting there you know…” “I don’t think they will judge us nor do I think they are there.” he replied to Vinaae sounding confident Vinaae thought for a moment before dropping the curiosity he soon turned into a wide smile saying. “Sure! why not just be careful and don’t rush into something you don’t know okay?” He gave a nod leaving Aseni soon said as he left the room. “What is your plan?” “A free scout is a free scout now we wait and study how to use this thing.” he gestured to the gate. Aseni rolled her eyes before saying. “If you say so… also it seems the attempt at information containment failed.” “How?” He asked, growing more worried. “Well, it's kind of hard to hide a giant glowing portal, glowing for days and also a few ships that left at the same time. ” “Marvelous… I wonder what is going on thanks to that” Vinaae commented with Aseni looking to the side thinking ‘riots in some places’ before returning focus to him bringing back to the topic she then said. “Right we better go back to work;” “Yes better…” he quickly replied as both left the observation area of the hangar.
As the fleet of Teenizorii arranged itself into position, his cruiser was at the head of the fleet aiming at the gate Teenizorii sat in the commanding chair. The bridge had screens showing the outside and tactical info he soon said to the bridge crew. “To old Gael, we go” He readied himself as the ships began to ready themselves and soon moved into the blue light. The fleet soon crossed the barrier into old Sol, already incredibly different; the sun seemed weaker than their own star in illumination as the ships entered Sol. Being able to see the glow of a pale moon and the shine of a grey world.
Government Form: A Kleptocracy/kratocracy/plutocratic league of Warlords or A feudal State
Population: The human population or as they call themselves Descendants. As in Descendants of the ancient 8 kings hence why they call themselves, they are a strange sight to behold, for a regular human, the iris of their eye glows in 8 different colors that is linked to the ancestry to one of the eight kings with heterochromia only happening when one is a descendant of two kings, but that is also not the most unusual fact about Descendants they are widely considered to be master engineers, not in the sense of their culture leads to then being able to favor engineering its that they are naturally born with genetical knowledge of engineering with children being able to fix machines, and in some rare cases design nuclear reactors at young ages, not much is known for why this happens, it is widely believed it's sort of a genetic memory. Other oddities of the Descendants or the Vusarian Humanoid include a near complete inexistence of diseases affecting their population, infections do not exist, instead the most common act of death is starvation, old age causing one to drop dead, and intentional killing by another human or animal. Some other genetic tendencies include a near tribal mentality akin to brotherhood towards one's own descendancy of a specific king, that culturally speaking they attempt to diminish so that events of the past do not repeat themselves as they say. Besides their internal behavior, their appearance is still different, including sharpened teeth being widely common, flexible tongues and pointy ears also being extremely widespread.
Total Population of the entire system totals in average at 3.5 Billion.
What is humanity for a Vusarian?: Family.
Planets Vusary is the homeworld and only habitable planet of the star system, surrounded by three shattered moons, which are cracked with volcanic ravines, they look almost destroyed and chunks barely cobbled together, the world itself has 1.2 G’s of gravity orbiting a K type star. Said world is an arid world with large rivers and lakes, its oceans or seas as they are better put, due to them being rather small. Megacities dotting its surface together with giant ruins and abandoned infrastructure that is very alien in technology and design, being dated to be twenty thousand years old with life being archaeologically dated to be around 4 billion years old.
Little to no known anomalies exist in Vusary, planet life on the other hand is considered quite dangerous with life being adapted to be very aggressive and defensive. Flora is also known to be somewhat more habitable with Vusarians using their
Other worlds are strange to say the least; three gas giants are mapped with their frozen and equally cracked rocky moons being settled with mines being rather far. Meanwhile there is just one other mapped world a planet that seems in transition state between gas giant and rocky world thanks to absorption of gas around it.
Now for the rest of the Star system the Vusarians inhabit, many space stations dotting a rather broad area around its native star together with equally dangerous space derelicts of former space stations and gigantic ships with some still having automated defenses still active. Now what makes things more strange for the system is that while the star is 5 billion years old and will continue to burn for billions more the system itself can easily be classified as having a proto-planetary disk due to the amount of asteroid and space dust and lack of worlds.
History The history of Vusary and the league is considered the hardest thing to decipher, due to a lack of information pre what is called the dark era. Most information being passed orally also makes information gathering difficult. The best records layed are those that divide things between mythological and after league establishment, the information below is a combination of all that is known.
-Mythological History
Long ago the ancient mother Gael that fostered and grew, humanity, grew sick by the actions of her children, the races of man sending them out to explore the great beyond to save themselves from her death. The destruction of Gael made man weep for many days as its people mourned fleeing in the one great vessel, Mokro that fled the destruction wrought by the death of the ancient mother, eight great man, eight leaders, eight brothers of their people, counseled them as they arrived here in Vusary on its ancient lost green lush fields a new eden.
When they arrived in Vusary of old it was said they found their natives an alien race insect species called the Monuk. Their kind was gentle to offer the ancestors refugee in their world, the eight leaders shared with them the knowledge of man, its culture, power, fears, and glory the Monuk in return gave them land, wisdom, and knowledge of technologies never seen from powers to harvest the hearts of worlds, the energy of gas giants, to turn wastelands into green valleys, to become immortal and near godlike and the mightiest of all, the power to harvest the second sun for energy. The kindest gift of them was granting them land to rule over, in Vusary, to the ancient rulers and their followers. Bael, Kal, Niko, Naro, Jale, Luka, Utya, and Vixtra the immortal lords of our peoples. First they debated on how to rule but soon they found bitterness over who should lead. Dividing themselves on their best traits Bael saying, that he was the smartest and had more knowledge of leadership, believing he should lead, Nikor stating his strength would lead them, Kal that her kindness and ability to do good should lead them, Naro with his wits and eloquence, Jale with his ways of making good deals, and economic thought, Luka with his science and knowledge, Uytya with her energy and will, and Vixtra with her schemes and ability to trick others.
Unable to agree, they bickered and almost fought until their followers urged for a compromise and so they settled in one they would split what was granted to them. So they went off Mokro, sending their followers and themselves in the new world, splitting it up amongst them and their descendants co existing with the Monuk. Peace reigned initially but not forever, for different from the Monuk man was ambitious too much for its gain and different from the Monuk united in goal man was split and divided conflict brews.
Once the siblings loved each other. But once their cities grew some grew faster and bigger then the others and their love faded out of jealousy growing into jealousy. Their jealousy outmatched them building great monuments triggering anger in themselves. But at that time peace could still reign but it couldn't because in anger they builded armies and used the gifts of their cooperation with the Monuk to build great armies and fleets of power capable of destroying continents. From anger they moved to fear and from fear it burned into hatred of their once brothers and sisters.
In hatred from each other they builded even mightier weapons and consumed more resources. But also did the biggest crimes yet they made, using their power and might, they turned their children and the children of their followers into monsters and those who did not fight and protested against them. Into beings that mirrored their thoughts and ways this is how we came into being. But also the most horrific of things they did to themselves turning into monsters that haunted their lands;
The Monuk at first friendly were horrified by the power and might that the eight kings amassed and what they did to themselves and their children. At first they attempted to control them but the Monuk could not control the forces of man of the Monuk did not have reasons to compete to fight to even hate each other as much as man hated itself and its fellows. While for many a weakness for humans its a strength for conflict was eternal and with it change and growth could accumulate. But even change and growth must be restrained by the hand of calm and patience and the eight kings didn't have that. The Monuk once mightier than man now were weaker, their power obfuscated by the power of the eight kings and their nations. Soon becoming absorbed by them in fear of becoming targets of the eight kings wrath.
Soon the kings continued to grow, creating weapons that haunt the lands of Vusary to this day. The mutants that now infest the dead lands and the valleys of radiation. The machines that destroy cities and cause wars and devastation in the cyber wars of today. But also the most powerful of weapons is the trident of Mokro named after the ship that brought us to this world. The trident was able to control the two suns to dangerous effects using the knowledge of the Monuk fearful of its power they urged the kings to never use it and they promised to them. But lied to them as well for in their hearts the trident was a weapon against their most hated foe.
Their hatred grew until it couldn't anymore and war plagued Bursary and the worlds around. The kings send their children and their loved ones to die in their petty wars. Rivers blood flowed, seas turned red and many died for their hatred was with no equal even when bodies piled as high as mountains in battles fought in the green fields of Vusary they never accepted peace for their hatred burned as bright as the sun. But the war as brutal as it was, their children slave to them as it was and the Monuk fearful as they were could not held on forever and so the wars began to come to a close but they feared their end the end of their power as their children turned against them and in their fear and hated they committed the greatest sin of all.
Using the Trident of Mokro they used the power hoping to end the war instead it caused their end and the end of all that was good for the second sun exploded and Vusary seemed about to shatter and break into a thousand pieces but the Monuk seeing the upcoming end of their world and humanity sacrificed themselves to save the innocent and in the last actions cursed the kings to walk the land burned and cursed by their sins and tainted by the blood they shed and to forever drip from, their hands and for then to never again to find the love their children gave then. It is said that Vusary burned for years, the green fields of Vusary turned to barren wastelands, the great oceans boiled into salt fields and when the ashes finally settled, the kings wept upon seeing the destruction and chaos they unleashed. When attempting to find their children they ran upon seeing them, they were seen as monsters no longer guardians and parents they were once seen as.
Ashamed and humiliated, the eight kings vowed to return once they atoned for the sins they committed to the ones they loved, for their children and so they walked the earth like on the first day they arrived but this time in regret and it is said they were never seen again. As time went on the world healed the ash settled and life bloomed again but the scars of old remain. It is widely believed that when the kings return they either will take back their power and put their children on trial for their sins just as they judged their own sins. Others believe they still are around guiding events behind the shadows; some believe they died seeking redemption in death, others believe they managed to return to old Gael seeking redemption in home.
-Non Mythological history
The league formed roughly some 50 years ago with a precision date being 53 years 7 months and 2 days according to a standard terran calendar. Before the league the fleet nicknamed Mokro arrived in the star system of Vusary possibly a single ship possibly hundreds of thousands data from earth ruins does not reveal much. In front of them was no uncolonised world but rather a sapient race nicknamed the Monuk. It is widely believed amongst scholars that initially humans and the Monuk cooperated in building the first settlements and society of the system. Until the great war came around, roughly archeological evidence seems to suggest human presence for the last 500 years even if it is sparse it seems to suggest that in the initial times things were peaceful by the lack of war sites in the period.
After sometime it is believed rapidly militarism began to be adopted by both races as weapons of war of multiple designs can be found in and around dating of the period to this day, unfortunately such build up that seemed to be used for deterrence and detente backfired. Defensive AI’s, bio weapons seem to have turned rogue, after an event that is collectively called by Vusarians as the great cataclysm. Possibly a disaster event unleashed by the sun that caused electromagnetic storms across the entire star system. Possibly combined with AI rebellions causing a full on collapse with the sun becoming the instability oddity that it is today. At the same time some believe that it was super weapons used that caused the disaster.
The Dark age is a period spamming the time after the great war who’s beginning and end is difficult to pinpoint. Its period is categorized by a post apocalyptic survivor mentality until the rise of warlords and city states once again. Society rebuilding aided by technological recovery, helped in the rise of a series of warlords states and pirate states, in both land and orbit; this period was known to be very brutal especially due to a plethora of genocidal leaders, doomsday Cults and many many other erased societies and leaders who arose and died before the league came into existence by the time the League arose they unfortunately locked most information of this period behind their archives for reasons difficult to explain but mostly rotate around avoiding separatism so to speak.
Roughly in the last 200 years there has been as well the presence of what is nicknamed by local Vusarians “the cyber wars”. Ancient war machines that seem dormant, reactivate. As their cores awakened, they launched massive wars against the local human race. Three have been launched in recorded history, each war bringing old machines of war that would turn to waste many cities, causing the deaths of hundreds of millions. The last war, the third cyber war, was famous for happening 20 years ago having for the first time utilized more advanced ancient tech, and even the AI core being able to utilize mutants in its campaigns, the war luckily ended much earlier then most cyber wars. Lasting only 8 years helped by the league of Vusary and ended by a specialist team that managed to deactivate the AI core at its base at heavy personal cost with the aid of the League. For the league it still maintains a very big militaristic force even after the end of the war to maintain order and avoid the next disaster. AT the same time most of the league’s army is led by a series of lords controlling territories that raise troops in service of the 9 most powerful warlords. It's also heavily recommended one do not take rogue still active Ai’s from the planet while Ai core’s are the most dangerous many forms exist and they can be very dangerous.
53 years, 7 months and 2 days ago. The league was created after 9 powerful warlords came together to dominate the star system after making a secret deal. All 9 invaded Vusaryand put an end to its original rulers and ruled from orbit. From there their power was nearly unmatched as they controlled large territories, their resources also being almost infinite against their rivals. Their alliance was so strong that many warlords formed a coalition in what could have been a disastrous war against them so they crafted a grand plan; The 9 approached members of the coalition with a proposal. Instead of a great war that would ruin both their territories and power, the families and clans would all join together in the formation of a League to rule Vusary. Led by the 9 these betrayers did what was called the great treason as in the largest space battle that Vusary had ever seen was famous with half the armada of the coalition turning on their own allies and killing them. With the end of the only thing that could have opposed the rise of the league and the 9 was defeated in the aftermath deals needed to be made the 9 formed their great council in which they ruled and beneath them checking them and giving representation to their allies was the council of lords. With the star in their control they began to assign new warlords to administer and rule over regions that were left in vacuum after the war while some were retained to be under 9 others became independent rulers.
In the following decades this warlords would use their power and the nicknamed new peace for their own benefit infighting with intrigue or small level warfare seeking domain over grander power others managed to climb to power via corruption and schemes as the League maintained a form that could be described as a decentralised feudal state of sorts. Something that results in sectors being ruled over by the rule of strong. This feudal state just as many in history equally has a hierarchical system of sorts albeit more primitive with the ability to climb to power due to service to a warlord being a common path up the ladder.
Culture and Society The League and its culture are complicated so to speak. Separated by clans or descendants as they call themselves children of the ancient eight kings while in clan structure it would mean family rules in dynasties this is a bit different: the family structure of Vusary is split in two, being genetics and one's own family eye color. The descendancy of one’s progeny from an ancient king marking one as a member of a clan assembled into its clan wide families or dynasties that work together which can can be incredibly large. The other is the cultural clan view or simply family as they put it, being part of a family is different from a clan, a clan is the people you were born into a family is a group you find companionship they are your parents, brothers, sisters cousins and even those inducted to the family some being slaves to servants, such structure is more diverse compared to a clan a family can be composed of several clans it even gaining cultural and political significance. These two explanations of family are the main pillar that sustains Vusarian Society. There is also a big debate culturally speaking about one’s lack of free will as they are bound to their personality from birth to their clan. These debates can last for hours and be contentious. In the end the most dominant belief is that one’s self is made by themselves rather than by descendancy of their clan. Something of notice is while the clans seek to divide themselves into their own groups culturally and it is not known if it was a common push by the people or by the league but many state this mentality is made by people as a lesson of the events that happened a legacy of the cataclysm to not attempt to maintain unity in a single clan but to diversify and seek unity amongst other clans least the past repeat it self.
The 8 clans the Baelites, Kaleviteris, Nikorians, Narorites, Jalerians, Lukarians, Children of Utya, and Vixtrians have objective and even recorded emotions and even personality seems to fit with their creators and dna. While there is the occasional outlier most of the time someone might align with them:
Baelites sons of Bael are considered to be very dangerous in actions, generally power hungry and wishing to gain more and more power. This clan is famous for its members being ambitious. Generally forming a hierarchical structure wherever they are in many numbers or with many other clans under them to keep their control. They are found by having sulfur reddish eyes.
Kaleviterites are considered good people to be around, charismatic, happy, kind and quite friendly, states managed by them generally are more humanist compared to other clans. The obvious problem is that Kaleviterites are generally the poorest clan who espoused an idealistic vision of the world. They are easy to identify by having a very bright jungle green eyes.
Nikorians are considered aggressive, personality wise and generally values align with might preferring strength Nikorians have a personality of being hot heads yet a vision of a world where the right thing is always the correct one, that also means they are rather stubborn their eyes are blood red.
Narorites are gregarious in nature but in general terms, they have a tendency to be followers of order preferring to live more simplest lives, quite good in the act of finding compromise and generally being more pragmatic they are also considered cold hearted. Their eyes are gray like silver or metal.
Jalerians are considered thrift in many ways if not very greedy, having orange eyes they value wealth accumulation and life of a merchant and trading even if that includes doing illicit business generally called opportunists due to the fact many of them are swindlers.
Lukarians are considered scholars preferring the following philosophy and knowledge while not big in numbers they are easy to spot as bureaucrats and stoics, generally being very low emotionally and more introverts preferring to have a calm life in search of mysteries They have sapphire like eyes.
Children of Utya are considered adventurers and explorers generally being called trouble makers as they are far more impulsive in their actions one thing that one would find is that most people within this clan are young one thing that is generally called is the curse of Utya that cuts the life of his children by nearly half they have gold glowing eyes;
Vixtrians are considered sly and secretive having dark sclera with violet purple eyes; Vixtrians are known for being treacherous as they are considered to value lies, plots and schemes above everything many consider them spies and thieves but also individualists they value their own freedom above everything.
The language of the Vusarian people is called the tongue but scientifically speaking it's better called the Vusarian Humanoid Tongue. It's a completely unknown language with an unknown origin or even cultural origin from earth. The centuries of separation compounded with whatever factors have resulted in a very different language.
Religion wise the Vusarian people and its clans and families follow the same beliefs about the descendants of the eight kings. But also the faith of the old mother goddess that is stated to have died in the great exodus. A faith that can be described as a form of ancestor worship centered around the eight kings, its philosophical outlook also being equally complex with some sects worshiping the eight kings as their ancestors and guides while others praying against them for their hardship seeing them as nothing more than monsters.
Architecturally speaking all Vusarian follow an architectural tone that can be described as utilitarian and brutalist buildings, albeit heavily using sandstone in places further from mega cities, an entirely functional level of architecture that seems dull at first glance with the only break being a form of art deco architecture and art. As for their more brutalistic structures for then it is generally ignored as they make carvings, paintings and many other decorations preferring to use buildings more as canvassas for their art, struggles, stories centering around their own family, clan or the entire city being used. Not only that but their society also puts emphasis on technology and engineering with large gestures or utilisation of infrastructure in their architecture and art in some form if it is public.
Culinary for Vusarians has a preference for less baking, or frying, preferring steaming and grilling. With the preferred method being boiling when making their dishes. One thing a visitor would notice is that they are preferred fresh, like killed in place fresh meat in dishes. Their food based around local plants and animals have a preference for being spicy, salty, sour and a lot of umami; many of their foods are generally soups and stews. When in solids with meats, vegetables or cereals they like to use them as sauces with meat.
Governance and Politics:
For roughly 300 years the times before the League was considered a very dark age and the beginning of the league nearly 50 years ago and the start of a new calendar marked the beginning of a new era. The age of dark as they call it was famous for multiple space and planetary warlords fighting over scraps of territory and resources. This was until 9 warlords located in Vusary came to a plan instead of fighting the 9 met and came to a very devious plan to share their resources and territory and to gain more instead. This was met with the coalition which they subverted and turned half of it against itself and with it they came to rule forming with it the great council formed by 9 seats 4 of which are now absent making now only 5 present members of their ruling council.
The Great council manages the administration, tax, and armies of the overall league, creating laws and regulations for the warlords and governors below then. Being the highest authority in the land most of their rulings are generally put to vote in vast distances with the five remaining members rarely, RARELY ever meeting, instead they submit laws privately to each other and vote a majority making it law with specific rules that thanks to the fact that a missing member means no rule can be made with a two thirds majority need such as a major law change in the entire realm.
Beside then lays the position of Judicars a position that operates as a form of high judiciary or as normal people call then The Crimson Eye a form of secret police and judicial system that operates in maintaining the governors and warlords in check from any thing that may go against them. The Crimson eye is famous for its officers arresting rulers on the spot and other times for its assassins that make sure that nobody gets too many ideas while having some military backing.
Beneath it all lies the Warlords and Governor Lords or Governors for short, Warlords and Governors oversee space stations, flotillas, chunks of moons asteroids and many other territories as overseers, above then lies the position of Overlord which can be described as a form of sector wide overseer maintaining the order as they serve as a form of high court of appeals in case of a warlord or governor overstepping they also report on the state of a sector in specific.
The army is known to be decentralised around a warlord or governor, even some Overlords and the council itself. Being around and available to be called whenever needed by the council but overall fleet leaders are rather free to do whatever they wish if their warlord approves of course but many lords also lack territory so they are known as nomadic lords.
Technology Overview: A lot of their technology is considered more hand made and utilitarian so to speak much is said to have been lost of their own history and knowledge. Which is unsurprising thanks to their unnatural immunity to plagues so to speak the medicinal area is severely lacking. It is highly recommended that a doctor that does not know what an infection is should be a concern. On the other hand their technology in bionics, cybernetic prosthetics and biological engeneering is quite advanced allowing for limb replacement to advanced degrees.
But while much is lost their adaptation to the new situation resulted in other expansions, their sector being in a state of constant warfare resulting in their ships developing radar deafening allowing for easy maneuvering for merchants to avoid detection.
In the area of construction a lot was streamlined and made simple to the point where an observer may consider Vusary technology to be rather unreliable and shoddy but in reality Vusarian technology despite looking shoddy is rather reliable and easy to repair provided you are instructed or know what you are doing. Their material and equipment are also incredibly resilient all things considered.
Thanks to their ingrained knowledge in engineering their technology also seems rather advanced once well studied with their energy weapons being rather advanced, same for their ballistic weaponry. Their ships also are quite interesting with fleets being divided between what a warlord can afford consequently when resources are available their fleets are of good quality with their engineering shining creating marvels of engineering. Now for more poor ones while still impressive their ships are way more utilitarian but still formidable.
Military Overview: Militarily speaking the league's military force can be described as massive on paper but in theory incredibly dispersed. The many warlords and rulers own their own armies to police and maintain order in their regions and in some situations go to war with other members of the league generally over disputes over territory and while some can spiral it is generally maintained by the standing armies of the league and the council.
The Flotilla of the league is considered its standing army; it's a great fleet docked around Vusary but also other important areas of the sector being controlled by admirals who answer to a Grand Flotilla commander who is appointed by the council of eight by unanimity. This commander is also responsible for leading the coordination of all other fleets of the league with the exception of the nine members of the council who can disregard orders if finding problems with plans.
The fleets of the league are generally mounted by cruisers and destroyers ships of great size that serve as either carriers for smaller ships, combat centric ships are more common, others are stealth vessels for reconnaissance. On the matter of its biggest ships, cruisers are considered the most common largest ship you may see but they aren’t the largest.
Flagships are considered a warlord's main ship and the most egotistical generally have ships larger than cruisers but it's not unfounded at times. The council has the largest ships to ever see in the league, at times less ships and more mobile space stations due to their size.
Infantry is the backbone of the Leagues army in space, most are famous for raiding and boarding crews of marines that attack ships, stations and asteroids soldiers with agile power armor, rifles and swords.
Now planetary things get complicated; infantry of Vusary’s surface are more focused on desert and arid warfare not having swords, mostly more heat tolerant armor and energy rifles generally aided by mechanised forces of tanks and vehicles. Mechs are generally rare to see unless in specialised terrain.
In some cases there is the utilisation of locked in ancient war machines that still can be used to be let out in areas of importance to use as a rampaging tool. Lucky such actions are rare and generally considered desperate or eccentric depending on the person.
So, reading over this sheet, I can see what you're going for on the whole and I like the general concept. We're going very "warlord" this time around ;P
But I do have some concerns. Your writing style in this sheet often lacks grammar or punctuation, and that makes it difficult to understand what you're saying. Especially during the more complicated bits, I can't really tell what you mean, and it's making me feel hesitant about approving you.
Your worldbuilding itself is fine. You've kept to Gateways themes well. Having a mythological and a non-mythological history was really smart- it's the kind of thing I wish that I'd thought of.
So I'm not rejecting your sheet, or asking for a rewrite. But still, it's difficult to read, so I think I need some assurance that you'll run your future posts through, for example, an internet grammar checker before posting IC. Something like Grammarly, maybe?
No problemo for me cumpadre
I'm not fully sure what this means. Are you saying their sun has become unstable?
Ah yes, its just difficult to describe and i could not find the right words besides Anomolous. So put it in bigger words i guess, anyways a good way to describe the sheer monumentality that their star is wierd is well... Imagine the solar corona of the star being big enough to reach the orbit of mercury, while also being so intense that you can easily detect that 20% to 30% of the entire star's mass orbits around it still making fusion. How? well no one knows the people of Vusary thinks its the carcass of the second star but in practice it seems something is messing with the stars magnetism to do that. Seeing how there is debrii orbiting around the corona storms it has some credence, there is also solar eruption that can make ship crews duck or anchor because of how violent they can be;
Government Form: A Kleptocracy/kratocracy/plutocratic league of Warlords or A feudal State
Population: The human population or as they call themselves Descendants. As in Descendants of the ancient 8 kings hence why they call themselves, they are a strange sight to behold, for a regular human, the iris of their eye glows in 8 different colors that is linked to the ancestry to one of the eight kings with heterochromia only happening when one is a descendant of two kings, but that is also not the most unusual fact about Descendants they are widely considered to be master engineers, not in the sense of their culture leads to then being able to favor engineering its that they are naturally born with genetical knowledge of engineering with children being able to fix machines, and in some rare cases design nuclear reactors at young ages, not much is known for why this happens, it is widely believed it's sort of a genetic memory. Other oddities of the Descendants or the Vusarian Humanoid include a near complete inexistence of diseases affecting their population, infections do not exist, instead the most common act of death is starvation, old age causing one to drop dead, and intentional killing by another human or animal. Some other genetic tendencies include a near tribal mentality akin to brotherhood towards one's own descendancy of a specific king, that culturally speaking they attempt to diminish so that events of the past do not repeat themselves as they say. Besides their internal behavior, their appearance is still different, including sharpened teeth being widely common, flexible tongues and pointy ears also being extremely widespread.
Total Population of the entire system totals in average at 3.5 Billion.
What is humanity for a Vusarian?: Family.
Planets Vusary is the homeworld and only habitable planet of the star system, surrounded by three shattered moons, which are cracked with volcanic ravines, they look almost destroyed and chunks barely cobbled together, the world itself has 1.2 G’s of gravity orbiting a K type star. Said world is an arid world with large rivers and lakes, its oceans or seas as they are better put, due to them being rather small. Megacities dotting its surface together with giant ruins and abandoned infrastructure that is very alien in technology and design, being dated to be twenty thousand years old with life being archaeologically dated to be around 4 billion years old.
Little to no known anomalies exist in Vusary, planet life on the other hand is considered quite dangerous with life being adapted to be very aggressive and defensive. Flora is also known to be somewhat more habitable with Vusarians using their
Other worlds are strange to say the least; three gas giants are mapped with their frozen and equally cracked rocky moons being settled with mines being rather far. Meanwhile there is just one other mapped world a planet that seems in transition state between gas giant and rocky world thanks to absorption of gas around it.
Now for the rest of the Star system the Vusarians inhabit, many space stations dotting a rather broad area around its native star together with equally dangerous space derelicts of former space stations and gigantic ships with some still having automated defenses still active. Now what makes things more strange for the system is that while the star is 5 billion years old and will continue to burn for billions more the system itself can easily be classified as having a proto-planetary disk due to the amount of asteroid and space dust and lack of worlds.
History The history of Vusary and the league is considered the hardest thing to decipher, due to a lack of information pre what is called the dark era. Most information being passed orally also makes information gathering difficult. The best records layed are those that divide things between mythological and after league establishment, the information below is a combination of all that is known.
-Mythological History
Long ago the ancient mother Gael that fostered and grew, humanity, grew sick by the actions of her children, the races of man sending them out to explore the great beyond to save themselves from her death. The destruction of Gael made man weep for many days as its people mourned fleeing in the one great vessel, Mokro that fled the destruction wrought by the death of the ancient mother, eight great man, eight leaders, eight brothers of their people, counseled them as they arrived here in Vusary on its ancient lost green lush fields a new eden.
When they arrived in Vusary of old it was said they found their natives an alien race insect species called the Monuk. Their kind was gentle to offer the ancestors refugee in their world, the eight leaders shared with them the knowledge of man, its culture, power, fears, and glory the Monuk in return gave them land, wisdom, and knowledge of technologies never seen from powers to harvest the hearts of worlds, the energy of gas giants, to turn wastelands into green valleys, to become immortal and near godlike and the mightiest of all, the power to harvest the second sun for energy. The kindest gift of them was granting them land to rule over, in Vusary, to the ancient rulers and their followers. Bael, Kal, Niko, Naro, Jale, Luka, Utya, and Vixtra the immortal lords of our peoples. First they debated on how to rule but soon they found bitterness over who should lead. Dividing themselves on their best traits Bael saying, that he was the smartest and had more knowledge of leadership, believing he should lead, Nikor stating his strength would lead them, Kal that her kindness and ability to do good should lead them, Naro with his wits and eloquence, Jale with his ways of making good deals, and economic thought, Luka with his science and knowledge, Uytya with her energy and will, and Vixtra with her schemes and ability to trick others.
Unable to agree, they bickered and almost fought until their followers urged for a compromise and so they settled in one they would split what was granted to them. So they went off Mokro, sending their followers and themselves in the new world, splitting it up amongst them and their descendants co existing with the Monuk. Peace reigned initially but not forever, for different from the Monuk man was ambitious too much for its gain and different from the Monuk united in goal man was split and divided conflict brews.
Once the siblings loved each other. But once their cities grew some grew faster and bigger then the others and their love faded out of jealousy growing into jealousy. Their jealousy outmatched them building great monuments triggering anger in themselves. But at that time peace could still reign but it couldn't because in anger they builded armies and used the gifts of their cooperation with the Monuk to build great armies and fleets of power capable of destroying continents. From anger they moved to fear and from fear it burned into hatred of their once brothers and sisters.
In hatred from each other they builded even mightier weapons and consumed more resources. But also did the biggest crimes yet they made, using their power and might, they turned their children and the children of their followers into monsters and those who did not fight and protested against them. Into beings that mirrored their thoughts and ways this is how we came into being. But also the most horrific of things they did to themselves turning into monsters that haunted their lands;
The Monuk at first friendly were horrified by the power and might that the eight kings amassed and what they did to themselves and their children. At first they attempted to control them but the Monuk could not control the forces of man of the Monuk did not have reasons to compete to fight to even hate each other as much as man hated itself and its fellows. While for many a weakness for humans its a strength for conflict was eternal and with it change and growth could accumulate. But even change and growth must be restrained by the hand of calm and patience and the eight kings didn't have that. The Monuk once mightier than man now were weaker, their power obfuscated by the power of the eight kings and their nations. Soon becoming absorbed by them in fear of becoming targets of the eight kings wrath.
Soon the kings continued to grow, creating weapons that haunt the lands of Vusary to this day. The mutants that now infest the dead lands and the valleys of radiation. The machines that destroy cities and cause wars and devastation in the cyber wars of today. But also the most powerful of weapons is the trident of Mokro named after the ship that brought us to this world. The trident was able to control the two suns to dangerous effects using the knowledge of the Monuk fearful of its power they urged the kings to never use it and they promised to them. But lied to them as well for in their hearts the trident was a weapon against their most hated foe.
Their hatred grew until it couldn't anymore and war plagued Bursary and the worlds around. The kings send their children and their loved ones to die in their petty wars. Rivers blood flowed, seas turned red and many died for their hatred was with no equal even when bodies piled as high as mountains in battles fought in the green fields of Vusary they never accepted peace for their hatred burned as bright as the sun. But the war as brutal as it was, their children slave to them as it was and the Monuk fearful as they were could not held on forever and so the wars began to come to a close but they feared their end the end of their power as their children turned against them and in their fear and hated they committed the greatest sin of all.
Using the Trident of Mokro they used the power hoping to end the war instead it caused their end and the end of all that was good for the second sun exploded and Vusary seemed about to shatter and break into a thousand pieces but the Monuk seeing the upcoming end of their world and humanity sacrificed themselves to save the innocent and in the last actions cursed the kings to walk the land burned and cursed by their sins and tainted by the blood they shed and to forever drip from, their hands and for then to never again to find the love their children gave then. It is said that Vusary burned for years, the green fields of Vusary turned to barren wastelands, the great oceans boiled into salt fields and when the ashes finally settled, the kings wept upon seeing the destruction and chaos they unleashed. When attempting to find their children they ran upon seeing them, they were seen as monsters no longer guardians and parents they were once seen as.
Ashamed and humiliated, the eight kings vowed to return once they atoned for the sins they committed to the ones they loved, for their children and so they walked the earth like on the first day they arrived but this time in regret and it is said they were never seen again. As time went on the world healed the ash settled and life bloomed again but the scars of old remain. It is widely believed that when the kings return they either will take back their power and put their children on trial for their sins just as they judged their own sins. Others believe they still are around guiding events behind the shadows; some believe they died seeking redemption in death, others believe they managed to return to old Gael seeking redemption in home.
-Non Mythological history
The league formed roughly some 50 years ago with a precision date being 53 years 7 months and 2 days according to a standard terran calendar. Before the league the fleet nicknamed Mokro arrived in the star system of Vusary possibly a single ship possibly hundreds of thousands data from earth ruins does not reveal much. In front of them was no uncolonised world but rather a sapient race nicknamed the Monuk. It is widely believed amongst scholars that initially humans and the Monuk cooperated in building the first settlements and society of the system. Until the great war came around, roughly archeological evidence seems to suggest human presence for the last 500 years even if it is sparse it seems to suggest that in the initial times things were peaceful by the lack of war sites in the period.
After sometime it is believed rapidly militarism began to be adopted by both races as weapons of war of multiple designs can be found in and around dating of the period to this day, unfortunately such build up that seemed to be used for deterrence and detente backfired. Defensive AI’s, bio weapons seem to have turned rogue, after an event that is collectively called by Vusarians as the great cataclysm. Possibly a disaster event unleashed by the sun that caused electromagnetic storms across the entire star system. Possibly combined with AI rebellions causing a full on collapse with the sun becoming the instability oddity that it is today. At the same time some believe that it was super weapons used that caused the disaster.
The Dark age is a period spamming the time after the great war who’s beginning and end is difficult to pinpoint. Its period is categorized by a post apocalyptic survivor mentality until the rise of warlords and city states once again. Society rebuilding aided by technological recovery, helped in the rise of a series of warlords states and pirate states, in both land and orbit; this period was known to be very brutal especially due to a plethora of genocidal leaders, doomsday Cults and many many other erased societies and leaders who arose and died before the league came into existence by the time the League arose they unfortunately locked most information of this period behind their archives for reasons difficult to explain but mostly rotate around avoiding separatism so to speak.
Roughly in the last 200 years there has been as well the presence of what is nicknamed by local Vusarians “the cyber wars”. Ancient war machines that seem dormant, reactivate. As their cores awakened, they launched massive wars against the local human race. Three have been launched in recorded history, each war bringing old machines of war that would turn to waste many cities, causing the deaths of hundreds of millions. The last war, the third cyber war, was famous for happening 20 years ago having for the first time utilized more advanced ancient tech, and even the AI core being able to utilize mutants in its campaigns, the war luckily ended much earlier then most cyber wars. Lasting only 8 years helped by the league of Vusary and ended by a specialist team that managed to deactivate the AI core at its base at heavy personal cost with the aid of the League. For the league it still maintains a very big militaristic force even after the end of the war to maintain order and avoid the next disaster. AT the same time most of the league’s army is led by a series of lords controlling territories that raise troops in service of the 9 most powerful warlords. It's also heavily recommended one do not take rogue still active Ai’s from the planet while Ai core’s are the most dangerous many forms exist and they can be very dangerous.
53 years, 7 months and 2 days ago. The league was created after 9 powerful warlords came together to dominate the star system after making a secret deal. All 9 invaded Vusaryand put an end to its original rulers and ruled from orbit. From there their power was nearly unmatched as they controlled large territories, their resources also being almost infinite against their rivals. Their alliance was so strong that many warlords formed a coalition in what could have been a disastrous war against them so they crafted a grand plan; The 9 approached members of the coalition with a proposal. Instead of a great war that would ruin both their territories and power, the families and clans would all join together in the formation of a League to rule Vusary. Led by the 9 these betrayers did what was called the great treason as in the largest space battle that Vusary had ever seen was famous with half the armada of the coalition turning on their own allies and killing them. With the end of the only thing that could have opposed the rise of the league and the 9 was defeated in the aftermath deals needed to be made the 9 formed their great council in which they ruled and beneath them checking them and giving representation to their allies was the council of lords. With the star in their control they began to assign new warlords to administer and rule over regions that were left in vacuum after the war while some were retained to be under 9 others became independent rulers.
In the following decades this warlords would use their power and the nicknamed new peace for their own benefit infighting with intrigue or small level warfare seeking domain over grander power others managed to climb to power via corruption and schemes as the League maintained a form that could be described as a decentralised feudal state of sorts. Something that results in sectors being ruled over by the rule of strong. This feudal state just as many in history equally has a hierarchical system of sorts albeit more primitive with the ability to climb to power due to service to a warlord being a common path up the ladder.
Culture and Society The League and its culture are complicated so to speak. Separated by clans or descendants as they call themselves children of the ancient eight kings while in clan structure it would mean family rules in dynasties this is a bit different: the family structure of Vusary is split in two, being genetics and one's own family eye color. The descendancy of one’s progeny from an ancient king marking one as a member of a clan assembled into its clan wide families or dynasties that work together which can can be incredibly large. The other is the cultural clan view or simply family as they put it, being part of a family is different from a clan, a clan is the people you were born into a family is a group you find companionship they are your parents, brothers, sisters cousins and even those inducted to the family some being slaves to servants, such structure is more diverse compared to a clan a family can be composed of several clans it even gaining cultural and political significance. These two explanations of family are the main pillar that sustains Vusarian Society. There is also a big debate culturally speaking about one’s lack of free will as they are bound to their personality from birth to their clan. These debates can last for hours and be contentious. In the end the most dominant belief is that one’s self is made by themselves rather than by descendancy of their clan. Something of notice is while the clans seek to divide themselves into their own groups culturally and it is not known if it was a common push by the people or by the league but many state this mentality is made by people as a lesson of the events that happened a legacy of the cataclysm to not attempt to maintain unity in a single clan but to diversify and seek unity amongst other clans least the past repeat it self.
The 8 clans the Baelites, Kaleviteris, Nikorians, Narorites, Jalerians, Lukarians, Children of Utya, and Vixtrians have objective and even recorded emotions and even personality seems to fit with their creators and dna. While there is the occasional outlier most of the time someone might align with them:
Baelites sons of Bael are considered to be very dangerous in actions, generally power hungry and wishing to gain more and more power. This clan is famous for its members being ambitious. Generally forming a hierarchical structure wherever they are in many numbers or with many other clans under them to keep their control. They are found by having sulfur reddish eyes.
Kaleviterites are considered good people to be around, charismatic, happy, kind and quite friendly, states managed by them generally are more humanist compared to other clans. The obvious problem is that Kaleviterites are generally the poorest clan who espoused an idealistic vision of the world. They are easy to identify by having a very bright jungle green eyes.
Nikorians are considered aggressive, personality wise and generally values align with might preferring strength Nikorians have a personality of being hot heads yet a vision of a world where the right thing is always the correct one, that also means they are rather stubborn their eyes are blood red.
Narorites are gregarious in nature but in general terms, they have a tendency to be followers of order preferring to live more simplest lives, quite good in the act of finding compromise and generally being more pragmatic they are also considered cold hearted. Their eyes are gray like silver or metal.
Jalerians are considered thrift in many ways if not very greedy, having orange eyes they value wealth accumulation and life of a merchant and trading even if that includes doing illicit business generally called opportunists due to the fact many of them are swindlers.
Lukarians are considered scholars preferring the following philosophy and knowledge while not big in numbers they are easy to spot as bureaucrats and stoics, generally being very low emotionally and more introverts preferring to have a calm life in search of mysteries They have sapphire like eyes.
Children of Utya are considered adventurers and explorers generally being called trouble makers as they are far more impulsive in their actions one thing that one would find is that most people within this clan are young one thing that is generally called is the curse of Utya that cuts the life of his children by nearly half they have gold glowing eyes;
Vixtrians are considered sly and secretive having dark sclera with violet purple eyes; Vixtrians are known for being treacherous as they are considered to value lies, plots and schemes above everything many consider them spies and thieves but also individualists they value their own freedom above everything.
The language of the Vusarian people is called the tongue but scientifically speaking it's better called the Vusarian Humanoid Tongue. It's a completely unknown language with an unknown origin or even cultural origin from earth. The centuries of separation compounded with whatever factors have resulted in a very different language.
Religion wise the Vusarian people and its clans and families follow the same beliefs about the descendants of the eight kings. But also the faith of the old mother goddess that is stated to have died in the great exodus. A faith that can be described as a form of ancestor worship centered around the eight kings, its philosophical outlook also being equally complex with some sects worshiping the eight kings as their ancestors and guides while others praying against them for their hardship seeing them as nothing more than monsters.
Architecturally speaking all Vusarian follow an architectural tone that can be described as utilitarian and brutalist buildings, albeit heavily using sandstone in places further from mega cities, an entirely functional level of architecture that seems dull at first glance with the only break being a form of art deco architecture and art. As for their more brutalistic structures for then it is generally ignored as they make carvings, paintings and many other decorations preferring to use buildings more as canvassas for their art, struggles, stories centering around their own family, clan or the entire city being used. Not only that but their society also puts emphasis on technology and engineering with large gestures or utilisation of infrastructure in their architecture and art in some form if it is public.
Culinary for Vusarians has a preference for less baking, or frying, preferring steaming and grilling. With the preferred method being boiling when making their dishes. One thing a visitor would notice is that they are preferred fresh, like killed in place fresh meat in dishes. Their food based around local plants and animals have a preference for being spicy, salty, sour and a lot of umami; many of their foods are generally soups and stews. When in solids with meats, vegetables or cereals they like to use them as sauces with meat.
Governance and Politics:
For roughly 300 years the times before the League was considered a very dark age and the beginning of the league nearly 50 years ago and the start of a new calendar marked the beginning of a new era. The age of dark as they call it was famous for multiple space and planetary warlords fighting over scraps of territory and resources. This was until 9 warlords located in Vusary came to a plan instead of fighting the 9 met and came to a very devious plan to share their resources and territory and to gain more instead. This was met with the coalition which they subverted and turned half of it against itself and with it they came to rule forming with it the great council formed by 9 seats 4 of which are now absent making now only 5 present members of their ruling council.
The Great council manages the administration, tax, and armies of the overall league, creating laws and regulations for the warlords and governors below then. Being the highest authority in the land most of their rulings are generally put to vote in vast distances with the five remaining members rarely, RARELY ever meeting, instead they submit laws privately to each other and vote a majority making it law with specific rules that thanks to the fact that a missing member means no rule can be made with a two thirds majority need such as a major law change in the entire realm.
Beside then lays the position of Judicars a position that operates as a form of high judiciary or as normal people call then The Crimson Eye a form of secret police and judicial system that operates in maintaining the governors and warlords in check from any thing that may go against them. The Crimson eye is famous for its officers arresting rulers on the spot and other times for its assassins that make sure that nobody gets too many ideas while having some military backing.
Beneath it all lies the Warlords and Governor Lords or Governors for short, Warlords and Governors oversee space stations, flotillas, chunks of moons asteroids and many other territories as overseers, above then lies the position of Overlord which can be described as a form of sector wide overseer maintaining the order as they serve as a form of high court of appeals in case of a warlord or governor overstepping they also report on the state of a sector in specific.
The army is known to be decentralised around a warlord or governor, even some Overlords and the council itself. Being around and available to be called whenever needed by the council but overall fleet leaders are rather free to do whatever they wish if their warlord approves of course but many lords also lack territory so they are known as nomadic lords.
Technology Overview: A lot of their technology is considered more hand made and utilitarian so to speak much is said to have been lost of their own history and knowledge. Which is unsurprising thanks to their unnatural immunity to plagues so to speak the medicinal area is severely lacking. It is highly recommended that a doctor that does not know what an infection is should be a concern. On the other hand their technology in bionics, cybernetic prosthetics and biological engeneering is quite advanced allowing for limb replacement to advanced degrees.
But while much is lost their adaptation to the new situation resulted in other expansions, their sector being in a state of constant warfare resulting in their ships developing radar deafening allowing for easy maneuvering for merchants to avoid detection.
In the area of construction a lot was streamlined and made simple to the point where an observer may consider Vusary technology to be rather unreliable and shoddy but in reality Vusarian technology despite looking shoddy is rather reliable and easy to repair provided you are instructed or know what you are doing. Their material and equipment are also incredibly resilient all things considered.
Thanks to their ingrained knowledge in engineering their technology also seems rather advanced once well studied with their energy weapons being rather advanced, same for their ballistic weaponry. Their ships also are quite interesting with fleets being divided between what a warlord can afford consequently when resources are available their fleets are of good quality with their engineering shining creating marvels of engineering. Now for more poor ones while still impressive their ships are way more utilitarian but still formidable.
Military Overview: Militarily speaking the league's military force can be described as massive on paper but in theory incredibly dispersed. The many warlords and rulers own their own armies to police and maintain order in their regions and in some situations go to war with other members of the league generally over disputes over territory and while some can spiral it is generally maintained by the standing armies of the league and the council.
The Flotilla of the league is considered its standing army; it's a great fleet docked around Vusary but also other important areas of the sector being controlled by admirals who answer to a Grand Flotilla commander who is appointed by the council of eight by unanimity. This commander is also responsible for leading the coordination of all other fleets of the league with the exception of the nine members of the council who can disregard orders if finding problems with plans.
The fleets of the league are generally mounted by cruisers and destroyers ships of great size that serve as either carriers for smaller ships, combat centric ships are more common, others are stealth vessels for reconnaissance. On the matter of its biggest ships, cruisers are considered the most common largest ship you may see but they aren’t the largest.
Flagships are considered a warlord's main ship and the most egotistical generally have ships larger than cruisers but it's not unfounded at times. The council has the largest ships to ever see in the league, at times less ships and more mobile space stations due to their size.
Infantry is the backbone of the Leagues army in space, most are famous for raiding and boarding crews of marines that attack ships, stations and asteroids soldiers with agile power armor, rifles and swords.
Now planetary things get complicated; infantry of Vusary’s surface are more focused on desert and arid warfare not having swords, mostly more heat tolerant armor and energy rifles generally aided by mechanised forces of tanks and vehicles. Mechs are generally rare to see unless in specialised terrain.
In some cases there is the utilisation of locked in ancient war machines that still can be used to be let out in areas of importance to use as a rampaging tool. Lucky such actions are rare and generally considered desperate or eccentric depending on the person.
A surface of dirt near a river was quite calming until the surface exploded and El’zadir climbed up, looking down and then said to herself.
“Right… new entrance hole…” Looking around some more, she saw that the land was finally peaceful, the crisis of long ago, gone. She was only having to deal with the silence she never grew accustomed to, even while managing the dwarfs down below as high queen. Putting her hands on her forehead she thought for a moment before saying. “Not time for this… I need to check the weird visions I get around here…Sylann, I think, was the name by what I could see.” She wandered forward wearing her dwarvish clothes. Mixed with some iron armor, angular and tough, that they made for her. The dwarves were growing faster by the day. So she marched on, thinking they could handle themselves for a little while, in the direction of the city in question.
It wasn’t so much the city that El’zadir came before but that of a great white wall, surrounded by pristine earth and the heavy flow of traffic leading from one of the main gates. Goblins wearing toga’s and mix matched leathers, walked in groups or rode upon wagons pulled by great rolly polly’s of blue and gray shells. The pitter patter of their multiple feet was like that of rain upon the worn cobbled path. Many of these merchants heckled one another and the random passerby, selling such goods as dried fruits, the random Tricity knicknack or the weathered bones of dead outer beast spawn.
Beastfolk praddled about in their myriad of forms. Some looked like seasoned warriors, large weapons strung at dusty leathered backs. Others wore garbs and some finery, carrying large woven baskets on top of their heads. Many small children ran amok upon the road, weaving in and out of traffic, under carts and in between legs. So too did some beastfolk ride on wagons pulled by an assortment of beasts of burden, carrying their trade goods. There was much talk of Thysia to the north, and the growing disputes of land claims. It seemed a border between the two lands had never actually been drawn out but the trade was good at least.
There was also the occasional human traveling amongst the groups of travelers, usually weather beaten and with dark expressions. Snouters in large droves waddled past as well, obviously in a hurry to get home. Those often carried various farming tools and a knife or two. And twice did a Syllianth gallop past upon a horse, even more in a hurry.
When the gates at last neared, El’zadir could see just how massive they were and that was when the wandering crowds began to pile up. It seemed before one could enter the city, one first had to pass the guard checkpoint. Large metallic figures loomed above the crowds, standing silent and imperious. They could have almost passed for statues until one moved at the behest of a Syllianth guardsman and off back into the city.
She could see that not many, if any at all, were being turned away from the gate. The flow of traffic continued on at a steady pace and before she knew it, El’zadir was before the gate itself. It was her turn. On either side of the road, guards were looking over passengers and then shuffling them off into the bustling streets of the city.
A youthful Syllianth man, wearing a simple tunic of leathers, came before her, a large black quill in his hand before a scroll of creamy paper. He didn’t even look at her as he asked, “What’s your business in Sylann today?”
While he didn’t watch her, she stood out of the entire crowd, a woman five feet tall with obsidian skin and moon silver hair. But she didn’t care about the lack of attention; it was something that she caused to those around her. She seemed in place even while sticking out completely; her divine powers allowed her to command, influence and even convince individuals of how they perceived her. Looking around she soon lowered herself with a light smile. She then said, “Forgive me, I am new around these parts. I traveled from long distant lands and just wish to visit.” she closed her eyes, turning her head a little, her smile looking quite friendly.
The green skinned man at once looked down at her, his quill ceasing its whimsical movement. His brows at once rose. His emerald eyes, set in that smooth metallic skin, seemed to scrutinize her for a long while. He then opened his mouth, revealing pearly teeth, and asked, “Say, what are you?” He then seemed to take in his own words and blinked before adding, “Pardon me but I have not yet seen one of your kind before these walls.”
El’zadir continued smiling, giving a light shrug. “My people aren’t easy to find. I guess you can say we are named by other people around us…” El’zadir thought for a moment, thinking of her origins. She was called more by others than by herself. She sighed at herself, her face breaking the smile for a moment. She looked exhausted as she opened her eyes. Their red glow seemed more intense. Her Will also seemed supreme over the green skinned man, almost like her words commanded authority. Like a king forcing him to comply. “But I think this is not much of a worry for you right? I mean I am just passing by, it's not like someone like me can cause a lot of problems…”
One of the towering constructs seemed to swivel its head and focus on the two or had it been watching the entire time? The syllianth man seemed to shrink before the shorter woman, if that was possible. He blinked a few times, seemed to shrug his shoulders and brought up his parchment to his face, quill beginning to work with flourish. “Carry on and stay out of trouble.” he said a few moments later and stepped out of her path, motioning along.
The great gates waited bare before her. She smiled, giving a nod to the man, before moving forward towards the gates. She looked at the constructs and pondered what they were for a moment. Sapient yes, she could tell, but wondered if they were mortal made or god made. She passed them all the same and entered into the outskirts of the great city. Here the crowds were thick and evermoving. Vendors in their ramshackle carts lined the streets before stone houses. They called out to the passersby, peddling their goods with every hand gesture and eyebrow raised. From food to wooden trinkets, there was a plethora of such stalls. All preying on beleaguered wanderers for the greatest gains.
El did not linger here for long, as the flow of the crowds took her deeper into the heart of the city. Here stalls became businesses with colorful signs above their nice homes. The smells of baked goods and of ale, for once, cut above the waft of the crowd and unwashed bodies. Here children ran amok, play-fighting and chasing one another. Several almost ran into her once, proclaiming that they were to run down a great demon before supper. The streets grew less populated with every step but there were still so many different people. Unlike the road in, Sylann seemed to have a healthy population of almost every sentient race save her dwarves and the few more unsavory types. They all blended in well and there was seldom any signs of violence or thievery, with the large constructs and guards wandering the streets here and there.
People laughed and the chorus of the crowds seemed to be of pleasant talk. Of trading, homelife and the random rabble of the day. One of the more prevalent rumors being gossiped about was that Thysia, that city in the north, was growing in might and it was a worry. After more walking and sightseeing, the crowds around El began to stare and point and the Goddess would find that she was no longer walking by herself. A figure of liquid silver, hands behind her back and chin high, walked beside her. The people began to hush and an unnatural quiet fell over the street.
“You are not the first to wander the streets.” The other goddess said, her voice soft but edged with adamant. “But you seem aimless and I am not familiar with you. Pray tell, who might you be?” she asked, for once pausing in her step to look at El with swirling silver eyes.
El’zadir could easily tell the woman was divine; it was there, the anomaly seemed to come. El's Civilization was made manifest, so this city would be something she felt but the presence of a god also would alter that feeling just a bit. El’zadir took a defensive stance; she had armor on after all, made out of iron with gold trims and dwarven engravings. While a silence stood between both El, she soon said, “My name is El’zadir…” She looked to the side, thinking for a moment, she then hesitated and wondered what to call her title besides what her own people called her, even if she felt she was not attached towards it anymore. Instead, she felt conflicted on who she was still but she continued. “... Goddess of Civilization and you?”
The silver divine looked down upon El'zadir for a few moments. Her blank expression revealed nothing of note. She then said, “El’zadir?” As if tasting the name, then she said, matter of factly, “You were not in the place before time. I do not recognize your presence from the Khodex.” The silver Goddess seemed to be studying her now, letting her eyes roll over El’s form with a scholar’s intensity. “Fascinating. Did you come about to propagate civilization or were you the byproduct of it?” She asked.
El’zadir was still surprised by the goddess beside her, even if her expression showed more worry. The Khodex she saw once when she met Allianthe in the island of creation. It was not surprising knowing it but hearing how she came to be, El stumbled, “I…” Her expression broke as the silver divine could see doubt, worry, a mixture of negative emotions and a lack of self esteem as well, before recovering her composure as she replied, “It was the latter unfortunately… I do wish to have been born when you were around. I think things were more interesting…” She still kept a courteous tone of voice, almost like she was from an aristocracy.
“A divine born of mortal systems.” The silver goddess mused to herself. “I wonder if there may be others or perhaps you are unique in this regard.” She also said, more to herself. Her eyes were fixed upon El, but she had the suspicion that this silver divine was more focused on her own thoughts. After some time and a restless crowd who gathered and gawked, the silver goddess extended her hand, palm facing down, towards El. “You may call me Sylia, young El’zadir. I am the goddess of craft, metals and the very earth.”
El’zadir gave a respectful bow saying, “A pleasure to meet you, Sylia, but forgive me if I may ask…” She was confused about hearing the roles the divine had, especially after hearing what she herself had said. She then continued, “But you are crafting, metals and the very earth… You came before these things existed?”
Sylia’s hand still lay outstretched towards El and made no sign of lowering as Sylia said, “Crafting was my origin. I lay bare before the Khodex and supplanted myself within it, so that this universe would know my laws and be fixed by them. My gift was of the God Metal, the greatest of the material realm. It was only natural metal and earth followed once this world began to bloom. Would you not consider that civilization is but a concept of mortalkind and that crafting the very atoms of existence precedes it?” she asked, tone brimming with a scholar’s prose.
El’zadir gave a nod to her statement; it made sense in a way. Looking at the crowd around them, El soon turned to the group and uttered words that seemed more commands and powerful suggestions than just words. “Do you mind, giving us a moment?” She smiled as the group suddenly began to disperse back into their regular ongoings. Sylia could notice El’s gift seemed to also connect somewhat in control of people. Turning to her, El soon said, “Do you have a place for us to stay and talk, instead of a public crowd?” She smiled at Sylia, her heart held no ill intentions. Instead she was now driven by curiosity, even if it was far from what she came to do.
Sylia at last broke eye contact and looked at her hand. Outstretched and discarded. She seemed to stare at it a moment, before flexing her fingers. Then without warning she took one step closer to El’zadir and put a hand on her shoulder. One moment they were in the dispersing crowd and the next they were in the center of a pale stoned workshop of mercurial pools and floating metal shards. Along the walls were rows and rows of workbenches, pristine and orderly. Almost as if the place was brand new and hardly ever touched. A soft lullaby of a hum was ever present around them, with different melodies intertwining and harmonizing. Sylia let go of El and took a step back, then let her hand rest at her side. “Why have you come to Sylann?” The silver goddess asked with little emotion.
El looked Sylia in the eyes before saying, “I can feel all cities, all nations, all monuments of stone and metal raised. From the abstract of laws, to how a family may be thinking. This place had a strange anomaly,” El looked around before adding, “It’s here yet not here… I originally thought they built and moved the city but it was always here so I came to investigate. Well, I guess I know why my senses felt odd about this, it was you…” El said, extending her hand gesturing to Sylia with a light smile. “You were making my senses a bit confused.” she finished.
Sylia didn't say anything immediately. Instead she looked at the gesture and furrowed her brows in puzzlement. With some hesitation, she eventually unfurled her arm and took the hand of El. She seemed to wait and then look around. “I don't understand.” Sylia at last said, looking back at El. “Why have we not moved locations? Is this not the intended purpose of touching?”
El’zadir was confused. When her hand was touched and upon hearing the goddess, it made sense being taken back and feeling shy. Her cheeks red, she then replied, “Oh ah, that's not what I…” She took a light breath before saying, “I don’t do that, teleporting is interesting but I wasn't wanting to do that, forgive me if I lured you into thinking. I don't even know much about the rules of celestial phenomena. I just gestured towards you.” She held a light smile while having her hands up in innocence. She felt awkward and more shy because of the incident.
“Ah, I see.” Sylia said as she folded her arms across her chest. “A gesture of intimacy. I have seen the mortals act in such regard. Indeed, it is often a courtship ritual. In my own standings, it seems rarher pointless to hold the hand of another without moving through the world to a new location. I can’t understand why they would want to touch one another. It is inefficient to only have one hand in use at any given time.” She paused and seemed to look over El. She then said, “Let us move on from this act of miscommunication.” And she turned, walking across the floor until she reached a mercurial pool, wherein she looked into the liquid and asked, “Why am I the source of your senses confusion? Perhaps because without me, they could not come into civilization? Or are you younger divine simply not attuned to your own domains? No offense of course, El. I am simply intrigued.”
El pondered for a while she was also curious as to why she soon said. “I don’t know, probably divine energy and your presence messed with my senses with this city, possibly the city being the only one in a sea of nomads might be the reason. Alternatively my wound was deeper than I thought.” she soon rubbed the side of her chest, feeling it a bit.
Sylia's eyes snapped to her. “A wound?” She asked, leaving the mercurial pools to stand before her. “What could wound a divine? Save the Outer Beasts and their ilk or… A fellow god?”
El sighed, remembering the day. Her face looked exhausted and she soon said, “Outer beasts, yes… one caught me by luck or by the chaos of the battlefield down underground. I have a bite scar running from here to here including my back…” She made a line in her armor and clothes running across her chest finishing near her waist. “It's a good story to tell I guess…” She looked nervous, even a bit ashamed, after finishing the small story. In her mind a god shouldn’t be able to be wounded so easily.
“Show me.” Sylia said. Her expression of captured interest.
El’zadir thought for a moment, giving a shrug as she began removing some pieces of iron armor she had on. Removing it and making it lay on the floor, she soon rolled up her shirt and revealed the scar. It was a bite wound, like she said, already healed. The bite mark of wide pointy teeth, by the looks of it, were still able to be seen in the obsidian skin of El as Sylia’s eyes wandered. El soon replied, “It was quite painful but I managed to get the better of him… I guess I was the unlucky one.”
Sylia walked around El, taking in the full measure of the scar. “Hmm. Unlucky?” She spoke in a quiet voice now, coming to a stop before El. Her posture straight as an arrow, Sylia tapped her fingers together. “I have often thought about the nature of divinity. The Khodex is the origin of the universe and we were called, in a myriad of ways, to create within it. We, who could walk across the surface of the sun unscathed. We, who could survive in the vast vacuum of space. We, capable of feats beyond any. We, who are immortal. Yet, we are capable of dying. Of being wounded and scarred. Already Lareus and another have been slain, not to mention the first of us, Sloth.” She paused and tilted her head slightly. “Do you feel powerful, goddess of civilization? If you wanted, could you not know all and be everywhere at once? We fed the Khodex with much delight and terrible purpose and I for one, do not accept the title of divine. Not a true divine. A true divine could not be slain or wounded, whilst capable of thought beyond you and I.” She sighed, “There is evidence to suggest that we are being watched by forces beyond our own universe. Someone or something sent the outer beings. I wonder if they view us as we view the mortals. Now,” A piece of El’s armor hovered up from the ground and fastened itself back from where it once sat upon her, “You are without a weapon. It’s no wonder you were touched in battle. We cannot allow it to happen again, can we?”
El stood, taking in the words Sylia said to her, heightening her worries. She never considered herself above many thanks to who she was. Civilization was just a small part of a greater whole. Reality itself was greater than the constructions of mortals. She was a projection of them, after all but she felt different. Why should she? Looking at her own hand, staying in thought for who she was, she soon raised her head after hearing how the gods above might think of her. The thought of other gods dying as well, was not something she thought of. She sighed in worry, hearing the words of Sylia, to not allow things to happen again. She replied with more resolve, “YES…” She calmed down her nerves by replying in a more polite tone next, “...I agree, you are a smithing deity. Can you help me with that?”
Sylia studied El. The silver goddess then cupped El’s chin with her hand, tilting her head up to make eye contact with the tall divine. “What is it you desire of me and what will you be willing to give for it?” She asked.
Taking time to think, El stood pondering before stopping, straightening herself. “I request a weapon from the mightiest smith that exists in the pantheon. The price, I believe, that is yours to set.” She replied with a smile and a light bow of courtesy.
Sylia withdrew her touch. “Very well. Then my price is this; Create for this civilization of Sylann, an education system, with a school of enlightenment. And, you will be beholden to a future request of me, no matter the cost. When I have need of it being fulfilled, you will answer.” Sylia, for once, smiled. “Does this satisfy you?”
El’zadir thought for a moment before giving a nod, saying, “Right, it's acceptable.”
“Then we have an agreement. I won’t need long, best to see that school. I will have one of my Syllianth escort you to a suitable location for its building.” Sylia said, already in motion towards her mercurial pools. “If you require anything else, ask the Syllianth.” It was her dismissal. The doors opened and a green being entered the room, bowing. “If you would come with me, Goddess.” The man said in a deep voice.
“Oh, sure, thank you.” El said to the small green man she soon turned to Sylia. “See you soon, Sylia.” She replied with a smile leaving the room.
When El’zadir was gone, Sylia thought awhile in the silence of her sanctum. She stared, transfixed upon the mercurial pool at her feet. The civilization God was unlike any she had met yet. El had no aura of authority around her. She did not feel divine. She was uncertain of herself. Conflicted and embarrassed. If Sylia had wanted, she could have easily taken advantage of her. Manipulated her into doing whatever she wanted. It was still an option. In truth, she knew not what else to ask of her. Sylia’s own mind was too busy in thought.
That scar on her flesh should not have been. Divine flesh marred. It made the silver goddess irrationally upset. Not out of some protective response but because it painted the image that they were fallible. It was a weakness and one that could prove exploitable. Sylia knew in her cold metallic soul that such flesh, even of divine property, was imperfect. Wholly unlike the shimmering metal at her feet. For metal was strength. It could not be so easily scared.
She would not use Divinium in this weapon. For El did not place a part of herself into the Khodex at the beginning of creation. She had no alloy to speak of. Besides, there were other materials that could be made just as potent. She bent and placed her hand in the mercury pool.
She closed her eyes, her fingers flexing outwards in the tranquil warmth. What was civilization but the culmination of mortal triumph? What took them from the simplest forms to being capable of such complexity? Thousands upon thousands inhabited Sylann now. Would they have been able to build the city without her divine aid? Did it matter? For beneath it all, there was only one path any man, woman, or child could take- And it was the procreation of their species, the passing of their culture, the nurturing, the growing, the ability to want instead of fulfilling the base needs.
Her fingers began to move rhythmically, swaying the mercurial pool into circular transience. Each wave pulsing to a hidden beat.
Sylia knew that one could only protect a civilization in two ways. Peace or war. Perhaps it was a shortsighted view and one unfitting for a Divine to conjure. There could be other ways but it all boiled down to destruction or salvation. With any deterrent, you could only hold off the inevitable. Toil and chaos taking root like cancerous cells, ruining the great works of her time. Sylia knew she could live forever but did not know if she would. The burgeoning threats of the cosmos had become evident and there were murderers amongst the pantheon. El could only hope to see herself from violence, through it.
Sylia’s hand grasped the forming item within her hand. The pool hummed, vibrations turning the mercury into the like of fine grains. Each a star in the vastness of space, or the cell of a living, breathing thing. They shimmered in patterns that spoke of both madness and clarity. In one instant, her sanctum was alive with the elation of the craft, the building block of civilization itself.
Sylia pulled the sword from the mercurial pool and silence flooded back in as if a dam burst. Refractions off the blade caught the sunlight of the room as Sylia opened her eyes. She found in her hand a long greatsword of shining metal. No, not shining, it was so polished that it was like she was looking into a mirror. It reflected everything. But it was just a blade. One as tall as El’zadir and perhaps as wide as half her chest.
Sylia let go of the blade and let it hover in the space before her. Next she summoned a pale bone of some forgotten thing and fashioned it into a grip. For the pommel she placed a large diamond, as it reminded her of El’s eyes. And it was done. A blade, capable of great feats and terrible acts. Sylia smiled.
“You are unnamed.” She said to the blade. “May your wielder pick one befitting you.”
As Sylia worked, El’zadir also worked on what was requested, a thing that was rather easy for her to do; she had done many works that involved abstract concepts for mortals. Her mind, after all, was not just a product of then but could also foresee progress. At first schools were created with teachers to educate mortals in the work of writing, philosophies and enlightenment but after that, she set up a system of education under control of the government of the city. Centered around a school of enlightenment, something that took a bit longer to set up, as enlightenment for the many cultures of Sylann meant different things.
El’zadir, as she organized the system, stood alone in a room pondering once again who she was. Looking at her obsidian hands, she just felt like focusing on them, pondering things. It seemed rather more complicated than when she walked Galbar for a long time. The other gods seemed to have had a better time dealing, even the ones she met, with the threat of the outer gods. As she looked, she soon slammed the stone table that was before her with her hand. Anger coursed through her and the table cracked and shattered in two with her force. She panted as paper fell around her and she leaned back in her chair mumbling to herself in dwarvish. “I’m worthless…”
As silence stood for a moment, she sighed. Rising up, El had a final part to complete: a grand academia for the people but she also felt she needed something for Sylann that was close to her but also would help the people of their civilization. It was something she felt she needed to do. The next day, as she looked at the blueprint and helped those around in organizing, she constructed a holy site for herself but also one where the people of Sylann and the school of enlightenment would benefit. A grandiose college of wisdom, knowledge and progress where those who seeked enlightenment would come to find it. But also was a holy site for herself, as she blessed its construction and used it also as a temple. Standing at its finished part of the university, she sighed, overlooking the city below its massive structure. Cracking her head, she then said, “Reminds me of the old days…
“You were not there for the true elden days, El'zadir.” Sylia’s voice came and El looked to see that the silver goddess once again had appeared beside her. This time she held a cloth covered weapon, one as tall as the smaller goddess. Sylia looked out over her work and after a time, nodded her head. “You have done good work and now I deliver my end of the bargain.”
She removed the cloth to reveal the reflective surface of the sword. It was almost glowing in the sunlight of the day. Its bone handle sparkled white and called to a hand to wield it. The cut diamond at the pommel dripped with raw power. “A mercurial blade, El. Powerful enough to cradle any civilization, building them to the greatest heights or…” She paused and held out the sword to her, pommel first, “Capable of terrible ruin.” Sylia’s face was a mask of calm but her eyes were strangely wild, shimmering with some inner sense of joy or madness. “Once you claim it, you must give it a name. Now… Go on.” She hissed softly.
El’zadir hesitated for a moment before grabbing the handle and holding it. She could feel its strength, power and potential before her. With a small swing her divine strength combined with the blade and a great swirl of wind dashed forth. As the wind slowed again El smiled with excitement saying, “What a nice gift!” She held the sword with elegance and ease almost like she had branded many before. “Gift…” She mumbled to herself before smiling. “A good name I think ‘Gift’” She said, thrusting the sword into the air again.
“Then Gift it shall be forevermore.” Sylia mused, taking a step back. “Now I must bid thee a farewell. You are welcome in Sylann at any point in time and do not forget the other half of our agreement. One day I shall come to settle the debt.” Sylia said.
El’zadir gave a bow saying, “Thank you for welcoming me into your city, Sylia. It was a pleasure to meet you and do not worry when the time comes I shall settle my debt.” She smiled at her and the silver goddess only nodded in return before blinking out of existence with a knowing smile on her metal lips.
El’zadir began to walk away then. She needed to return to her children in the underground. All in all, it was an interesting visit and a good one after the incidents she experienced.
El’zadir arrives at Sylann after feeling a the presence of civilization. She wanders The streets before Sylia confronts her And the two chat. After some brief awkwardness, uncertainties and a talk about the nature of divinity, Sylia and El make a deal. Sylia gets a school system and a college in Sylann and El gets a sword to protect herself. They depart on good terms.
Sylia - 16MP
-4MP (boosted with Crafting, Metals and Earth to 12MP) to create a Godsbane mercurial sword. Fashioned from a source wholly apart from Divinium and nigh unusable by mortal craftsmen, the sword is paramount to the beginnings of civilization and its decider. A mirror-like blade of white silver so polished its reflection sings.
(-4mp from Crafting. Sylia interwove the basis of her domain within the weapon. The blade is a repository for the works of mortalkind and capable of crafting itself. First, the blade must assimilate an item. Be it a bow or a bridge. The sword will then be able to know how to build said items. To assimilate, one simply must strike the blade against the target and it will consume the raw materials. -4MP from Metals. Anything cut with the blade will be poisoned with mercury be it flesh or stone. The more one is cut or dismembered, the worse this effect will become until their very veins are suffused with liquid death(Way worse of sapient things, a rock wouldn’t care much). This is the process of assimilation. -4MP from Earth. Due to the density of its source, the blade is unnaturally light and unlike natural mercury, highly magnetic. As such it is capable of riding the magnetic fields of Galbar.)
12MP remaining
El’zadir - 17 MP
-1 MP (boosted with Civ domain) to create a school system and schools in Sylann following a philosophical school of enlightenment at the request of Sylia. To help further mortal kind through education and learning, through the sciences, languages, histories and numerous other subjects of craft and civilization.
-1 MP Used in the creation of the College of Sylann, a holy site of El’zadir. It's a university where seekers of knowledge and enlightenment go to further their pursuits and education. This higher place of learning can teach any the merits of a functioning and proper civilization, as well as numerous and expanded upon studies that the school system of Sylann already covers in basic. This place is also a holy ground where El’zadir, goddess of civilization has blessed and built and in reverence is her name.
The war against the end times and... and... Who am i...
In the Saleve’nios the cities readied for the hordes to arrive as the council overlooked as the monsters from the south arrived as the soldiers at the wall readied up arrows put in bows and soon a commander raised his hand and with monsters in sight he shouted. “Loose!” as the arrows flew the monsters began to shriek and shout in sounds that shook them with arrows one more in bows he soon shouted “LOOSE!” his voice becoming more desperate as some of the monsters seemed able to climb the arrows helping in keeping then away but soon the wall shook as a large monster huge in size with a insectoid appearance walking in two legs with carapaces protecting it from damage but that was not his main concern as he faced forward and using a lot of strength and his will he soon broke through the wall causing it to collapse on top of it with several goblins screaming as they fell down with it as the monsters began quickly rushing through the opening to the streets as swords began to clash and fires consume and in the morning the city was abandoned of life. Streets emptied with blood on the floor, houses barged and some destroyed, statues toppled and the palace of the city had scratches, claw marks and toppled pillars, standing in the main hall of the palace was a toppled statue covered in blood. The statue was of El’zadir covered partially in blood from its face to its chest as the city echoed in silence as the statue cracked for a moment.
Across the lands of the Saleve’nios the same would repeat in mass cities would be burned, abandoned, destroyed and its people fleeing closer to the seas and more fortified cities such as Ale'venia, a grand citadel fortified by massive walls and home to many refugees. The insectoid monster walked on two legs, seeing the city in the distance as a small horde of other monsters of many shapes and forms, some nightmares given form, others more down to earth. As he looked at the ongoing attack the defences held extremely well as hordes of monsters were being pushed back as he smelled he soon felt something off looking to a hole he could notice the darkness but also a divine energy pull from below. As he and the others began to crawl into it many other monsters of many shapes followed as they began to journey through the cave ever deeper into the earth. In the depths they soon found the opening towards the underground, the continent that exists below the surface. As the monsters moved through the underground populated by large mushrooms existing thanks to the lack of light and the growth created by the dwarves below growing then and selective breeding. As the monsters moved through the terrain they soon began moving towards something they felt inside this great expansive cavern finding a small farm as they approached the old dwarf tending to the mushrooms soon noticed the approaching quickly grabbing his pitchfork he aimed at then but the humanoid insectoid of roughly 4 meters raised his clawed hands and swiped at the man. Looking forward he could notice lights in the distance of other dwarves as he moved with the other monsters as blood dripped of his hand;
Some time later
El’zadir shed a tear wiping it for a moment as she could feel the cities on the surface she then mumbled. “I am a failure…” she focused her vision and she could see a city on siege as she stopped again closing her eyes she felt more tired than ever. The singing of her domain even stopped calling as it seemed the world needed to heal off this disaster especially as the dwarves seemed better off it sang to her to go to work even as the world burned. But after the chaos spread she stopped hearing its singing and her domain seemed to talk less to her then before. She looked forward to her residence carved into the stone of the cave. A silk curtain made out of spider webbing blew towards her from the light wind she sighed holding her forehead. She had teached the dwarfs on how to carve stone and build from it as she looked at her obsidian skin seeing the calluses and her eyes blinked as she remembered. The past days reminded her of the work she had in teaching the dwarves in carving stone and mining to build their underground cities. While looking at her hands she soon heard the sound of war horns as time had come her eyes seemed motionless but soon enough they seemed filled with anger and determination as she rose up she pushed through the emotions grabbing a pair of gauntlets she put aside and begging wearing then as she rose up wearing the battle armour made up by the dwarves. Leaving her room she walked up the stairs as she adjusted her body armour marching through a camp as iron was being smelted and forged into weapons she teached then how to use iron for tools and weapons.
The sound of war horns then began scrambling into action as lines began to form the fungi-covered cave floor; the dwarven soldiers made tight formations of shields and spears. With many other regiments with battle axes or swords archers stood in the back as they organised; they soon began to make way for her as she walked forward she towered over then standing 4 meters tall. Moving forward wearing iron armour made by her children, armour with large plates to protect her chain armour underneath it and greaves and shoulder plates while in her right hand she had a spear and in her left hand she had a helmet with wings. Putting it on she soon stopped in front of the army of 10 thousand strong. Looking forward she could see a fire in the distance as the horde of monsters was coming, she then turned to her children and soon said. “NOW! We stand here with me, my children against the forces of the end times!” They soon banged their shields in respect for what they called their high queen mother. The clans were organised into kingdoms and she was the high queen of their entire people as the sound of howling could be heard as she turned towards the clearing she soon put her helmet on mumbling to herself. “Let us stand against the storm…” Emerging from the hill were monsters of many shapes and forms, creatures of nightmares. “Stand!” El’zadir shouted as she readied her spear as the lines seemed about to connect her forces outnumbered them but she knew they were strong enough to cause more than enough damage. With a monster rushing her quadruped and quite huge she soon screamed as she stabbed it and lifted with her spear throwing the monster behind her as the lines finally connected to war cries and clashing of swords and spears.
El’zadir punched a monster, a creature with multiple limbs and jagged teeth looking like a cephalopod; she soon threw a spear against it, killing it. Panting she soon dodged a blow from claws from another monster scratching and damaging her iron armour causing her to sweat a bit. They could kill her at least that was something she knew thanks to the signals sent when the calamity began. As she walked back carefully she grabbed a great axe from a dwarf and swung against the monster decapitating it. She chuckle thinking it was gone be fine the battle was in her and her children’s favour but her omniscience was having issues as she kept on fighting with axe and sword in hand as she slashed against another monster she felt her breastplate break and also feel teeth as she was lifted up screaming. Gritting her teeth as pain coursed through her pain as she was lifted by its mouth looking towards it the monster was akin to a insectoid with four arms and very strong carapace as arrows seemed to barely even affect it but it was quite huge adjusting its teeth she felt it bite her again but deeper with she screaming it. She soon noticed it's arm grabbing her by the legs and pulling her she could feel her body being stretched with the pain she felt her flesh still pierced by teeth with pain she screamed looking towards the jaw seeing a weak spot she soon swung the great axe hitting with such a strength the insectoids mandible swung open letting go of her as she fell off she could see her breast plate falling apart and blood gushing off several wounds she felt more energy as she landed on her foot holding a scream letting out a gush of air looking up the monster grabbing is bleeding jaw she could see the inbetweens of the carapaces a weak spot in its neck and with a shout she jumped tall swinging her axe against its neck the impact cutting through flesh before hitting the bone and breaking into pieces. As she landed with a broken handle in hand the monster fell behind her as she stood up panting she soon felt a shock to her mind feeling the throbbing within the wounds she had. Checking the scars were wide and still gushed a bit of blood aching with pain as well she grabed then even if the bite covered much of her torso.
Raising her head she soon saw the battlefield the monsters were all dead the dwarves killed the remainder monsters they were now few the ten thousand now is now four thousand as she looked at the bloodied field she sighed to herself and with a nod she then shouted orders to the others. “Tend the wounded and bring the dead to the citadel!” She exuded confidence and seemed quite energetic but inside she felt tired and exhausted it was probably a effect from the wound but she still pushed through as the battlefield was being cleaned. Walking through the field she noticed in the floor her dropped breast plate grabing it she wore it on feering that seeing her bleed would cause moral to drop due to it. Walking back to camp it began more active with the aftermath of the battle she soon stopped seeing a messenger getting close saying. “My queen mother the king of the Alåtholon has stated he fortified his capital as per your orders.” “Tell him that it isn’t needed the army sent to crush the monsters suceeded.” She answered to him feeling a bit less energetic. The messenger gave a nod going away the journey north began as she and her army returned to Dorenonol the holy site she created for the dwarves her first holy site. The citadel was constructed just as she began to create the governments of the Dwarven Clans creating the 13 Dwarven kingdoms led by a king who are then led by a high king or queen which at the moment was herself. Approaching the citadel she could see it from a distance a grand city carved into stone and rock infused partially with divine energy making it a holy site for herself she could feel that it seemed to partially help her energy gain. Looking from afar she could feel once agai nthe tinge of pain as her wounds finaly began to close. But at the same time she could see the Dwarves carrying their dead to the citadel to be burried according to the rituals they made. Her heart achaed and with it she soon said to a officer. “You…” “Mother” The Dwarf replied turning to her with she saying. “I must inspect something go ahead and tell then i might take a while to return” He gave a bow leaving as she turned back and began to walk back towards the tunnel network leading to the central chamber where the cave network began.
After walking for a long time and in the second cave opening she created long ago her mind rushed to the thoughts of the dead she caused. They called her mother and she treated then as her children yet she led then to battle. As she leaned against a wall taking a sigh to relax she wondered if the surface was safer she felt one of the monsters die. Atleast she thought she felt it the surface seemed more safe. But she soon felt with it as safety seems more common her domain order and civilization calling. Raising up she felt its call once again to build. “no…” to create, to innovate, to advance… “Stop…” to move on and repeat. A call that made her move by herself to continue “STOP!” She shouted finnaly kneeling as her mind rushed her domain still sung to her but the singing was painfull. Her mind could only remember the consequences the order she created was burning she could feel the pain caused by the calamity. To rebuild was easy but to engage on what has happened was already hard for her as tears built on her eyes falling off. “What is the point of this who…” as she mumbled to herself she soon stopped realising something and with that the singing stopped as it did she stood up from facing the floor. Her domain stopped singing it had returned it sang and it left as she stared at the cavern landscape. “Who am I?” a slave to her own domain, a goddess she was but who she was truly a blank slate…
From the forces destroying the Saleve’nios a small horde of mosnters that were attacking a city state found one of the passages to the underground. Their attacked cause some damage but it was destroyed by a response force led by El'zadir the fight took her down with a few wounds but in the end she was fine. The fight was won at the lost of many soldiers prompting El'zadir to send then to Dorenonol her holy site and citadel capital of the Dwarven Kingdoms. After going for a relaxing walk... she... stopped to hear her calling... and she realised something... Who even she was...
El'zadir -5 mp start -1 tech boost * Blast Furnaces * Iron usage -1 tech boost * Carving * Mining -1 tech boost * Construction * Governments -1 Holy site called Dorenonol located in the northern cave.
There will be only a few things you need to know and that I will tell
1. I am a guy
2. why are you interested in who I am?
3. it can be very easy to make a friendship but you need to learn how to handle someone with Asperger a spectrum of autism plus several mental issues.
4. and also I am a bit of a quiet guy sometimes [b][i]Specialy after a while[/i][/b] but if you manage to catch my attention I can be very close and talkative [b][s]sometimes[/s][/b].
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">There will be only a few things you need to know and that I will tell<br>1. I am a guy<br>2. why are you interested in who I am?<br>3. it can be very easy to make a friendship but you need to learn how to handle someone with Asperger a spectrum of autism plus several mental issues.<br>4. and also I am a bit of a quiet guy sometimes <span class="bb-b"><span class="bb-i">Specialy after a while</span></span> but if you manage to catch my attention I can be very close and talkative <span class="bb-b"><span class="bb-s">sometimes</span></span>.</div>