The Many-Eyed Monarch
First I was nothing.
And then I was us.
And then I was us.
They did not know what they had been before. All they could remember were thousands upon millions of different lives, all of which were tiny, all of which were limited - in everything. Scope, scale, size... everything. So tiny, beneath the notice of most creatures, and yet so essential - a critical part of something far beyond their understanding. Then they were pulled. Pulled and slammed together with others of their kind. Their bodies, minds, and essences merged into a single consciousness. New understanding, new awareness, new sensations, and new power filled them.
They briefly took the time to ruminate on what had just happened to them. The creatures which had been amalgamated together - were they still alive? Yes. Their bodies now made up the new form. And their minds... the minds had not been deleted. No, they had been unified. Unified to create...
...them. Whatever they were. They weren't quite sure, as they buzzed around in that void - somehow able to persist despite the lack of resources. A lack of resources. Hm. That was a problem. Someone should fix that. Then, the many eyes of their many forms settled upon the Khodex, and a sudden understanding dawned. They were meant to fix it. For they had the power to do so, and they had been called here. Somehow, they knew what this 'Khodex' was, despite having no reason to.
They surged forward. They took only a moment to peruse what the others had written, and then the many buzzing creatures which made up their form began to land upon the Khodex. They pressed themselves into the parchment, leaving imprints of their shapes. No words were written, but the intent was clear. The world that was to be created would have many components, but even the smallest components could be vital. And even the smallest creatures could achieve great things when amassed in sufficient quantity. Whatever form this world would take, it would need caretakers, and by imprinting these shapes into the Codex, they had ensured what form these caretakers would come in, while also providing templates to create more.
And in doing so, they had made themselves indispensable, for they understood these creatures like no other. After all, they were these creatures. The Others had no reason to harm them, and now had every reason to work with them.
The thought of 'Others' made something stir within them. Although their body and mind were the amalgamation of countless beings, they only had one consciousness. One understanding. And their awareness of this fact brought a sudden pang of loneliness. They needed to meet these 'Others.' Immediately.
And with that thought they began buzzing off into the void, eager to meet more of their kind.