Avatar of Aintitfun1997
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 423 (0.13 / day)
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    1. Aintitfun1997 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Current Hey guys I am leaving for a bit for personal reasons. I hope yall understand thank you!
1 like
8 yrs ago
*deep inhale* AHHHHHHHHHHHHH
8 yrs ago
I got a problem with my closet
8 yrs ago
My "stripper" name would be Wild Rose...yes I am that bored that I would take a test on this so yeah XD
8 yrs ago


Hi! My name is Alle or Fun! I'm 18 years old, I love to casually role play action, drama, humor and romance if I feel up to it.

I Also love to draw little cute cartoony things and humans. I want to be a concept artist and I hope to have a comic of my own Called Jungle Run published.
I write stories and one shots for fun and I love learning about the human brain and how it works. I also believe in the paranormal, and no I don't mean vampires and Werewolves even though they are cool, I mean ghost,angels and demons stuff of that nature. Now don't ask why because its a long story.

Fan of:

Walking dead (all)

Norman Reedus and Micheal Rooker


San, Papyrus and Alphys


Country music

any music




dead pool

Teenage mutant ninja turtles



Inside out

Hero Six

Fall out boy


and much much more

Most Recent Posts

Wait whats the plan? I'm sorry I got a bit lost..
Trying to work out what to do with cmayllia
Shadow Ninja/ Jacklyn

Jacklyn left first after Jacque spoke finding as she wasn't needed anymore. She slipped out of the building and back into her comfort zone; the shadows and alley way's. She sighs in relief letting all the built up tension go she slips into the shadows as she saw an unusual pair of men following a pair of kids. Turning back into The Shadow Ninja and went to put down the evil.

The Ninja flipped down from the roof the building landing on different objects as she went before landing on the ground. Getting up she made her way into The Archer. She brought down her scarf as she entered the Archer and made her way to the back opening the door she smiles."Hello! How are you all today?" She ask with a small smile.

I have a bit of a block. But I will try to post!
@josephb *hugs* Welcome back :)
@Wick ...if raven's head isn't stabbed it's be funny for a guard to go into the office and boom WALKER HEAD!
@alexfangtalon Watch out for blair witch shell eat you hehehehehe
@Wick maybe theres a mysterious floor where all the mentally insane kids went *creepy music*

XD Im joking at my highschool there is a rumor about a third floor where the really bad kids go so lol Im sorry bad joke

Camyllia had felt Erin wince and removed her hand."Sorr-"

" Are you trying to get in trouble with Nikki? Stupid kid." Erin says stern. Kinda reminded Camyllia of how Robert was with her the last few weeks." It's good to see you kid. You've grown a bit since I left."

The teen smiles a little," I've been workin' out, helpin' wit' patrols ,an' goin' on runs." She says before looking down." An' I don' want ta get in trouble wit' Nikki 'r anyone. It jus' pisses me off how t'ey treat ya..even if ya did what ya did come back with what you had. Everyone actin' like yer a monster..I don' see it though." Camylluia says."Everyone is so hell bent on makin' sure not ta forget their humanity when it's humanity that will end up gettin' someone killed," her frown turns into a mean scowl."an' has."

Camyllia takes a breath calming down before looking at Erin."So anyway, uh let's get ya to yer prison- I mean new room an' get ya cleaned up alright? I can get ya some med's fer yer pain and ya can sleep." She says as they made their way to the basement.

@Demonic Angel
@Wick....so Im guessing kyle is going to be charge for a while??
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