Reika Himewari
Sex: Female
Magic: Wind/Angelic - A strange type of magic that allows Reika to summon a pair of angelic white wings from her back as well as manipulate the wind. The wings are not need in order to use her wind magic, though airial combat best suites her.
Weapon: N/A
Age: 17, Third Year Student
Reika is the new girl on school grounds, moving from an unknown place with an unknown agenda. She acts all sweet and nice, but why does she seem to have such a sense of familiarity around _______...?
Reika is a shy person, loving to do more domestic things in her spare time and always does her best to be kind to all. Although, whenever _______ walks by, regardless of whatever she may be doing, she hides because she's embarrassed to be seen participating in such cliches. There are still many mysteries to be discovered of her, though.
Sayaka Homura
Sex: Female
Magic: Fire - Basically allowing Sayaka to summon/manipulate fire at will. This suites her hot temper, especially when she's about to blow. Sayaka utilizes this magic in mostly an offensive sense.
Weapon: Roller Blades
Age: 16, Second Year Student

Sayaka is the oldest of three, with two twin little brothers at the ages of nine. She is an aggressive girl who is also known as a good cook, and owns a pet ferret names Honey. Although her relationship with _______ remains good throughout their friendship, spanning back to grade school, he is on occasion the victim of her anger, which invariably results in one receiving a chop to the head.
Izumi Chisei
Sex: Female
Magic: Water/Ice - Basically allowing Sayaka to summon/manipulate water, in all its forms, at will. She often refers to it as "pure magic," because of the healing properties it can have. Sayaka utilizes more for restraint and healing, though also in srong offense.
Weapon: Sutras
Age: 16, Second Year Student

Izumi comes from a wealthy family, never having to worry about issues like most. All she ever needed to focus on were her studies. Her parents spent very little time with her, always working and never having time for her. She never showed this to anyone except _______, and even then it was only when she truly felt helpless about the situation.
Izumi can often be critical of others, often looking down on them and finding herself superior due to her intelligence. She only knows _______ through him discovering his powers, though due to the way he insults him, it's difficult to put a label on their "friendship." Though this is true, is he truly annoyed by _______ or is it something more...?
Sex: Female
Magic: Earth/Summoning - Akari can summon golem like creatures to do her bitting, whether it be to attack the enemy or to merely push her on the swings. Though not much is not known about Akari
Weapon: Revolver
Age: ???

Akari is a mysterious young girl who appeared at Kamakura High School without any rhyme or reason. She is always alone, making wood carvings of in the sides of things with a small knife, calling them "gifts to the school." This hobby completely drains her concentration and awareness of her surroundings. Worst of all, with her youthful appearence and not attending classes, most peg her for a strange rebellious grade schooler.
Kira Himitsu
Sex: Female
Magic: Lightning - Kira's magic is highly unstable, having the ability to harm herself as well as her enemy. She can take voltage from an outer source to manipulate, though she has no true magic of her own.
Weapon: Katana
Age: 15, First Year Student

Kira is shy, mostly silent and only talks to only _______ most times. She is also a skilled swords woman. She uses the sword to fend off "demons" that attack the school at night. Though most pegged her for a freak or weirdo, there may be some truth in what this strange girl speaks of... She is very caring when it comes to her mother, who was once sick in the hospital. She cried and stayed near her and cured her with her powers. She also has a strange obsession with snow bunnies.