Avatar of AirBender
  • Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 496 (0.14 / day)
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    1. AirBender 9 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

9 yrs ago
Current Been working a lot on personal writing projects. Gotta finish my book eventually. Will get around to posting soon.
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9 yrs ago
Personally I like 3 better. But they're both great games. Neither is a waste of money.
9 yrs ago
I thought I had a good relationship with my mom. But the way she's been treating me today makes me think otherwise.
9 yrs ago
I'll be 20 in a little over a month and know exactly what I want to do with my life. Guess I'm one of the lucky ones.
9 yrs ago
Anybody else think the Pokemon Sun and Moon starters look awful?
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I'm gonna be gone for the next couple of days. I'll be back Thursday and I'll get to posting then.
I teach Shaolin Ch'uan Fa, which is a self defense style. We have a lot of children who go to the dojo. That is how I get my workout, by bench pressing 6 year olds and doing forms none stop for hours with them.
@Fenfeir Punish you for your impatience :p

Nah, I've been busy lately and haven't had the chance to post.
Ugh, forgot to tag again.
The battle had barely begun when the enemy retreated. Kiera had just so happened to be able to convince them to do so. From her perched, Ashira eyed the Dark Elf suspiciously. Everything fell into place with the retreat far too well. While the rest of her siblings praised Kiera for a job well done, Ashira said nothing, letting her eyes do all the talking. She leaped down from her perch, landing in a crouched stance before rising to her feet. Apparently, her siblings wanted her to lead them to where Brand had been executed. Ashira stared down at the floor, eyes closed, for a moment, before reluctantly nodded.

As they entered the Nightwood, Ashira led the way. Intent on leading them to the place where Brand had been executed. As much as she wished she had been there, she was also glad that she hadn't been. Because who knew what kind of foolish things she would have done. Or if she would have even left that place alive. As they travelled, they came across several more of their siblings, who immediately joined their party. It was one night when they were sitting around discussing plans that something happened. Ashira's heightened Elvish senses thought nothing of the flapping of wings close by. She could hear dozens of birds flying around. The raven's caw almost sounded like a name. Loden, who was sitting next to her, asked her if the bird had just spoke his name. Ashira smiled, "It's been far too long since you were last here, brother. All the birds speak if you listen to them."

It was then that her siblings may have started to worry about her sanity. Spending long periods of time alone in the Nightwood may have not been good on her mental health, if she found herself talking to birds. While the others were surprised by the supposedly talking bird, Ashira noticed a scrap of white wrapped around It's leg, but thought nothing of it. She saw messenger birds all the time. Loden retrieved the note after it was apparently that it was for them, and read it aloud. Once it had become apparent who sent the note, Ashira snorted, not willing to trust a single letter of it. She had a certain deal of trust when it came to all of her siblings, some more than others of course, but there wasn't a single ounce of trust in her body for that freak. It was well known by her other siblings that Ashira had never grown to like Sachevia, let alone trust her, in the two short years she knew her.

While the others began making plans around the note, Ashira voiced her own opinion on the matter, which was promptly ignored. Due to that, Ashira hasn't spoken to any of her siblings since then, not even Masef, hard as it was not to talk to him. But still she stuck with them, her loyalty outweighing the fact that they had ignored her opinion. They tracked down the caravan, which apparently actually existed, and set up the ambush quickly.

Ashira was once again perched, but this time in a tree, on a branch that seemed too thin to hold her weight, but did so without even bending a little bit. She had an arrow at the ready, eyes trained on her first target. Then, it all began. Two of her siblings released arrows of their own, and she quickly followed suit. Her elevated position allowed her to hit different targets than her ranged siblings who preferred the ground. Her arrow shot between the slits of a man's visor, embedding itself in his eye socket. The same target she would have used if hunting prey. In this case, there was no difference between a deer and these men.
Awwww! The spambot posted in the spam forum.

@HeySeuss I don't have a Skype, so I won't be participating in the brainstorming I guess.
I was waiting so a few other people could post before I did again.
@Jin *Casually pokes nose* You still alive?
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