Allie Windred

|Height - 5'4][Weight - 124.2lb][Build - Athletic|
Allie tends to wear light armor, she feels if; if she were to be in trouble she would not be restricted by some sort of metal piece thus giving her more advantage over those who wear mainly leather or some sort of material that is quite heavy. As shown in the hider; Black cloth surrounds the torso and hips, topped off with a red garbed that goes over the black cloth. ( It may seemed to 'partially' cover the crotch but due to Allie's small size the black cloth actually goes...almost above her knees (like men's shorts) and the red tails on the red garb are knee length.
The staff is a head taller than Allie.
Lawful Good
- Taming| Allie is passive and has a strong bond between animals. She cares for them, loves them, and doesn't treat them like pets. In Allie's experience she finds it quite easy to tame stray dogs, cats, or any other small animals. Though...she doesn't know about large animals.
- Agility| Her light armor and weapon gives her a great advantage, though her defense is extremely low she can evade with no restrictions.
Allie's magic is based on area damage, damaging a mass of opponents is her goal. The spells she cast are connected to runes, though she does not have to tattoo them against her skin nor actually draw them. Her magic actually creates the runes, depending on the spell and her current state of stamina varies the spells casting time. The spells she casts are elemental related; fire, air, water, and wind are examples of the base of her spells. Spells like 'firestorm' or 'blizzard' are self explanatory but if not...her spells are wider than normal, since she focuses on area damage it does take more stamina but if protected by some sort of melee based character Allie can be very powerful. There is a passive side to Allie's magic, area damage is the base of her spells but simple manipulation over the elements like; plant growing, light creating, water generation, and others are passive, thus passive spells tend to take less stamina and take less time to cast.
Waeldeshore, during the war her dad volunteered to join the army. Allie was left alone with her two brothers and a supportive friend. Alone, distraught, and was a dark time and Allie always wondered what was going on at Silver Lily. She was small and weak and had no knowledge in battling. She had a lump in her heart at the thought of killing another, creating wounds within there soul and leaving there dead bodies there to rot...disgusting it was she honored the man in which fought for everyone's freedom, her father. Allie was a happy soul, her brothers always so caring and yet so childish and her friend Eren...Allie always felt sad when Eren was alone, his family died and always stuck with the Windred family ever since her father took Eren under his wing. Then now...everything fell apart, bandits raided her home, killing, raping, and torturing her brothers and...she just watched it. They tried to protect her, tried...hidden behind a closet door until one of them grabbed her arm and began dragging her. Light, air, water, and the earth itself began crashing down. Runes in which drew them selves beneath young Allie. The light show that looked so magnificent took out the whole bandit group...including her beloved ones. There she fell, onto the house that was no more, not a soul could see nor help Allie's poor soul. She ran away from the remains of her home, ashamed of herself to the point in which she considered suicide.
" So...are you one of those cliche daughters in who runs away from her family due to the fact that she killed her beloved? " " What? " " Are you? " I nodded my head, the man towering over me as he lends a hand. He was dressed in robes while I was in a blue dress. The man seemed to give me part of his life, he gave me almost everything. But when time did come Allie was forced to leave " Come visit me some time! " He called out with a cracky voice. And there I left with a smile and a few tears...Allie's life was good again, happy...