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    1. Akashi Mayhiro 10 yrs ago


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You're a couple versions behind buddy, not that they fared much better

I was expecting something like that, it has been 8 month since i logged in :P

How are you man? What haven you been up to?

Mind linking me to the other re-boots?
8 Months since the last OOC post....wow...i wish this continued, but real life...gets the better of you....huh....
A silent Mage, A concerned Sage

The silence of the demon

The two had surprisingly arrived at his location 'Guess she can follow orders for once', but a certain little girl and caught his eye 'that's April....interesting.' As the two landed near Sage. Beatrix was the first to speak up. "I have helpfully discovered and even rescued the girl. we may take out leave of this place, which I do suggest."

>That is the best choice....the cult that captured this girl and many others are coming soon, This girl must be kept safe from them, she doesn't know what kind of acts they will do to her.

"This guy's creepy. He looks like ten years older than you as well; talk about a pervert. You sure this is the right guy?" Sage looked at her for moment before looking back at Beatrix, but not with sending her a note.

>I am 'right' as you have put it. Please to no address me as a man who take pleasure on seeing female body parts or undergarments. I have no interest in them..that time has past long ago.

Turning his backs to them he wrote his final note before they set of.

>We head to the station, now.

@Leslie Hall @Kitsune


Waiting for April to post~ Otherwise i would have done it a long time ago.

@Leslie Hall

The Gypsy

Dark, gloomy...no scratch that. It was downright depressing. Not to mention that never ending rainfall that continued to destroy her blonde hair, Amber eye stared up to the Grey could that loomed over. Exhaling out of her noise, Momoi Hiromoto Yasei ran her hand through her wet hair. "Take this missing they said, it'll be fun they said." she muttered under her breath. She even spat in disgust for this mission. "Outside the fucken rain village no less...in a damn cramped spot no less...fucken shit fuck!" she swore again unintentional letting out her voice before silencing herself once again.

"Nah, but be the rain, or some poor sap stubbing his foot into something."

Relaxing for a second. Momoi pulled out a gold covered scroll. Her mission was to deliver the message to the Rebels that were taken part in this civil war. The Gypsy didn't really pay attention to it really, but apparently- According to the hidden leaf village- this message was extremely important to them. Fishing inside her jacket, the blonde took of a flask of alcohol and took a quick swig of it.

The gypsy was currently located behind enemy lines. Along with another ninja from the hidden leaf: Tatsuya Terumi. Somehow no one of the rebel side had heard of a ally from the hidden leaf coming to aid them or give the information. As soon was the blonde appeared before them. They started attacking. This suprise attack and left the two opting to spilt up and run for cover. While it wasn't the best idea. It was the most logical. If you was caught or killed, the other would have to carry on the mission.

"Terumi.....come in Terumi...over." she clicked her tongue silently.

"Bitch ass rebel...those fuckers." Momoi was far from impressed of their work. Somehow she was now located underneath a crate with a few peepholes to look outside. She had been underneath it for the past few hours, and it was starting to become annoying. Even worse when to box was letting the water in. The only thing she could do was to study the pattern of the solders that came once in awhile to take the place of the last solider. They would either come in pair or trio. "If i'm correct, then the next switch should be..." leaving it of, she mental counted down from 5.





"Alright buddy, your done here, move back to the main trench, the other are waiting for you." Right on cue, a average Shinobi entered the trench quietly. With a tired nodded the man keeping guard rose to his feet and wobbled away from the other. It was funny seeing the male walk away. anyone could tell that his legs feel asleep. As soon at the man left. It was Momoi window that she needed to take. "Alright, let's see what this book is about...."

The man got comfortable, but the girl couldn't take any chances. Not if she wanted to attract attention to herself, the last thing she needed was that to happen. Pulling out a Kunai from her bag. She gently lifted the box over her head and scanned the room.

"Straight up assassination? No, there would be took much struggle and blood." Her eyes were peeled, any unwanted parties and she could drop the box down and start from square one. "Misdirection?" her reached into her bag again and played with a flash-ball. As the name implied. throw it down and do the ram seal, then everything turns bright white. "No, it'll attract too much attention again."

Her time was running out quickly as she tried to find a way to leave the area, trying to leave with the guy there was not going to work. They were ninjas after all. Then it hit her.

"It's now or never." fumbling in her bag once again, she pulled out a pill for raising one's stamina. Lifting the box once more. Momoi looked around the area. In the distance was a spot light, it was not going to reach her location. Making sure her footsteped her silent as ever. She had carefully removed her shoes and proceeded to move towards her target. Holding the pill in her right hand, she inched closer to her target.

As blessing in disguise came to her. The man yawned. Without a split hesitation. She crammed the pill in the man mouth, making the man's eye widened. "Hey what th-!?" Momoi keep silent she wrapped her dominate arm around his neck and the other arm over her wrist to keep him in the chock hold. The pill would be lodged inside his pipe-hole while trying to fight Momoi sleep move. His face turned blue as he claws and struggled for help. But the girl's grip was too strong. Soon he died from lack of air and not to mention the pill stuck in his throat. Letting go she dragged the corpse back to the back she hid under and left the man there. Searching his valuables, the gypsy obtained a map, a few Kunais and water.

Also a lighter.

"It won't long till the switch over comes and that place goes into high alert." With a sigh she left the trench and followed the map. Every move had to be taken care of.

She tried her comms once again to reach her teamate. Hoping that he was still alive. "Oi...come in, it'll suck if you karked it already."

No answer.

"God dammit."

Just in the life of the gypsy.


Detailed new Character approaches!

NPC just to be sure

A silent Mage, A concerned Sage

Cedar City, Nearly midnight

Sage hummed to himself as he laid out the notes he managed to gather during his time alone, soon he would have to rendezvous with his 'apparent' teammate. 'Why would that want to raise a demon like that in this city? On top of that" he stared at the picture of April before placing it down 'Why do that want to use her as a host?' Racking his brain of answer, it only came up blank.

'Just what in the world are they thinking?' he sighed. 'Perhaps, Uncle Revan would help me out with this, but for now....I'll keep this to myself. Beatrix doesn't need to know about this.' Carefully placing the notes back into his bag. He stood up and looked around. 'Right now, there is a cult that wants April. So my...our current objective is to protect the kid and then decide from there on what to do.'

A sudden gust of wind forced the silent mage to shut is eye before slowly opening them again. 'They should be in the city now.' fishing into his pocket. Sage pulled out an kunai with a explosive tag on it. Throwing into high into the air, it exploded into bright orange fireworks. Even if they where still out of the city, they would have seen it.

@Leslie Hall @Kitsune
A silent mage.

Somewhere around the outskirts of the city forest...

Sage crouch/ran thought the dense trees, ducking underneath the branch that would come his way. Yet no voice of a frustrations came from the man as he continued trekking deeper into the forest. About an hour later a sudden burst of light met his vision as he saw the exit onto the other side of the forest. Slowing down to a walk, the man cracked his knuckles as he entered the light. He was sure that anyone would be following him, not after going thought all that, it wasn't worth it. Sage squinted for a bit before seeing a cliff edge just into front of him, falling to his knees and made his way slowly to the end. Below him was the reach and if someone where to walk it, they would reach the shores of cedar City. Looking for any signs of life around him before jumping down the cliff.

In the mids of falling, Sage closed his eyes before landing on the ground before opening them once more. Blood red eye became his iris as he scanned once more. "No one is here, but-" on the left side of him- a couple of kilometers was where a pair of boats ashore, they aren't regular boat, they were enough to carry more than 50 people.

'......' Running towards it Sage tried to scanned for any life once more, but nothing worked 'perhaps looking into the boat, would be a better alternative.'


The boats

Sage landed on the first boat 'It's prepped for a long sail from the looks of it, food, water, entertainment, chain...whips?' the list of entrapping people when one 'This is....a slave boat, could this mean?' Sage hop onto the second boat and then turned to the sea 'What were looking for...might be out there?' A low hum escaped his lips before his instincts would kick in.

"Oi, you there. What do you think your are doing?" Sage eye flashed dangerously as he spun towards the voice. In fact, more than 30 men had somehow got onto the boat without him noticing.

'Heh...my senses must be getting old.' Sage chuckled.

"Well not like it matters now, you, the kid and everything living being for the almighty:" he said man started laughing loudly.



Sage shivered with those words...it was back in the underworld, where he learned ancient Demons that roamed the underworld and even the the surface of the earth...way before the black mage Zeref was even born, Did humanity finally unleashed the Ancient Demons onto the world, was the world that bad to it needs to be destroyed?

"Now, why don't you give yourself up and i'm sure we can use you in a good place." the man chuckled as he motioned his men to circle around the white haired man.

'Fairy tail saved us from the terror of Zeref and the spriggans, and you want to set lose a demon that can end the world on a whim?' Sage shook his head before smirking 'Interesting.'

"GET him boys!" With a roar the other foot soldiers rushed the silent mage. Sage on the other hand grinned before readying himself for an easy fight.

Sage sighed as he left the finally man loose from this grip before looking around, blood was all around him, the cries of men and even woman, During the fight he obtained some info on the captures, he would have to get back to the city, apparently a bigger fight was about to erupt.

That was not all, Nyarlathotep was not going to be summoned via a magic circle. It was going to use a host to live inside, especially someone who was ready (and unwilling) and had the potential to host a powerful demon.

Sage gritting his teeth as he looked at the picture of the host before throwing it away.

It would be night time before Sage would regroup with Beatrix.

I'll get that in the morning.

Taka-san is trying to keep it together. But how will she act when she meets the Silent Mage?

Only time will tell~
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