The had not got far before the gunfire began to echo towards Jake and Tyler. "I presume that this stairwell is over where that's all happening. I'm quiet surprised, they got there quicker than I had initially expected." There was a brief pause whilst Jake contemplated what Tyler had asked, as though giving it serious consideration to try and run it alone. "Unfortunately my job is to assist Balambs new finest only, as much as I do feel I owe the major a not so pleasant visit. Whilst I'm within these walls I'm under their orders." Jake continued to make his way to join up with the other SeeD members having decided that given his state it was best he reconvened with them. "Following orders... this must be a first eh?" Jake muttered to himself as he followed the hallways with Tyler's guidance.
Just shy of the stairwell where the other SeeD's were gathered was an unexpected sight, although one that Jake more than happily greeted. "Well would you look at that..." Jake whispered. " A lone straggler trying to play hero... this ones mine." Jake held the only dagger he could in his un-injured right arm as he slowly approached the soldier. It was almost as though he was having second thoughts, the soldier approached enshrouded with his nerves giving Jake the much needed time to quietly close the gap between them... "Gotcha!" Jake had leapt up on the soldiers back, using the moments surprise to drive his dagger into the soldiers right arm, who in response had lost partial grip on his gun and fired several shots into the floor, stumbling with the SeeD latched onto his back, ramming against the wall to try and throw Jake off. "Hold still!" Jake twisted the dagger in his distorted state from the close proximity to the gun shots as he tries to pry his own weapon free. The struggle was creating its own ruckus, but was shortly lived, ending as Jake un-gracefully fell through the doorway of the stairwell atop the dead soldiers body. Seeing the other SeeD's he quickly scrambled up to his feet. "Well that certainly didn't go how I planned it." Jake counts over the SeeD's in his head. Although some of them had sustained injuries it appeared no one was seriously hurt. "So the Major's room is up there huh?... Who wants to go first?"