Headline: Spammer reveals shocking secrets in surprising tell-all.
Giygas said
Who are you and why does everyone talk about you all the time
Hi, I'm Alex. I've been around on the guild longer than most members, so I've had more time to make friends than most people have. I was very active during certain periods of time on OldGuild and gained quite a bit of notoriety for my actions, for better or for worse.
I have, at times, been a troll, a goblin, a spammer, a writer, a singer, a dancer, a lover, a heartbreaker, a genius, and an idiot.
Or at least, that's how I see me. I might be someone different to someone else.
So: I'm Alex. Nice to meet you.
Elendra said
Do you ever feel like we're not as good friends as we used to be?
Maybe. I guess because you're asking you feel this way?
We've certainly been talking less. I'm truly sorry I'm making horribly slow progress in your story, by the way. It's very good but I have trouble getting into it. But I AM making progress!
What do you think we should do to fix the problem, if there is one? What should
I do?
Regardless, I still think you're one of the coolest, funniest, strongest people I know.
Doivid said
Who in spam did you really not care for, secretly? Of the spammers that are no longer here, of course. I don't want to stir up anything. lol
I think Griever is still around intermittently but I'll mention him anyway. When I first met him he gave me some really good advice and I looked up to him for it, but then he made his debut in spam and either his character had changed completely, or I had misread everything he had previously said. Overall I'm disappointed that the Griever I know now isn't the Griever I originally met.
Who else? It's hard to think of people, esp. when I'm in such a chill/happy mood. If I think of someone else I'm going to come back and re-edit.
Edit 1: The Pre-post edit: Elena Landon I definitely disliked. She made the site go down three times (it was really her 1337 h@ck3r friend. who treated her like shit. it was hilarious finding that out), was a general dick about things. Also her minecraft project was bigger than mine.
Halo said
Do you ever put a persona on in Spam/on RPG/on the net as a whole? What form do you think that persona takes, if it exists, and how different is it from the 'real' you?
No. Everyone wears masks. All the world's a stage, right?
And I doubt Halo is the same person you are when you turn off the computer.
For the longest time, there was a huge dichotomy between who I am and who I am online. Over time, I've worked to bridge the gap, working to be someone who incorporates the parts of both personas I liked.
I'll note that changing my username to Alex is me making a commitment to continue working to bridge the gap between who I am (online and offline) and who I want to be.
I'd say that I'm not as cautious as I am in real life. I'm more willing to say the snarky comment that comes to mind because the consequences are much lower.