Avatar of alexfangtalon
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    1. alexfangtalon 9 yrs ago


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Blue as far as the eye could see. The wind blowing on his face and through his hair, Micky flew as fast as the Falcon. He watched the ground below him zoom by and on the horizon was the one thing he always wanted. If only he could reach a little --- BRRRNNNNNNNN! The young teenager lurches out of his dreams and bed in one fail swoop. Next to his bed stood his older brother Oliver laughing his butt off with the offending air horn in his hands. "WHAT THE HECK, OLLIE!" Micky took a few moments to catch his breath as his evil sibling just stood there enjoying the misery of his victim. "Dang. You almost gave me a heart attack." Ollie sighed out the last of his laugh, "Don't get your breeches in a twist. Had to make sure you were fully awake for your first day of school else ma would kill me."

"And you couldn't think of a better way to wake me up." The two brothers chuckled for a moment before both going about their morning routine. Heading down to the kitchen, Micky could smell the wafting scents of breakfast flowing throughout the house. On the table sat three plates two of which were filled with sausage, eggs, and bacon while the other had a boring old salad. "Thanks for the breakfast, Elle." The growing boy reached for one of the good plates before a lithe hand grabbed it first. "Hey, how do you know I didn't make the salad for you?" Micky just laughed at his sister-in-law, "Because you're vegetarian and I'm not." She paused for a moment then set down the plate saying, "Point taken. Enjoy."

Not too long after Ollie joined the two and they gathered around the table. They prayed, and the two 'boys' dug into their meal while Elle giggled watching them. Once they finished, Micky quickly attempted to escape before more teasing, but he was soon stopped by Ollie. "Hold it. Ma wants me to send a picture of your outfit so she can approve it." Micky groaned in faux annoyance as he waited for his brother to take the picture. Moments later a reply came from their mother. "She says it's alright, but you need to tuck your shirt in." Micky quickly rushed over to a mirror to examine himself and did as his mother requested. The three exchanged goodbyes as Micky exited the house. He rushed over to his bike and sped off in the direction of the school.

Arriving at the fabled sanctum for talented youth, high school in the common language, Micky locked up his oh so sweet ride with two, count 'em two, bike locks. No one was stealing his baby. Looking at the building itself though the 'new kid' was easily intimidated. Seeing the large number of people didn't help with that. So, he focused himself on trying to figure out where he was supposed to go. Pulling out the map and his schedule he quickly located where he was intended to be. On the map that is. Doesn't really help if you can't exactly tell what is what on the darned thing. So, Micky did the one thing he dreaded doing this morning. Asking a random stranger for directions. "Umm, ex-excuse me. I can't quite figure this map out. How do I get to here?" he asked pointing at the map.

Today was an incredible day. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and the flowers danced in the wind. Among the splendor, in Griffith, a young woman could be seen careening down a sidewalk with rollerblades on her feet, a violin case on her back, and two grocery bags in hand. Honestly, it was a miracle that Elle hasn't hurt herself or someone else gliding around with those things on her feet.

Anyone who saw her probably at first wondered what she was doing out and about. It wasn't a holiday, and she had been to the library last week. Some could possibly conjecture that the violin case and the recent news of someone starting a band combined had something to do with it, but it's not like they could stop her and ask. Luckily there was no one on the same sidewalks as her as she sped along or they were paying enough attention to move. Unluckily there was no one in front of her to help her slow down. However, as she neared her destination, Elle spied a lone figure thankfully in her path. As she neared the person, she called out, "Heyyyyy!" Elle then waited a moment for the person to look up at her and she yelled, "HELP PLEASE!" Hopefully he or someone else nearby would notice the girl and could help her stop.

I love how no one is mentioning Micky's FC. It makes me happy cause he is supposed to be the slightly dorky kid that no one notices. It's already perfect.
@dragonbutts Hello debate club buddy.
<Snipped quote by alexfangtalon>

Oooh, that could certainly be interesting. Could get all Yellowcard-ish! Could possibly give them production-related skills as well, so even if they don't play in every song, they can still be part of the crew?

Would songwriter be a good choice?
What do you think of a violinist(similar to Lindsay Stirling) in the band?

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