As expected, Arthur's father hadn't taken the news of the injured lad well. "You brought an unknown man into Camelot's walls! Arthur, I've taught you better than this!"
Arthur resisted rolling his eyes. Barely. He had been standing here for nearly ten minutes now, going back and forth with his father. He was beginning to grow impatient, but he wasn't trying to show it. He tried with his father. "What kind of prince would the people see me as if I had left a man to die?" Arthur asked, the feeling in the fingers he was squeezing tightly behind his back almost gone, "Or, what kind of king would they see you as if you raised your son to be such a way?"
His impatience and annoyance bled into his tone, if King Uther's pinched brow was anything to go by. "Do not take that tone with me!" he said, giving Arthur a warning look, who didn't break eye contact. The young man stood tall and proud, sure of his words, and King Uther noticed. He took pause, whipping his cape out of the way as he sat back down on his throne. "I suppose there is some truth to your words."
Arthur puffed up a little with pride. "Why, thank you, Father," he said, nodding his head in acknowledgment. He knew he was right, but any praise from his father was like a fresh drink of water after a long day of practice. Arthur sought his father's approval like a starved dog sought meat.
"But, that doesn't mean I am thrilled with what you have done. A armed guard will be placed at Gaius' door until we find out more about this man. Once he is awaken and able to move, I want him immediately brought to me. Understood?"
Arthur thought his father was somewhat overreacting, but his father hadn't seen how near-death the young lad had been. "Yes, father," Arthur bowed before he quickly left the throne room. Outside in the hallway, he nearly knocked Morgana down when he ran right into her. "Morgana!" he said in surprise, catching her arm just in time to right her.
Morgana huffed, stepping away and taking her arm from Arthur's grasp. "Did anyone teach you how to walk? Surely one of the servants or caretakers did," she said in a tone of voice that meant she was upset about something else, but was taking it out on Arthur.
"Did anyone teach you to not eavesdrop?" Arthur shot right back, fighting off a grin at the brief flash of shock that crossed Morgana's face.
"I was not- a lady-"
"Of which you are not. Did you hear anything of interest?" he asked, placing his hands on his hips and allowing a smug smile to cross his face.
Morgana huffed again, cheeks darkening. "I was coming to talk to the king myself, and happened to overhear. What of it? I only discovered that the mighty Arthur does have a heart." she teased, her lips twitching upwards.
The smugness left Arthur's body all at once, being replaced by a scowl that was more of a pout. Something that Arthur would not admit to. "Oh, jealous, are you, Morgana? Perhaps you'll grow a heart eventually, though I do not see it happening soon," he brushed pass her, not willing to keep fighting with her. She was taking her frustrations out on him, but it was not as if he didn't do the same. With a shake of his head, he went off to practice with his knights. He doubted the boy was awake, and he had some pent up aggression he needed to get out before checking in. At least his father agreed to care for the stranger, yet how long? Once the stranger was healed, he was indebted to Arthur, thus Uther. It would be the king's decision.
After a few hours of bruising up his knights, Arthur ended up at Gaius' door. If anything, King Uther was a man of his word; an armed guard stood outside the door. Arthur ignored him. He was messy from his practice; he had taken his armor off, yet his hair was sticking from where he ran his hand through it to get it off his sweaty forward. His cheeks were still red from the intensity of his training session, his lips bitten red and chapped. He never went easy. He entered without knocking, for he was the prince. He did not knock in his home... unless it was to his father's chambers. "Gaius! Any improvement-" Arthur stopped in his tracks when he realized the unconscious lad was no longer unconscious, and blinked in surprise. "Well... that answers that, then," he mumbled.
[I'm soooooo sorry for the wait! College and real life really got to me.]