Avatar of alexfangtalon
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    1. alexfangtalon 9 yrs ago


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One of the ideas I thought up for getting Melody to Storybrooke involved Yzma (if she is the Dark One) sending a henchman or henchwoman or two to the real world before the curse was cast and via them would end up leading Melody there.

As for Kuzco, whether someone takes him or not he will appear. He is important to Yzma's plan.
I was looking at a list of Disney Movies trying to pick out a villain no one would expect, and I really liked the idea of using Yzma. Especially after reading what the movie was originally gonna be.
@Captain Swan She has arrived.

Treasure Planet was really good. Also, I may have an idea for the Dark One. I do however want to keep it a secret for now. I will PM the GM my idea but everyone else will have to wait for the brilliant, brilliant, brrrrilliant character sheet. She is one cat you wouldn't wanna anger.
Currently watching Treasure Planet since I’ve never actually seen it and the main character from it will be important in this story. (Especially to a certain human-mermaid mixed individual.
I really suck at searching for face claims.
@Captain Swan On it. Before I start though. Since she is taking on the role as Savior I am assuming that similarly to Emma she won't exactly be affected by the curse like the others and has been roaming the USA ever since the curse was put into play?
<Snipped quote by alexfangtalon>

I’m working on her mom. :D

(Unless someone says they're working on her.) Hi mom.
If you are talking about the Melody I think you are talking about then I am heavily interested in playing her. Savior or not. (Unless someone else is already making a sheet for her.) I'm just a fanboy of her movie. (Didn't watch the first one until after I watched the second one. My favorite Disney movie as a kid for some weird reason.)

"Remember to get some rest before the match tomorrow night. Ricky said he had a surprise for us." Manami stood smiling at her friend/co-worker, Erica, "Knowing him it's probably just an attempt to make the title match a triple threat with his daughter added in. Anyway, I gotta go. Thanks again for coming out here to work on the match."

"Hey, a three-hour drive isn't a big deal. You do it every night."

"Well, hopefully not anymore. Fingers crossed this new training spot is good." Parting with a hug, after making sure no one recognized them, the two parted ways. Outside the small cafe, Manami reached into her backpack for her phone only to find Perry, her newest friend as of a few weeks ago, bouncing around as if he had been locked in a bag for about two hours. Which he had been but that didn't mean he had to mess with her things. "Move Perry. I need to check the address." Perry then leaped out of the bag onto the young woman's shoulder. This is when the young woman discovered that her phone was locked. "Perry, you have got to stop locking my phone just because I don't play with you."

That's when she noticed the little dino wasn't really paying her any attention. She followed his gaze to see what appeared to be a swarm of insects. Suddenly, the little rascal darted off Manami's shoulder and in the general direction of the Angel Grove University. Manami quickly followed after doing a sort of whispered yell,"Perry, get back here. Crap!" Manami then broke out in a sprint trying to catch the troublemaking dino.
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