Avatar of alexfangtalon
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    1. alexfangtalon 9 yrs ago


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Current I don't have a bio. I am also not included in anyone's bio. That I know of. *shrugs*
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8 yrs ago
My page is so empty.


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So, I'm free to move Manami to the CS tab?

"What was that for?"

"Cause I love you." A video played on the computer monitor of Marcus vlogging in the mostly empty house but at his feet was Maya hugging him just because she could. "I love you too, Maya. But do you know who else loves you?" A bright beaming smile shown on the child's face as she asked "Who?"

"The Tickle Monster!" From that point on the video was mostly Marcus playing with Maya. But about two minutes before the end the happy music and footage faded away to Marcus sitting alone with dreary music in the background. "Hey, Markers. Sorry, that I haven't posted anything in a while. I haven't been able to bring myself to post this and keep retrying. This is the third time. Umm, Most of you know what happened with my mother but two days ago something happened. No one knows for sure what happened but my dad and Maya went missing. Please. If anyone knows where they are or have seen them please reach out. This will be my last video for a while so stay strong everyone and make your Mark on the world." The video ended with a picture of Maya and Roderick.

Marcus stared at the unlisted video. He needed to update it before posting it if he ever was going to. Each morning he sat at his computer staring at it trying to force himself to post it for the past few days. He looked at the teddy bear and broken picture frame of his dad sitting beside his computer almost asking the inanimate objects what to do. Would people even understand his plight if he uploaded the video? Would anyone care or would his detractors just use this as fodder to verbally assault him or his dad? Marcus knew full well what kind of assumptions the internet would make about his father as he had done the same as indicated by the broken picture frame. Why did his head have to think of the worst possibilities?

Marcus was broken out of his reverie by the loud thumping on the floor above him. Being in the basement was a pain in that he could tell when Meg was awake or someone was mad. But it was easier to keep from bothering his siblings this way. As well as less money needing to be spent on soundproofing foam. The teen looked at the time and realized he hadn't gone to sleep last night. He probably should fix that but sleeping now would just get in the way of his day. He would just pretend to have just woken up.

Before joining his family, well the ones who hadn't left him yet, Marcus went to his mirror. He ruffled his hair and scrunched up his t-shirt. Now unless they looked real close they wouldn't know he hadn't slept and maybe he could avoid getting scolded again. Marcus climbed the stairs hearing his younger sister yelling something about a signature. Whatever it was he hoped she would at least stop yelling. He guessed that everyone that was awake would probably be in the kitchen so he may as well get in his daily quota of family interaction. Seeing the two oldest Reese's Marcus turned to the quote-unquote leaders of the Reese clan asking, "What's on the agenda for today?"

@The Muse It is I who should be welcoming you back. Once I get home I’mma instantly start on my CS.
MOST DEFINITELY MAKING A CS! I have been waiting for this forever.

Most certainly am I interested in a power rangers rp.
@Metronome Hello. This is intriguing. Was wondering if there was any room?
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