Avatar of alexfangtalon
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    1. alexfangtalon 9 yrs ago


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Alright. So before creating them as NPC's, I wanted to know if someone was planning on taking any of the other characters from Emporer's New Groove.
Sorry for the double post

They’re so adorable!

I also realised I’ve never actually seen the little mermaid 2...

It is AMAZING! in my opinion.
@Captain Swan Ever since rewatching the movie I have non-stop been singing that song in my head. I felt I may as well pass on the blessing to you guys.

Yeah, any Pinocchio-esque character. Or the Ice Queen or Maleficent's daughter. Stuff like that which could tie other characters in that aren't yet easily connected to the other cursed characters.
So, I have a question for everyone. Are there any specific characters that you guys want to have interacted with Melody prior to her going to Storybrooke. Obviously, the character can't be one of our own because, other than Melody herself and technically Ursala, they are all affected by the curse. This is more for any characters that could later show up. I just wanna figure out as much about what may have happened to Melody before RP.

With Yzma I wanna know who she may have interacted with before the curse. Because her main magical ability is turning into an animal or turning someone else into one or animals into humans then she could easily be connected to any story involving animals. I don't wanna force a past relationship on anyone. I'm just wondering who she could have interacted with.
Sorry, that it's not that good. I tried to not tell everything that happened so that there is potential for other characters to have met up with her over the past 18 years.

Oh, you mean Bucky. Amzy's dimwitted brother but who always seems to come through in the end? The ultra hero. (I just came up with that now but if no one plays him he will still be an NPC. I just can't part with him. Don't say this in front of Yzma when she wakes up from the curse but she really does care for Kronk in this version.
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