Avatar of alexfangtalon
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    1. alexfangtalon 9 yrs ago


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Got some cleaning up to do but I wanted those of you who have not seen him before to see him now. I present to you Crown Prince Leonard Jaegar Fords.

And the kingdom of which he will one day rule.

The one I was in was two years ago. Leon shall be making a return.
Consider me intrigued.
@Unknown100 It's not unheard of for multiple people to know self-defense. And as for the weapon, everyone has a style. It's technically not any different to multiple people carrying knives. Just people tend to see specific swords themselves as more unlikely to see out in the world. In reality, if the zombie apocalypse happened, people would gravitate to the weapons they think would be best. So, if they came across them they'd probably bring it along. Swords aren't as rare as people tend to think they are.

And my guy is decent at best in self-defense. Anyone else trained to fight any would likely still beat him hand-to-hand.
@nightmare medx Sorry, for taking so long. Been busy these past few weeks.

If there is anything I need to change let me know.

It had been a long day for Annalyse even though it was merely the afternoon. She had been specifically requested by a family of Rosa Blanca to be the 'entertainment' for their precious 'princess' birthday party. Honestly, Annalyse had no clue why she was always the one chosen to do this. It may have to do with how kind she was to the kids. Or maybe the little boys liked her and the little girls wanted to be like her. But the more likely reason was that she always tended to make a fool of herself and was a right laughing stock for all the children and adults. Unfortunately, this time wasn't filled with laughs. She had Eclipse on her back as usual and some of the boys wanted to see it. The adults said she could do what the children asked, and she did. Then they asked her to swing at a tree standing near the party area. Well, she decided to oblige and was planning to miss entirely and hope the children just thought the sword was for show. However, she swung the blade a little too accurately making the sword cut clean through the tree. So clean a cut everyone thought she missed.

The partygoers started giggling about how such an incompetent wizard had joined Dragon's Heart. As if on cue the tree fell over slamming directly into the table piled high with birthday gifts. Let's just say that Annalyse heard a lot of crying and yelling before she left. At least she still got paid. More in a desire to get her away than for doing a good job. It was likely though that they would still call upon her in a years time anyway.

But enough with boring trivial jobs. Annalyse was hoping that by the time she arrived at the guild hall new quests would be on the board and at least something interesting would be left for the wannabe adventurer. By some strange miracle, she didn't notice the more recognizable members of her guild standing out front. The young woman rushed in and headed straight for the mission board, but upon inspection noticed that what was left was the typical 'slay a bunch of creatures' or 'fetch' quests. Those were not the kind of quests a budding adventurer desired. Turning away from the board slightly sad that nothing interesting awaited the rest of her day,

I'll just go ahead and put it up so that the rest of it can be looked at and if the magic is to weird or not even possible I'll just quickly change it.

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