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    1. alexfangtalon 9 yrs ago


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The cool morning air blew through the open window of the truck which carried the Woulfe children. The day was quiet. Sure there was the occasional Lurker that turned their heads at the sound of a vehicle, but other than that it was peaceful. Alex could almost go back to the days before the world went to ruin. Unfortunately, he didn't have that luxury. The young adult was in the process of searching for a place to scavenge. Alex and his siblings had just arrived in Portland and they were running low on supplies. Hopefully, they'd come across something soon.

Just as Alex's twin rose from her slumber, a mall came into view. Alex motioned for Kiley to wake up the other two sleepy heads. It was time to go scavenging. Not seeing any good locations to park, Alex decided that the best of all the options, though still not good, was to park near the door. Alex turned to his siblings, "Remember, if anything goes wrong just go. I'll find you." Without waiting for input Alex entered the large building with a nearly empty army backpack, a Beretta Langdon M9, and his trusty katana.
@KatKook Being an introvert isn't necessarily a weakness. And in actuality in the world of the Walking Dead it can be somewhat helpful in ways. My guy is an introvert and sure his lack of trust is an extreme leap from not wanting to be around other people like it'd be in the real world but it has assisted him in a few ways ever since the apocalypse. There is also the added benefit that on average an introvert could survive longer without human interaction than an extrovert could.

Hopefully I explained that well. Probably not. My mind works weird. Especially just after taking a test.

EDIT: Btw sorry for taking so long to post. Just finished with the play I was in yesterday. And once classes are done this week I'll have a lot more free time.
Same. Btw I've been watching the whole time. Just couldn't think of anything interesting to add.

@ayzrules Updated the sheets.
1. For the Krieg-Kรถnigreich kingdom sheet, Shy and I were wondering how "war-like" the kingdom portrays itself to the rest of the world...and as a side note, a country so focused on war seems a bit reminiscent of present-day Middle Eastern countries, and that's not a huge problem but we will definitely have to consider how that affects Lea/Aciran royal family's willingness to invite a prince from such a kingdom.

Basically what is going on is the monarchy/military believes it is their right to the land 'stolen' from them by the other factions which have set themselves up at the edges of Krieg-Kรถnigreich's kingdom. Every ruler so far has seen it more as if the war that started many years ago never ended. They are basically in a state of faux-peace but tensions are really high at the borders. The smaller kingdoms want to stay as they are. Krieg-Kรถnigreich wants to reclaim the land. No one is really making a move. Really the main use of Krieg-Kรถnigreich's force is thrown into quelling the terrorist group which has hidden within Krieg-Kรถnigreich.

Krieg-Kรถnigreich has no desire to take land other than what they believe is rightfully theirs. A slippery slope yes, but King Herrick only believes that land which belongs to them is the land controlled by the other smaller kingdoms. He doesn't want to conquer the world. He just seeks to reunite the land that once was under one kingdom. He believes it is the best way to achieve peace among all of the people in the surrounding land.

The main reason they are so focused on war is that they were the faction primarily made up of military figures so that was the only way they knew to do things. And as such, they passed on their beliefs to their children. Over time, they have backed off and eased up.

I hope I explained the weird stuff going on in my head well.

2. In Leon's CS, you say his sexuality is "female" :D. Typo?

I put that because in the cs skeleton under sexuality it says 'male, female, etc.' So, I put female cause he is a heterosexual.

@ayzrules Is mine good?
@shylarah Mine has only been around for three-fourish generations. They are at war with the other surrounding kingdoms as they are kingdoms that sprouted up at the same time right after a war broke out in the kingdom that was there before with multiple factions. They are only trying to get all the land back.

@alexfangtalon waitwaitwait. I thought Niklas was from konigreich. *squints* Will, is that you?

Not Will. What happened was that in the iteration I was a part of I had made Leon before Will showed up. Then after my character was accepted he came and joined in so we ended up sharing Germany.
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