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    1. alexfangtalon 9 yrs ago


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Hello, I have stumbled upon this and, as it is One Piece, I am very interested. I have two character ideas but I am not sure which would be best.

Micky watched out the window as the clouds beneath him soared by. The young man had never been on a plane so this was a real big treat for him. What wasn't so fun was nearly missing his connecting flight in Atlanta. He had to run from the gate that his first plane left him at to the gate where he would depart for the last stretch of his trip through the airways. So be it to say he was kind of out of breath. The first flight saw him in an aisle seat beside a slightly chunkier dude hogging the armrest but this one had him in a window seat with no one beside him. It was grand. When he finally caught sight of the big apple, Micky became ecstatic. He had been to the city once or twice but this is the first time he's had an aerial view as well as it was his first time by himself.

Not very long after Micky found himself and his belongings in a very grandiose room. It was bigger than half the size of one of the houses his family once lived in. Certainly bigger than any room he's ever had. Micky spent the next hour just laying on the bed watching cartoons when he realized it would probably be a good idea to start getting ready. Micky did the usual thing one would do for a party. He fixed his hair, washed his face, and used some cologne that his sisters assured him would have the desired effect. Unfortunately though, as he had no suits, didn't have the money for a suit, and refused to let his family buy him a new one the young man was stuck with borrowing one of his brother's suits. It was a charcoal suit and along with it, he wore a white shirt and black tie because that went with everything, right. Right?

Arriving at the party it would be an understatement to say Micky felt out of place. He had been to parties before but those tended to consist of a small group of friends at someone's house with either a pool or bonfire and definitely some karaoke and cornhole tournaments. This, however, was another party beast entirely. Coming up with a goal to distract himself, Micky set out to locate his table. Once doing that though he realized he had no idea what to do next. He wanted to find someone to talk to but there were so many people how could he determine where to start? Looking almost like a lost child in a supermarket Micky tried to find someone or some group that he potentially could begin conversing with. That's when he noticed someone who also appeared a little out of their element and he waved excitedly. However, upon realizing how awkward the action looked, immediately stopped and hoped no one saw.
Sorry for taking so long.

This looks intriguing.
@Euphonium I'm still in this. Just decided to wait for the time skip to postin IC. As for OOC and Discord, I'm just not a very talkative person and work has picked up recently due to it being tax season.
Sorry for taking so long. Was trying to figure out a way to break into the door and subsequently keep it shut right after. I saw some roller shutter doors with a lock that one could get to from the outside so I went with a little writer's prerogative to get us in.

Alex tried to think quickly. If they hesitated too much then the lot of them would likely die. He looked at the ones which were questioning him. "We can't go out the front. Likely all of the Lurkers outside will be right at the exit. We have two options. Find somewhere to hide nearby waiting it out or make a run for the main section of the mall and then work our way to an exit then get to my truck, everyone here can fit." The sound of the dead was getting louder forcing the group to make a move. "We can decide on the move. LET'S GO!"

The odd group of people started rushing towards the back of the Sears. In his head, Alex didn't want to have these three people tagging along but in his heart, he was glad for other people. but this feeling wouldn't really last long if they couldn't get out of this alive. Part way through the mad dash for safety Alex turned around to see way too many Lurkers than any one person could handle as well as Jess on the ground with a Lurker. While Kiley ran past, he turned to help but she motioned for him to keep going. Probably for the best as someone needed to secure safety. As the group neared the back Alex could see a cluster of Lurkers shuffling in from the back entrance and he froze a little in place. He didn't know what to do. They were trapped. Then Kiley yelled out to him from a nearby service area. He rushed over to find her standing next to a locked shutter door. Alex attempted to brute force the door up but the darned thing barely budged. Realizing this was no time to really worry about sound he took his gun and put two shots into the outside of the lock mechanism and thankfully it popped out.

He opened the shutter and everyone there rushed in. He slammed the thing shut but with no lock there was no way to secure it. Alex saw an industrial fridge next to the door and started to try moving it himself. Looking around he saw Kiley wrapping her belt around the end of one of the chains for the door and a new person. No time to address her. They needed to close the door as best they could. "Someone help me with this. Sadie, do what Kiley is doing on the other chain!"
Finally got my computer back.

Btw, @Unknown100 that door you had mentioned awhile back. What kind was it?
I'll try. The reason I haven't responded yet is because my computer has been having issues this past week. It's in the repair shop so I'll be able to use it soon. I can try using my ps4 or phone to get something out quick to move things along if needed?
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